Lord Highlander

Chapter 344

Suldak panted heavily and stood in the snow. He looked back at the pack of wolves that were quietly approaching. The gray wolves stopped immediately and kept a certain distance from Suldak, but they did not want to leave. the meaning of.

"Special? I don't feel any different from others?" Suldak said to Daxi.

When he was talking, he also adjusted the rope tied outside the sleeping bag, lest Darcy be strangled by the rope for too long, and the blood circulation would not be smooth.

Dacie Christie felt her body jerk twice, and the soft flesh on her chest hit Suldak's solid back hard. She really wanted to stretch her hands out of the sleeping bag so that she could be more free , She tried twice but failed to break free from the shackles of the sleeping bag, wondering if this guy did it on purpose.

Suldak leaned on a wooden stick with one hand, and continued to climb up with difficulty. The slope of the hill was not steep, but it was very slippery. He took every step very carefully, and observed the wolves following him from time to time. Being able to walk so far behind his back already shows his character. Darcy Christie felt a little blush for having such thoughts about herself.

Darcy Christie went on to say: "If it was other knights who rescued beauties like Hathaway and Beatrice on the battlefield, even if they didn't need any rewards, they would at least keep in touch with them. They were born in Bena Knowing them will help you a lot in your future life. But you just returned to Hailansa City without saying a word. If I hadn’t bumped into you by accident, maybe no one would have known you were back.”

Hathaway is the fiancée of Baron Sidney, and Suldak is considered a knight under Baron Sidney. It is because of this relationship that Suldak does not want to get entangled with Hathaway. After all, Sidney The baron's elder sister is also the wife of the Earl of Mond Goss. It is already sad enough for his younger brother to die in a plane war. No matter what, he will not tolerate any connection between his subordinates and his fiancée. And he didn't have any impression of Beatrice at all. In his impression, Beatrice was just a wounded young female swordsman. Suldak didn't think that she was also from a noble family.

Now that Darcy Christie said it, Suldak finally figured out how could their backgrounds be so ordinary in such a circle of friends...

Of course Suldak wouldn't say that, but now that they were talked about, Suldak remembered the grievances between Darcy Christie and Hathaway, and asked curiously: "Ahem, I heard that you and Hathaway Sylvie was a good friend before, but the reason for the rebellion was because she met the young nobleman named Cole Norton..."

I thought Darcy Christie would be a little embarrassed, but instead of avoiding talking about it, this female swordsman also described her life in the Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy in detail. She seemed to have some nostalgia for the life in the academy, and There is nothing embarrassing in the words.

I heard her say with resentment: "When I was in the academy, every time I attended a party, I would see Cole Norton and a group of friends chatting together. They were a group of radical-minded swordsmen in the academy. The college has its own club, which is usually known for being warlike. That club is an existence that ordinary students of the Swordsman Academy look up to. Many swordsmen hope to join that club. They often gather to discuss plane wars, probably because These remarks made Cole Norton very famous in the academy, and many people in the academy admired him, including me of course."

"At every gathering, he and some friends like to replay the battles of the plane wars. Some of the failed battles on the plane battlefields are replayed by them. At that time, I also thought about joining their small group, so They will try their best to join their gathering, when they put forward an argument in the academy, they believed that they could win the plane war as quickly as possible by piercing through the main camp of the Dark Legion only by constructing the elite knights and swordsmen."

"Even many instructors in the Swordsman Academy were convinced by them. They have always been very popular in the Swordsman Academy. I liked him very much at the time and thought that he and his friends might become a brand new team in the Benar Legion. I approach him, hoping that he will notice me, in order for us to have a common language, I practice swordsmanship hard all the time, and I usually study those classic battles of plane wars."

Darcy Christie said unwillingly: "The most unacceptable thing is that that guy knew me first, but he only wanted to pursue Hathaway. The topic he talked with me every day was how to get close to Hathaway. Sylvie, and I happened to be the stepping stone for him to approach Hathaway, and my relationship with Hathaway was not so bad at that time."

