Lord Highlander

Chapter 359

"A potion that can suppress the black magic curse?"

Suldak looked at Scholar Ferdinand blankly.

"That's right," said the Ferdinand scholar. "Looking for a priest, at this stage, is basically impossible in the city of Hailansa. The only way to dispel the curse is to use this 'dispelling' potion..."

He took a blank piece of parchment from the experimental table, and quickly wrote a series of words with a quill pen, all of which were names of magic herbs that Suldak had never heard of, such as the three emperor blood grass ...Just hearing the name of this magic herb, I feel that it is very rare.

The Ferdinand scholar raised his head and gave Suldak a serious look, and said, "I can prepare the potion for you for free, but you need to find a way to collect some of the magic herbs in it. Magic herbs are very scarce. Many magic herbs that are usually more common are hard to buy now. Many magic herb shops in the Magic Union have closed down one after another in the past few months. These rare magic herbs on the list may have to be auctioned. Try your luck."

"I will pay more attention, Scholar Ferdinand." Suerdak took the parchment, looked at the names of herbs in the list of herbs, and secretly complained.

It is no secret that magic herbs are scarce in the market of the Grimm Empire.

In the past few years, wars between the planes of the Grimm Empire broke out frequently, until the priests and priests in the Temple of Liberty refused to give any form of help to the Grimm Empire army, the war casualties doubled overnight, and the price of magic herbs on the magic market Skyrocketing.

As several planes rich in magic herbs were captured by the forces of hell, magic herbs in many areas of the Green Empire were out of stock.

Suldak put this list of herbs in his pocket very carefully, thinking about how to get so many kinds of rare magic herbs. If the production cost of these magic herbs is higher than those sand wolf head sacrifices, it would be better Simply use the 'Divine Blessing Body' to suppress the black curse in the body.

According to Ferdinand scholars, the power of the holy light in my body happens to be the nemesis of the black curse, but its existing power cannot completely remove the black curse. If I continue to light up those nodes in my body, maybe It won't take long to dissolve the black spell.

The Ferdinand scholar also saw the problem of Suldak. He probably felt that Suldak could not suppress the black curse on his body, so he whispered to him: "If it is really impossible to restrain the black curse, Spread, when the injury worsens to the point where you have to give up this leg, you can come to me at any time, I didn’t joke with you before, I can change your leg for you, as long as it’s not a human leg—the animal legs in these vessels can be used at will. You choose, and... most importantly, you will gain some new abilities because of this beast leg."

After saying this, he stood up and walked to a group of glass containers next to the rest area, knocked on the nearly one-meter-high glass container with his hand, and motioned for two people to come closer and admire his collections for many years.

Suldak and Lance leaned over and found that the container was filled with a light green liquid, and there was a beast leg soaked in it. The hairy beast leg looked very strong, and there were some dark magic patterns on the gray fur. It has two thick toes at the end, and it looks like two sweet potatoes squeezed together.

The Ferdinand scholar said to Suldak: "This is the hind leg cut from an adult male jerboa. If you choose the hind leg of this jerboa, maybe you will have a step to jump out." Excellent jumping ability of seven or eight meters, if you choose the front legs of this magic antelope..."

The Ferdinand scholar pointed to a glass jar next to it, and he introduced the treasures in the laboratory to Suldak with great interest.

Lance followed, winking at Suldak frequently.

Suldak understood the intention of Lance's eyes in his heart, probably explaining that the Ferdinand scholar has such a personality, and he likes to show off his weird collections to others.

He nodded calmly to Lance, indicating that he understood.

After the Ferdinand scholar introduced five or six kinds of Warcraft legs in one breath, he glanced at the glass jars around him eagerly. If it wasn't for the magic seal on it, the Ferdinand scholar might want to open the jar. Fish out the beast leg inside and show it to Suldak.

"These are all monster specimens?" Suldak looked at those glass jars, some of which contained monster heads, and thought to himself: If another head can survive, can it still be counted as a human being?

The Ferdinand scholar said solemnly to Suldak: "They are not specimens. These are all the magic materials I have accumulated over the years. Don't look at them being dismembered, but I can guarantee...they are still alive. "

As he spoke, he knocked on the side wall of another glass bottle with his magic wand, and saw that there was a head of a pan-sheep in the glass bottle. I really opened my eyes, and there was an indescribable weirdness.

