Lord Highlander

Chapter 366

On a winter morning, a gust of cold wind blew up at the entrance of Hailansa Street, and icy snow grits were sandwiched. Occasionally, pedestrians passed by with their hands pinched on the collar of their coats, their heads shrunk and walked quickly. No one would like to be in such a place. In cold weather, if you stay outside for too long, even the leather shoes on your feet will freeze hard.

The cold wind blows on the triangular flags on the roof. Those flags have faded under the wind and rain, and even some flags have holes, but they are still conspicuous enough. The guards with longbows are standing on the watchtower, They were wearing thick leather clothes and two layers of leather boots on their feet. They patrolled the watchtower back and forth. If they didn't walk back and forth occasionally, they might be regarded as stone statues.

The sky was gray, the sun was hidden in the thick clouds, and there were very few pedestrians at the entrance of the High Lansa Opera House. This time of the year is the busiest time for the Opera House, because in the long winter, there are not many activities that people can choose. Not many, listening to the opera is definitely a good choice. Every afternoon, the opera house is full of traffic. This is the most lively social venue in the aristocratic circle of Hailansa City in winter.

It's just that this year is different, the opera house has been closed as early as a month ago.

Since members of the Black Magic Priory appeared in the opera house, not only the law enforcement team of the magic union came to the opera house to investigate every now and then, even the knights of the guard battalion would occasionally come here for a round, and the High Lansa Opera House was closed. During this period of time, many things happened in the city of Hailansa. The owner of the opera house, Dominique, received the news of Samya's death in the morning, and it was a guard battalion knight who came to inform him.

As the owner of the opera house, Dominique has the responsibility to go to the guard camp. He has to collect the dancer's body and handle the subsequent punishment.

"Hey...!" Dominic sighed dejectedly. Who would have thought that such a singing and dancing girl would be a black magician of the Black Magic Priory.

He carefully calculated the time when Samya joined the Opera House. When she first met Samya, she was still a skinny young girl, but her body was very light when she danced, as if she was skimming on the water. It is precisely her outstanding talent that made Dominic choose her at a glance from more than a hundred candidates.

He tightened his neckline and took two quick steps to board the magic caravan by the roadside of the Opera House.

Following him Dominic is Levi, the manager of the opera house. In the past month, Levi, who originally weighed nearly 300 pounds, has lost a lot of weight. Now he looks like his eye sockets have collapsed, his cheeks and All the flab on his chin had disappeared, leaving only loose skin, making him look like a shed vulture, with big, menacing eyes.

The two are old friends who have known each other for more than 20 years. They are sitting in the magic caravan, and the smell of rouge perfume from a month ago still remains in the car, but now the two of them are not in that mood. On Pi's sofa, he said with emotion: "It has been seven or eight years since Samya joined the opera house! No one in the opera house knows that she can perform magic..."

Levi, who was sitting opposite him, raised his drooping eyelids. He spent almost half of the time in the past month in the interrogation room of the Magic Union Law Enforcement Corps, and spent the rest of the time squatting in the prison of the guard camp. Although there is no evidence that he has a connection with the Black Arts Priory, neither the Law Enforcement Corps nor the Guard Battalion believe that he can disassociate himself from the Black Arts Priory.

If it weren't for Dominique's several congressman friends in High Lansa, I'm afraid he would be held in the prison of the guard camp until spring at least, and he might die there.

Levi bent his body and asked Dominic: "Do you think she joined the Black Magic Priory first, or the Opera House first?"

Dominique, the owner of the opera house, had a sneer on his face, as if he was mocking the incompetence of the Hailansa Guard Battalion, and he seemed to be laughing at himself about his difficult situation. He said:

"Who knows! It's so good...why do you want the bandits to ransack the manor outside the city? Now, one counts as one. As long as you have anything to do with the black magic hermit society, the guard camp will pick up the skin. This time I was taken The Black Arts Priory is in trouble."

