Lord Highlander

Chapter 361. 360. Darcy's Invitation

Suldak woke up from his sleep, and the moment he opened his eyes, the sky full of stars floating above the Sea of ​​Spirits also quickly disappeared.

All the sacred aura is hidden in the nodes lit by the holy light, and he can clearly feel a trace of the holy aura enveloping the black curse aura. Nearby, black devil energy continuously appeared, corroding the wound on the leg injury.

What made Suldak feel a little unbelievable was that the trace of black devil energy actually caused the sacred breath in his body to be extremely active. In order to suppress the black devil energy in the wounded leg, every node on the shoulder had to continuously release the sacred breath, which instead It made Suldak's cultivation speed increase a lot at once.

So much so that when he woke up, he felt that there were more than a dozen lit nodes in his body, and it showed a situation that the lit nodes continued to spread to the chest and abdomen.

Every morning, after getting up, Suldak had to re-bandage his leg injury. Recently, Suldak had to sacrifice a sand wolf head every two days. Now he has burned three wolf heads in a row. Completely suppressed, when possessing the 'Blessed Body', the wound on the leg was as tiny as the eye of a needle.

After washing up, standing on the balcony and practicing basic combat skills such as shielding and chopping has almost formed a fixed habit. The flowers and plants in the flowerpots on the balcony fence have completely withered and yellowed, and the remaining snow in the flowerpots has melted again. Freezes on top of the pot soil layer, turning into a layer of ice.

Suldak thought of Wall Village outside the mountain pass. It is estimated that it will be a little colder than Hailansa City there. He doesn't know how old Sheila and everyone are doing, and probably won't be as hard-pressed as last winter. Suldak planned to take advantage of the fact that there was not much snow in the mountains, so he should take the time to go back to Wall Village to have a look, and buy some gifts in Hailansa City to take back.

The craftsman's sword made a humming sound when Suldak swung it with all his strength, and the dwarven chain shield in his hand had some scars on the surface. And the body of the shield, just cut a few holes in the skin.

The dormitory next door is still quiet. Linna and Nedra have not returned from going out for training. It has been three consecutive weeks. The period of this kind of junior knight academy going out for training is generally only allowed to be about four weeks. It is estimated that they will have another week. The training group will return to the Knight Academy, and this journey will also be an important experience in their growth.

In the small garden downstairs, there are still many trainee knights doing morning exercises. Some young trainee knights will greet Suldak when they see him standing on the balcony, and ask him if he wants to join them in the morning Attend class……

Suldak honestly took a morning cultural class in the college. Pablo's assistant teacher has adjusted his courses. Usually, he is busy only in the morning every day, and occasionally arranges one or two classes in the afternoon. Sulda Ke planned to go to the library of the Knight Academy in the afternoon to look for information on how warriors who cultivate both magic and martial arts should practice. In the Knight Academy, there is really very little information on this aspect.

At noon in the cafeteria of the college, Suerdak sat down in the corner of the cafeteria with a plate. The food in the college was not bad, baked very soft chestnut bread, served with a fragrant broth and a boiled Vegetables only cost 20 copper coins, and the chestnut noodle cakes are unlimited, until you are full.

Suldak rolled a piece of chestnut bread into a ball and stuffed it all into his mouth. He was closing his eyes to feel the sweetness of the chestnut bread when he felt a figure sitting across the table. The familiar aroma made Suldak slightly He frowned.

"Why...the weather hasn't subsided after avoiding me for so long? I have admitted my mistake to you. As a gentleman, you should forgive me generously."

Dacie Christie complained slightly in her words, as if she wasn't the one who dug the hole for Suldak back then.

Suldak opened his eyes and saw the blond beauty sitting opposite him. The tight light leather armor set off the tall figure more conspicuously. Her eyes were still a bit domineering.

The eyes of the apprentice knights around fell on this side one after another. Originally, Suldak was sitting in the most unobtrusive corner of the restaurant, but now because of Miss Darcy Christie's arrival, this place is no longer quiet.

