Lord Highlander

Chapter 362

Hailanza Knight Academy will have three opportunities to evaluate the fighter level every semester, namely at the beginning, mid-term and end of the semester.

Since warriors are not like magicians, every time they level up, the magic pool in their bodies will change significantly. Soldiers don't have a clear understanding of their own strength. With unremitting exercise every day, their strength, speed, and physique are subtly enhanced. The boundary line is relatively vague, and the level evaluation has become the evaluation standard for the strength of the warriors of the Grimm Empire.

Many fighters will encounter bottlenecks during exercise, and they will use different methods to find breakthroughs. Therefore, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of one's own strength.

The knight academy grade testing area is set in the college auditorium, which is usually vacant and can only be used for the opening of school, graduation ceremonies, and war mobilization meetings. Occasionally, there will be some academy performance groups that will borrow Performances are held in the auditorium, so the three grade assessments per semester are also held here.

There are many trainee knights waiting at the entrance of the auditorium, boys and girls wearing thick winter clothes lined up at the entrance.

Suldak came to the entrance of the auditorium accompanied by Pablo's assistant teacher. A group of trainee knights followed behind Suldak. They looked very powerful and attracted the attention of many people. They saw Suldak appearing in front of the auditorium. , everyone whispered to each other: how could the academy's "clerk knight" appear here?

There are two entrances at the entrance of the auditorium. The entrance on the left is full of trainee knights from the academy, while the entrance on the right is deserted and empty.

Assistant coach Pablo saw Suldak stop in doubt, and explained to him: "There are two magic crystals for the level test, one is used to evaluate the level of fighters below level nine, and the other is used to evaluate the level of a fighter. The warrior level above transfer, if not for the occasional instructor from the Knight Academy to test your own level, this magic crystal that evaluates the fighter level above one transfer will almost be cancelled... Hey! Knight Suldak."

Suldak walked towards the entrance of the first turn test area. Assistant coach Pablo caught up from behind and grabbed Suldak's arm. Awkward.

Seeing Assistant Teacher Pablo winking at him, Suldak asked Assistant Teacher Pablo suspiciously: "What's the matter, Assistant Teacher Papulo, should the evaluation of fighter level start from the side below level nine?"

"Of course not, but that side is specially prepared for fighters above rank one. Have you already comprehended the 'power'?"

Suldak glanced at the assistant coach Pablo indifferently, and his eyes were filled with 'you only know now? ’, and then, under the stunned eyes of Pablo’s assistant coach, he walked into the warrior evaluation area.

Assistant Professor Pablo thought that Suldak had been named and cared for by the dean before, and he had a relationship with the guard camp. Thinking about it again, he felt that he might already be a member of the guard camp. In that case, his strength had reached a turn There is nothing surprising about the level of fighters.

It's just that he kept silent in the face of all kinds of doubts in the academy before, which made everyone mistakenly think that Suldak was a "clerk knight".

The two evaluation areas were completely isolated, and the auditorium looked a little empty, even a little cold. There was a stove in front of the square table for heating, and the charcoal fire inside was burning red. Two ladies in thick leather jackets sat in front of the square table. Seeing Suldak walk in, he asked:



"Are you an advanced knight or an academy instructor?"

"Training knights."

One of the ladies took a look at Suldak, looked at the badge of the Knight Academy on his chest, walked to a wooden table covered with black curtains, pulled the curtains, and there was a square table inside. The lady sat slowly in front of the square table with a magic crystal more than a foot long, pointed to the wooden platform beside her and said, "Stand still, prepare for the magic crystal test, and try to keep your body as relaxed as possible."

At this time, Suldak discovered that under the magic crystal was a two-foot-square copper plate base, and the copper plate was engraved with complicated magic runes. The copper square pillar almost half-wraps the transparent magic crystal inside, and the scale inside can be vaguely seen through the magic crystal.

As soon as Suldak stood on the square platform, the lady said a short spell, and in a blink of an eye a beam of light fell from above her head, which frightened Suldak. Unexpectedly, she was a magician without wearing clothes. The customary magic robes are really hard to distinguish.

