Lord Highlander

Chapter 358: 357. Black Curse

Not accepting Ivan Baruch's invitation to have a drink, Suldak and Miss Dacie Christie stood on the street and chatted for a while.

The weather is relatively cold. Let a lady wearing a noble court-style dress stand on the street in winter. Even the winter clothes will soon shiver from the cold. Forget about the training in the sword gym the day after tomorrow, she will reserve a practice room in advance, and then invite Miss Hoyle and Knight Ivan Baruch to board the carriage.

Darcy Christie ordered the coachman to continue the previous journey, and the coachman huddled in his fur coat hurriedly drove the carriage forward slowly.

Suldak waved to the three young men, said 'I will never forget', and watched them leave in the carriage.


Two days later in the morning, Surdak was lying on the bed only to feel a sharp pain in his right calf, and woke up from his dream.

Crawling out of the bed and cutting off the hemostatic bandage covering the wound, Suldak suddenly found that the wound that looked like it was about to heal had returned to its original appearance. Surrounded by slowly festering blood holes, it was unexpected that even the power of the Holy Light could not heal the wound. The "Divine Blessing Body" could only temporarily restrain the wound from further deterioration. Once the blessing effect disappeared, the wound deteriorated rapidly. Sur Dak finally realized that there was some trouble in this matter.

Although there are offerings such as eleven sand wolf heads in the magic fanny pack, these offerings cannot be expected to heal the leg wound.

He re-bandaged the wound, washed his face casually in the dormitory, asked the assistant teacher Pablo for leave, and walked out of the academy with a limp.

The fallen leaves on the street were cleaned very cleanly. Walking along the long street towards the Magic Union, there would be empty carriages approaching from time to time along the way, and asked Suldak if he needed to rent a magic caravan, but was politely refused. Well, the distance between the Knight Academy and the Magic Union is not too far. Although it is a bit inconvenient to walk, it is definitely not to the point where it is impossible to walk.

Walking into the lobby on the first floor of the magic tower, with the help of the waitress at the front desk, Lance hurried out of the research room wearing a magic robe, and asked Suldak with a look of surprise: "Suldak K, have you changed your mind?"

Suldak was sitting in the waiting area of ​​the lobby on the first floor. Seeing the excited Lance, he waved his hands in embarrassment and explained: "Oh, no! I need your help this time. Didn't you say you knew someone last time?" A magic scholar who is proficient in human anatomy, can help me look at my leg injury, I want to see him, the power of the Holy Light seems useless."

"My God, it's been almost two weeks, how did you get this far?" Lance looked at Suldak speechlessly and said, "I'll go see Scholar Ferdinand right away, come with me .”

Lance made a decisive decision and pulled Suldak up the spiral staircase to the second floor of the Magic Union. Suldak said with some scruples: "Lance, is this too abrupt?"

Lance waved his hand and comforted Suldak: "It's okay, Scholar Ferdinand is very easy-going."

As he was walking along the spiral staircase, a magician walked towards him in the corridor. Suldak quickly stopped and greeted him: "Mr. Francis Magician, hello."

Magician Francis was also surprised. He didn't expect to see Suldak, so he hurriedly asked, "Knight Suldak, long time no see. Did you get the fresh meat of the salamander again?"

Standing in the corridor, Suldak said to Magician Francis who was holding a tray of magic potions, "That's not the case. My friend and I came here to visit a magic scholar."

Francis glanced at the tray in his hand, signaled to Suldak that he would leave immediately, and said very politely: "Then I still have things to do, and if you need help, you can come to me at any time."

Suldak quickly straightened his posture, saluted the magician Francis, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Magician Francis."

After the magician Francis walked into a laboratory with a tray, Lance said curiously beside Suldak: "So you still have acquaintances in the Magic Union!"

"To be precise, Magician Francis is my client," Suldak explained.

The two walked side by side in the corridor, and there were always some magic apprentices running over in a hurry. They looked very busy, and the entire magic union was filled with a tense atmosphere.

"Client?" Lance couldn't understand the word, so he repeated it.

