Lord Highlander

364 Chapter 363. Hoyle's Wrath

The inner courtyard of Christie Castle is surrounded by a nearly continuous circular arched stone pillar corridor. There is a layer of wool carpet on the ground polished by bluestone. It can accommodate hundreds of people dancing at the same time. Many nobles gather here, and the attendants carry All kinds of exquisite food and fine wine shuttle in the field, and the fragrant barbecue is placed on the barbecue grill at the edge of the square.

A group of ladies stood beside the dance floor, and gentle men would come over from time to time and invite them to dance together. The long skirts on the dance floor were like blooming lilies.

"Bird, what are you looking at?"

The friend stood next to Bird tax collector with a wine glass and asked him curiously.

"No, it's nothing..." Tax Officer Byrd looked away a little disappointed, raised his glass and said to his friend.

He was actually waiting for Miss Hoyle, but after coming to Christie's Castle for so long, Miss Hoyle never came out of the castle, but Miss Darcy and Marianne Christie were chatting on the balcony on the second floor, which made him He was more or less disappointed, normally he shouldn't have such unreasonable thoughts, but since seeing Miss Hoyle in a leather outfit last time on the autumn hunting ground, Bird felt as if he had a second spring.

Not long after, Marquis Bernard Christie and his two wives also appeared in front of the terrace on the second floor, toasting the nobles downstairs.


On the second floor of the castle, Darcy Christie stood behind the stone pillar, resting her right arm and elbow on her left hand, staring coldly at Mrs. Margaret Christie with squinted eyes.

The housekeeper and the two maids stood beside Mrs. Christie, and the tit-for-tat confrontation almost made the atmosphere freeze, making the surrounding maids feel suffocated. The hustle and bustle of the dance floor downstairs seemed to be a different world from this place. .

Marquis Bernard Christie rubbed his forehead in pain. He and his wife didn't know who to persuade the two women facing each other.

One was his precious daughter, the other his sister, neither woman would back down. Soothing music came from downstairs, and Bernard wanted to go downstairs to greet the guests who came to the dance, but the scene in front of him gave him a headache.

"He has a family." Mrs. Margaret Christie said seriously, staring at her niece.

Daqy was extremely angry in her heart, it was her freedom to make any kind of friends, but now even this freedom would be deprived, she could only look up at the dome and roll her eyes speechlessly.

"Which family's lady is his wife?" Marquis Bernard asked. Usually he rarely cares about such matters, but now it seems that if he doesn't intervene, the two women in front of him may really fight.

"I heard it's a commoner?" Mrs. Christie asked.

Darcy Christie said: "What does that matter? Don't you also think that his character and talent are very good?"

"Darcy, you should listen to your aunt's opinion." Marquis Bernard frowned and reminded his daughter, then he turned to Darcy and said, "However, what I am more concerned about is... what do you think?" Yes, Darcy?"

What would Darcy Christie have in mind? Her idea at the beginning was very simple, she just wanted to find a random male partner to handle the dance, so that those flustered ladies who were idle all day would shut up.

But now that Surdak was noticed by Bernard, Daxi was a little worried about how this matter would end in the future. She thought she should disclose some information to Bernard, so she said: "I don't know, he treats me like Nothing, he rejected Hathaway before."

Daxi decided to push the problem to Suerdak.

"Hathaway, a friend you met in Bena Province?" Marquis Bernard asked.

"Hmm!" Darcy Christie said, "Actually, Hathaway is a little more familiar with him."

"Can you tell me about his origin? Don't tell me you don't know much about him yet!" Marquis Bernard asked, staring at his daughter.

Darcy Christie shrugged her shoulders, expressing that she really didn't understand much.

Marquis Bernard took two deep breaths to suppress the fire in his heart, and turned to his sister, Mrs. Christie: "Margaret, are you familiar with that... Knight of Suldak?"

Mrs. Christie could see that Bernard was holding back her anger. She was still in awe of this brother who had been very dignified since she was a child. She pursed her lips and replied in a low voice: "He is Karl's brother." Karl knows him better, friend."

"Go and invite Karl Casement over here." Marquis Bernard ordered the butler beside him.

Before the housekeeper went downstairs, she heard noises coming from outside the castle, and the guards all around rushed to the outside of the hall.


