Lord Highlander

Chapter 351: 350. Cooperation

Three hellfires gushed out from the stone floor of the castle corridor, and the hot flames ignited the fence next to the pillars, and the whole corridor was immediately filled with billowing thick smoke. Suldak rushed into the hot castle corridor, and a wave of heat rushed towards his face. Suldak quickly put down his helmet visor, covered his face with the dwarven chain shield in his hand, and rushed into the burning corridor.

The explosion of fireballs was heard from the kitchen not far away, and Suldak rushed into a room following the sound. The blood-stained storage room still had the feeling of passing through a slaughterhouse. There were still traces of burnt fireballs at the entrance of the secret passage, and there was even a scorched flesh of a hellhound left at the dark hole.

Apparently the magicians were fighting here, and they should have wounded the hellhound that stole the body of the bodyguard. Suldak stood at the door of the secret passage, hesitated for a while looking at the dark secret passage, and then he Drilled into a somewhat dark and cold secret passage, this secret passage is very narrow, just enough to accommodate one person to pass through, the main body of the secret passage is a masonry structure, and there is a strong musty smell inside.

The inside of the secret passage is a bit dark, but fortunately, the ground in the secret passage is fairly flat and it is not difficult to walk.

A little light could be seen tens of meters ahead, and under the reflection of the magic twilight, the figures of the two magicians flickered in the twilight. Suldak chased after the young magician Lance. After running for about 500 meters, the exit of the tunnel was in a tree hole in the red pine forest. Surdak ran out of the secret passage, only to feel that something was tripped under his feet, and he looked down to find that it was a sticking stone. The flesh and blood skull, but the back of the head was bitten open by the fangs, and the brain inside was licked clean.

Surdak was taken aback by the skull. When he looked down at the skull under his feet, he realized that there were not only skulls in the tree hole, but also some femur and sternum ribs in the smelly tree hole. The tree hole looks like a kennel. Apparently the two hellhounds are usually lurking here. The knights of the support group did not find the secret passage hidden in the woods behind the castle. The hellhound didn't even see it, which really made Suldak sigh inwardly.

On the snow in the red pine forest, except for some huge dog paw prints, there are almost no other footprints.

Fortunately, there was the sound of fireballs exploding in front from time to time. Suldak looked towards the top of the mountain, and then looked back at Grenfell Manor at the foot of the hill a few hundred meters away. He saw a large number of knights entering from outside one after another. From the manor, we knew that the reinforcements had arrived in time, and Karl and Captain Sauron should be safe at this moment.

There are also a few magicians riding magic scorpions, flying towards Shandong in this direction.

Several magicians flew over Suldak's head, and the way they flew freely in the air made Suldak very envious.

Grenfell Manor has been completely occupied by the Hailansa Guard Battalion and the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team at this moment. At this time, it probably won't be of much help if they return the same way. Suldak thought to himself, since he has chased so far , then continue to chase and see, so he followed the flying direction of the three magicians in the sky, holding the knight's long sword and chasing down.

A wooden house was built on the top of this dense red pine forest. This wooden house was connected to the mountain behind. When Suldak arrived, the wooden house had been blown apart by a big fireball, exposing the entrance of the cave behind the wooden house. , the hellhound fell at the entrance of the cave.

Beside the hellhound, there is also a magician whose big leg has been bitten off. He is lying next to a huge rock. The wound on the broken leg has been bandaged. The magician is slightly closing his eyes. , Enduring the intense pain, leaning there without saying a word, his face turned blue in the cold wind, feeling someone coming, the magician opened his eyes, waiting for him to see that it was a guard from the camp The knight just nodded politely.

The magician thought that Suldak would follow him into the cave, but unexpectedly Suldak squatted down in front of him, picked up his broken leg from the fallen dog, and carefully Putting it next to the magician, he asked in a concerned tone: "How do you feel? Do you need help?"

The magician shook his head speechlessly, and replied flatly: "I shouldn't be able to die..."

When he spoke, he should also be enduring great pain. Under the gaze of the magician, Suldak stretched out his hand, just above the broken leg of the magician, revealing a faint power of holy light, making The magician's broken leg healed faster.

"This is... Holy Light?" The magician was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped, he looked at Suldak and asked seriously.

Suldak nodded and said to him: "The rescuers will catch up soon. I will go to support the people in front first. You rest here first. Be careful of the hell dogs around here."

The magician nodded, pointed at the entrance of the cave and said, "Margaret fled into the cave. She is a very dangerous and cunning guy. There is still a reward for her in Hailansa City. We After searching for so long, I have not been able to find her hiding place, she is one of the leaders of the Black Magic Retreat in Bena Province, this time we must not let her escape again."

Suldak waved his hand at him, and then chased inside along the cave.

Unexpectedly, the wooden house outside is just to deceive people. This cave is a huge magic experiment base. There is a magic wall lamp every ten meters on the stone wall of the cave. Suldak chases into the cave and finds that the young magician Lance is Fighting against the siege of a group of hell dogs with three magicians, the four magicians were surrounded by the hell dogs by the mountain wall, and the four took turns to cast magic to resist these hell dogs, but they were still beaten by seven or eight hell dogs. It was very embarrassing.

Suldak carried the shield and joined the battle without saying a word. He used the dwarf chain shield to knock away a hellhound that was pounced on him, and he even took a few steps back.

"Be careful, don't be bitten by them..." Lance's voice came from behind Suldak.

A hellhound took the opportunity to rush over and bit Suldak's shoulder. Suldak swung his sword to block, but the hellhound bit the knight's long sword in its mouth. Suldak couldn't draw back the knight. Long sword, hell hounds on both sides came up, Suldak was about to abandon the sword and retreat, only to hear someone shouting from behind: "Low your head!"

Suldak lowered his head subconsciously, and a wind blade flew from behind, hitting the forehead of the hellhound in front of him...

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