Suldak planned to pick up the dinner plate and change places.

Dacie Christie took out a thick parchment book from his bosom, and pushed it in front of him. It seemed that "Self-cultivation of the Magic Swordsman" was printed on the cover, and Suldak was stunned for a moment.

"Are you looking for this book?" Darcy Christie asked with a smile on her lips.

Suldak's eyes fell on the parchment book. He hadn't seen a similar book in the library, and the Christie family seal was printed on the cover of this book, which was obviously a private collection.

Darcy Christie said with some pride: "This kind of precious book in the private collection is not available in the library of the Knight Academy. Do me a favor. You can read this book until you get tired of it and return it to me."

It seemed that she knew the difficulties Suldak was currently facing, and knew that this kind of book would help him, so she came to the door with confidence.

However, it is obvious that Suldak wants to read this book with conditions. Perhaps it was the unreasonable request last time, allowing himself to separate Miss Hoyle and Ivan Baruch, so he firmly shook his head.

"I won't embarrass you, I promise." Seeing Suldak's refusal without hesitation, Daxi Christie quickly said that the matter of asking would not embarrass Suldak. She added: "And You don't plan to never go to the sword hall again just to avoid me."

Suldak felt that if he wanted to spend the next few months in the Knight Academy smoothly, it would be best not to have an affair with Darcy Christie. He asked impatiently, "What's the matter?"

"Participate in a ball!" Darcy Christie's blue eyes flickered, but she still mustered up the courage to say: "As my male companion, I have been studying at the Bernard Swordsman Academy. The friends here are really good. Not much, I need a chaperone for this dance."

"I can't help you with this job, you can find someone else!" Suerdak shook his head and refused without thinking.

"You actually refused a lady's reasonable request? I've begged you like this, but you still refuse..." Darcy Christie looked at Suldak incredulously, her eyes were both embarrassing and angry. For a moment, she wished she could grab Suerdak by the collar and give him a hard headbutt to wake him up.

She became a little angry from embarrassment, and there was a murderous look in her eyes.

Suldak pointed to his chest with his finger, and told Dacie Christie frankly: "You have found the wrong person, I am a commoner, I am a reserve knight, I have been fighting all the way from the battlefield, from the dead The infantry regiment soldiers who climbed out of the pile, except for combat, I don’t know much about anything else, and I’m even worse at dancing..."

Darcy Christie quickly said, "I can ask the dance teacher to teach you..."

Seeing that Suldak was unmoved at all, Dacie Christie finally felt a sense of powerlessness. She whispered to Suldak about her embarrassing situation: "Please! You will never know. Surrounded by a group of nasty women, they constantly sarcasm and sarcasm, and show off their not-so-happy life, boasting how good the people around them are, until people feel ashamed beside them, Pulling others into their sad life mode, only by saying some more vicious and insidious things than them, showing off their superior and happy life, can they shut up, I can't do it."

Darcy Christie looked at Suldak seriously, and said frankly: "I don't want to be with those boring women all night, so I need a male companion who can take me away at any time."

Suldak knew that if he refused again, he would immediately face the wrath of Miss Daxi. She was not a good-tempered woman, and now she was able to patiently talk to herself so much. , she might be like a tyrannosaurus rex, melting everything in front of her with one mouthful of flame.

Suldak reminded gently: "I think you can find other people, as long as you are willing to ask, there are a lot of people who are willing to dance with you for a night."

Unexpectedly, Darcy Christie, who was sitting across the dining table, showed a trace of mockery in his eyes, and said: "In the eyes of those people, I will always be the Miss Christie family first, and then the proud Miss Darcy. I don't want them to have any Unrealistic idea."

"Don't you think... I don't think of you as a lady of the Christie family?" Suldak asked back with a wry smile.

Darcy Christie glanced at him with a cold face: "What do you think? Thinking about it makes people feel extremely angry, my identity doesn't have any sense of superiority in front of you..."

You can't talk at both ends. At this moment, Suldak was left speechless by Dacie Christie, thinking that if he refused decisively, Dacie Christie would give up convincing him.

