Lord Highlander

Chapter 345: 344. The Village

The sunset at dusk is orange-red on the horizon.

After being shrouded by the gray cloud like a spider's silk on the side of the mountain, it became more and more bleak.

A wisp of cooking smoke curled up from the valley in front, and then was blown away by the harsh wind. Seeing that wisp of cooking smoke, Suldak was overjoyed, thinking that he could finally see the breath of life. means inhabited.

He carried Dacie Christie on his back in the mountains for nearly three days. When he saw the smoke, he breathed a sigh of relief, ran up a few steps, and looked at the place where the smoke was rising.

Sure enough, in the valley not far away, I saw a low wooden house. Next to the wooden house was a dense red pine forest. The roof was covered with snow. The windows of the wooden house were very small, and no light could be seen. It was almost closely connected with the snow. If it wasn't for the smoke column, Suldak might not be able to find this house.

Suldak walked forward for tens of meters, and the mountain depression in front of him became wider. A dozen wooden houses were scattered in this depression, forming a small natural village. It looked like a forest farm. There are piles of round logs next to it, and behind the village is a continuous red pine forest.

Suldak reached out and patted the sleeping bag, and said to Dacie Christie who was hiding inside: "Hey, wake up, there is a village in front of us, maybe we can let us stay for one night instead of camping in the snow to suffer from the cold gone."

Darcy Christie opened her eyes and got her head out of her sleeping bag. Her complexion looked much better than before. She glanced at the small mountain village in the distance and said with some expectation: "Maybe I can drink a bowl of hot water at night." Steaming porridge, sleeping in a warm soft bed."

She put her head on Suldak's back through the sleeping bag, and closed her eyes quietly feeling the rare tranquility.

I don't know when it started, a strange emotion grew in Daxi's heart, like a strong sense of dependence, she felt that she might be really sick, why would she be nostalgic for such a down and out life, Could it be that life in Hailansa city is too peaceful these days? Or I like this kind of adventure myself, no wonder the great adventurer Angus. Bradbury was able to swim in the Sea of ​​the Seven Realms.

She is also a swordsmanship instructor in the Knight Academy. As a female swordsman, her physical fitness is much better than ordinary people. In fact, in her current state, she can walk by herself, but she would rather be tied up in a sleeping bag Here, lying on Suldak's back, it's not that she is too lazy to walk, but because she has an inexplicable emotion in her heart, she wants to stay behind him for a while longer.

The barking of hunting dogs came from the village, and the forest gray wolf following Suldak finally disappeared into the red pine forest without a sound.

Suldak walked into the pine forest on the side, untied the rope from the sleeping bag, let Daxi sit under the tree to rest, and made sure that those forest gray wolves would not come to the door at this time, he explained to the confused Daxi road:

"I will hide you here first, and then go to check the situation in that village. If there is nothing wrong, I will come back to pick you up. After all, this is the territory of Baron Grenfell. We have been suspecting that he has something to do with the attack on Hailansa The robber group in the noble manor outside the city is colluding. Now there are signs that the secret stronghold of the Black Magic Priory is also located in his baronial territory. Maybe we can return to High Lansa City this time, and Karl can apply for a noble search make."

Darcy Christie said nervously: "Or we'd better sleep outside, as long as we walk in this direction, we will be able to return to Hailansa City in a short time."

The two of them had enough food for at least a day, and as long as the gray wolves didn't follow them, they should be able to catch some small animals in the woods.

But Suldak shook his head and said, "If there is nothing wrong with this village, we can stay in a warm house for one night. It's worth our risk."

Seeing that Suldak had made up his mind, Daxi could only say: "Then be careful!"

Suldak made a victory gesture to Daxi, smiled at her and said:

"It's not Darcy at all, you should say: Go, knight."

Darcy Christie stretched out her hand from the sleeping bag and shook her fist at him.

Suldak hid Dacie Christie in the red pine forest outside the village, and walked to the entrance of the village alone. Several hunters with hardwood hunting bows walked out of the village. They wore thick fur coats, this gray-white Their fur coats allow them to blend in with the snow scene outdoors. They watched Surdak vigilantly, knowing that they could clearly see the full-face armor and the front guard battalion badge on his body, with tense expressions on their faces. eased.

It was a small village, most of the houses were wooden houses covered with thick snow, a few hounds followed the hunters and barked at Surdak twice, but as Su Erdak kept walking in, and the hounds also became quiet.

The burly man standing at the front was probably the most influential person in the village. He saluted Suldak neither humble nor overbearing, and asked very politely, "Master Knight, where are you from here?"

When Suldak got closer, he realized that these hunters were followed by some older children with curious eyes. They were also wearing thick fur coats. It seemed that the life of the villagers here was much more comfortable than that of the villagers of Wall Village. , after all, they are surrounded by forests.

Suldak performed a standard knight's salute. Seeing Suldak's modesty, the expressions of the villagers were obviously relieved. Suldak said: "I came from Hailansa City and got lost in this mountain. Do you know the way back to Hailansa City?"

The burly hunter nodded slightly and said: "Of course, but now I think you need to sit by the fireplace and drink some hot soup, and have a good rest for the night, and tomorrow morning our best hunter will take you out , It’s not far from Hailansa City, but the mountain is blocked by heavy snow, and the road to Hailansa City is not easy to walk, especially at night.”

Seeing that the burly hunter was very hospitable and frank, Suldak smiled and said, "This is exactly what I need. I want to stay here for one night. Is it convenient?"

"Of course, please come in, I just filled the fireplace with firewood." The burly hunter quickly invited.

Suldak said: "I have another companion outside the village. She was injured a little. I will bring her here."

After Suldak carried Dacie Christie back from outside the village, the burly hunter and an older child invited them into a small wooden house. Smoking green smoke, when the few of them walked to the door of the wooden house, the door was pushed open, and a middle-aged woman poked her head out from inside, looking at Suldak and Dacie Christie curiously.

there is still half

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