Lord Highlander

Chapter 346 345. Return

Suldak and Darcy Christie had a pot of stewed pheasant and mushrooms for dinner. For this delicious dinner, the ingredients were provided by the Agra family, but Suldak was the cook. A pot of fresh and thick soup It was served with a few pieces of chestnut cake baked by Agra's wife, and was eaten by Suldak, Darcy Christie and Agra's family.

Although the Agra family often eats this kind of pheasant, the red mushrooms are everywhere in the pine forest outside, and they often cook mushroom soup at home, but this is the first time they taste this kind of stew. The son of Agra Holding his round belly, he whispered to his mother, "It turns out that pheasant and dried mushrooms can make such a delicious soup..."

Judging from his age, he probably hasn't participated in the coming-of-age ceremony, but there is an obvious Adam's apple under his neck, and a layer of thick fluff on his lips. He looks at least fourteen or five years old, and his face is almost the same as that of Agra. It was carved out of the same mold. Sitting quietly beside Agra's wife, he looked a little shy. Occasionally, he would look enviously at Darcy Christie's saber, and he couldn't hide his curiosity in his heart.

After Darcy Christie drank some hot soup, she became much more energetic. She was no longer sick like before, her lips became rosy, and she looked very energetic.

The Agra family regarded the two of them as elopement couples. When arranging the place to live, Agra said: "Knight Suldak, you and Daxi are staying in Jacques' room tonight, and Jacques and us are crowded together. One night, tomorrow morning I will borrow a carriage for you, and we will set off after dawn. If the journey goes smoothly, we only need to walk for one day to return to Hailansa City."

In fact, there are only two rooms in this wooden house, and the room allocated to the two of them has only a narrow single wooden bed, but the conditions here are like this, Suldak can only smile and say: "In this case, then Thank you so much!"

Dacie Christie leaned against the fireplace, her face turned reddish under the warm fire.

Nothing happened at night. Dacie Christie was lying on the wooden bed of Agra's son, and Suldak built another simple bed with a few wooden boards in the room, and then lay on the bed in silence. In the sleeping bag, he hadn't had a solid sleep in the past few days, and fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

Darcy Christie, however, slept too much during the day, but couldn't sleep at night, especially when she was lying on a strange bed. She didn't recognize the bed. The cushions are not as soft as the velvet at home, and the linen quilt is far less comfortable than Suldak's sleeping bag. She lay on the bed and turned over lightly. The room was pitch black, but she could still find it accurately. The position where Suldak lay down.

She tossed and turned for a while, and vaguely heard dogs barking again outside the village, and then she dreamed that she was sleeping in a sleeping bag, with her face pressed against Suldak's broad back... In the golden sunlight, Suldak tied her up firmly, carried her on his shoulders arrogantly, and brought her to an unknown place.

Under the glare of the sun, she woke up on that wooden bed, and found that it was very bright, and the wooden bed set up in the room had been put away by Suldak, and no one else was in the room. The sound of talking, followed by the neighing of the horse, she put the smelly linen quilt over her head with some annoyance.

After resting in the mountain village for one night, Dacie Christie, who drank the chicken soup, had a fever, and her whole body visibly revived. After eating a bowl of somewhat rough chestnut rice porridge, Agra drove the only carriage in the village. Following Suldak and Dacie Christie, they left the mountain village and headed towards Hailansa City along a mountain road with almost no footprints.

Although Suldak never mentioned to express his gratitude to the Agra family from the beginning to the end, Dacie Christie knew that he secretly hid an old Roman sword, a A brand-new dagger and an alloy bow. Only when Agra returns to the village will he probably discover Suldak's gratitude.

Darcy Christie was sitting on the carriage. She was wearing a thick black cloak. This was the winter clothing issued by the knights of the guard battalion. It also had the smell of batik fabric on it. Facing the north wind, she turned over three times in succession. Hills, the outline of Hailansa City slowly emerged in the field of vision, and Dacie Christie felt a little lost in her heart.


Suldak was standing at the gate of the guard camp wearing full armor, his dirty face was covered with beard stubble, and he looked at Karl who was leading his horse out of the guard camp with a smile on his face, and gave him a familiar slap Say hello.

Karl could hardly believe that Suldak was able to come back alive under such circumstances. Since the black magician from the Black Magic Priory snatched Darcy Christie away, no one noticed that black magician The division's initial motive was actually to capture the Suldak knight. The fact that Darcy Christie was snatched away by the black magician of the Black Magic Priory at the gate of the Knight Academy made the Marquis Christie, the consul of Hailansa City, furious, thinking that the Black Magic Priory was plotting against Hailansa City, imagine if the Black Magic Priory really develops all the young nobles in Hailansa City into members of the Priory, ten or twenty years later, these young nobles really take power in Hailansa, then the city may It will be under the control of the Black Magic Priory, and it is extremely frightening to think about it.

Therefore, the death of the aristocratic boy Vic triggered a strong resistance from the nobles to the Black Magic Priory, and a new round of purges began in the city of Hailansa.

For a long time, the traditional aristocratic forces in the city of Hailansa have not actually resisted the Black Magic Priory. They only think that the people of the Black Magic Priory are just betrayers of the magical oath in the magic union. In pursuit of more powerful power, he learned black magic. Except for lunatics, there are some paranoid people, but the harm to Hailansa City has never been shown.

It has always been the responsibility of the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union to wipe out the members of the Black Magic Retreat, and there are still some disputes over the interests of the old nobles and the new magician nobles in Hailansa City. This is why the traditional nobles of Hailansa City never The main reason for providing this information to the Magic Union Law Enforcement Corps.

In the past few days, Hailansa City has almost been searched by the Knights of the Guard Battalion and the mages of the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union, but it is a pity that Samya could not be found out of the city.

But Karl has already obtained a search warrant for the nobles, Baron Grenfell has been controlled by the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team in High Lansa City, Karl has to go out with a group of men at such a late hour, in fact, he is going to Glenn Phil Manor went to arrest the robber group hiding in the manor. This time it was a joint operation of the guard battalion and the law enforcement team, and the magic union would also send a team of magicians.

Unexpectedly, Suldak would still be able to catch up with this search operation. Karl didn't wait for Suldak to explain how he returned to Hailansa City. Standing in armor at the gate of the guard camp, he immediately ordered his men to go down to the stables, bring out Suldak's Gu Bolai horse, and take him on the road with him.

After all, such things as clearing up noble manors and arresting bandit gangs may not happen once in a few years.

The others don't matter, but there are only a few ways to get meritorious service in the guard camp, if you miss it, you really miss it...

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