Lord Highlander

Chapter 350 349. Guild Wars 2

There was a craftsman's sword stuck in the back of the head of the bodyguard, and the blood shot out from the back of his heart more than two meters away. The dark red blood covered his whole body, and countless black runes lit up on his body in an instant. Drenched in blood, his tadpole runes turned into burning lines of fire on his flesh and blood.

The dwarven chain shield wrapped around his neck made him feel suffocated.

Seeing his neck and the chain in Suldak's hand, he immediately rushed towards Suldak, roaring furiously like a wild beast, his body continued to swell, and with more and more blood It spewed out, and the flames on his body turned him into a burning man, and the air was filled with the smell of burning.

Suldak flexibly avoided the pounce of the head of the bodyguard. He was like a reckless and mindless beast, relying on his instinctive wildness to kill the enemy in front of him. But then he found that his arm had been turned into a piece of coke in the raging fire, so he subconsciously looked at his body, and he looked desperately at the burning flames on his body.

"Margaret!" He yelled in the direction of Mrs. Grenfell, but his voice was dry and hoarse, sparks were even spouting from his mouth, and the flames from hell instantly burned his body The whole body looks like charcoal being ignited from a distance, but when the wind blows, the skin turns to ashes.

He walked towards Mrs. Grenfell, and as soon as he took a step, he fell down in the castle hall.

"Hull..." Mrs. Grenfell, standing behind the sofa, cried mournfully.

The head of the demon in the center of the magic circle slowly disappeared. Suldak watched the head of the bodyguard, Hull, collapse at his feet. The black magic runes burned his body, turning him into a charred black corpse. , His body exudes this burst of stench.

Suldak regretted that he didn't pull out the craftsman's sword from the back of the head of the bodyguard...

Captain Sauron Aldington touched his forehead with his hands. He was still bound by shadows. Affected by the sleeping cloud, he was a little shaky. The double-edged sword stood on the ground. He took out a bottle of The magic potion was poured down, but he was still a little groggy.

Mrs. Grenfell glared at Suldak, and poured a bottle of magic potion that emitted a light blue magic stream into her mouth, and then her eyes turned blue, and the abundant magic aura overflowed from her body. Glenn Mrs. Phil drew a series of magic runes with the wand in her hand. These runes formed a magic circle in front of her, and a black shadow arrow quickly formed from the magic circle.

Then the shadow arrow turned into a stream of light and hit Suldak's breastplate in an instant. Suldak felt as if someone had punched his chest hard, and the shadow arrow dispersed into dozens of shadow energy , rushed into Suldak's body, the moment those shadow qi rushed into Suldak's body, the sacred aura wandering in Suldak's body immediately formed a barrier, completely melting those shadow qi.

The power of the holy light passed through Suldak's body, causing a pale golden light to shine on his breastplate. Suldak pulled back the dwarf chain shield from the bodyguard and put it on his chest.

Mrs. Grenfell did not expect that Suldak resisted a shadow arrow, and his body was not damaged.

She stared at Suldak in surprise and suspicion, another burst of flames burst out from the wand, barely giving Suldak any time to react, the breath of fire element emerged from Suldak's head, Suldak Ke only had time to raise the dwarf chain shield in his hand, and a ball of fire exploded from the top of Suldak's head. A wave of heat knocked Suldak to the ground and fell heavily on the ground.

The fireball scorched his hair a little bit, his face and arms were scalded, and even the dwarven chain shield was boiling hot, and black smoke came out from some places where it was connected to the leather.

This fireball made Suldak have some bad memories. He turned over and got up from the ground, and glanced at the sleeping guard knight in the castle hall, surrounded by some maids and servants in the manor, Glenn The eleven children behind Mrs. Phil also fell into a deep sleep, and even Captain Sauron was pushed to the wall by the ball of fire.

Suldak picked up a knight's long sword from the guard battalion knight who fell next to him, and leaned towards Madam Grenfell again.

Seeing that Suldak was about to rush forward in a few steps, Mrs. Grenfell showed a cruel sneer on her face.

