Lord Highlander

Chapter 365

Ivan Baruch, who was lying on the ground, looked at Miss Hoyle with a look of despair, like a fish lying on the beach, opening and closing its mouth feebly, but unable to make any sound.

The Marquis Bernard Christie came out from the crowd and looked around the scene coldly. Miss Hoyle walked quickly to Bernard's side.

The chief guard of the castle guard was beside the Marquis Bernard. He glanced at Miss Hoyle guiltily. He couldn't escape the blame for this kind of assassination in the castle, so he turned his head and looked at Ivan Ba. When he saw Luke, he wished he could cut off his head with a sword.

Dacie Christie squeezed out from the crowd, she ran quickly to Miss Hoyle, whispered to Miss Hoyle, and carefully checked whether Miss Hoyle was injured, although Miss Hoyle was a little embarrassed , without hurting anywhere.

Seeing that Miss Hoyle was not injured, Darcy let out a slight breath.

She turned her head and glanced at Suldak again, only to see that Suldak's arms and calves were almost stained red with blood, and he was sitting on the bench next to him, unfastening the buckle of his leather wristband, without any slight pain. The appearance of a wounded person, with a calm expression as if the injured person is not him at all, and the movement of wrapping the wound is also very skillful. After the dressing is completed, he can tie the bandage with one hand.

The castle guard escorted Ivan Baruch to Marquis Bernard and made him kneel on the ground.

Marquis Bernard looked at the young nobleman and frowned slightly. Before Bernard could speak, a middle-aged noble couple squeezed out from the crowd. They looked at Ivan with panicked and terrified eyes. The lady She threw herself on Ivan first and cried loudly, and she shouted: "Oh my God! Ivan, my child! What's wrong with you?"

She wanted to push away the castle guards at the side, but the guards in black iron armor were completely unmoved, and the spear did not leave Ivan Baruch's body.

The lady could only get as close as possible to Ivan Baruch, and asked in his ear: "Who is so vicious, who is trying to harm you, tell me quickly."

Baron Baruch, who was standing aside, was also staring at Ivan intently. They wanted to hear his son defend himself.

Ivan Baruch was thrown over the shoulder by Miss Hoyle, his mind went blank, and he didn't want to speak at all. He looked at the lady blankly.

Just when Ivan Baruch was hesitating slightly, a castle guard next to him said, "We saw that Knight Ivan Baruch was with members of the Black Magic Priory, trying to kidnap Miss Hoyle..."

"...that's impossible!" Mrs. Baruch questioned in a sharp and mournful voice. She stood up from the ground and looked at the surrounding nobles. She knew very well that once the crime of "collaboration with the Black Magic Retreat" was charged to her son, the people who would come forward to interrogate Ivan would be the magicians in the law enforcement group of the Magic Union. Ivan was born in an aristocratic family, so he was lenient.

Mrs. Baruch stared at Miss Hoyle, trying to see something hidden in her eyes. She tried to get close to Miss Hoyle, and said word by word: "How could Ivan kidnap Miss Hoyle, this The most unlikely person in the world to kidnap Miss Hoyle is Ivan!"

She hoped that Miss Hoyle would also come forward and say something fair, but Miss Hoyle kept avoiding her eyes.

It's normal for young people to be noisy, this is what Mrs. Baruch thinks in her heart. He doesn't think his son has any connection with the black magic hermit.

Mrs. Baruch looked at Suldak suspiciously. She thought that Suldak might be the third party sandwiched between her son Ivan Baruch and Miss Hoyle, and then she immediately figured out, The fight just now may have been the duel scene between Ivan Baruch and Suldak. It is very likely that Suldak was stabbed in the arm and calf by his son, and was beaten helplessly. Afterwards, Miss Hoyle It was only then that the castle guards were called, and Ivan Baruch was wounded. That's why Miss Hoyle avoided her questioning gaze.

This Mrs. Baruch also wanted to ask Miss Hoyle, but she was a bit aggressive.