Levi knows what kind of pressure Dominic is under. The entire opera house supports almost two hundred people. Even if these people are confined at home, the opera house has to pay monthly salaries. Maybe it won’t take long for this huge expenditure. Will drag Dominic down.

"Do you need to organize a dance troupe and do a tour in various cities in the Bena province..." Levi suggested to Dominique that performances are prohibited in Hailansa City, so it is better to go to other cities than to sit and eat like this.

Dominique, the owner of the opera house, smiled wryly and said: "I really want to! The magic union law enforcement team issued a notice that all members of the opera house have received a foot restraint order. If they leave the city of Hailansa at this time, they will suffer from the magic union. Wanted by the Law Enforcement Team."

Levi has been detained in the prison of the guard camp these days, so he is not aware of the ban.

Levi frowned and said, "You can't keep doing this forever..."

Dominique rubbed his stiff face vigorously with both hands, and said: "I went to the guard camp first to find out, but I don't think there will be any turning point. This time Samya has made us suffer. It was Miss Hoyle, the bandit group destroyed the Hoyle Manor, but this time they sneaked into Christie Castle and almost snatched Miss Hoyle from the castle. Bernard Christie Your Excellency the Consul will be offended to death."

"Now we can only take one step at a time!"


As soon as Suldak walked into the gate of the guard camp, he saw two aristocratic men, one fat and one thin, with a bad complexion coming down from the magic caravan, while Captain Sauron stood at the gate of the main building of the guard camp for the first time, quietly. He looked at the two nobles quietly.

"Sauron." Dominique, the owner of the opera house, stepped out of the carriage, strode up the steps, and hugged Captain Sauron standing on the steps.

The courtyard was full of guard battalion knights, not specifically to welcome the owner of the opera house, but today is the day of Baron Grenfell's execution. Baron Grenfell will be guillotined in the afternoon. If anyone wants to Rescuing Baron Grenfell only had the last half day.

"Dominique..." Captain Sauron squinted his eyes, looking at this man who was once very influential in the aristocratic circle of Hailansa City. Who would have thought that in just one month, the opera house would be defeated like this? Well, the owner of the opera house is almost like "bad luck" this month, and the nobles who are close to him are more or less unlucky.

Captain Sauron had nothing to say, and took Dominic and Levi directly to the cold morgue next to the prison. It was winter, and the morgue was like an icehouse. Covered in a thick layer of frost, a line of corpses lay on the mortuary, each covered with a layer of linen.

Suldak rushed to the guard camp to see Samya's body.

He and Karl walked into the morgue, only to find that Captain Sauron and two noble men were already standing in the morgue. They were surrounded by the morgue on which Samya's body was placed. It was lifted, revealing the petite and small corpse that was almost scorched by the fireball inside. Although she was wearing a layer of tight leather armor, she was basically carbonized under the fireball, and her whole body was pumped into a ball and curled up together. , looks like a black monkey.

The two noble men next to Captain Sauron just took a few glances before they couldn't help retching.

Karl also had a bitter face, and he didn't want to take a second look at all, but Suldak was used to seeing dead people on the battlefield, so he didn't feel how disgusting this charred corpse was. He walked into the carbonized corpse, and the corpse was The burn was so severe that it was difficult to tell if it was Samya even if you looked closely. It was certain that the charred corpse was a woman, but Suldak always felt that this matter should not be so simple.

Samya escaped Christie Castle with two assassins last night. She is also good at 'shadow hiding'. Suldak hurried over, wanting to see Samya for the same reason.

"This is Samya's necklace. This is a gift I gave her after her first time. She has always worn this necklace." Dominique pointed to a string of necklaces next to the morgue.

This necklace was found on the corpse when the corpse was collected. The entire chain had been burnt to blackness, but the necklace pendant had not been burned, Dominique said with certainty.

"If there is no doubt, you can take the body back. If no one claims it, the guard camp will deal with it by itself in a week!" Captain Sauron said that the law enforcement team sent such a completely worthless corpse to the guard camp. Quite dissatisfied, so he wanted to dispose of the corpse as soon as possible.

