Lord Highlander

Chapter 347: 346. The Night Before

Under the darkness of night, a group of cavalry walked into the snow-capped mountains through the High Lansa City Gate.

Karl led the ten squadrons of the support squadron, a total of sixty knights, as an advance army, and rushed to Grenfell Manor.

During this time, Karl has been quietly investigating Baron Grenfell. He has four teams squatting outside the manor day and night to monitor the actions inside. The four teams serving as monitors would rotate once a week, until now, and the knights of the support group were still standing outside Grenfell Manor.

And Sauron Aldington will lead the guard battalion knights to Grenfell Manor at noon tomorrow.

For the knights of the support group, this collective feat can be said to be within easy reach.

Karl ignored Suldak's exhausted body and forced him to act together, just to let him get this merit.

The two rode on the ancient Bolai horse side by side on the mountain road. Suldak told Karl about his encounter with the black magician. At the back, the black magician was flying at night on the magic scorpion. He didn't notice that I woke up. I took the opportunity to pull out the dagger and hit him on the black magician's vest. As a result, we fell off the magic scorpion go down..."

"You brought Darcy back safely?" Carl heard the news of Dacie Christie, he pulled the rein excitedly, and the ancient Bolai horse under him raised its front hooves and stood on the spot. Let out a hiss. He excitedly said to Suldak: "When Mrs. Christie met me this morning, she also cried to me that her niece Daxi was taken away by the black magician of the Black Magic Priory. Please let me do more research. We should help The group set off overnight tonight in order to investigate the clues of the Black Magic Priory earlier."

Then Karl complained about Suldak's luck, and said to Suldak with some envy: "Sometimes I have to admire your courage and luck, just imagine that in the dark night, a black magician is rushing in the sky Flying, and in the end you were killed by him without knowing your life or death, and you fell from the sky without any injuries!"

Suldak grinned, knocked the shield on his arm hard, and said, "Fortunately, my dwarf chain shield was hanging on a fir tree at that time, so you didn't see the scratches on my face. hurt?"

"No!" Karl stopped where he was, and looked at Suldak's face seriously. His face was covered with unkempt stubble.

The two rode their horses and walked a few steps forward before Karl said, "No matter what, Consul Christie owes you a favor this time."

Suldak stroked the soft mane of Gubolai's horse, and asked Karl, "By the way, how did you find my horse?"

Karl told Suldak: "Someone found your horse in an alley later, and we took it back to the guard camp. As for the craftsman's sword, you left it in the Knight Academy. Everyone present fell into a deep sleep, and there were many people lying at the gate of the Swordsman Academy, when the guard battalion knights and the Magic Union law enforcement team entered the venue, your craftsman's sword hadn't been picked up yet."

After Karl finished speaking, he began to urge the knights who fell behind, urging them to follow the team closely, until he saw Jasper who was at the back of the team, and then told him: "Captain Jasper, stay behind and supervise The straggling knights kept up, the mountain road at night was already difficult to walk, but I didn't expect to catch up with the snow."

"Don't worry, with me guarding the back, I guarantee that there will be no one missing." Jasper lifted the helmet visor, revealing a gloomy and heroic face. Although the two of them are competitors, when the support group takes action, everything must be done according to the rules. At this time, everyone is absolutely unanimous.

It was completely dark, and the knights in the team lit torches, forming a long fire dragon on the mountain road.

At this time, the knights who were walking in the front stopped suddenly, and the entire support squadron stopped on the mountain road. Karl led Suldak to the front of the team from the side.

Carl rode on the road while explaining to Suldak: "The search of Grenfell Manor this time is a joint operation between the guard battalion and the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team. Later we will join the arrogant guys from the Law Enforcement Team. Then go to Grenfell Manor together."

From a distance, I saw three mages wearing magic robes waiting at the fork in the road, with stern faces, looking very unhappy...

Seeing Karl riding a horse and rushing up from behind, the magician standing in the middle of the intersection raised his chin high and said to Karl impatiently: "Karl, your guard battalion is still as slow as ever. , we have been waiting for you here for a long time, I am afraid you will never understand how precious a magician's time is. I've been waiting for you here for a quarter of an hour."

Karl rode up to the young magician, looked down at him, but said to him kindly, "Lance, long time no see, he seems to be looking good recently."

The magician named Lance didn't ride a magic handle. Three horses were tied to a big tree by the side of the road. Seeing the knights from the guard battalion rushing over, the three magicians got on their horses one after another. Lance was still chattering with Carl: "Our law enforcement team is running around for the remnants of the Black Magic Priory every day. If your guard battalion had acted like this earlier, the situation in Hailansa City would never have deteriorated to this extent. kind of degree."

Carl glanced at Lance, and said: "Now is not the time to talk about this, Lance, instead of wasting time here, it is better to hurry up and hurry, maybe you can find some clues you are looking for in Grenfell Manor. "

Hearing what Karl said, the young magician Lance just snorted softly, and stopped talking.

Carl smiled and nodded slightly to the two magicians beside Lance, as a simple greeting, and said: "This snow is really not at the right time."

Lance obviously just wanted to vent to Karl, but now he didn't want to say another word, and only said to his two companions: "Hmph, let's go."

The two magicians looked at each other, and smiled slightly apologetically at Karl.

Karl lagged behind and whispered to Suldak: "Lance and I have known each other since we were young. This guy has become a little arrogant and rude since the awakening of the magician. Everyone is usually used to his way of speaking. He is currently a member of the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union of Hailansa City..."

The support group led by Karl opened the way ahead, protecting the three magicians, and the group rushed to Grenfell Manor overnight.