Seeing that Miss Hoyle was still being questioned at this time, Darcy Christie was even more annoyed. She pushed Mrs. Baruch away unceremoniously.

The young Ivan did not understand the good intentions of his mother Mrs. Baruch at all. He was pointed at by the castle guards with several spears, and he was so frightened that he wet his pants. Under the escort of the castle guards, his whole body was like a sieve Shaking constantly, seeing the cold-eyed Marquis Bernard, he lost his last bit of courage.

"They believe in the Lord of Demons. They forced me to join them. They wanted me to sign a contract with the demons. If I didn't want them, they forced me..." Ivan Baruch muttered, as if he was repenting. In a few words, Knight Ivan Baruch colluded with the assassins of the Black Magic Priory.

The surrounding nobles were also in an uproar at the moment. No one thought that Ivan Baruch would be so courageous, and even secretly sneaked into Christie Castle with members of the Black Magic Priory.

The nobles had the same thoughts as Mrs. Baruch. Since Ivan and Miss Hoyle were in a relationship, it meant that Ivan Baruch had no reason to kidnap Miss Hoyle. With a little effort, it is very possible to get everything Miss Hoyle has. Naturally, there is no reason to take the risk of robbing Miss Hoyle at this time.

But what everyone couldn't figure out was that an incredible thing just happened, and it was even brought to light.

"Okay, that's enough! Hurry up and end this farce, and take away Ivan Baruch." Marquis Bernard ordered the castle guards, and asked Baruch and his wife to temporarily rest in the castle's guest room. Well, before this matter is clarified, the Baruch and his wife probably won't have the chance to leave Christie's Castle.

Miss Hoyle wiped the cold tears off her face with her sleeve, and under the watchful eyes of many onlookers, she was accompanied by Darcy Christie into the castle.

"Margaret, take Suldak to treat the wound." Marquis Bernard glanced at the blood-stained Suldak, and ordered Mrs. Christie.

At this time, Carl and Llewellyn and his group had the opportunity to approach Suldak and ask him what happened just now. Can you tell me about that indescribable thing? If he didn't say anything, it happened to involve this knight Ivan Baruch.

Mrs. Christie took Suldak into a guest room to re-examine and bandage the wound. Because Suldak was plagued by the "black curse", he had always maintained a state of "divine blessing", so his physical recovery ability was comparable to Orcs, scabs heal quickly from wounds.


In the luxurious Christie Castle guest room, the entire floor is covered with soft velvet carpets, crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and gorgeous wallpapers are posted on the walls around. The big bed in the center of the room can accommodate at least ten people lying side by side. The living room, cloakroom, washroom and servant room, there are special maids waiting in the servant room, basically on call.

Karl also stayed in the room. When there were no outsiders, he and Mrs. Christie sat on a sofa casually, facing Llewellyn and Miss Brenda who had mixed in. They decided that after this incident, the subsequent dance would be more boring .

"I can't figure it out. Why did Ivan Baruch wait to kidnap Hoyle during the ball? What is his reason for doing so?"

Karl sat on the sofa, waiting for Suldak to put on the salamander skin leggings again before asking.

Suldak was thinking about going to the leather shop tomorrow to mend this set of salamander leather armor, but two holes were poked out when he put it on, which made Suldak feel speechless for a while.

"Maybe I know a little bit about this." Mrs. Christie said to everyone in the room.

Everyone turned their attention to Mrs. Christie.

She knocked off Carl's arm around her waist, sat down again, and said:

"I think it's probably because...as long as Hoyle leaves the castle, there are guards around him to protect him all the time. On the contrary, when he is in the castle, it is not convenient for the guards to follow him closely, or they believe that the castle is absolutely safe, so Hoyle El's guards were a bit lax, and it's not easy for the assassins to sneak into the castle, so they sneaked into the castle during the ball, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity to create chaos and hijack Hoyle."

