Lord Highlander

Chapter 360 259. Roaring Miss Darcy

Walking into the sword gym, I just saw Darcy Christie coming out of the practice room wearing tight light leather armor. There was a thin sword hanging around her waist. Her tall and slender legs looked particularly slender, but her The shoulders appear slightly broad, giving a very strong impression.

During the recent period, Suldak often went to the sword hall in the academy to learn sword skills, and most of the time he was invited by Darcy Christie.

Suldak has benefited a lot from this kind of sword skills sparring in the sword hall every time. The fancy sword skills described in many books cannot be understood by just flipping through two pages of books. In this regard, graduation Darcy Christie, who is at the Beina Advanced Swordsman Academy, has very strong strength.

Suldak has a solid grasp of basic sword skills, but he doesn't know much about some subtle sword moves. Many techniques and tactics are learned from the battlefield. Those are fighting skills on the battlefield. During Dacie Christie's competition, Suldak couldn't use those fighting skills on the battlefield, so the sword skill competition was always suppressed by Dacie Christie.

But every time Darcy Christie wants to win against Suldak, she has to use her best skills.

Seeing Suldak appearing at the gate of the sword gym as promised, Miss Daxi had a proud smile on her face and raised her chin slightly, which seemed to better show off her slender neck and delicate collarbone. Suldak said: "Suldak, you are late today."

"Sorry, the story told by Mr. Colin in the history class was a bit long. Even if the bell rang, he refused to announce that school was over. We had to wait for him to finish the story before leaving the classroom. However, the story he told Not bad, this time it tells about the war with the orcs on the Pai Plateau eighty years ago." Suldak walked to the wooden frame, picked a thick wooden sword in his hand, and then followed Daqian. Christie walked into the practice room.

"In that war, the Constructed Knights of the Grimm Empire fought against the wolf cavalry of the orc tribe, but they should not have taken advantage of it. Later, the Grimm Empire's economic blockade of the orc tribe on the Pai Plateau for decades, but in recent days In 2010, the trade between the empire and the orcs seemed to have resumed, and countless caravans flocked to the Pai Plateau to pick up 'gold'." Darcy Christie walked in front, and said to Suldak while walking.

Walking to the front of a practice room, Dacie Christie pushed open the door, and there were clanging and fighting sounds coming from inside.

Suldak didn't expect that there were people in the practice room, and then he discovered that there was Miss Hoyle wearing a set of exquisite leather armor, and it happened to be the knight Ivan Baruch standing opposite her. Seeing that he is teaching Miss Hoyle sword skills persuasively.

After the door was opened by Daxi, the two people in the practice room looked towards the door. When Ivan Baruch saw Suldak standing at the door, he immediately stopped what he was doing and greeted him enthusiastically. Erdak said: "I heard Miss Hoyle say that Knight Suldak and Miss Daxi will have a swordsmanship competition here in the afternoon. I have always wanted to learn the sword skills of Knight Suldak. This time I took the liberty to come here... ..."

Daxi put on an appearance of "Hoyle insisted on bringing him here" to Suldak.

During the recent contact with Daxie, Suldak gradually discovered that Daxie Christie is a noble lady with a distinctive personality. The interests of the people are guaranteed, and they think that even if the interests of others are damaged a little, that is a matter of course.

At the same time, she is the shackles of aristocratic etiquette. She knows that kindness, gentleness, and virtuousness are the words of praise for ladies. As long as her interests are not damaged, these virtues can be seen from her and will Very decently done.

She will put on the posture that a well-educated noble lady should have, at least in the Knight Academy, she is the kind of woman who is admired.

At the same time, she is a cold and arrogant female swordsmanship instructor. She is usually talked about by many apprentice knights in the academy. She is well-known in the academy and is quite sought after by a group of apprentice knights.

Suldak spread his hands and said to Ivan Baruch: "I came to the Knight Academy to make up for my lack of sword skills. I was born as a shield fighter of the heavy armored infantry regiment, and I have never been in contact with advanced sword skills. ,."

When Ivan Baruch heard what Suldak said, he immediately became interested. He said to Suldak very enthusiastically: "I am very proficient in swordsmanship. I can give you some advice. Our Baruch family once There was an earl who was the head of a heavy cavalry regiment under the command of the previous Grand Duke Newman. I always wanted to join the Bena Legion, but my family felt that I was too young and had never had the opportunity to gain meritorious service on the battlefield, otherwise I would never He'll be just a knight now."

Miss Hoyle's eyes kept falling on Ivan Baruch. Hearing what he said, those big eyes seemed even more watery. Miss Hoyle, who was in love, had completely lost her basic judgment, and looked at Ivan Baruch with admiration.

Suldak glanced at Darcy Christie, saw that she was just smiling and said nothing, and said to Ivan Baruch with some headaches: "I'm just a beginner, since Ivan Knight is proficient in advanced swordsmanship, I think forget it!"

Darcy Christie heard what Suldak said and knew that he was unwilling to compete with Ivan Baruch, so she said, "Hoyle, aren't you still going to participate in the auction this afternoon? The delay?"

"Yes! Don't tell me I almost forgot. This time there is a work by Master Mortz. I have always wanted to buy a hat cut by Master Mortz himself. I don't want to miss it this time." Miss Hoyle said.

As he said that, he wanted to take Ivan Baruch away.

Knight Ivan Baruch was a bit reluctant to part with him. He seemed a little unwilling to participate in the auction, but he didn't want to show it. In the end, he was dragged away by Miss Hoyle.

Through the glass window of the practice room, the two could just see Miss Hoyle walking out of the Knight Academy affectionately, holding Ivan Baruch's arm.

When Darcy Christie looked at Ivan Baruch, with a mocking expression on her face, she said to Suldak:

"See it! It's what you saw. Everyone thinks Ivan Baruch is unreliable. Only Hoyle is caught in it by himself. He can't see the many shortcomings of Ivan Baruch. She has been Blindfolded, we friends would not listen to what we advised her, and now all the choices she makes are blind."

Suldak looked at Dacie Christie without saying a word.

Dacie Christie's expression gradually became a little unnatural when she was stared at by Suldak, she relaxed her shoulders, and said indifferently: "Earl Hoyle and my father are close friends, Hoyle and I grew up together, I and a few friends around me don’t know how to persuade her, she won’t listen to anything I say, and I can’t offend Ivan Baruch too much, his grandfather is a member of the Hailansa House of Representatives.”

"...So you dragged him to the sword hall, planning to use my hand to teach him a lesson? Have you ever wondered if Ivan Baruch's family will look for me after I leave? Trouble?" Suldak's face darkened, and he really wanted to turn against the woman in front of him on the spot.

Darcy Christie forced a smile, and said to Suldak: "I know I didn't think carefully..."

Then she tried to explain: "I just feel that you are a little different in Hoyle's eyes. She always looks evasively when she sees you. She is a noble lady who owns a complete viscounty. Marrying her can rank among the nobles. circle, and can inherit a large territory, isn’t that great?”


Suldak felt that he and Dacie Christie had nothing to say, so he turned around and left very simply.

Dacie Christie hurriedly stepped forward to stop Suldak, and said to him: "Hey, wait a minute, I know it's rude not to tell you in advance, but haven't I apologized already? If you can marry a What's wrong with being a noble lady and gaining a large territory?"

Dacie Christie roared loudly at Suldak's back, but Suldak walked out of the sword hall without even looking back.

Thank you for this great reward, although it is a bit late to make up, it can be regarded as an addition, haha

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