Lord Highlander

Chapter 342: 341. Vigil

When it first snowed, the snow grits fell on the ground and melted quickly, forming a thin layer of ice on the ground. The snow that fell later did not continue to melt, so it spread a thick layer on the ground. The road in the valley is very difficult.

The road between the valleys was completely covered by heavy snow, and he could only walk through the seemingly flat snow with one foot deep and the other shallow. He didn't even dare to step on those flat snow fields, so he could only look for places with dead grass leaves exposed. Stepping into such a place can at least ensure that the body will not be completely sunk in it, leaving only a series of footprints.

Surdak's archery skills are terrible, but he doesn't need bows and arrows at all to catch pheasants in snowy weather. Experienced hunters only need to drive away the pheasants looking for food in the snow, and wait for them to fly tired and hungry. At this time, the hunter will take the opportunity to walk over and pull the pheasant out of the snow pit like a carrot. The harvest will not be too easy.

So it didn't take long for Suerdak to have a bunch of flower-tailed pheasants hanging around his waist.

He carried the comatose female swordsman on his back, and looked extremely bloated from a distance.

He still held a wooden stick in his hand to avoid falling while walking, and a stream of white water vapor would be sprayed from his nostrils every time he took a breath. Easy, Suldak scolded God in his heart, but it was snowing at this time, so he would really catch up with the opportunity, and he wondered if Karl would send people to look for him after receiving such news.

Two white-hip deer ran out from the woods, their light and nimble bodies jumped back and forth in the snow, but when they found Suldak in the valley, they kept blinking and blinking their innocent eyes, as if Some were curious about this guest in the valley, they even walked several hundred meters behind Suerdak, gradually lost interest in Suerdak, and then jumped into the pine forest in the valley.

Suldak didn't intend to hunt these two white-rumped deer. There were a few birds in the sky that kept circling above the valley. At first, Suldak was worried that it was the night harrier that the Dark Red Knight had been with, so he stopped in his tracks. Instead of continuing to move forward, he burrowed into the woods to find that the birds had not left, and continued to circle above the valley until a fat gray guinea pig appeared in the snow in the valley. Clumsily digging the roots of the plants, the birds swooped down from the sky like bombers, scrambling to kill the gray guinea pig in the snow.

Seeing that the birds that hunted squirrels were only the most common short-beaked vulture, Suldak breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of bird is greedy, cunning and treacherous, and difficult to domesticate. It should not be the Black Magic Priory The scout sentry sent over there.

Although he thought so, he didn't get out of the woodland. With the cover of the red pine forest, Suldak proceeded cautiously all the way. He was going to find a place with higher terrain after he walked out of the valley, and observe to the end Where to go, but before his hanging heart fell, he felt a thin, rustling sound from the depths of the pine forest. A piece of bush came out of it, and these forest gray wolves still had the fluff of some unknown animals hanging around their mouths, but at this moment they were greedily staring at the pheasants behind Suldak, and let out a grunt from their throats. Goo.

Seeing their skinny bodies and shriveled abdomens, Suldak knew that it would be difficult for him to get rid of them. They were a group of hungry wolves who had been hungry for an unknown amount of time.

Although I can't figure out how they are mixed like this, they hardly have many natural enemies in the forest. Brown bears and tigers that are stronger than them don't like to eat the sour meat of forest gray wolves. After they die, only those carrion birds in the sky They will treat them as a delicious meal, so the enemy of these forest gray wolf packs is only themselves, perhaps they have just migrated from areas where resources are scarce.

Suldak saw the forest gray wolf chasing after him and kept approaching him, so he took out the alloy bow that he carried with him from his magic pocket. This kind of standard hunting bow issued by the army is actually very powerful and has a short range. Far superior to other hunting bows, he hid behind a pine tree and only waited for the forest gray wolves to slowly approach to only twenty steps away from him before aiming at the strongest wolf in the pack. Shoot an arrow.

Suldak's archery skills are mediocre, but he can at least not miss the target within a distance of 20 meters. The feather arrow almost turned into a white awn in the air. Obviously, the speed has reached the extreme. With a 'swish', the feather arrow The arrow flew over a distance of more than twenty meters, pierced deeply through the waist of the wolf, and nailed it firmly to a pine tree.

