Lord Highlander

Chapter 343 342. Reconciliation

In the darkness, the coldness began to spread infinitely.

Suldak curled up, he felt a little cold on his back, but the drowsiness was like countless tentacles pressing his eyes tightly, preventing him from opening them.

But suddenly a feeling hit him, it was a feeling that danger was approaching, he wanted to raise his hand to grab the knight's long sword beside him, but that hand was empty, he suddenly opened his eyes , Seeing that the knight's long sword was still erected next to the tent, he turned over and got up from the tent, and found that the bonfire at the door was dying, and the cold wind pouring into the tent made him shiver. Sleeping soundly in front of the bonfire, surrounded by wolves, she could still sleep.

In the next second, Suldak saw a group of wolves slowly approaching from the darkness. Without the blazing bonfire, the last fear in their hearts dissipated in the darkness, and countless pairs of green eyes appeared in the woods. Suldak broke out in a cold sweat. This scene reminded him of the tragic scene when he faced the red-eyed hyena in the forest camp. At least at that time, the Fourth Battalion had 300 heavy armored infantry, and they had strong armor and sharp swords. The red-eyed hyena is still facing heavy losses.

The wolves at night were far more ferocious than during the day. Surdak leaned forward and picked up a few pieces of firewood and threw them into the fire with only a few embers left.

The slowly approaching pack of wolves let out a deep roar...

Suldak leaned forward and patted the sleeping Dacie Christie, and found that she didn't respond, so he quickly reached out and touched her forehead.

She still had a fever, her face was flushed, and her forehead was burning hot. It seemed that she was seriously ill this time. Even if she was blessed with the 'Divine Blessed Body', her condition still did not improve.

These hungry and skinny forest gray wolves are slender, and adult gray wolves can be at least two meters long. They arched their bodies, drilled in from the cracks in the rocks, and surrounded Suldak in a fan shape. Huge, after a short howl, more than a dozen gray wolves in front of Suldak pounced on Suldak almost at the same time, and there was no way to dodge in such a narrow stone crevice.

Suldak put on a lunge defensive posture, and the dwarf chain shield in his hand slammed outward, and the three hungry wolves that rushed towards them were immediately hit by the shield in Suldak's hand. The gray wolf was hit hard by Suldak's full strength, and the skull of the gray wolf was smashed immediately, and the corridors protruding from both sides took the opportunity to bite Suldak's legs and arms, with quick eyesight and quick hands. De Suldak stabbed the mouth of a gray wolf with the knight's long sword in his hand, and the stench of wolf blood splashed onto Suldak's leather armor as he drew the sword.

Two gray wolves took the opportunity to bite Suldak's thigh, but their sharp teeth couldn't bite through the monster leather armor on Suldak immediately, they could only squeeze and deform the monster leather armor, Sulda Ke didn't feel the expected pain. At this time, he had already freed his hand, swung his sword and chopped off the head of a forest gray wolf, and he threw the other gray wolf out forcefully. Gray wolf's body made it scream 'whimper'.

The wolf was like an old dog whose legs had been broken, lying down and howling continuously, but this tragedy did not make the other forest gray wolves retreat, they were still lying on the side waiting for an opportunity, As long as there is a little gap, they will pounce on them without hesitation.

Fortunately, this knight's long sword is still relatively thick. Even after cutting down more than a dozen gray wolves, the edge of the blade did not bend, but the body of the sword was covered with wolf blood, and the blood stained the sword handle, making the sword handle sticky and slippery. , there were more than a dozen wolf corpses lying on the ground, and Suldak's arms were a little numb, and his gauntlets and leather pants were covered with bite marks of gray wolves.

These forest gray wolves do not belong to Warcraft. They are just ordinary wild beasts in the forest. They are usually invincible in this forest, relying on their huge numbers.

There are no ferocious beasts nearby that can resist them. Because of this, the number of gray wolves becomes larger and larger, and they gradually cannot find enough food. Most of the gray wolves are so hungry that they are skinny. After the prey is also unwilling to give up easily.