Suldak smiled and said, "Sometimes I hunt salamanders in the mountains, and I will sell the salamander meat in Hailansa City, and sometimes I will send some to this master magician."

"Salamander, are you still a witcher?" Lance asked with an incredulous expression.

If Suldak is a demon hunter, then Lance needs some troublesome procedures if he wants to cooperate with Suldak. The main reason is that the magic union does not trust those demon hunters who have no position and only have magic spar in their eyes. Although the Demon Hunters Union is a relatively loose organization, it undertakes various tasks like the Mercenary Union, mainly focusing on hunting.

Suldak knew about demon hunters, but he was only a reserve knight at the moment, so he said, "I'm not a demon hunter. I just happened to encounter salamanders twice in Mount Pagros."

"...I have to say that you are very lucky." Lance said enviously.

As a magician in the Law Enforcement Group of the Magic Union, he doesn't think a salamander is difficult to deal with. He just thinks that Suldak is very lucky. Those fire lizards that are difficult to hide, this kind of fire monster, no matter the leather on the body or the fresh meat of the monster, are very popular among magicians.

The two walked to the door of a research room on the second floor of the spiral staircase. Lance stopped, adjusted his collar outside the door, stood up straight, took a deep breath, knocked on the door, and looked inside. Asked: "Is the Ferdinand scholar here?"

The door was pushed open by a magician's assistant. He looked out from the inside and said with a straight face: "Master Scholar is doing an experiment. If you have anything to do, you'd better come back tomorrow!"

Lance and Suldak looked at each other. They didn't expect to be rejected so happily. Just as they were about to turn around and leave, they heard someone in the room say: "It's okay, Maggie, let them in!"

The magician's assistant looked at Suldak and Lance warily, pushed the door open, and stepped aside to let the two enter the research room.

The research room is full of various large and small glass jars. These glass jars are as tall as a person, and the smaller ones are only as big as a fist. They contain liquids of various colors, and the organs of certain creatures are soaked in the liquids. , There are glass jars of this kind all over the room. It is estimated that there will be at least a few hundred jars. A magician with a naked upper body is sitting by the test bench, peeling off a piece of lizard skin from his shoulder, watching him He didn't feel any pain at all, and was bloody and bloody. Lance hurried forward and handed him a hemostatic gauze.

The magic assistant also ran over and unfolded a magic scroll of 'hydrotherapy'. A flash of white light flashed, and the wound on the magician's shoulder healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

After treating the wound on the shoulder, the magician put on the magic robe again. He has large tattoos on his chest and abdomen. Suldak knew that those magic patterns were a kind of magic pattern structure that could be drawn on the body. The swordsman Bacarel said that his body was covered with burn scars. I am afraid that he will not be able to inscribe this magic pattern structure on his body in the future, which will greatly reduce his own power.

Unexpectedly, the Ferdinand scholar was doing some kind of experiment with his own body. Seeing the bloody scene, Suldak had to admire the courage of the Ferdinand scholar.

The magic scholar was very approachable. He invited Lance and Suldak to sit in the rest area next to them, and asked very enthusiastically, "Oh, Lance, your vacation is not over yet?"

"I've been tasked to leave the day after tomorrow," Lance said.

Scholar Ferdinand nodded, and then asked, "So, what do you want from me?"

Lance pointed to Suldak beside him, and said to Scholar Ferdinand: "This is my friend Knight Suldak. In fact, he encountered a little trouble and wanted to seek your help. "

Scholar Ferdinand gave Lance a lot of face, pointed at Lance, and said helplessly, "You really know how to make trouble!"

Then he asked Suldak seriously, "Knight Suldak, what can I do for you?"

Suldak quickly rolled up the loose trouser legs, exposing the bandage-wrapped legs, and said to Scholar Ferdinand: "This leg has a little injury, but it just hasn't healed."

Scholar Ferdinand was not polite either. He immediately approached Suldak, squatted beside his legs and said with a serious face, "Let me take a look..."