"He was blinded by Hathaway's beauty, I've always thought so." Darcy Christie gritted her teeth when she said these words, she was in a complicated mood, and said: "Hathaway's eyes and Noble blood flows from her body, making her the flower of the swordsman academy, and it also makes Cole Norton and a group of young swordsmen around him fall in love with her."

"I've told him countless times that Hathaway is already engaged, and her fiancé is Baron Sidney of the Fifty-seventh Legion of Hailansa City. Sidney and I have known each other for a long time. He is very familiar in Hailansa City. Famous, Baron Sidney is a young nobleman recognized by Earl Mond Goss despite his ordinary background. He thinks that Sidney has a very good commanding talent, so he often takes him to the balls in the city of Hailansa. It was probably because of Earl Mond Goss that Sidney came into the vision of the veteran nobles of Bena City."

"But Norton felt that it didn't matter at all. Hathaway in the academy was also like this at the time. She was probably dissatisfied with the marriage contract made by the family. She was already engaged, but she still wanted to have an affair with Norton. If there was no Hathaway Sylvia, Norton should be more proactive... But now it seems that it is a good thing that he has not been able to go further with Norton, who would have thought that he is a complete dreamer."

Soon there was an image of two beautiful female swordsmen in the academy, jealous of an outstanding male swordsman in Suldak's mind. The beautiful female swordsman with a pair of green eyes, no matter in face or figure, They are all better than Darcy Christie.

Darcy Christie looked more heroic, with a taller figure, a tougher face, and sharper eyes.

Suldak said with a bit of a sigh: "Is this the reason why you and Hathaway turned against each other?"

Darcy Christie asked back: "Otherwise what else?"

From Suldak's point of view, they may be destined to be lifelong enemies just because of their competitive character.

"Then do you still have contact with Norton?" Suldak asked.

He was about to climb to the top of the mountain. He straightened his body and took a breath. There were fine beads of sweat on his forehead. He wanted to find a place with a wide view. Only in that kind of place could it be easier to observe the surrounding terrain.

Darcy Christie smiled and said: "Why should I contact him? Everyone chooses the Warsaw plane for graduation experience. In order to get such a place in the academy, I don't know how many people fought over their heads, but when everyone arrived After Epsom City, Cole Norton started to find all kinds of excuses and refused to step into the front line. At first, I didn't realize that there was anything wrong with it, but it was only later that I realized that that guy was just a coward. Ghost, at that time Handanal County was engaged in a big battle, and he didn't even dare to leave Handanal City."

When she said this, she didn't have any emotional fluctuations, and she seemed to have completely given up on Cole Norton.

For young nobles like Cole Norton, Suldak can understand their difficulties, because even Baron Sidney, who Darcy Christie said sounded good, did not perform so well on the battlefield. At that time, in the forest camp, when he led the fourth brigade into the forest area to encircle and suppress the local aborigines, he was almost killed by a trap set by the aborigines, causing more than half of the casualties.

But after Cole Norton entered the Warsaw plane and felt the cruelty of the battlefield on the plane, after many thoughts built up in his heart were broken like bubbles, all his confidence was shattered by reality. At that time, how could he have the courage to enter the battlefield? front……

Suldak comforted: "The knowledge learned in the academy may not be able to be fully transferred to the battlefield. Sometimes... you have to give him a growth process."

"Why are you speaking for him?" Darcy Christie asked in surprise.

One must know that Cole Norton had troubled Suldak a lot in the city of Handanal. Normally, the two should be enemies on opposite sides.

"Do I have it? I'm just talking about it..."

Suldak felt that his bowl of chicken soup for the soul seemed to have no effect on Dacie Christie.


Climbing to the top of the mountain, Surdak found a huge raised rock, but this rock was covered with a thick layer of snow, which made it difficult to climb.

After making some preparations, Suldak used both hands and feet, and carried Dacie Christie on his back to climb up the three-meter-high book shale. He clearly saw the valley he had just walked through, and he happened to come out from that direction.