The first half of the mountain road happened to be the road that the hunter Agra walked during the day. At that time, Suldak was sitting in the carriage. Now he is almost returning to the same road. Suldak is very familiar with this section of the road. However, when the journey was halfway through, Karl led the knights up another mountain road. Finally, at midnight, nearly forty knights from the support squadron and three magicians from the law enforcement team arrived at Grenfell Manor. The other three teams of the support squadron outside the manor joined together.

In the camp about two kilometers away from Grenfell Manor, Karl set up a temporary camp here. In addition to Karl and the three magicians of the law enforcement team, the ten squad leaders of the support squadron and Suldak also squeezed into this camp. Inside the not-so-big tent, the cold wind blew in, blowing the charcoal brazier inside the tent into a 'puff puff' sound, and the temperature inside the tent was not much higher than outside.

The metal armor on the knights was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and everyone surrounded Karl. Karl didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly spread a detailed map of the surrounding area of ​​Grenfell Manor on the ground. The various building layouts inside and outside the manor and the guards of the manor, the map is very neatly drawn, and the handwriting on it is also very beautiful, it looks more like it was made by a woman.

Suldak knew that Mrs. Christie had gone to Grenfell Manor to inquire about the reality of the place a few days ago, and thought that maybe Karl's bedside person contributed such a detailed map of the manor. Anyway, this is enough to prove that Karl Be fully prepared for this action.

Carl said to everyone with a serious face: "Recently, we have conducted a series of investigations, and multiple evidences have shown that the bandits who robbed Bragg Manor, Auchinleck Manor, and Hoyle Manor are hiding in Grenfell Manor. Now we have obtained For the authorization of the Hailansa Council, as long as you wait until noon tomorrow, Viscount Sauron Aldington will lead a large force of the guard battalion to rush over, and we will conduct a comprehensive search of the manor at that time."

Only then did Suldak know that it turned out that tonight was only to prevent any unexpected situation at Grenfell Manor, so he rushed over to strengthen the guarding force earlier, and the real action will be carried out tomorrow.

Carl looked around with a cold face, and said in a deep voice: "What we have to do now is to block all the roads here, and the magicians of the law enforcement team will cooperate with us to block the sky."

The magicians headed by Lance stood up and nodded implicitly to the captains of the guard battalion. In the eyes of the knights, these stinky magicians always put on a dead face wherever they went, which was very unpleasant. It's pleasing, but it has to be admitted that their existence has greatly guaranteed the safety of the knights in the supporting squadron.

The young magician Lance took out a magic treasure box from his magic pocket, opened the lid, and there was a whole box of special magic flares inside. He distributed these magic flares to the team leaders, and told: "Anyone who If the situation cannot be resolved, launch a magic signal flare to request reinforcements, and I will send people to support it depending on the situation."

"These magic flares can only be used in critical situations. Once we use them, we will be completely exposed to the eyes of our opponents. Now I will arrange a guard task." Karl told the ten team leaders: "Attention all teams, first, The third and fourth teams are responsible for blocking the gate of Grenfell Manor. Be careful to keep hidden and try not to let the people in the manor notice it. Give us and me control."

Afterwards, he looked at Jasper again, paused for a moment, and said, "Captain Jasper, you are in charge of leading the fifth or sixth team, guarding the west side of Grenfell Manor, pay attention to the side door over there. Path to the vineyard."

Jasper breathed out, nodded to Carl and said, "Okay, I will pay special attention."


The support squadron made very detailed arrangements. On such a cold snowy night, sixty knights guarded the outside of Grenfell Manor. It wasn't until the next morning that the leading knights of the guard battalion arrived one after another. , Grenfell Manor was not aware of the movement outside until Captain Sauron Aldington led three hundred guard battalion knights to stop in front of the gate outside the manor. Like the Great Enemy, the watchtower behind the gates of the manor was crowded with archers.

The guard battalion dispatched nearly 300 knights from the guard battalion this time, and Karl led the 60 knights in the support group, as the main executor, to enter the manor to search.

Captain Sauron Aldington was wearing a set of exquisitely constructed armor, standing in front of the gate of Grenfell Manor, and beside him were the squadron leaders who rushed over with him. Law enforcement team magicians, but they haven't appeared yet.

A group of people came out of the manor, headed by a dignified lady, and behind her stood several young men, both men and women, all dressed in gorgeous aristocratic attire, and their appearance was similar to that of this lady. There are some similarities, it should be the children of this noble lady, Suldak guessed that she should be the mistress of Grenfell Manor, and now Baron Grenfell has been secretly controlled in High Lansa City, the manor The person in charge here is naturally Mrs. Grenfell.

"Everyone, it's an extremely disrespectful act for you to break into Grenfell Manor like this!" Madam Grenfell stared at Viscount Sauron and the group of knights behind him with a frosty face, and said sternly.

Viscount Sauron did not speak, but Karl took two steps forward, took out a scroll of parchment in his hand, unfolded it in front of Madam Grenfell, and said, "Madam, we have obtained a search warrant signed by the parliament. , We have evidence to show that there are three bandit gangs lurking in your manor for the robbery of the three noble manors, after the unanimous decision of the Hailansa Council, the guard battalion has the right to search your manor, please cooperate accordingly."

"This is simply a big joke. How could Grenfell Manor hide a bandit group? This is a slander to the Grenfell family. I will write to Duke Newman to expose the unreasonableness of your guard camp in High Lansa City. Take action." Madam Grenfell's face turned pale with anger, but she counterattacked without any weakness.

It was a little cold outside the manor, and several teenagers and children who came out of the manor in aristocratic costumes in a hurry were shivering from the cold, and some even had snot running down their noses.

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