Suldak untied the wrapped bandage, and the blood hole inside expanded again, almost the size of an egg, and the surrounding wounds festered again. Scholar Ferdinand stretched out his hand to the magician assistant beside him, The assistant handed over a piece of magic crystal on the test bench almost without any prompts. Scholar Ferdinand took the transparent triangular crystal and carefully scanned it around Suldak's leg.

He frowned slightly, and carefully scraped off a trace of festering flesh and blood from the edge of the wound, placed it beside a magic crystal ball on the test bench, and then chanted the incantation, only to see that the flesh and blood the size of a fingernail turned into a streak of black in a moment The flame disappeared.

Scholar Ferdinand's face became more serious. He raised his head and asked Suldak, "How long has your wound been there?"

"It's almost two weeks," Suldak replied.

The Ferdinand scholar continued to ask: "Where did this injury occur?"

Seeing that Scholar Ferdinand had a serious expression, Lance quickly explained for Suldak: "He is a knight in the guard battalion, and he was injured when he went out with me on the mission of Grenfell Manor last time. "

With Lance's endorsement, Scholar Ferdinand nodded and suddenly said: "It turns out to be the black magic of the Black Magic Priory, and this explains it clearly."

However, he asked Suldak curiously: "What did you use to keep it from deteriorating further? It is supposed to be a miracle that your leg didn't completely rot after delaying treatment for so long."

Suldak froze on the spot for a moment, he didn't expect his injury to be so serious, he thought it was just a burn that didn't heal, but now it seems that it's not that simple.

"No way, it's so serious?" Lance also opened his mouth wide, showing a surprised expression.

Scholar Ferdinand nodded in a serious manner and said: "This is not an ordinary wound. He was cursed by black magic. If it was before, this kind of black magic curse is easy to deal with. Just go to the gods in Hailansa City. Temple, you can find that priest to purify the curse for you, but now the temple in Hailansa City has been completely closed, and the priest disappeared two years ago. If you want to lift the curse, you have to It's a big problem."

Then the Ferdinand scholar said: "However, I hope you can answer, how do you delay the black magic curse from eroding your body?"

Suldak quickly released a trace of sacred aura, causing a faint golden light to appear in the palm of his hand. Explaining this from a magical point of view, this should be regarded as a trace of magical element with a sacred attribute.

Suldak said: "They said that I have mastered a little bit of holy magic elements."

Scholar Ferdinand looked at Suldak again, nodded to him and said, "Oh... no wonder this happened, it turned out to be another fighter who has awakened magic perception, and the awakened one is very rare Holy attribute, I don’t even know how long it’s been since the Grimm Empire saw a paladin.”

Lance interjected and asked, "Scholar Ferdinand, can you lift this black magic curse?"

The Ferdinand scholar pondered for a moment before saying: "This... I don't know until I have tried it. My magic research does not involve black magic and curses, but you can perceive the magic elements of the sacred attribute, the magic element of the holy light. The power is just enough to restrain the black magic, maybe the answer to the curse of the black magic... lies in yourself, you can't completely eliminate it now because you are not strong enough."

"What should I do? Scholar Ferdinand." Suldak humbly asked for advice.

Scholar Ferdinand looked at Suldak, hesitated for a moment, and said, "This... My method is to saw off your buttocks, and let the black magic curse and your half of your leg be thrown into the furnace together. Burn them together. And I am sure to replace you with a more useful new leg. Of course, you can also choose some non-human monster body parts, such as the tentacles of a king squid, or the hind legs of a magic antelope. That will make you run faster and jump higher..."

It seemed to Suldak that Scholars Ferdinand was not joking.

He wanted to smile, but his face became a little stiff, and he couldn't laugh no matter what.

"Is there no other way?"

"I can help you prepare some potions to help you suppress the deterioration of the injury, but the effect should be very limited. The only way at present is to continue to drag the leg injury, and wait until you become stronger, so that the divine power can completely suppress it It, or simply melt it away..." Ferdinand Scholar said to Suldak: "Or you can find a priest in the temple to help you cleanse the curse..."

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