Lord Highlander

Chapter 354. 353. The Power of the Magic Cannon

The giant hand of the Shadow Terror protruding from the cave was cut off by Captain Sauron with a sword, and the severed arm that was braving black flames quickly retracted into the cave. A black light shot out from the cave, and Sauron quickly stepped back. After taking a few steps, Sauron avoided the shadow arrows and felt the powerful power of the shadow terror in the cave, so Sauron didn't take the initiative to pursue it.

Gerald was inquiring about the situation inside the magician of Lance. Captain Sauron didn't rush into the depths of the cave. He walked to Suldak's side to check his injuries.

Suldak leaned against the rock wall and saw a layer of radiant runes emerging from the magic pattern structure on Sauron's body. The cyclone was constantly spinning under his feet, making his steps light when he walked. The magic pattern structure is to enhance agility and balance, which is suitable for the use of great swordsmen. I heard that having a set of magic pattern structure can make the power of fighters have a qualitative leap. Suldak said enviously. He looked at Captain Sauron.

It was a little cold inside the cave, and a faint layer of hoarfrost condensed on the cave wall. Captain Sauron stretched out his hand to pull Suldak up from the ground, glanced at the scorched leg armor of Suldak's right leg, and asked, "How is it? Is your leg okay?"

Suldak shook his head, indicating that he was fine, and looked at the dark cave again, worried that the huge monster would suddenly rush out of it.

The Shadow Terror had an arm cut off by Sauron, and at this moment, he became so honest that he hid inside and dared not come out.

Suldak said: "Two magicians died inside. My luck was good, but my right leg was burned by a fireball..."

As he spoke, Suldak moved his burnt leg, and he grinned uncontrollably due to the intense stinging pain.

Suldak felt that with his holy breath, he should be able to heal his leg injury quickly. After all, it was just that the black fire was burned, so he said, "There should be no problem."

Captain Sauron took a look at Suldak's leg injury. The injured leg was wrapped in the trousers, and he couldn't see the specific injury, so he stopped asking about it. Captain Sauron asked Suldak: "What's in it?"

Suldak is guiding the power of the holy light in the node to flow in the body, which can speed up the healing of the burns on his body, and said: "It is a monster summoned by Madam Grenfell using a magic circle, and it is covered with tentacles and eyeballs. , I haven't seen it before..."

Before Suldak could finish speaking, the magician Gerald interrupted Suldak and said to Captain Sauron:

"It's a shadow terror with powerful charm and fear abilities. It has a huge body, but it is currently being suppressed by the power of the world's laws and has not shown much ability. We must deal with it as soon as possible before it becomes familiar with the laws of the world. Get rid of him, otherwise, once the power of the world can't suppress it, it will continue to become extremely terrifying. It is said that an adult Shadow Terror can pull the entire city into a nightmare."

"It's the troubles caused by those guys from the Black Magic Retreat!" Captain Sauron felt that things were a little tricky, and couldn't help complaining. A sense of security.

Captain Sauron turned his head slightly, and turned his ears to the cave to listen carefully. After a few seconds, Suldak heard slight footsteps coming from the cave. Captain Sauron frowned and asked inside the cave: "who?"

Two magician puppets quietly revealed their figures in the depths of the cave. They seemed to be hiding in the shadows, and a cloud of purple mist surrounded their bodies.

Captain Sauron didn't wait for their answer, three wind blades and a fireball shot out from the cave.

Captain Sauron's whole body tensed up, and he clenched the double-edged sword tightly to split the three wind blades that followed. He dodged the other fireball, and the fireball exploded on the stone wall behind Captain Sauron.

Before Captain Sauron stood up straight, another three wind blades flew towards him. This was a desperate posture. No magician would dare to cast spells without any pause, regardless of the mana of the magic pool. The captain only defended passively and did not make a move.

At this time, the magician Gerald used his wand to prop up a semicircular magic mask in front of everyone, which could barely block the magic wind blades behind him.

