Lord Highlander

Chapter 349

It was the familiar shadow magic again, Suldak only felt his body being bound by the belt emerging from the shadows, and many knights around him were also firmly trapped in place.

The head of the bodyguard went berserk and turned into a giant over three meters tall to protect Mrs. Grenfell. No one thought that Mrs. Grenfell was a member of the Black Magic Priory, so they were caught off guard. The next ones were tied in place by the high-level shadow magic scroll 'Binding Dafa'.

Captain Sauron was the first to let out a yell, holding a double-edged sword tightly in both hands, popped out from the sofa, and pointed the double-edged sword directly at Mrs. Greenfield.

Those shadow belts were tied to him, but they couldn't restrict his movement, but the berserk head of the bodyguard was carrying a door shield, like a thick stone wall in front of Mrs. Grenfell. Blocked Captain Sauron's sword with the shield in his hand, and everyone with double blades slashed on the shield. The head of the personal guard was half kneeling on the ground by Captain Sauron's sword, and the stone slabs under his feet were shattered like a spider web. It was cracked, and the thick door shield was also cut with huge gaps.

A huge magic book page appeared in front of Mrs. Grenfell. This magic book turned into a black six-pointed star circle under Mrs. Grenfell's spell, and a star appeared in the center of this six-pointed star circle. The demon head was one meter taller than the diameter. That demon head was exactly the same as what Suldak saw at the gate of the Knight Academy.

When the demon's head emerged from the magic circle, it had a ferocious face and closed its eyes tightly.

At this moment, Suldak noticed that Mrs. Grenfell cut open her wrist with a dagger and poured her own blood on the demon's head, trying to wake up the sleeping demon.

'Sleeping Cloud'

Captain Sauron is not completely bound by the shadows at this moment, but his power completely suppresses the power of the bounds. There are several shadow belts wrapped around his body, and he cut the guard three times in a row, but he was killed by him with a thick shield. Resisting, although the head of the personal guard had red eyes, and was shocked by Sauron's captain's sword energy, his seven orifices were bleeding, but he vowed to die.

With a ferocious smile on his face, the head of the bodyguard held his shield like a bull, and slammed into Captain Sauron fiercely. On the contrary, he was knocked back a few steps, and the phantom of a crusader swordsman came from Sauron. The captain appeared behind him, and it was considered to stop Captain Sauron's retreat. The magic pattern armor on his body was emitting magical light, and the double-edged sword was steaming with a white whirlwind. The head of the personal guard cut off one of his thick arms from the side.

The head of the bodyguard did not feel any pain. He glanced at the arm that had fallen to the ground, and with a ferocious face, he slammed the shield on Captain Sauron again, preventing Captain Sauron from breaking through his defense and dealing with the people behind him. Mrs Grenfell.

Suldak knew that once the spell in Grenfelf's mouth was finished, the knights of the guard battalion present would probably fall into a deep sleep. At that time, the knights would lose their power to resist and would naturally be slaughtered.

He didn't want to wait until that moment, when a beam of light burst out from his body with a holy aura, and those shadow belts melted like ice and snow when they encountered the power of the holy light. Suldak regained his ability to move, and quickly approached Karl, a pale golden light emerged from his hands, and as soon as he touched the shadow belts on Karl's body, those shadow belts fell off one after another.

Carl regained his ability to move, and did not join the battle immediately. Instead, he took out a magic flare from his pocket, rushed to the door and fired the magic flare into the sky.

A dark red magic flare exploded in the sky outside Grenfell Manor.

At this time, the blood on Mrs. Grenfell's wrist had already flowed onto the face of the devil's head, and the devil's closed eyes trembled slightly, as if they might open at any moment.

Suldak didn't dare to delay, and before he could save the other guard knights, he took out the alloy bow from his magic pocket and shot an arrow at Mrs. Grenfell.

Under her gaze, the feathered arrow seemed to be cursed by some kind of curse. It did not shoot into Mrs. Grenfell's throat as Suldak had hoped, but reversed its direction slightly and stuck in Glenfell's throat. On Mrs. Fell's shoulder, a handful of blood spurted out. Mrs. Grenfell swayed slightly, and the spell in her mouth paused because of this. Those venomous eyes stared at Suldak, and the chanting in her mouth ended at this moment ...

Following that, the demon head opened its eyes in the magic circle, black and magic patterns covered the demon's face, it showed a strange smile, opened its huge mouth at the same time as Mrs. Grenfell Begin to chant the spell of 'Sleeping Cloud'.

"Human pleasures bow before pain, truth is buried in the shroud of lies, ruler of hell..."

Suldak watched in despair as a cloud of black mist exploded from under Mrs. Grenfell's feet, presenting a dark cloud that was more terrifying than the ring of black mist seen at the entrance of the Knight Academy, and exploded in all directions.

And all he can do at this moment is to raise the dwarf chain shield to block his face, and release his 'power', a phantom of a two-faced four-armed demon god emerged from behind.

Karl was also holding a long sword, and turned back from the entrance of the hall, just in time to encounter the spreading cloud of sleep.

'I rely on...'

Before Karl could utter an angry curse, he staggered and fell to the ground in the castle hall. The guard knights who were bound around him were not spared either, and fell to the ground one after another.

Only Captain Sauron, who was fighting with the head of the bodyguard, shook his body a few times, and a red light burst out from the magic pattern armor. Captain Sauron yelled again, although he walked crookedly like a drunk, but He was not hypnotized, but the captain of the bodyguard took advantage of Captain Sauron's trance, and smashed the door shield in his hand hard on him, and Captain Sauron's body fell backwards involuntarily.

The head of the personal guard followed closely behind. He only had one arm left at the moment, completely ignoring the fact that the severed arm was still bleeding out crazily, discarded the shield in his hand, and pulled out a dark red elbow With a round swing of the knife, he chopped towards Captain Sauron's head.

On the contrary, Suldak did not fall into a deep sleep this time. The face of the demon god Phantom Demon behind him was facing him. Avoid the 'sleeping cloud' magic.

Seeing that Captain Sauron was in crisis, Suldak threw out the dwarf chain shield in his hand without thinking. The chain on the shield wrapped around the long guard's neck several times, but failed to stop the giant shield It hit Captain Sauron, and Captain Sauron's chest was hit by the huge shield, spewing out a mouthful of blood.

Pulled by the chain, Suldak's body flew towards the head of the bodyguard. Suerdak took the opportunity to draw out the sword of craftsman, and when his body was about to hit the head of the bodyguard, the sword of artisan pierced hard into the head of the bodyguard. long back...

Mrs. Grenfell fixed her eyes on the two people who were still fighting in the hall, and when she saw the craftsman's sword piercing the back of the captain of the bodyguard, she immediately let out a shrill scream: "No! You lackeys of the Magic Union ,asshole……"

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