The strength of this group of gray wolves is far inferior to that of the red-eyed hyenas in the mountains of Handanar County on the Warsaw plane. Although Suldak was a little tired, he firmly blocked the wolves from the cracks in the rock with his monster leather armor and shield sword. He was like a solid shield wall, resisting all the ferocious attacks of the forest gray wolf from the front, at least ensuring that Darcy Christie, who was lying next to the campfire, was safe for the time being.

He stepped on a wolf carcass and almost fell to the ground. He was a little unsteady, and two gray wolves took the opportunity to bite the wrist holding the sword, and then the two gray wolves dragged him back desperately. Suldak was pulled forward by the gray wolf, and he knew that once he fell, more forest gray wolves would pounce on him, and he would never get up from the ground again.

So Suldak concentrated his mind and released the phantom of the demon god in the sea of ​​consciousness with great concentration. A huge phantom five meters high appeared behind Suldak. The face of the god looked like Suldak, and the phantom with four arms Instantly materialized, four huge fists fell down instantly, smashing the gray wolf who was biting Suldak's arm until his brains were cracked.

The moment Suldak's phantom of the demon god appeared, his body was instantly infused with powerful strength. He took the opportunity to stand firm, swung his shield and slammed at the pack of wolves in front of him continuously, and knocked a few gray wolves flying out. The sword is also a crack in the rock that cut several forest gray wolves in a row and drove them out.

At this time, the newly added firewood in the bonfire behind Suldak was burning again. The fire dispelled the cold night and illuminated the cracks in the rocks in front of the tent. More than 20 gray wolf corpses were released, and they retreated into the dark forest with unwilling wailing.

Watching the wolves receding like a sea tide, the 'momentum' behind Suldak gradually disappeared, and a burst of exhaustion hit him, and Suldak sat back beside the campfire.

He rested for a while, silently wiped the blood off the knight's long sword, and then wiped off the wolf blood on his hands. Both hands were almost stained red by wolf blood. There were even several rips. The leather armor on Suldak's body was also covered with wolf blood, and his clothes were torn into strands. He looked very embarrassed, but the wounds on his body were very limited, and he was still in the holy Light heals quickly.

Seeing that this set of leather armor was rotten and almost unusable, Suldak remembered that he still had a set of standard armor from the guard battalion in his magic pocket, but it had been used as a bait these days, so he never Opportunity to wear.

Now he is no longer a bait.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

I planned to lure Samya out, but I didn't expect to catch a big fish from the Black Magic Priory, and this big fish almost swallowed the bait of myself, if that guy was not too confident, thinking that he would not After waking up in the 'cloud of sleep', I am afraid that he has been brought back to the secret stronghold of the Black Magic Priory, and will inevitably be tortured by those guys. They probably want to ask about the whereabouts of the Dark Red Knight from their own mouths.

He took off the monster leather armor on his body, wiped the blood on his body casually, and then put on the full-body armor mixed with black iron.

This set of armor is not heavy armor, but the metal shell covers almost the whole body. If the forest gray wolf can't bite through the leather armor of monsters, then this set of metal armor may not even be interested in biting. In particular, there are some iron spikes on some movable joints, which are probably prepared for these beasts.

Suldak put the helmet aside, and after putting on this set of armor, he moved around on the spot, and found that this Grimm Empire armor was very maturely designed, and there was nothing inconvenient at all, and there was a hole near the belt. There are special buckles for hanging sabers. This standard armor is better than that of the fifty-seven heavy armored infantry regiment.

Drag Dacie Christie back to the tent, strip off the leather armor on her body, and put it in the sleeping bag again, until her breathing became stable, Suldak exhaled lightly, as a member of the Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy The female swordsman is so poor in physical fitness, Suldak really has nothing to say.


Early the next morning.

Dacie Christie woke up leisurely, and found herself lying on Suldak's back again, continuing to walk along the woods.

Her head was still dizzy, and Dacie Christie even suspected that it was Suldak who hit her head with a sap, which made her lose the memory of last night, and with such a splitting headache, she found that she was being beaten again. Bundled in a sleeping bag, he asked weakly, "What happened last night, why is my memory only half?"