Suldak held back and did not move, the beam of light illuminated his body red, the transparent magic crystal on the platform began to change color, as if water had been poured into the crystal, the water level inside the crystal continued to rise until the water level was below the level of the magic crystal. Stop in the middle.

The lady leaned over to take a serious look, and said to Suldak: "One turn to the fourteenth level is biased towards strength, and the suitable occupations are shield warriors and heavy knights."

After speaking, he walked in front of him, stamped his knight badge with a small red stamp, and clearly printed the beautiful characters of "one turn fourteen" on it, and then re-pinned the knight badge. Erdak's chest.

Seeing Suldak standing there, the lady waved at Suldak very casually and said, "Okay! You can go out if there is nothing else."


Originally, Suldak wanted to ask himself a question about his ability to perceive sacred elements, but when he saw the lady walking back to the fire and chatting with another companion, he had no choice but to give up and quietly exited the auditorium.

Seeing Suldak come out of the auditorium, among the trainee knights waiting in a long line for the level evaluation, those with good eyesight have already seen the level evaluation "one turn fourteen" printed on his knight badge.


The entrance of the entire auditorium seemed to be about to explode, and everyone cast extremely surprised glances at Suldak.

Some people are discussing in private:

"The clerk knight is actually a shield warrior in the middle of the first rank..."

"Have you heard? The clerk knight is actually a first-rank warrior."

"No wonder he won the title of 'Knight'. With such strength, if he makes some achievements on the battlefield, it is not difficult to get the honor of 'Knight'. After all, strength speaks."

"Tam, stop looking, you can't do it!"

"Wait, I'm sure I can't do it now, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to do it in the future, as long as I can comprehend the 'power', I will become a first-turn knight."

"Wake up, you are still a ninth-level trainee fighter, and you can't say these words until you become a ninth-level fighter."

Assistant coach Pablo didn't know why he didn't leave before. He waited here probably to prove whether Suldak was a first-rank fighter. Now that I finally got the answer, it turns out that there really is this kind of person who doesn't make any excuses for himself regardless of the rumors outside. He doesn't seem to care what others say. Watching Suldak slowly walking down the steps, assistant coach Pablo suddenly felt that the figure of the knight in front of him had become unusually tall.

The instructors in the Knight Academy can probably count on one hand if they can reach the strength of Suldak.

At least Pablo is in the bottleneck stage at this stage, and his strength will probably not improve before he realizes his "potential".

Assistant coach Pablo followed Suldak up, and said to him: "Knight Suldak, you are actually a mid-level knight, and you have never mentioned it to the academy..."

Suldak didn't expect that he was already a fourteenth-level fighter. Even though he had experienced many things in the past few months and his own strength had increased, but in the files of the fifty-seventh heavy armored infantry regiment, Not surprisingly, it should be written as a seventh-level fighter, but in just a few months, it has reached the mid-level strength of the first rank, and it still doesn't make sense after careful consideration.

Maybe it can be said that "the magic perception of the sacred attribute has been awakened halfway".

Suldak smiled at Pablo's assistant coach and said:

"Actually, I don't know what I am. I only know that I realized the 'power' on the battlefield. Later, due to various reasons, I have not been able to evaluate my strength. I am a little bit uncertain."

Assistant Professor Pablo shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands and said, "Well, with your current strength, as long as you can successfully pass the cultural assessment in front of you, you will be able to successfully pass the graduation certificate issued by the Knight Academy."

"Hearing you say that, I feel much more relaxed."

The two left the academy auditorium while chatting.


The city of Hailansa is built on the mountain and is located in the Tarapakan area to the west of the Bena province. It is connected to the Paglos Mountains and belongs to the edge branch mountains of the Paglos Mountains. The mountain is called Camel Mountain, mainly because this mountain peak looks like the back of a dromedary camel from a distance.

No. 1 Central Avenue is located at the highest point of Hailansa City. A castle built of gray rocks rises from the ground, almost blending with the entire mountain city.