As for the group of forest gray wolves, they are still following from a distance. It is said that wolves are quite vengeful beasts. The small beasts in this mountain forest were scared away, making it impossible for Suldak to hunt. They seemed to have used this tactic to expel many opponents who were stronger than them.

Because of the snow, the mountain scenery in the distance is a little dazzling. Many iconic mountains are covered with ice and snow. It seems difficult to identify them. Dacie Christie looked on Suldak's back for a long time, but she couldn't tell where it was. specific location.

He couldn't see the city of Hailansa, so Suldak looked for any villages within his sight range. He squinted his eyes and looked around, but everything was covered under the white snow, and there were only stretches of pine forests in his eyes.

After a while, Darcy Christie said a little discouraged: "The mountains are covered with snow, so it's impossible to recognize them at all!"

It seemed that he had talked too much before, and now he couldn't recognize it, which made Dacie Christie a little hard to say, but the two of them had been blowing cold wind on the shale for so long, Dacie Christie felt that it was pointless to continue watching, Only then did she tell Surdak in frustration that she couldn't recognize where this place was.

Suldak scratched his hair helplessly, and felt that Dacie Christie was really a woman with big breasts and no brains. After watching it for so long, he just wanted to find some special mountains around and recognize the specific location here. However, I neglected to use the method of elimination to determine the general location here based on environmental factors, and I tried my best to climb up, so I couldn't leave without gaining anything.

At this time, he could only say in a persuasive manner: "I'm afraid there are not many mountains with such a gentle slope around Hailansa City?"

Dacie Christie shook her head, and told Suldak that there are mountains in this terrain all over the outskirts of Hailansa.

Suldak said bluntly: "I think at least the northwest area of ​​Hailansa City is not like this. There is a barren land close to Pagros Mountain. The forest land becomes scarcer as you go out, and there are stretches of forest in the northern mountainous area. Even in the suburbs, most of the mountains and forests are oak forests. Gold and silver acorns are the biggest specialty of Hailansa City. Maybe you should know that the nobleman in Hailansa City owns such a large red pine forest ?”

Changing the angle of thinking, Darcy Christie's eyes lit up instantly.

She said loudly: "I know where this is. This is the red pine forest on the eastern outskirts of Hailansa City. It is the territory of Baron Grenfell. This is his forest farm. If you go further east, you will reach Constantine Fort, if we want to walk back to Hailansa City, we have to go west."

"Baron Grenfell..."

Suldak didn't expect such an answer. He should have thought of it a long time ago. After all, he already knew that Baron Grenfell would collude with the Black Magic Retreat, and that the Black Magic Retreat would build a secret stronghold in Grenfell. It is not difficult to understand in Baron Er's territory.

Knowing the general direction and determining the direction of Hailansa City, everything becomes much simpler.

Then the two came down from the shale and found a shelter from the wind. Suldak began to prepare lunch, and Dacie Christie drew a rough topographic map of the area on the snow based on his own memory, and even marked The location of Baron Grenfell's manor was revealed, indicating that Baron Grenfell is a very hospitable nobleman, and they first went to Baron Grenfell's manor to seek help.

After hearing this, Suldak quickly shook his head and rejected Dacie Christie's proposal.

joke! Wouldn't that be throwing oneself into a trap and walking into a den of thieves?

"I guess those fellows from the Black Magic Retreat cannot find us, and they will inevitably search along the way. Perhaps Baron Grenfell's manor will be their key surveillance area. No matter what the purpose of those Black Magic Retreats is, in short, we It's safer to rush back to Hailansa City as soon as possible." Suldak explained to Dacie Christie.

Although Darcy Christie still wanted to go to Grenfell Manor, seeing Suldak's attitude was so firm, she didn't say anything more after arguing for a few words.

The two had a simple lunch on the top of the mountain, and Suldak had already begun to consider whether to kill a forest gray wolf. Although the wolf meat was not very tasty, at least it could fill his stomach...

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