Suldak felt that he should not have agreed to Dacie Christie's request in the first place.

It was an extremely wrong decision to run out of the academy to attend this ball. After entering this castle, I got into all kinds of troubles.

Suldak really wanted to say some dirty words to vent his depression.

Ivan Baruka yelled angrily at Suldak, which really shocked Miss Hoyle.

She looked at this young and humble knight in surprise. At this moment, his eyes showed greed and evil. Miss Hoyle wanted to call out to the guards in the castle, but found that her body seemed to be frozen Just like that, she was restrained in place by a shadow, and she looked at Ivan Baruka in horror.

Ivan Baruch smiled grimly at her, but fixed his eyes on Suldak. He pulled out the sword at his waist and walked over without worrying about being seen by the people around him.

Miss Hoyle found that she couldn't even call for help, and her heart fell to the bottom instantly, which reminded her of the robbery at Hoyle Manor.

At this time, Ivan Baruch had another thought.

What made him extremely angry was that Suldak didn't know what he said to Hoyle. Before the conspiracy was revealed, Miss Hoyle's attitude towards him became extremely cold. If he hadn't kept a hand, The one who is standing in the castle covering his face and weeping now is probably him.

Ivan Baruch looked at Suldak coldly, pointing the Western rapier in his hand at his chest.

A few days ago, Ivan Baruch tested Suldak in the Sword Academy of the Knight Academy. Suldak said that he was only a beginner in swordsmanship. Ivan Baruch was skeptical about this. But later, Ivan Baruch confirmed to Dacie Christie that Dacie Christie was a straightforward girl. Although her temper and patience were not very good, she never lied. Therefore, Ivan thought Su Erdak should be a beginner in swordsmanship.

Just yesterday, when Ivan Baruch mentioned this matter to Samya, Samaya even felt that he was lying.

Because this guy named Suldak not only escaped from the assassin, but was even related to the death of a black mage. She didn't think Darcy Christie had the ability to kill the black mage Cyrus. Hickok, and obviously that night, the assassin successfully sneaked into the hotel, but failed to kill Suldak. Samaya guessed that Suldak must have some skills.

Of course, Samaya didn't know the details of the night of the assassination. She speculated that Karl might have discovered some clues and set up a trap in the hotel, waiting for the assassin to throw himself into the trap, so the assassin died. Construct the Knight's Hand in the Guard Battalion.

As for the battle that took place in Grenfell Manor, she was still hiding in High Lansa City at that time, and she didn't know the details at all.

Even if she knew a little bit about Suldak, she would not act hastily like this. These two assassins are the last bit of strength of the black magic hermitage lurking in the city of Hailansa. The two assassins Gradually emerging from the shadows, they bound Miss Hoyle and Suldak with the 'Shadow Binding'. Ivan Baruch walked up to Suldak without any hesitation, and stabbed at Suldak with his sword. Duck heart.

At the moment when the rapier in Ivan's hand was about to stab Suldak, Suldak's body suddenly emitted a pale golden light, and the shadow belts wrapped around his body dissipated, and Suldak dodged to avoid it. Ivan slashed his sword, clasped Ivan's wrist, and slashed at Ivan's elbow with a palm knife. I saw Ivan's arm bent in the opposite direction. The guard in the castle, he actually suppressed the scream in his throat.

Samya stared at Suldak with a pair of clear eyes, and stabbed out with both short daggers at the same time, but Suldak had already pulled out a dwarf chain shield at this time, covering her body tightly, which made her most worried. A scene actually happened, and Suldak was not as simple as expected.

"Don't stand there anymore, get rid of him!" Samya ordered to the two assassins in the shadows.

"Samoya, this is the second time your information has been wrong!" The black shadow in the shadow said with a hoarse voice. At the same time as he spoke, his shadow appeared behind Suldak out of thin air, before Suldak could react. Coming over, a dull dagger pierced the back of Suldak's heart.

The sense of crisis hit his heart, like a cold sea tide rushing towards his whole body, Suldak couldn't avoid the knife in his heart, so he could only forcefully take half a step to the right, move half of his body away, let him The deadly knife pierced his arm, and Suldak swung the craftsman's sword backwards without hesitation, but the black figure was as flexible as a piece of paper, and its body was folded in half in an instant, dodging He stabbed Suldak with a sword, and then stabbed Suldak in the leg.