Then the wand in his hand lit up again, a row of magic runes appeared on the wand, and a silver hexagram magic circle emerged from under his feet. Magician Gerald recited a spell quickly, and the wand The runes on it flickered on and off, and a bolt of lightning 'suddenly' fell from the heads of the two magicians in the shadows. The arc hit their bodies, and immediately split the purple mist around them.

Two mage puppets with pale, zombie-like faces and blood-red eyes emerged from the purple air mass. Their faces remained as they were when they were alive, but their eyes had turned black and purple, and they exuded black devilish energy from their bodies. .

Seeing the two young magicians look like this, Magician Gerald whispered the names of the two magicians, "Hubert, Allen", and closed his eyes in pain.

Then he waved his hands to the magicians behind him, and more than a dozen fireballs exploded on the two magicians one after another, and the black flames instantly burned the two magicians to ashes.

The magician at the entrance of the cave easily blew the two magic stone puppets into pieces, making the shadow terror in the cave feel a huge threat.

The Shadow Terror let out another ear-piercing scream, but everyone was hiding in the magic mask of Wizard Gerald. Everyone just felt a tremor all over their bodies, and they didn't fall into a terrifying nightmare, but the soul-shaking scream Howling still made all the magicians cover their ears subconsciously, and some young magicians with weak willpower even had a trace of blood coming out of their eyes, nostrils and mouths.

A purple tentacle quietly protruded from the cave, and the dark purple eyeball in the palm kept looking at the entrance of the cave...

Captain Sauron, holding a double-edged sword, rushed to the front of that eyeball like a gust of wind. The pupil in that eyeball suddenly widened, like a bottomless abyss, with halos of different colors constantly rotating. Captain Lun's footsteps became heavier and heavier. When he walked to the opposite side of the eyeball, he stopped and stared straight at the eyeball. The double-edged sword in his hand fell to his feet, making a "bang" A crisp sound.

The other magicians inside the magic mask were also caught by the center eyeball of the purple tentacles hanging from the top of the cave wall. At this moment, only Gerald and Suldak were still awake, and a few tentacles came from the cave wall. It stretched out and shot at the two of them like a spear. Magician Gerald was caught off guard and had no time to release the spell to protect himself. Those tentacles easily pierced through the magic mask and shot toward Magician Gerald's body Wrap around.

Suldak hurriedly threw himself in front of Wizard Gerald, blocking the tentacles with the dwarven chain shield.

At this time, the magician Gerald had time to quickly take out a scroll from his magic pocket, unfolded it directly, and said a short spell in his mouth, and the magic scroll instantly turned into a piece of lightning and formed a thunder net. The tentacles growing from the stone wall quickly dispersed in the thunder net.

The magicians under the thunder net also quickly woke up from the nightmare. Captain Sauron was the first to wake up. Taking advantage of the tentacle in front of him not withdrawing in time, Captain Sauron swung his sword again and sliced ​​through an eyeball. The moment an eyeball shattered, a ball of black fire formed and instantly turned into ashes.

At this time, a large number of guard battalion knights gathered outside the cave, but they did not rush into the cave.

"Attention all members of the law enforcement team, prepare to cast the spell 'Lianzhu Fireball', we will send this shadow terror back to hell!" The magician Gerald raised his wand high and issued an order to the magician behind him.

A group of mages waved their wands at the same time, and a dark red hexagram magic circle appeared under the feet of almost all mages. The hot fire element filled the cave, and large fireballs tumbling and burning appeared out of thin air. These fireballs were not only slowly rotating, but also burning. With raging flames, three fireballs flew into the cave as a magician ended his spell, and then dozens of the same fireballs flew into the cave.

These fireballs exploded in the cave one after another, and the successive explosions caused the cave to shake non-stop, and the more violent screams of the Shadow Terror came from inside.

The magician Gerald once again propped up a magic mask to resist this kind of soul scream that made people lose their minds. At this time, he glanced at Captain Sauron who was standing in the front. The scorching breath came out and walked into the cave.

Suldak and a group of magicians followed closely behind. At this time, some knights from the guard battalion outside the cave also bravely walked in. The squadron leaders of the guard battalion walked in the front, and Karl was among them.