There is only Hailansa Victory Memorial Square between the castle and the city hall. Suldak got off the magic caravan and found that there were many gorgeous carriages parked in the whole square, and there were even more gorgeous carriages in front of the castle gate not far away. It is full of nobles wearing all kinds of gorgeous dresses, and young people like to wear exquisite light leather armor. They don't care how cold the weather is.

Suldak didn't expect that the ball that Daxi casually invited him to attend almost gathered the entire aristocratic circle in Hailansa City.

He looked down at the salamander leather armor he was wearing. Fortunately, the master leathermaker Abe did not delay too long and sewed out his leather armor before the dance. It was indeed a salamander leather armor and he wore it on his body He actually felt a warmth flowing from the whole set of leather armor. There were too many guests at the gate of the castle, and Suldak was waiting behind.

Seeing the nobles queuing up to enter the arena one after another with invitation letters in their hands, Suldak subconsciously touched his magic belt, which was not given to him by Darcy Christie.

Standing on the periphery, he couldn't help but looked around, and found that other than this entrance, other places were heavily guarded, and there was no other opportunity to sneak in.

He was thinking about how to get into the ball, when he suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him. Turning around, Suldak saw that it was actually Karl and a group of friends from the noble circle coming from the square. Among these nobles, Suldak only knew Baron Llewellyn.

Karl asked Suldak with a look of surprise: "Why are you here? The Marquis of Christie is holding a ball tonight. You must have been invited too!"

Suddenly a familiar figure came out of the gate of the castle, and the maid behind her held the hem of her skirt for her. As she walked through the crowd, the nobles nodded their heads and moved out of the way. Suldak looked carefully and found that it was actually Mrs. Christie, who was dressed in a costume, said to Carl with a smile: "Carl, bring your friend in!"

A nobleman beside Karl looked at Suldak and asked Karl, "This is...?"

Baron Llewellyn, standing aside, quickly introduced to everyone: "This is Knight Suldak, Karl's best friend."

Mrs. Christie nodded politely to Suldak, and walked in front of the group of people holding Karl's arm. She did not exchange greetings with the others, and walked directly through the gate of the castle into the luxurious courtyard. Mrs. Christie greeted him personally. , the group of people naturally did not have the invitation letter checked by the guards at the gate. These nobles are very familiar with each other in private, and they greeted the familiar people while walking.

Apart from Karl, Suldak only knew Baron Llewellyn, but they didn't have much in common when standing together. After all, Suldak was Baron Llewellyn's imaginary rival in love. Together, it's pretty good.

The other nobles didn't know Suldak, which made Suldak seem like an island among the group.

It seems strange that there is a knight among many nobles. The other nobles only regard Suldak as a young man who wants to get into the ball. He made friends, even if Baron Llewellyn introduced that Suldak was Karl's best friend, it didn't help.

Suldak looked at the garden design of the castle curiously. Ever since he entered the forecourt of the castle, Suldak felt that it was much warmer than the outside. Although the vestibule was designed in an open way, he could tell just by looking at the lush lawn in the garden. The courtyard had some kind of fantastic design, and it wasn't too much to ignore.

"Suldak, why are you here? I've been looking for you everywhere." A figure briskly passed through the crowd and ran to Suldak, panting.

Suldak has never seen Dacie Christie in a long skirt, but in such a cold weather, she can still expose her clean arms, so she can only boast: she has such a good physique.

Mrs. Christie saw Miss Darcy running past her and stopped in front of Suldak to greet him affectionately, and she suddenly understood, "Dacy, so you invited the knight of Suldak?"

Darcy Christie said casually: "Otherwise, what do you think? Aunt..."

She is very satisfied with Suldak's salamander leather armor. Although this style of leather armor is not uncommon, it is enough to prove that Suldak is also prepared for this dance. Thinking of this, Dacie Christie also Following the movement of her aunt holding Karl's arm, she stretched out her hand to hold Suldak's arm...

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