The brand-new salamander leather armor was pierced with two blood holes in an instant, and Suldak had nothing to keep. A phantom statue of a god and demon with two faces and four arms appeared behind him, and Suldak didn't care at all. A bloody hole was pierced on the leg, and the knee faced the assassin, firmly pressed against his collarbone. There was a crisp sound of 'click', and the assassin's collarbone was 'knee hit' by Suldak break.

Before he could move back, Suldak swung his shield and smashed it on the assassin's head, as if the person who had been stabbed in the arm and calf just now was not him at all. Regardless of Samya's attack next to him, relying on his brand new salamander leather armor, Samya's double daggers only cut two wounds on Suldak's back, and the assassin who took the lead was lying on the ground unconscious past.

Ivan Baruka dragged a broken arm, and stared at Suldak with a pale face. He never thought that Suldak would play with injuries for injuries, and would not dodge those attacks at all. The craftsman's sword in his hand, which looked like a black square iron rod, slashed at Samya. Samya had no time to dodge, so he could only hold up the two daggers to hold the craftsman's sword in Suldak's hand, overlapping on the A broad-bladed dagger was smashed by the heavy craftsman's sword in an instant.

Suldak raised his foot and kicked Samya's soft belly, and kicked her flying, hitting the stone wall of the castle, making a 'bang' sound.

"He's at least a mid-level shield fighter, Summera, you stupid guy." The assassin controlling Miss Hoyle growled angrily at Summera, and after he finished speaking, he flashed out of the shadows, He didn't get close to Suldak at all, but directly picked up his companion and hid in the shadow by the castle wall again.

Samya struggled to get up from the wall. Seeing Suldak rushing up, he unfolded a magic scroll instantly, and a fireball shot out from the scroll. Suldak raised his shield to block, and the fireball hit Sur Dak's shield exploded.

"Hurry up, or it will be too late!" Only the blurred voice of the assassin behind remained in the shadows.

Samaya also snorted coldly, and his body melted into the darkness little by little like ink and disappeared. When Suldak chased him to the wall, there was only half a torn magic scroll left on the ground, and the leftovers from the fight on the ground. Even the bloodstains of Samya disappeared.

Ivan Baruch dragged his broken arm around Miss Hoyle's back in the confusion, strangled Hoyle's neck with a strong arm, and tried to drag Miss Hoyle away in a panic. He ran outside the castle, but the sound of fighting had already attracted the guards in the castle. When these castle guards saw Miss Hoyle being kidnapped, they immediately blew their warning whistle.

In an instant, the castle boiled, and two magicians riding magic handles even flew out from the tower.

A 'twilight lighting technique' lit up from the top of Ivan Baruch's head, illuminating the entire area. At least twenty castle guards surrounded Ivan Baruch, only because Hoyle The young lady was held in Ivan Baruch's arms, and the castle guards were cautious and did not dare to act rashly.

Behind the wall above the castle, a group of archers drew their bowstrings one after another. Ivan Baruch looked at the surrounding castle guards with a look of grief and indignation, with despair in his eyes.

Suldak ignored Ivan Baruch who was in a desperate situation. His saber fell to the ground long ago, and he only had one hand left to move. He did not pose any threat to Miss Hoyle.

Miss Hoyle seemed to have calmed down at this time. She didn't make any struggles. She was a little suffocated by Ivan Baruch. She looked up at Ivan Baruch. At this time He even asked, "Ivan, have you ever loved me?"

"Love you, no no...how could I love you!" Ivan Baruch was speechless in a panic, and begged the castle guards with a mournful face: "Let me go, they forced me to It's their fault, they want me to get close to you, to get a secret from you, but you never want to talk about the past, I can't ask anything, they just want to sneak in while holding a dance, You robbed... This is not my will, I was forced... let me go!"

The last gleam of hope that had kindled in Miss Hoyle's eyes was extinguished.

She grabbed Ivan Baruch's arm with both hands, bent down suddenly, and threw Ivan over his shoulder, causing Ivan with a broken arm to lie face up on the ground, and the castle guards all around hurriedly He jumped out and stabbed Ivan Baruch to the ground with the spear in his hand.

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