Karl agrees with Mrs. Christie's conjecture very much, he said: "I think Ivan Baruch is probably the same as Vic, just a peripheral member of the development of the Black Arts Priory, but what exactly is Ivan in the Black Arts Priory? Identity is no longer a matter of the guard battalion, and the Magic Union law enforcement team will arrive soon."

"Ivan deliberately approached Hoyle just to find out her secrets. Those assassins wanted to hijack Hoyle and also wanted to know her secrets. I really want to know, they tried their best to get close to Hoyle Ill, what do you want to learn from her?" Baron Llewellyn interrupted.

Karl patted his forehead in great distress, and said, "Perhaps only Baron Grenfell knows about this..."

Then he said: "The death penalty notice signed by Bena City has been handed down, and Baron Grenfell will be sent to the guillotine tomorrow, and the closest Construct Knight around him seems to have disappeared inexplicably... ..."

"Dead!" Suldak said in his heart.


The dance in Christie's Castle finally came to an abrupt end. After these things happened, the guests lost interest in dancing and left the Marquis of Christie's manor in a carriage. Bird Tax Officer was also standing in the crowd, and he looked up into the castle. From a distance, the resplendent and resplendent castle is still the brightest pearl in Hailansa City at night.

People kept saying hello to him: "Long time no see, Tax Officer Bird!"

Bird tax collector smiled reluctantly, but fortunately, it was night, and no one paid much attention to the expression on his face.

"Hello, Hans!" Bird tax collector said to the strong knight in the crowd, a little absent-minded.

He wanted to re-enter Christie's Castle again, but it was obviously not a good time. Miss Hoyle's teary face made Bird tax collector feel that he should find a way to give her some comfort, but it was a pity that he hadn't waited to see Hoyle El, the Castle Ball is over.

He resolutely refused a widow's invitation to eat cookies in the evening, thinking about preparing an exquisite gift and entrusting it to Miss Hoyle.

As he was thinking, he came to a big tree outside the castle, and untied the reins tied to the big tree. The donkey was shivering in the cold wind, and Bird tax collector re-spread the quilt on the donkey's back. On the road, he stepped on the back of the donkey with his stomach full, staggering and thinking about walking home.

As long as you marry Miss Hoyle, you will own an entire mountain and a half-abandoned manor. If Miss Hoyle doesn't mind, you can also get the title of Viscount. This is almost all the lonely singles in Hailansa City The dream of nobles, even Bird tax collectors are no exception.


Karl concluded that the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union would intervene and take over the matter, but Suldak did not expect the magicians of the Magic Union to come so soon.

On the third floor of the second-year dormitory building of the Knight Academy, Suerdak was huddled under the quilt and fast asleep.

It was cold in the room in the morning, and Suldak was a little reluctant to crawl out of the warm blanket. The tingling sensation in his arm had disappeared, followed by some itching in the wound, which is a must for every wounded wound to heal. to experience.

The blood hole caused by the 'Black Curse' on his right leg was barely healed. The patio door was suddenly pushed open, and Suldak shivered in fright. The door of the terrace poured into the room, taking away the last bit of temperature in the room. A beam of sunlight shone into the dormitory from the outside. Suldak squinted his eyes and saw a magician riding a magic scorpion parked on the terrace. superior.

When Lance threw the magic tame on the balcony and walked in, his face was dusty and covered with a layer of frost and snow.

"Why are you here?" Suldak asked Lance while sitting on the bed.

Lance walked into Suldak's dormitory, first poured himself a glass of water and drank it dry, and then said to Suldak: "Samoya is dead, she was targeted by the magicians of the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team, In the process of fleeing, he was burned to death by a big fireball."

Suldak looked at Lance a little stunned.

"Last night at Christie's Castle...you were there?" Suldak asked.

"How is that possible!" Lance said with a tired face, and then said with a tired face: "In order to completely wipe out the remnants of the Black Magic Priory this time, all the magicians who went out to perform missions were summoned back overnight. Operations near Hailansa City..."


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