Since the law enforcement team confirmed that this was the body of the absconding dancer Samya, the guard battalion did not check it carefully. If Dominique hadn't personally run over to collect the old body, Captain Sauron would not have come to the morgue in person. .

Suldak showed doubts on his face. He and Karl looked at each other. Seeing a trace of suspicion in Karl's eyes, Suldak summoned up his courage and said:

"Wait a moment!"

All eyes in the morgue fell on Suldak, especially Dominic looked at Suldak with distrust on his face.

Suldak saluted Captain Sauron, and then said to Captain Sauron in a tone of asking for instructions: "Captain Sauron, I have doubts about this corpse. The corpse is so charred that it is impossible to identify the corpse." I saw Samya at Christie Castle that night, when she sneaked into the castle disguised as a maid, she also wore a maid outfit when she got out, but I didn’t see that she was wearing leather armor..."

Captain Sauron raised his eyebrows, glanced at Suldak solemnly, and asked him, "How can you identify her?"

Suldak took a step forward, and just about to touch the wrist of the corpse, he was stopped by a guard knight following Captain Sauron, who said to Suldak with a serious face, "I'll... "

After he finished speaking, he lifted up his skirt, revealing a wide belt around his waist. On this wide rawhide leather belt were hung a dozen kinds of tools such as tweezers, saws, hammers, and small files. The knight didn't mind the dead body The scorched smell emanating from it made him turn his head to look at Suldak, and asked him, "Did you just want to peel off the leather wristband on her arm?"

Suldak nodded.

The knight carefully peeled off the scorched wristband with tweezers. The leather wristband was completely carbonized. Even though he was very careful, it was still broken into pieces, like charcoal.

Karl stood beside Suldak and whispered to him: "Eugene is the best coroner in our guard battalion."

After Knight Eugene peeled off the charred wristbands on Samya's body, he revealed the scorched linen shirt inside the wristbands, because the wristbands were tightly wrapped here. The sleeves of the linen shirt were not completely burned, but they were slightly yellowed. Seeing that Suldak nodded to continue, Eugene took out a pair of scissors from his tool belt.

Knight Eugene cut off the scorched shirt sleeve on his wrist, and finally exposed a section that was not burned. Suldak took a closer look. At this time, Karl also realized that something was wrong. If the corpse was According to Samaya, there should be a black-eyed magic pattern on her right wrist, but unfortunately, there does not seem to be any trace of the pattern on her arm now.

The atmosphere in the morgue became tense for a while, and Sauron pondered for a moment before saying to Dominic: "Dominic, is there anything that can identify Samya?"

Dominique thought about it seriously, and said, "Three years ago, when Samya was rehearsing a new dance, the tibia of his right leg was broken. Even if it healed later, there should be a seam on that leg bone..."

Hearing what Dominique said, Eugene quickly peeled off the charred leg bone again, and it turned out that the leg bone was very smooth with no broken marks.

"...It seems that this is not Samya!" Dominic said, and he and Levi looked at each other after speaking.

"Karl, go and ask the law enforcement team of the Magic Union to come over." Captain Sauron closed his eyes and ordered Karl a little irritably.

Karl quickly replied: "Yes, Lord Sauron!"

As he spoke, he led Suldak out of the morgue, and heard Captain Sauron behind him, saying to Dominique, "I'm sorry, but I made you a waste of time, the matter of the Black Magic Priory is very involved. , the guard battalion is also under enormous pressure, please forgive me if there is any inadequacy!"

Suldak also didn't expect that Samoya would use some means to deceive the magicians in the magic union's law enforcement team. If the magic union hadn't been too busy to throw Samoya's body to the guard camp, I'm afraid This matter will be confirmed directly by the Magic Union. In that case, Samya will become a dead person from now on. As long as he changes his identity, he can live again after leaving Hailansa City...

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