Darcy Christie felt a bit sour inexplicably, and said, "No wonder Hathaway and Beatrice can't forget you when they return to the city of Bena."


Suldak almost spat out the broth in his mouth.

Dacie Christie's eyes lit up, as if she had found a breakthrough, she hurriedly said, "Maybe I should write to Hathaway and tell her the news that you are studying at Highlander Knights Academy. She and Beatrice should would be very grateful to me…”

Suldak knew that he might not be able to avoid this dance. He didn't want Hathaway and Beatrice to know that he lived in Hailansa City. If that was the case, he didn't know how much trouble it would cause. , So Suldak said: "Isn't it just a ball? There is no need to make it like this! When is the ball? Do I need to prepare a dress?"

"The night after tomorrow, I will come to pick you up early!" Dacie Christie threw the cornbread in her hand onto the dinner plate, with a triumphant smile on her face, and after saying this to Suldak, she held The dinner plate left quickly without giving Suldak a chance to repent.

The book collection of the Christie family was casually left on the dining table in front of Suldak.

Suldak wiped his hands on the front of his shirt to make sure that there was no grease or syrup on his hands, and then he carefully opened the "Self-cultivation of the Magic Swordsman". On the first page, it was written "Ambrose. Christie’s signature, those imperial texts are written very neatly:

"Not being able to awaken the magic pool at the age of twelve, and becoming a magician nobleman may be the most regrettable thing in my life, but my wonderful life is precisely because of this. At the age of fourteen, I felt that floating in the air The magic element has since embarked on the road of magic swordsman practice. '

On the bottom of the first page of this book, there is a sentence written like this.

Suldak couldn't help turning the pages, only to find that Ambrose. According to Christie's training experience, Ambrose should be an ancestor of the Christie family, and he is also a magic swordsman with both magic and martial arts. To temper your body, you also need to learn the magician's meditation and some control methods of magic elements...

In fact, the situation of Suldak is quite different from that of the Ambrose Demon Swordsman.

This Ambrose magic swordsman awakened the wind attribute magic element, that is, the wind element he can perceive, can control simple wind magic, and let the wind element attach to the sword body. With his excellent wind element control technique, Becoming a famous swordsman in Bena Province, this is probably the most prosperous period in the history of the Christie family. His territory was all the golden oak forests around Hailansa City at the beginning, but there were no famous great swordsmen behind the Christie family, but they did not completely decline. Instead, they took root in Hailansa City. Become the backbone of the traditional family in Hailansa City.

What Suldak awakened was a rarer element of the sacred attribute. All the magic of the magic union is based on the evolution of the four elements of magic.

Lance told Suldak that the magic guild in Hailansa City has no records about sacred magic, but Suldak didn't care about it. When he opened the book, the first useful information he got was 'Those who can perceive the magic element can meditate. '

He wants to learn meditation. There are only three magicians he knows in Hailansa City, Francis magician, young Lance magician and Ferdinand scholar. The most enthusiastic Lance magician now should be a law enforcement officer. The group mission was gone, so he thought about it, and decided to find time to visit the Ferdinand scholar again. The warrior's body' matter is very interesting, but it only involves some secrets of the indigenous tribes, and Suldak can't go into too much detail.

But there is nothing else to talk about, such as the black leather magic pattern on the evil ghost.

Suldak carefully put the parchment into his arms, and quickly disposed of the food on the plate in front of him, thinking whether he should go to the library for a stroll in the afternoon.

At this time, I just saw Pablo's assistant teacher walking towards him with a plate, and he waved to Suldak from a distance and shouted: "Knight Suldak, the academy will conduct a grade test in the afternoon. Don't take part?"

"A grade test? Of course!" Surdak replied after thinking about it.

He didn't know exactly what level of fighter he was, so of course he wanted to test it. The young trainee knights in the canteen heard Suldak's answer, and they all looked at Suldak. They heard that the "clerk knight" was Gilded at the Knight Academy, he doesn't even take gymnastics...

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