Lord Highlander

Chapter 355. 354. The Source of Fear in My Heart

After the incident at Grenfell Manor, the nobles in High Lansa City began to cleanse the Black Magic Priory. Nobles with eye patterns tattooed on certain parts of their bodies will be subject to very strict scrutiny. Many young members of noble families Being involved made the daily work of the guard battalion very busy.

At the same time, it is unknown how many young nobles were confined at home, or simply left Hailansa City to study outside.

But... Whether those young nobles left their hometowns to pursue their dreams, or to avoid the huge waves in the noble circle of Hailansa City, the truth is unknown.

The Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union killed two magicians and injured two magicians in this incident, which can be regarded as paying a heavy price. Of course, no one will die in vain. The city of Sassex brings a greater right to speak, and the influence of traditional aristocratic forces has been further reduced in this incident. Most of the people who know the news believe that it is the stubbornness, arrogance and conservatism of these traditional aristocratic families that have become black magic. A good soil for the spread and survival of the monastery.

All of a sudden, the civilians in Hailansa City also complained to the nobles. Those who have black eye tattoos, whether they are peripheral members of the Black Magic Priory or not, will not have a good time during this time. The House of Representatives requires the guard camp To restore good law and order in Hailansa City as soon as possible, the knights of this guard battalion are like mad dogs biting people all over the city. They rode black war horses and wore black full-face armor, so they were nicknamed "black dogs" by the city people.

Obviously, this is not a pet name, but soon, the whole city accepted this joking name for the Knight of the Guard Battalion.

As a result, the Hailansa Opera House was closed for a month for large-scale rectification. Some opera dancers who had some friendship with Samya were investigated by the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team, or it could be said that they were monitored. Although this group of people was not arrested I was put in prison, but I had to go to the guard camp every week to report my itinerary for a week, including where I went every day, who I met, and what I did. If you don’t want to arouse the suspicion of the knights in the guard camp, Just ground yourself at home.

During this period, a heavy snowfall fell in the city of Hailansa, completely decorating the city in silver.

Suldak's life has also returned to the right track. He still has to go to class with the books of culture class every day. Assistant teacher Pablo changed some courses for him so that he can finally participate in some physical training classes. However, the Knight Academy Those trainee knights who didn't know Suldak still secretly called him the 'Clerk Knight', thinking that he was the knight with the least fighting power among the many commissioned knights.

I don't know how many people there are "you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour".

In short, Suldak did not get rid of his indecent title because of the Grenfell Manor incident. Many people in the Knight Academy believed that Suldak was able to return safely because the black magician hijacked Instructor Darcy Christie, after all, she was the daughter of Christie's consul in Hailansa City.

In Hailansa City after winter, people put on thick winter clothes. People walking on the street are no longer slouching. They step on the "creaking" snow. Everyone seems to be cautious for fear of slipping. Unfortunately, in this freezing season, I broke my hands and feet, and I have to wait until the beginning of next spring to get out of bed. Although the city is more abundant than the countryside, it is for civilians with jobs and assets. For the nobles in the city, every cold winter is not so friendly to the tramps, poor and down-and-out nobles in the city.

The cold wind was blowing on his face, and Suldak wiped the frost and snow from his mouth. He regretted running out to blow the cold wind in this weather. If he had known it was so cold outside, he should have been lying on the bed in the dormitory and watching those interesting Grimm Empire history books.

He is currently reading "The Secret History of the Angibald Royal Court". The aesthetic and emotional entanglements of the royal family members in it opened his eyes. It turns out that the queens of the Grimm Empire are not only human beings, but also Silver Moon on the World Tree City. The elves, Janna in the endless sea, and even earlier, the winged princess in the sky city and the female dragon in the dragon kingdom.

College life is of course quite enjoyable. The two neighbors in the dormitory next door—Linna and Nedra started their sophomore experience journey the day before yesterday. It is said that they are going to clean up the red pine forest in the eastern part of Hailansa City. Timber Wolf. In recent years, the red pine forest has become a potential safety hazard. There are always wolves attacking villages every year.

Suldak didn't know if they could successfully peel off those gray wolf skins, but it didn't matter whether they could peel them off or not. Anyway, those wolf skins were not very valuable. The wolf teeth and wolf ears were worth a little. Go back to the logistics and military supply office in Hailansa City, and you can exchange some rewards that are not generous. As for those spikes, you can only buy them from shops that sell hunting bows. Merchants use them to make some spikes. Arrows, the hunters in Hailansa City are more aware of Spike Arrows.