She took off a copper whistle from her neck, and the shallow black magic pattern was engraved on the copper whistle. Mrs. Grenfell injected a trace of mana into the copper whistle, and a faint magic energy surrounded the copper whistle. Grenfell Madam blew the whistle without hesitation, and the sharp whistle sounded far away through the castle hall.

Just when Suldak rushed in front of Mrs. Grenfell, she suddenly took out a magic scroll from her bosom, unfolded it casually, and a hellfire burst out from Suldak's feet. Duck had no choice but to stop, avoiding the hellfire.

The flames of hellfire wiped Suldak's armor and rushed to the roof of the castle hall. When Suldak wanted to chase Mrs. Grenfell again, he got out of the kitchen and was covered in black flames. Hell dogs, these two hell dogs are the size of a calf, they have bloody mouths, a hell dog crosses a black shadow, and a fleshy paw grabs at Sulda gram.

Suldak raised his shield to meet him, and the hellhound's fleshy claws slapped firmly on the dwarf chain shield. Suldak felt as if a heavy hammer had been struck on it, making his entire arm numb from the shock. Three claw marks were scratched on the thick dwarven chain shield by the sharp dog's claws. Suldak's entire body was shortened, and the huge black dog head bit down on Suldak's throat.

The knight's long sword in Suldak's hand pierced one of the blood-red eyes of the hell dog. The hell dog let out a howl, but did not move away. The huge mouth full of hot black flames opened, Suldak had no way to avoid it, and it was too late to retract the dwarf chain shield in his hand, so he could only stab the knight's long sword that had pierced the hellhound's eyes into the head of the hellhound.

Seeing that the hell dog was about to bite Suldak, a double-edged sword slanted down and pierced into the mouth of the hell dog. Through the back of the vicious dog's head, protruding from the back of the vicious dog's neck, the thick lips of the vicious dog almost stuck to Suldak's face, and the hot lava on the vicious dog's body also quickly cooled down.

Suldak was crushed by the hellhound and thought he was dead. Captain Sauron kicked the hellhound aside and stretched out his hand to pull Suldak up from the ground.

Before Captain Soren could speak, a shadow arrow hit Captain Sauron's chest, and several shadow breaths rushed into Captain Sauron's body, and he fell on his back with his hands on his chest.

The wand in Mrs. Grenfell's hand threw out a shadow arrow, but there was a sharp piercing sound outside the castle. A magician flew in from the door riding a magic scorpion. He waved the wand in his hand, A magic barrier appeared in front of Suldak, just blocking the shadow arrow.

It was Lance, the young magician who had quarreled with Karl before. At this moment, he rushed in riding a magic scorpion, and a fireball flew out of the wand in his hand, hitting Mrs. Grenfell on the opposite side. Grenfell The madam had been prepared for a long time, she nimbly dodged behind a stone pillar, and the fireball exploded in front of the sofa, completely igniting the soft leather sofa.

Afterwards, two magicians from the Law Enforcement Group rode into the castle hall on magic scorpion handles, and circled towards Mrs. Grenfell from the left and right sides. Another hellhound jumped out from the darkness and took a magician from the ground. The magic scorpion jumped down, and the bloody mouth bit the magician's throat directly. The magician struggled hard, and his body was slightly tilted, avoiding the vital point, allowing the hell dog to bite on the shoulder. .

Hearing a scream, the magician fell heavily on the floor. The magic scorpion hit the wall of the hall and fell apart, and his shoulder was bitten to blood by the hellhound. The young magician Lance chanted Under the spell, a fireball exploded on the back of the hell dog. The dog ignored the injuries despite its physical injuries. It bit the magician's shoulder firmly and did not let go. A huge dog head shook continuously. A few times, amidst the magician's miserable screams, the hellhound tore off the magician's entire arm.

Another magician had torn a magic scroll, and a bolt of lightning landed on the back of that hellhound. He rushed towards the magician who released the lightning bolt, but was stopped by a barrier released by the young magician Lance.