The forest gray wolf let out a 'whimper', but it couldn't break free from the barbed arrow.

When the other forest gray wolves saw the head wolf being hunted down, they quickly scattered and fled, and disappeared into the pine forest in a blink of an eye.

Suldak breathed a sigh of relief, and walked away from the wolf. It was nailed to the tree by a feathered arrow, and it still let out a low growl to warn Suldak. Naturally, Suldak would not He would care about the counterattack of the forest gray wolf before he died, and stabbed the forest gray wolf to death with a knight's long sword in his hand. The fur of this gray wolf is like dry grass, and it is very difficult to handle. There is no man-made fur shop at all. Willing to buy this kind of low-quality wolf skin, Suerdak has no mood to peel off its skin and take it away.

Suldak also thought that if Linna and Nedra were here, maybe this wolf would be a good teaching prop, and they wouldn't mind skinning the wolf.

But after Suldak walked forward for a few hundred meters, a group of forest gray wolves appeared again in the pine forest. The gray wolves that appeared this time were not just the few before, but more than thirty of them. Surrounded from three directions in the forest, probably because they were afraid of Suldak and didn't dare to get too close, but they always followed behind. Suldak walked forward, and they followed silently. It was as if they were waiting for Suldak to relax his vigilance, and they would immediately pounce on him and tear him to pieces.

Two hours later, Suldak couldn't help but feel a little headache when he saw more and more forest gray wolves gathering behind him. These forest gray wolves had gradually expanded from the first few to forty or fifty, and they all showed extraordinary performance. With a lot of patience, he just followed behind Suldak, not eager to get close at all.

Suldak tried to throw the pheasants away, making them into traps, luring the forest gray wolves to come forward to grab them, and then took the opportunity to hunt them down.

A few very hungry forest gray wolves really couldn't resist the temptation. When they saw the pheasant hanging in the air, they rushed up like crazy. Several hungry wolves fought for the pheasant at the same time, and Suldak killed it with an alloy bow. A few forest gray wolves died, but they found that their situation had not improved at all. It was not that those forest gray wolves were not afraid of death, but that more forest gray wolves emerged from the pine forest.

They seemed to know that Suldak was not easy to mess with, and they didn't dare to get too close, but they followed closely. The group of forest gray wolves followed Suldak for a whole day, and did not leave until dark.

At noon, Suldak lit a fire and roasted a pheasant in the pine forest. This time, he didn't have the extravagance to directly roast the chicken with the magic flame on the magic scroll, but used the magic scroll of 'Fire Gathering' to lure the chicken. He lit some pine feathers and pine tree towers, set up a bonfire in the woods, roasted the skinned pheasant carefully, put half of it in his stomach, and gave the other half to Darcy Christie who had just woken up.

After a small pheasant is cooked, it is not enough to fill the stomachs of two adults. But Suldak did not roast the second one. Since the group of forest gray wolves followed him, Suldak has not encountered any prey along the way. He does not know how long it will take to get out of this forest and see these forests. The gray wolf looks so unscrupulous, probably this place should be far away from Hailansa City, at least this mountain forest is uninhabited.

He didn't know how long it would take to hunt for food again. If he didn't want to eat these sour wolf meat, Suldak had to count the existing food carefully.

Dacie Christie woke up this time and became quiet. She obediently lay on Suldak's back, and naturally saw the wolves following behind her. She did not forcefully ask Suldak to take her Putting it down, he was probably very hungry, and he didn't refuse the food that Suldak handed over.

Her condition was still very poor. In the afternoon, Suldak continued to walk along the valley with her on his back, but she fell into a drowsy sleep again.

When it was getting dark, Suerdak found a rock crevice beside the rock wall. This rock crevice has no roof, just a crack between the rock walls, but the advantage is that the exit is narrow. If the exit is blocked, the inside A safe place will be formed, but the cold wind is constantly pouring in from the top of the crack, and there are even a series of ice skates that are as sharp as spears hanging above the crack. No matter how you look at it, this place is a bit dangerous.

