Lord Highlander

Chapter 353: 352. Shadow Terror 2

Through the magic mask, Suldak clearly saw a big purple hand protruding from the door. An eye grew out of the palm of that big hand. The huge eye stared at the cave and looked around for a week, and then he opened it forcefully. The black gate forced a three-meter-long arm out of the gate full of thorns and bone spurs.

A heart-piercing roar came from behind the black door, and a layer of black flames ignited on the huge arm stretched out. This layer of black flames quickly spread to the surroundings, and even Mrs. The black flames, the scorching black flames almost instantly carbonized Mrs. Grenfell, and some embers rushed to the top of the cave, and there was not even a single ashes of her and her bodyguard left in the flames.

A black gate full of bone spurs appeared in the center of the magic circle. The entire gate was burning, and the black fire crackled the gate.

In the midst of such fierce black fire, a shadow terror with extremely twisted limbs crawled out from the door full of teeth, and the terrifying aura emanating from it filled the entire cave.

Seen from a distance, it looks like a tree stump hidden in the shadows. Six arms with eyes growing from the palms are climbing on the black door, pulling a huge body out of the door, and dozens of tentacles penetrate deep into the magic circle. In the stone slab, it is like the rhizome of a big tree that has taken root, and its trunk-like body is covered with more than a dozen large mouths full of sharp teeth. Those mouths are constantly opening and closing, and the eyes on the arms are constantly moving. Glanced around.

"This is a Shadow Terror, everyone, step back and don't stare into its eyes..." the magician Lance shouted hysterically, and then dragged his companions and ran towards the exit of the cave.

The horror got out of the portal, and its body quickly ignited black flames, just like those evil spirits on the Warsaw plane would be stripped of their skin by the laws of the world when they climbed out of the gate of evil spirits. A layer of black fire ignited on the horror, and the powerful black fire burned Mrs. Grenfell to the point where there was not even a bit of bone residue left, but this horror was burned by the black fire. , tenaciously crawled out from the door.

Countless black flames emerged from its body, and there were also countless dark breaths condensing towards its body. Its body was like a huge vortex, greedily absorbing the dark breath here, fighting against the black flames on its body, as if its body The magic circle below is the foundation for it to gain power. The magic circle is constantly running and continuously providing energy for its existence.

And inside the black door full of thorns, there are still countless hands struggling to crawl out at this moment, but those purple bone hands stretched out of the door will quickly ignite a ball of black fire, and instantly turn into ashes. Countless mournful wailing sounds came from inside the door, and other terrifying creatures that wanted to crawl over from another world were quickly reduced to ashes under the burning power of the world's laws.

Lance and the other four magicians turned around and ran out of the cave. While running, they didn't forget to give Suldak a 'dangerous here' gesture, telling him to leave with everyone.

Suldak saw the group of magicians from the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team running outside in a panic. He didn't know that a monster that everyone couldn't deal with ran out of the summoning magic circle. He hesitated and ran out of the cave.

But before everyone ran out of the cave, the shadow terror in the center of the magic circle screamed.

It was a sharp whistle that could not hear any sound, but it trembled from the soul.


Suldak could only feel that his body was surrounded by a strange force in an instant, as if he had fallen into a icy lake, but the surface of this icy lake was covered with a thick layer of ice. I don't know where I fell in. In the icy lake water, my whole body's tendons were twisted together, and my hands and legs were in a kind of cramping pain, and slowly sank to the bottom of the dark lake.

Infinite coldness surrounded Suldak. In the suffocating lake, Suldak could only feel the icy water pouring into his mouth continuously, and a string of bubbles floated towards the surface of the lake. Under the icy lake, Suldak held his breath instantly with his own willpower, twisting his body forcibly. Although he couldn't move his hands and feet, he was still floating in the icy lake towards the surface of the lake little by little.

It was only when he got close to the surface of the lake that he realized that he was under the ice layer, against the bone-piercing ice surface, and Suldak could even see the blue sky on the other side of the ice layer.