These days, Suldak spends his time in the classroom of the Knight Academy every day. Seeing the apprentice knight students who are ten years younger than him sitting around him, Suldak can't help holding his forehead with his hands in pain. Although he is nominally a member of the guard battalion of Hailansa City, he still needs to take classes at the Knight Academy honestly, otherwise he will not be able to get a graduation certificate. This knight certificate is the key to whether he can become an official knight.

Suldak was sitting on the railing beside the gate of the Knight Academy. He flipped through the magic pouch on his body. Back then, he found a magic pouch from the black magician. There were many valuable things in it, including ten Three magic crystals and five gold coins, a magic robe, an antique black magic book and a thick magic note, in addition to some strange magic materials, some magic herbs that are in short supply in the market , more than a dozen different types of magic scrolls and magic potions with no obvious use.

Before Suldak figured out the specific purpose and value of these things, he didn't plan to take them to the magic shop and sell them rashly, and he wasn't very short of money now.

Recently, Suldak had two new friends, Darcy Christie and Lance. He was sitting on the railing of the college gate, and he made an appointment with Lance to meet here.

Although Darcy Christie does not admit the friendship between the two, since the last time they were hijacked by the black magician, there has been an intersection between the two. Darcy Christie of swordsmanship will discuss it, but Darcy Christie's swordsmanship is the same as Hathaway's. Most of them are fancy routines. It may look dazzling, but it is not a practical sword skill honed on the battlefield. This kind of sword Skills can only win applause in the arena, nothing more.

Of course, Darcy Christie does not approve of this. She thinks that her physical fitness is weak, and her lack of strength and speed has caused many flaws in her sword skills. As long as she has a set of elementary magic pattern structures, it is enough to make up for these shortcomings. You can become a real middle-level swordsman and kill all sides on the battlefield.

Suldak was not going to tell her the truth. He felt that there was nothing wrong with a person who had a little bit of a dream and a bit of pursuit. Anyway, Dacie Christie was destined not to go to the battlefield, so he didn't need to look directly at the cruelty there.

Sometimes the two would have lunch together in the cafeteria of the academy. The students in the Knight Academy were naturally envious of Suldak being able to get close to Instructor Darcy Christie. Some even prayed that a certain black magician would When the teacher came to the Knight Academy and hijacked Instructor Darcy Christie, it was best to snatch him away as well.

As for the young magician Lance, the members of the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team are currently resting and have not taken any missions out. Lance has been doing some simple magic experiments in the Magic Union laboratory these days, and occasionally sneaks out Talk to Suldak or something, the magic union is not far from the Knight Academy, and Lance thinks that Suldak is worth developing into a peripheral member of the magic union.

Every magician noble needs to have a knight retinue so that they can protect them in close combat. Magicians master some powerful magic skills and can strike opponents from a long distance, but their bodies are weaker than ordinary people. Once approached by the enemy on the battlefield, they will face great danger, so many magician nobles will have their own knights.

Regarding the incident at Grenfell Manor, the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union also joined forces with the Knights of the High Lansa Guard Battalion to act together.

It's just that I didn't expect that the opponent's magician would sacrifice his life at the end, forcefully opened the gate of hell, and summoned a shadow terror. Still showing great strength. According to the subsequent analysis of Magician Gerald, the magician's law enforcement team, it was pure luck that two of the four magicians in the cave survived.

The magician Lance, wearing a black and white striped votive robe, jumped off a magic caravan. His feet slipped and he almost fell into the snow wall on the side of the road. He was wearing a pair of exaggerated pointed leather shoes. Holding a magic book, wearing a gray wool scarf, the whole body looks very bloated.

He stepped on the snow, with two streams of white steam coming out of his nose, he walked carefully to Suldak and stopped, showing his white teeth to Suldak, and said: "It's such a cold day, do you want to drink it?" Have a drink?"

The Hailansa people gave Suldak the impression that whether they are knights or magicians, young or old, their favorite thing to say when they meet each other is, "Would you like to have a drink together..." This makes Suldak a little Speechless, Suldak didn't intend to get drunk in the morning.

Seeing that Suldak didn't respond, the magician Lance rubbed his frozen hands vigorously, and said, "...well, you didn't say that I need to identify some things, or else it's time to come to my experiment. Sit over there? You may not know that some identifications require some special magic crystals."