As the second bolt of lightning fell, the hellhound finally fell to the ground behind the barrier and let out a series of whimpers.

Lance chanted a spell again, and three fireballs exploded next to Mrs. Grenfell's stone pillar. Mrs. Grenfell propped up a shadow shield and dodged the three fireballs by dodging left and right. The fireball was fired, but it was also affected by the explosion. The disheveled look was very embarrassing. The young magician Lance did not intend to give a chance to breathe, and waved his wand one after another, releasing a series of fireballs, forcing Mrs. Grenfell back again and again.

At this time, another magician finally ran to the unlucky magician whose shoulder was bitten to bloody flesh and whose arm was torn off by a vicious dog, took out a bottle of life potion and poured it into the magician's mouth, and repeatedly The magic circle was drawn, and magic fell on the unlucky magician continuously. Afterwards, the magician took out a hemostatic bandage from his arms and began to bandage the wound of the magician. The injury of the unlucky magician was serious, bleeding all over the place.

Suldak checked Captain Sauron's injuries, and saw that he was unconscious, with more than a dozen shadow auras moving in his body, so he let out a trace of holy aura from his palm, and quickly dispelled those shadow auras. The captain's complexion recovered, and his breathing became much more stable. After putting Captain Sauron down, Suldak ran to the injured magician again to help bandage the wound.

Maybe it was because of the life potion, even though the magician lost his arm and bled so much, he didn't die immediately, he was just unconscious.

Seeing that his companion was treated quickly, the magician cast a grateful look and nodded friendlyly at Suldak.

Mrs. Grenfell ran quickly to the castle kitchen, and the young magician Lance immediately chased after him. Mrs. Grenfell took out three magic scrolls from her bosom and tore them apart one after another. Three hellfires shot from under Lance's feet almost simultaneously. Emerging, forcing him to stop the pace of pursuit.

When Lance used magic to disperse the hellfire in front of him, Mrs. Grenfell was nowhere to be seen, and the fallen hellhound also took the opportunity to get up from the ground. Its back was hit by two lightning bolts, and it was burnt. The wound even exposed half of the bone, and it took the opportunity to catch the bodyguard's burnt body and chased after Mrs. Greenfield's disappearance.

The young magician Lance was not willing to give up easily, and quickly chased in the direction where Mrs. Grenfell disappeared with another companion.

Suldak saw the knights of the guard battalion outside the castle and knew that the reinforcements had arrived, so he chased after the young magician Lance.

At this time, several magicians from the Law Enforcement Group walked into the castle hall. One of the elderly magicians walked in first with a staff. Seeing the guard battalion knight fainted on the ground, he frowned and said : "It was caught in the cloud of sleep..."

As he spoke, a middle-aged magician walked up quickly behind him, stood in the center of the hall, and drew a magic pattern circle in the air in front of him with his wand. With a series of incantations, the magician's body trembled There were circles of magic halos, and these magic halos spread, and even Suldak felt much clearer.

Almost at the same time as the magic halo dissipated, the sleeping people in the castle hall woke up one after another.

The old magician noticed that the magician was lying on the ground beside Suldak, and hurried over, he shouted as he walked: "Monty, come and see how Lorenzo is, he seems to be injured It's not easy, what about Lance and the others?"

He walked up to the magician named Lorenzo, knelt down to check his injuries, and when he saw the magician behind him following up, he ordered: "Hurry up and support him, he is not Margaret's opponent. "

A female magician quickly ran to the old magician, quickly chanted the magic spell, and the light of hydrotherapy fell on the unlucky magician.

The old magician looked at the messy scene in the castle hall, and glanced at the hellhound with a double-edged sword stuck in its huge mouth beside him. There was such a big surprise.

The magician who had cast the 'Awakening Technique' came over, stopped beside Captain Sauron, checked his injuries, and saw that Captain Sauron was not seriously injured, so he cast magic to wake him up.

The old magician looked at Captain Sauron, who was lying on the ground, still a little weak, and asked him with a frown, "Sauron, what happened here to make this place like this..."

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