Suldak built a tent in this crevice, put Dacie Christie in the tent, got some pine branches, and built a bonfire at the crevice of the rock, then he sat at the mouth of the tent, I rummaged through my magic purse and the black mage's purse, and found all the food I could eat. There were only three flower-tailed pheasants, a rabbit, three packs of marching rations, and the size of an arm. It is obvious that the black magician is not a frequent traveler, nor is he in the habit of preparing rations with him.

Suldak thought he should save it, but he didn't pay much attention to it. At worst, he would just eat these forest gray wolves. Although the meat was a little sour, if he was really hungry, who would care about that.

Seeing Suldak sitting at the entrance of the tent and rummaging for food, Dacie Christie also realized the difficult situation of the two of them at present. Lost in this forest, and being stared at by a group of forest gray wolves, it seemed that they could not After hunting other food, these should be all they can eat in front of Suldak. Looking at this pitifully small amount of food, Darcy Christie felt faintly worried.

For dinner, two people still share a grilled chicken, but this time Suldak also cooked half of the marching rations. This kind of wheat flour with salt and meat powder can be boiled into a paste-like porridge. Rations are definitely the most difficult thing to swallow at ordinary times, but now the two of them are very tacit to eat these foods.

After dinner, Dacie Christie, who drank some hot porridge, sweated a lot, and her body improved a lot. Wrapped in a sleeping bag, she sat curled up at the door of the tent, although she never said anything to Suldak. Say 'thank you', but at least the hostile eyes are gone.

A head of blond hair was wet and dry, and after several times of drying and wet, it stuck to Darcy Christie's head in embarrassment. Her face was still a little sallow. Apart from being stubborn, that face no longer had the pride of being a nobleman. The face was a typical Hailanza profile, with some long cheeks, and she was also secretly looking at Suldak's side face under the campfire.

As night fell, a pair of green and greedy eyes appeared in the pine forest not far away. Those forest gray wolves were a little afraid of the flames, but they still did not leave.

After dassy Christie contemplated for a long time, she finally said to Suldak who was sitting by the fire, "You can rest for a while, I have slept for so long, and now I can't fall asleep, so let's watch the bonfire here first, these forests Gray wolves will not leave easily, they are afraid of fire, as long as the bonfire is not extinguished, they will not charge up."

Suldak looked at Daxi in surprise, and said, "I thought you would keep silent..."

Seeing that Darcy Christie didn't want to talk to him anymore, she hurriedly said, "Okay! Then I'll go to sleep for a while. If you're sleepy, call me. Don't put out the fire!"

Suldak was also very straightforward. After speaking, he piled up the prepared pine branches beside Dassy Christie, and then got into the tent and fell asleep.

Suldak soon fell asleep. Dacie Christie looked away from the dagger tied to her leg and looked elsewhere. She never thought that she would have such a messy day. She was so weak after a serious illness. At this moment, all the young knights around him could not count on them. They obviously hated the man lying in the tent, but they had to live with others. This kind of dilemma made Daqian There was an inexplicable embarrassment in my heart.

Perhaps it was because of the constant sweating that her body was a little sticky, which was definitely the most unbearable for Dacie Christie, who had a little bit of a cleanliness fetish.

Seeing the iron pot for cooking porridge next to the campfire, she had a bold idea. She wanted to use the iron pot to melt some snow water, and after heating it up, she secretly wiped her body. But when she took action, she found that the idea was simple and easy to operate. It's not easy. You need to keep adding new snow to the iron pot, and the boiled snow water is still not much.

She was tired and sweated, was blown by the cold wind, and shivered twice in a row. She added some pine branches to the campfire again, and then went to wait quietly for the snow water in the iron pot to heat up. In the cracks of the rocks, there was a "whoosh" sound at night, and the outside was terribly quiet, even the forest gray wolves disappeared.

Darcy Christie yawned uncontrollably. She stared drowsily at the constantly jumping flames in front of her, feeling drowsy, and actually fell asleep again.

Only the last embers of the bonfire were left, and the group of gray wolves waiting in the pine forest sneaked around...

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