Seeing that Suldak did not respond positively, the magician Lance smiled sarcastically: "Of course, I asked you out this time because the Magic Union received the authoritative information from the city of Bena. The Shadow Terror not only It can send out soul screams to make people fall into nightmares and can't extricate themselves, and can also control nightmares to make people feel fear and despair. Finally, taking advantage of the collapse of the spiritual world, they break through the spiritual defense line in nightmares, thereby controlling and occupying people's bodies, becoming to be his puppet,"

"Of course, it can also make people fall into a nightmare, and then use some means to kill them silently." The magician Lance said while making gestures: "The former can enhance one's own strength, and the latter is simpler and more effective. "

He dragged Suldak into his magic caravan, and the cabin was very warm. He leaned on the brown soft leather sofa, gave Suldak a glass of light green transparent liquid, and poured himself a glass, and then he was happy took a sip.

Lance said to Suldak: "Do you know what kind of despair I was facing at that time? There was a red dragon squatting in front of me. If you hadn't woken me up, the dragon in the nightmare might have died. It will swallow me up in one gulp, and if that's the case, I may also become the magic puppet of this shadow terror. In fact, it's not a real dragon at all, it's just a fear that I dare not face, but I was really about to break down."

Then Lance said: "My friend Merlin even dreamed that he was entangled by a Medusa just in his dream. Just as those beautiful eyes were about to look at him, I woke him up."

Lance asked curiously: "I'm a little curious, what kind of fear did you experience to wake up from the nightmare?"

When Lance asked such a question, Suldak immediately understood that this should be a routine investigation by the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team, otherwise Lance would never ask such a question rashly, which is probably what Lance said, magic The senior executives of the trade union law enforcement team couldn't understand why they could wake up from the nightmare, so they asked Lance to come forward to do some investigations.

Suerdak held the cup of green snot-like liquid under his nose and smelled it. There was a faint apple fragrance in the cup.

Even though he knew it would definitely not be too bad to drink, Suldak still didn't have the courage to take a sip.

He put the glass on the table, rubbed his forehead with his fingers, pondered for a while and said: "How should I put it... There is a big lake in front of my house, and a thick layer of ice will form on the lake in winter. When it’s cold, if you cut a hole in the lake ice, fish in the lake will be caught. I was very afraid of falling into this kind of ice hole when I was a child. After going down, I might not be able to find the exit of the ice hole, even if I can swim, I can only stick under the ice layer, this is the fear in my heart."

Lance didn't expect that the fear in Suldak's heart turned out to be this. What's so scary about it...

Suldak smiled shyly, and said, "I remember cutting through the ice with a craftsman's sword at that time, even if I overcome this fear."

Lance suddenly had a strange idea in his mind: 'It seems that being a little ignorant when I was a child is actually not bad. '

Of course, Suldak would not say that he dreamed about his homework in middle school, but only vaguely said: "As for some nightmares later, some of them can't be regarded as fears hidden in my heart at all, and some of them may be some of my memories. ..."

In fact, he was not married in his previous life, and he didn’t even have a girlfriend. He just talked about his life with his friends while drinking: It’s not terrible to be a successor. I’m afraid that if you don’t even raise a son, it’s not your own. How terrifying that would be, how hopeless it would feel...

So for these illusory things, even in his dream, Suldak can clearly distinguish that they are not real. He smiled and said to Lance: "Of course I also experienced some illusory things, but it is not a dragon or a dragon. Ancient giants, etc. Maybe that shadow terror doesn't understand the so-called fear hidden in the bottom of his heart at all, and maybe it's not a fear at all in front of a Diaosi..."

As for death after old age, isn't he reborn?

What's so scary about that!

Suldak told Lanstein: "In the end, when it comes to facing life and death, I don't care about that form of death at all."

"..." Lance was a little speechless when he heard Suldak's words, and said according to what he could understand: "Yes, you can perceive the elements of the sacred attribute and possess the power of the holy light, even if you die in the future , will naturally enter the Kingdom of God..."

So Lance found out that Suldak had such potential, so he tried hard to persuade him: "By the way, should you reconsider my previous proposal? Becoming a peripheral member of the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team will enjoy more benefits than normal." .”

Suldak rubbed his forehead helplessly and said, "Please, I just joined the guard battalion last month."

"I know, I just hope you can think about it again, after all, our law enforcement team has a much better reputation than the guard battalion." Lance...

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