The Ferdinand scholar again said earnestly:

"In the past few years, I have been following my teacher, a Schindke University scholar, who is devoted to the research of magic biology. My teacher is currently researching the subject of 'magic pattern transfer'. We have tried to combine the bodies of some powerful monsters with other The heads of some primitive intelligent creatures are joined together to give them new abilities. This kind of experimental research has begun to bear fruit, and I am sure that through the magic circle and magic contract, these beast legs can be perfectly integrated with your body."

Suldak kept smiling politely, and shook his head resolutely, thinking that he would never be able to connect a beast's leg no matter what.

The Ferdinand scholar sighed, but still refused to give up and said: "If you want to try, you can come to me at any time... People can't give up worldly prejudices."

Of course, he whispered the last sentence.

"Scholar Ferdinand, for the time being... I have no intention of giving up this right leg." Suldak said to Scholar Ferdinand.

"Of course, no one is going to ask you to make a choice right away!" replied the Ferdinand scholar.

Seeing that the Ferdinand scholar is still a well-versed scholar, Suldak asked curiously: "Can some part of these magical beasts really colonize our bodies?"

"Of course, it seems that you still don't understand this subject of magic." The Ferdinand scholar saw that Suldac didn't reject these things, and immediately regained his spirits. He continued to preach: "Speaking of this, I'm afraid there may be some Many magicians can't understand it, and some magicians even think that "magic pattern transfer" belongs to the category of black magic. In fact, this is advanced magic biology, and I am a very successful example..."

As he spoke, he lifted off his magic robe, let Suldak look at his legs with brown scales, and said to Suldak: "This is a jungle iguana caught from a wild swamp. I got it from my body. At that time, I was adventuring in the wild swamp with Teacher Xin Deji. The petrified ray in the eyes of a petrified lizard shot my legs. At that time, my legs turned into two hard stone pillars. I did not hesitate at that time. I chose to transplant the healthy legs of the iguana, and I participated in the whole process of transplanting magic."

"This is also the transplanting magic ritual that I am most sure of succeeding." The Ferdinand scholar swore, "Isn't it convincing? Look, it's actually very convenient to use, isn't it?"

He took another two steps back and forth in front of Suldak, Suldak squeezed out a smile, and nodded to the Ferdinand scholar.

Suldak remembered what the Great Wizard Inoyatila had said about the colonization suit, which can transplant the magic lines on the body of the monster to the human body. If there is enough carrying capacity, you can get the strength.

After the great wizard Inoyatila transplanted the magic pattern on the monster's body to the aboriginal people, those aboriginal people gained great power for a short time, and they would die soon.

Therefore, although Suldak learned some knowledge about magicweave clothing from the great wizard Inoyatila, he never wanted to study it. Now it seems that what the great wizard Inoyatila told is actually It is so similar to the topics studied by Ferdinand scholars.

Suldak said: "I once met an aboriginal tribe in the deep mountains of Handanar County on the plane of Warsaw. Among the aboriginals, there was a kind of powerful aboriginal warriors. Those warriors were usually just a group of ordinary tribes. Indigenous people, before each war, the big witches in the tribe will stick the hunted monster leather on their bodies. They will temporarily have powerful power, but this power usually does not last long. When their power disappears, life It has also come to an end, due to the continuous wars in recent years, almost all the men in that tribe have died."

"The infantry squad I belonged to went deep into that area in order to chase a blue-faced evil spirit..."

Surdak simply described the native tribe.

The Ferdinand scholar listened very carefully, and he even asked in great detail how the Great Wizard Ino Yatila completely stripped the monster's hide and how to transfer those powers.

Of course, Suldak couldn't say the 'sacrifice ceremony', so he just said vaguely that he didn't quite understand it.

The Ferdinand scholar was a little bit sorry, and wished he could go to the Warsaw plane immediately. He rubbed his hands vigorously, and said to Suldak:

"The kind you mentioned is also a kind of 'magic-weave transfer'. They just implanted animal skins or bones with magic-weave on their bodies. This is called 'magic-weave implant' in the field of magic. The magic pattern structure is more powerful, but the premise is to explore the mystery of the life magic pattern, that is, you must first be proficient in the life magic pattern, and find a suitable carrier. Once the carrier cannot receive the power of the life magic pattern, it will endanger your life .”

Lance seldom heard of this kind of knowledge. He also pretended to be listening when he heard the Ferdinand scholar talk about the "Magicweave Dressing". The Ferdinand scholar kept asking Suldak for details. Suldak will tell the whole process of the battle that opened the gate of evil spirits in the valley where the indigenous tribes are located.

The Ferdinand scholar even asked the three indigenous warriors whether they needed to eat, sleep and go to the bathroom after gaining power.