At this moment, his body burst out with strong willpower, one hand was freed from the cramp, and he pulled out the craftsman's sword from his waist, piercing through the ice that was more than a foot thick...

The world in front of him shattered like glass, and a suffocating darkness poured out from all around.

He opened his eyes from the darkness, and found himself lying on a desk. He was surprised to see a line of clear small words engraved on that desk with a pencil sharpener. Although the appearance of the quiet girl could not be clearly remembered, But that line of fine print is still fresh in my memory. I am wearing a familiar dark blue sportswear on a skinny body like a stick. A two-foot-high pile of textbooks and review rolls are piled on both sides of the desk. It means that if you can't finish writing these exercises, you have to stay, and you can't go home from school until you finish writing them all.

He picked up a black pen and looked at the math problems on the rolled paper in front of him, but he couldn't write a single stroke. Even if he was asked to copy these exercises, he didn't know where to find the answers. He simply put down the pen in his hand, and looked curiously at the young faces around him. He hadn't seen them for so many years, but their smiles were still so bright...

The mountains of homework didn't scare him. He looked at the blurry classroom with some nostalgia. Those students who were more impressive were sitting next to him, and those who couldn't remember sat a little farther away. For a moment, he no longer had the fear of not finishing his homework in his heart, and he was only left with nostalgia for all this.

The blurry classroom in front of his eyes was broken again, and the memories like those pictures were piled up under his feet like falling leaves before his eyes.

An urban beauty wearing a beige windbreaker stood under a plane tree, casually stuffed the gifts in the paper bag into the trash can next to her, bent down and got into a black luxury car into the bustling city night scene. He stood by the water stall across the street, holding two cups of milk tea in his hand, staring blankly at the woman who drove away without even saying hello, without a word of complaint in his heart—isn’t this what the world is like in the first place? ?

A young woman was lying on the bed holding her child and smiling lovingly. He was standing at the door clutching the paternity test, trembling all over his body and crying like rain.

An elderly man was lying on a hospital bed, and he found that the old man lying on the hospital bed was himself. His body was so exhausted that he could only use a ventilator to maintain his breathing. Nutrient solution was infused on the shelf, but his eyes were still slowly sinking into darkness. The breath of death permeated his body.

The next moment, a gleaming golden door in the cloud suddenly lit up in front of him, and he strode into the door exuding warm light, and then he woke up from the ensuing nightmare, between reality and illusion. , more like supplementing the incomplete life of his previous life.

Suldak recalled those scenes that rarely appeared in his dreams...

The eyes became clear.


Suldak stood in the gloomy cave, looking at the magic circle that was constantly absorbing the dark breath in front of him.

The shadow terror in the center of the magic circle was watching the magicians with the eyeballs in the palms of several giant hands, and one of the eyeballs looked at Suldak in horror. Only then did Suldak understand that he was He actually fell into the nightmare created by the Shadow Terror. He looked at the Shadow Terror's eyeball again curiously. If it wasn't for the dream created by this eyeball, I am afraid that these dreams buried in his heart would soon be completely forgotten by him. Lost.

Suldak subconsciously threw the knight's long sword in his hand, and the long sword rolled and flew towards the big purple hand facing him, stabbing the eyeball in the palm of Ke's hand.

The Shadow Terror was shaken all over his body, and the arm with the broken eyeball quickly grabbed at Suldak, entangled towards Suldak like thorns and vines, and Suldak nimbly dodged the giant hand and threw himself at him. Catch, he happened to bump into the young magician Lance at this time.

At this time, Lance was looking at the other eyeball, his eyes were blank, and he was knocked to the ground by Suldak.

The huge tentacle rolled over from the opposite side, Suldak grabbed Lance and pulled him to the wall, narrowly dodging the attack of the giant hand, which stretched out from the Shadow Terror A few tens of meters away, the few tentacles on the giant hand are sharp spears.

After breaking away from the shadow terror, Lance woke up quickly. He saw Suldak on the opposite side and immediately realized the danger.