When everyone walked into the cave hall, they saw that the Shadow Terror was burning with black flames. After a round of baptism with fireballs, the Shadow Terror's body was only half of its original size. It had been blasted to pieces, and fell to the ground as a pile of ashes.

The six test benches in the cave hall have basically collapsed, and only the magic circle in the center is still in operation. It continuously absorbs shadow breath from the surroundings to replenish the Shadow Terror's body, allowing him to counteract the power of the world's laws. The black fire is burning, and the Shadow Terror has several big mouths, which are constantly opening and closing. The big hand in the center of the circle full of bone spurs and the black door is pulling the Shadow Terror. body, trying to drag it back to hell.

"This is... the gate of hell. These black mages have been hiding here to study the magic circle connecting the hell world, and they really succeeded in their research!" said the magician Gerald with some shock.

"Our spells can't destroy it, teacher, can we take that thing out..." reminded the young magician on the side.

"Too much reliance on magic devices will not help you much in your cultivation." Gerald reached out and took out a silver cylinder full of inscriptions from his magic pocket.

I saw that seven gem bases were actually installed on this cylinder, and the bases were not inlaid with fragments of magic spar, but pieces of magic spar with complete shapes. Wizard Gerald did not issue any instructions. , The young magicians behind stepped forward one after another, and supported the cylinder with their shoulders.

Magician Gerald inserted a golden key into the lockhole at the back of the cylinder, pressed one hand on the wall of the cylinder, and suddenly the runes on the entire cylinder lit up, a kind of destruction The breath emanating from the cylinder made the Shadow Terror keep backing away in fright, completely ignoring the bone spur protruding from the gate of hell, and its body was completely attached to the gate of hell, it even wanted to go back.

But Magician Gerald would not give it this chance. As the magic circles on the cylinder lit up, a light bullet slowly appeared in the cylinder, and a magic spar tree on the wall of the cylinder It shattered into powder with a 'snap', and a large amount of magic power gathered in the cylinder.


A strong beam of light shot out from the cylinder, and instantly hit the body of the Shadow Terror a hundred meters away, and a ball of light appeared inside the body of the Shadow Terror, and the strong light emitted by the light ball penetrated The body of the Shadow Terror was smashed, and then the body of the Shadow Terror was completely torn apart by the light group, and even the gate of hell connected to the Terror was completely destroyed by the energy burst out of the light group.

The remaining dark purple flesh and blood had no energy source, and were quickly burned to ashes by the black fire formed by the power of the world's laws.

Suldak opened his mouth and looked at the scene in front of him in surprise. After the light bomb fired from the cylinder exploded silently, it was more like a flash bomb without forming any shock waves, and the Terror was under the light bomb. fall apart.

Captain Sauron stood beside Suldak, patted his shoulder with relief, and asked in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Have you never seen a magic cannon?"

Suldak nodded again and again, looking at Captain Sauron curiously.

Captain Sauron knew what he wanted to hear, and said, "This magic cannon belongs to an ancient magic device passed down from the era of Hex, and it is one of the few magic devices in the Hailansa Magic Guild."

"Sauron, this is top-secret information in the Hailansa Magic Union. You'd better not talk about these taboo topics in front of the members of the law enforcement team. We don't want everyone to know about the cards in our hands..." Jie Luo The Eld magician coughed a few times next to him, and calmly reminded Captain Sauron.

"Okay, I know the rules of your law enforcement team! At this time, is someone coming in to clean up the battlefield?" Captain Sauron changed the subject and said.

As he said that, Magician Gerald frowned, looked at the six test benches that had collapsed in the stone room, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that this is the magic laboratory of the Black Magic Retreat that we have been looking for. There are six test benches, which means that there are at least six black magicians leading the research project of this magic circle. Now it seems that there is only one black magician left here. Your guard battalion must cooperate with us this time and find out as soon as possible. The true identities and whereabouts of the remaining black mages..."

"The security battalion is bound to do this." Captain Sauron said with his chest out.

At this time, Suldak felt that someone was greeting him from behind, and turned around to find that Karl was waving to him from behind, showing a concerned expression...

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