When Suldak said that they all died one after another within a week after the victory in the battle, he couldn't help sighing.

"I'm very interested in these interesting observations. I hope you can talk to me more about these things and tell me what you know. If possible in the future, I would like to organize an expedition to the Warsaw plane, but right now No, I heard that the Duke of Ryan Busman caused big trouble in the imperial capital. Not only did he completely anger the Wizards Guild, he also offended the Prince of Wales and Prince James, and he got out of the imperial capital in disgrace. When we arrive at the Warsaw plane, a large number of magicians are currently evacuating from the Warsaw plane, so it would not be wise for us to go to the Warsaw plane at this time."

"What about the Duke of Newman? Will he lead the Benar Legion to evacuate from the Warsaw plane?" This was the first time Lance heard the news, and he hurriedly asked the Ferdinand scholar.

"That's not necessarily true. At present, the Bena Legion is distributed in Handanar County on the Warsaw plane. If they want to withdraw across the board, even if it is the transfer of the territory, it will not be completed within half a year." Ferdinand The scholar said: "What's more, there are so many business groups and huge logistics supply lines supporting the Bena Army, how can it be so easy to withdraw."

"I hope that the Benar Legion will not be involved..." Lance muttered.

Suldak and Lance had a long chat with the Ferdinand scholar.

In the end, the magic assistant of the Ferdinand scholar urged the meeting of the Magic Union to start, and the Ferdinand scholar reluctantly got up to attend the meeting. Before leaving, he told Suldak that he would come to the Magic Union when he had time. Go around, except for the few rare magic herbs, Ferdinand scholars can help you gather common magic herbs on the magic potion list.

When Lance took Suldak out of the second floor of the Magic Tower, and the two walked out of the gate of the Magic Union, Lance let out a long breath, patted his chest and said to Suldak: "I was really afraid that you would be killed by Fodi. The Nande scholar convinced him and agreed to his magic experiment..."

Lance carefully reminded Suldak: "Actually, the potion he prepared is more reliable. You must not give up your right leg in a flash of enthusiasm."

Suldak nodded with a smile, indicating that he would not.

Although he hadn't thought about changing his leg, he was very interested in the magic-weave breeding outfit told by the Ferdinand scholar.

"Are you going to visit the magic herb shop?" Lance said enthusiastically, "I know the owner of the magic herb shop very well. I think he can help you."

"Okay!" Suldak agreed.

The two of them strolled around the magic herb shops around the magic union. Only then did Suldak have a clear understanding of magic herbs. There were hardly any valuable magic herbs on the shelves of these magic herb shops. Grass, only some of the most common hemostatic grass, the bosses in those herbal medicine shops are mostly frowning, there is no need for them to complain, one can see at a glance how depressed the magic herb industry is.

The two wandered around until dark, but they couldn't find any magic grass on the list.

Lance said with some frustration: "It seems that you can only go to the auction house to try your luck. Now most of the magic herbs are sold in the auction house."

Suldak nodded. He knew that there was an auction house in the tavern in Hailansa City, and he thought he could find time to go there. Thinking of this, he touched his magic pocket, the items in the auction house It won't be too cheap.

Lance said to Suldak again: "I will also help you pay attention to the news of the priests in the Temple of Liberty..."

Suldak expressed his gratitude to Lance for his enthusiastic help. Originally, the two wanted to have a drink. On the way, Lance saw the lighthouse on the top of the magic tower light up red, his face changed slightly, and he turned to Suldak. Said: "It seems that alcohol is too much to drink. The law enforcement team has called all members of the city, and I have to rush there..."

As he said that, he pulled out a magic handle from the magic pocket, nimbly rode on the magic handle, and flew towards the magic tower under the dusk with a 'swish' sound.

Suldak had no choice but to drag his injured leg back to the dormitory of the Knight Academy. When he returned to the dormitory, he found that the blood hole on his right leg had been the size of an egg, but the bleeding had stained the hemostatic bandage. Suldak saw himself in the mirror. His face was a little pale, he sat on the bed and thought about it seriously, and started the sacrificial ceremony in the room, a beam of light covered his body, that kind of warm power spread all over his body, and Suldak felt the wound on his leg immediately It was shrinking rapidly, and although it was not completely healed, it was only the size of an arrow hole, and more importantly, the bleeding had stopped.

Suldak thought in his heart, if it really doesn't work, he should go to Pagros Mountain to hunt some sand wolves and save more sacrifices...

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