He waved his wand and released a fireball. The fireball exploded in the air, but it did not drive back the giant hand that was rushing. Lance seemed to have expected this to happen. He quickly unfolded a magic scroll, a wall of fire Appearing in front of the two of them was the only way to block the giant hand. Before Lance could speak, he saw that his companion was falling into a horror nightmare. Immediately, a little spark flew out and exploded in front of his companion's eyes, knocking that companion out of his sight. Nightmare wakes up.

At this time, the two giant hands bypassed the wall of fire and rushed towards Suldak and Lance. Suldak propped up the dwarf chain shield to block an arm swung by the Terror, and he was also blown away. He fell heavily on the rock wall of the cave.

The other giant hand was repelled by Lance's fireball again.

Lance wanted to rescue the other two companions, but found that the two companions had been rolled up by two huge arms, and they opened their purple eyes at the same time, and the magic wands in their hands frequently drew magic circles. A series of wind blades and fireballs flew over, hitting Lance and fleeing. They seemed to have lost their minds and could only obey the orders of the Shadow Terror, and the Shadow Terror was not yet familiar with these two fresh magic puppets, so Lance was able to pull his companions and escape from the flying wind blades in embarrassment.

In such a short time, these two magicians have become the magic puppets of the Shadow Terror.

"We can't deal with him, let's go..." Lance shouted at another magician and Suldak who had just woken up.

Suldak got up from the ground in embarrassment, and his body jumped out, avoiding the pounce of the giant hand again.

A spear-sharp tentacle on a giant hand pierced Lance's shoulder, and Lance let out a miserable cry.

The magic wand inlaid with a ruby ​​in his hand lit up with a brilliant magical glow, and all the runes on the wand lit up one after another. Lance yelled: "***..."

The wand flew out of Lance's hand and hit a giant hand of the Terror. The wand exploded, and the giant hand hidden in the shadow was blown to pieces. Lance and his magician companion also fell in the explosion. After going out, Suldak stood a little farther away and was not affected by this wave of explosions. At this time, he quickly threw out the dwarf chain shield in his hand, and tightly entangled Lance and the magician companion who fell on the ground. Dragging two people ran towards the entrance of the cave.

The two magician puppets in the back have completely merged with the Shadow Terror at this time. The purple shadows wrapped around them jumped out of the palms of the giant hands and chased towards Suldak. Erdak's feet exploded, and Surdak only felt a sharp pain in his right leg, and his body flew out.

Suldak hit the stone wall again. He was wearing a full set of full armor, so he was not seriously injured. He wanted to get up from the ground, but found two wind blades flying one after another, rolling on the ground quickly. After a circle, barely avoiding the wind blade.

At this time, Lance's magician companion got up from the ground, wrapped the unconscious Lance with the chain of the dwarf chain shield, and shouted at Suldak: "Go!"

After finishing speaking, he tore open a magic scroll, and a translucent magic light shield appeared on his body. He stood behind and fired three fireballs in a row, and the three fireballs exploded between the two magician puppets and giant hands At the same time, the magic light shield on the magic student was also hit by two wind blades and became almost completely transparent.

Suldak took the opportunity to drag Lance towards the entrance of the cave. His right leg was already numb, and he limped while running. The magician followed closely behind Suldak. The Shadow Terror Chasing up from behind, several giant hands grabbed at them at the same time, and the two magician puppets frequently released fireballs and wind blades.

A giant hand chased up from behind, and the sharp tentacles pierced the magician's magic light shield, pierced through the magician's back, and then drilled out from the front chest. The magician coughed blood, and his body was hung in the On the giant hand, other giant hands moved towards Suldak. At this moment, a bolt of lightning rushed in from the hole, and the arc made a crackling sound. When the lightning passed by Suldak, the hairs all over Suldak root up.

The arc landed on the giant hand, and a large part of the shadow terror's giant hand melted away in an instant.

Another giant hand continued to stab at Suldak, and a constructed knight rushed in from the hole with a double-edged sword in his hand, and cut off the giant hand in an instant...

Captain Sauron appeared in front of Suldak, and at the same time an old magician walked in quickly from the entrance of the cave, followed by a group of magicians from the law enforcement team.

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