Suldak was walking along the hillside towards the height of the mountain. He was wearing a set of standard armor of the guard battalion, and he seemed to have a little bit of heroism on his body.

He heard Darcy's first question after waking up, and decided to tell her the truth: "You passed out again, right next to the campfire, if I didn't wake up in time, I'm afraid you would be buried in the belly of a wolf, and then I might Woke up after being bitten by these wolves, and then escaped with injuries..."

At this time, Daxi finally remembered some things from last night, and there was a scene of her fainting in her memory. She had the straight temper of being beaten and stood at attention, and said to Suldak: "...Sorry, I didn't expect It will be like that!"

"Can you walk by yourself?" Suldak asked, seeing that Daci Christie didn't say a word, he said, "Forget it, wait until we reach the top of the mountain, I have to see how to get out, by the way, you Are you familiar with the suburbs of Hailansa City?"

This time, Darcy Christie said: "It should be possible, my father's study has a sand table in the Hailansa City area, as long as it is near the Hailansa City, I can definitely recognize the Hailansa City area Approximate location."

Being able to put a sand table of Hailansa City in his study room, Suldak felt that Daxi's family must be a great nobleman in Hailansa City.

Neither of them spoke. They were silent for a while, and the forest was extremely quiet.

Only Suldak stepped on the snow and made a creaking sound. Although there were more than a dozen forest gray wolves following behind him, it seemed that Suldak didn't take them seriously.

1. Overnight, the number of wolves decreased by more than half. Daxi guessed that Suldak should have taken some measures against the wolves.

She hesitated for a moment before saying, "Knight Suldak, if I can return to Hailansa City this time, I owe you a favor other than canceling all the grievances between us."

Suldak patted his forehead, thinking that before entering the academy gate, Dacie Christie rushed up aggressively, looking as if he was about to fight himself.

He felt that it was necessary for him to have a good discussion with Darcy Christie. He didn't want to be hostile to a noble lady for no reason, especially her name had Christie as the suffix.

So Suldak said: "I don't remember any grievances between us!"

Darcy Christie snorted lightly.

Suldak said to her: "I never had any plans for you young Bena swordsmen, but when you were in Handanar County, you still didn't forget to trouble me. I was just a soldier from the battlefield. The soldiers who survived were rewarded by Earl Mond Goss and were honored to become knights, and now I just want to get a small fiefdom in Hailansa City, and then build a knight collar properly."

Darcy Christie originally wanted to control her temper, but she finally couldn't hold it back, and she said angrily: "Hmph, and said... I will never forget, it was you who ruined my time in Bena City life!"

Suldak was a little puzzled.

Darcy Christie said indignantly: "Is it wrong to escape from the pursuit of evil spirits just because I gave up two stupid guys who were overwhelmed by their own strength in a desperate situation? Hathaway And Beatrice want to be heroes, that's their business, it doesn't mean I have to do it too, in that case I just want to survive."

Suldak asked a little speechlessly: "...But I don't understand, what does this have to do with me?"

"Hathaway and Beatrice have become heroes in everyone's eyes, while I have become a coward on the battlefield, ridiculed by everyone. Isn't it because of you that they are respected?" Darcy Christie said reason.

Suldak didn't expect her resentment to come from this way, if it wasn't for such a predicament, it would be really hard to resolve.

"That's your own choice! But as you said, I don't think you are a coward. Like you, I escaped from the battlefield. The Battle of Moyunling failed, and almost all my friends died , only I came back alive." Suldak said.

Darcy Christie snorted twice, and said bluntly: "No wonder Hathaway and Beatrice still miss you after returning to Bena City. You really know how to say nice things."

Then he smiled at Suldak: "I suggest you, find some time to go to Bena City to meet them, maybe there will be some unexpected gains, neither of them is the kind of stingy person."

Suldak recalled the scene when he passed by the Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy, and said: "I haven't thought about it, and I don't want to disturb their lives. My life is pretty good now."

Darcy Christie stared at him in surprise, and said, "Knight Suldak, has anyone told you that you are a bit special?"


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