Lord Highlander

Chapter 367: 366. The Snow in the City

Lance took Carl and Suldak to the top floor of the Magic Union, where the office of the head of the Magic Union's law enforcement team, Gerald, the great magician, was located.

The top floor of the magic tower is a bit deserted, not many magicians are qualified to work on this floor, there is a faint fragrance of jasmine floating in the empty hall, the sun shines into the hall from the surrounding glass windows, the top floor of the magic tower is very well lit, and The top floor is completely isolated from other floors and is not in the spiral design of the magic tower.

There are various painted murals on the arched sky dome on the top floor of the magic tower. Suldak looked up and saw a city in the clouds. From a distance, the city in the clouds looks like a giant mountain floating in mid-air, floating in the air. There are many exquisite dome-shaped buildings built on the empty mountain. The common feature of these buildings is that there are no doors. All the windows of the buildings have huge terraces. A group of winged warriors with white wings are flying in the sky. The city is also full of prosperity.

Suldak felt a little dizzy after just two glances. The best posture to appreciate this ceiling mural is lying on the ground.

"Karl, do you really think there is such a gorgeous castle in the sky?" Suldak gently pushed Karl from behind and asked him.

A female mage wearing a black and white striped robe of votive magic just passed by the three of them. Seeing the shocked expression on Suldak's face, she couldn't help but smile, and walked away with a stack of magic books in her arms. In a hurry, he walked into a room and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Karl raised his head and followed Suldak's eyes to see the painted paintings on the top of the sky dome, feeling very shocked.

"Of course, it's just that these winged people left the Roland Continent a long time ago, and now few people can see the winged people." Carl said seriously.

"Lance, have you seen the winged humans?" Suldak slowed down and asked the magician Lance who was leading the way.

When Lance came to this floor, the expression on his face became much more serious than usual. He paused for a moment and replied, "No, but there is a winged human wing in the laboratory of Scholar Ferdinand. If you have a chance, You can go and take a good look."

When passing through a glass window, Suldak took the opportunity to glance out the window, and he could have a panoramic view of the entire rich area. There was still a lot of snow on the roofs of those gorgeous buildings. The rich area occupies a large area of ​​land, whether it is the riding training ground at the back or the playground in front of the teaching building, they all look very empty, so that Suldak can confirm at a glance that it is the Knight Academy of Hailansa City.

The three of them passed by a stone wall with bas-relief statues, just in time to see three magic portals in normal operation standing beside the wall. There are three magician guards in front of the three magic gates, and they are wearing magic robes with hoods , standing motionless in front of the magic portal, if Suldak hadn't approached and saw their faces hidden under the hood, he would have thought that these were the three statues.

Several magicians gathered in front of a stone platform, bent over and filled out the form seriously. Lance walked over to greet the group of magicians familiarly. These magicians wore a symbol of the law enforcement of the magic union on their chests. The emblem of the regiment, the pattern of the emblem is that the magic book and the wand are placed at the two ends of the balance.

Lance took Carl and Suldak away, and Karl asked curiously, "Lance, what are they doing?"

"These magicians are going through the teleportation procedures." Lance replied casually as if he was used to these things.

Carl looked at the three magic portals with eager eyes, and asked Lance, "Are these three portals open to the public?"

Lance spread out his hands, with a proud expression unique to magicians, he spread his hands and said: "How is it possible! Only people in the magic union have the right to use it, and it is expensive to send it once. Of course, if there is a magic union that will You can also temporarily borrow the right of use granted by the chief or the head of the law enforcement team."

The expression on Lance's face was somewhat beating.

"Do you need to pay to use these magic portals?" Karl asked Lance curiously.

"Of course!" Lance nodded.

"How expensive can it be?"

Lance pondered for a while, and then said to Carl: "For us magicians, the price ranges from five to ten magic crystals for each transmission! As for the nobles in Hailansa City, I don't know."

"I'm afraid I don't have the financial ability to use the portal here before inheriting the family territory..." After hearing this, Karl immediately said that his current financial ability cannot afford such an expensive teleportation fee, and then he said with some yearning: "I heard that the Green Empire has a teleportation hall with dozens of portals, and you can use the portals to enter the main city of any province in the empire."

A strong magic halo emanates from the magic gate, those magic streamers are like flowing mist, these magic streamers are bound by some kind of power, forming a magic gate.

The laboratory of the great magician Gerald, the head of the law enforcement team, is located in the room on the left side of the portal. After Lance stepped forward to explain his purpose, the three of them waited outside the door for a while. Ms. Mame, the magic assistant, invited the three of them into the room of the great wizard Gerald.

It was a circular room, and the bookshelves against the walls were almost ten meters high. All the bookshelves were filled with magic books. The great magician Gerald was lying on the desk, holding a magnifying glass Looking at a magic circle, the cover of the magic book was pitch black. Suldak felt that it looked a bit similar to the one in his magic pocket. The whole magic book was surrounded by a strange shadow element. breath.

Seeing the three of Lance walk in, the great magician Gerald put down his work, and his eyes fell on Karl and Suldak.

Karl told the great magician Gerald that Samya did not die, and that the one who was burned to death by the fireball technique might only be a substitute of Samya. After listening to the autopsy process, the great magician Gerald nodded slightly , without any surprised expression, just rang the bell and called Ms. Memi from outside.

"Memi, go and invite the two magicians Albert and Brewer." The great magician Gerald ordered.

"Okay, Lord Gerald." Madam Mame walked out immediately.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. Two young magicians stood at the door and said respectfully, "Master Gerald, are you looking for us?"

The great magician Gerald motioned for the two to come in, pointed to Suldak and Karl and said, "These two are knights from the guard battalion. They came here this time to inform us that the body of Samya is The counterfeit, the real Samya is still at large, can you briefly talk about how you hunted down Samya last night?"

"Of course, great wizard Gerald." The two magicians looked at each other and replied.

"The thing is like this..." The two magicians asked Carl for the details of the incident. Samya was exposed in Christie Castle, and after leaving, he fell into the sight of the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team. The Magic Union Law Enforcement Team The two magicians chased after Samya for nearly half the night, and finally blocked Samya in the alley of No. 19-2 in Hailansa City. Both sides used magic. Master Albert burned Samya to death with a big fireball, and Samya did not choose to escape during the whole process.

After listening to the narration of the two magicians, Karl and Suldak naturally couldn't figure out what was going on.

In the end, the great magician Gerald said: "...Okay! Our law enforcement team of the Magic Union will pay close attention to this matter. If there is any news about Samya from the guard camp, please be timely. Contact our law enforcement team in time."

The two magicians got up to leave, and Lance took the opportunity to leave with Carl and Suldak.

Lance sent Carl and Suldak away from the heavily guarded top floor of the Magic Union, and explained to them while climbing the stairs that this was not the first time this happened to the Magic Union Law Enforcement Corps. It can cause the illusion of the target's death, and some necromancers can refine puppets, which can achieve the same purpose.

The Black Magic Recluse has mastered a complete substitute technique. This kind of evil black magic needs a special medium when used, and it is a forbidden magic clearly stipulated by the Magic Union.

Karl and Suldak left the magic union and rode back to the guard camp.


Suldak walked into the prison of the guard camp, and found that there was only one long corridor. On both sides of the corridor were some cells separated by iron fences. This prison was more than ten meters underground. It wasn't cold outside, but the prison was dark and damp. After standing at the prison gate for a while, Suldak felt a chilly aura surrounding his body, as if it wanted to get into his bones.

He showed the badge of the guard battalion to the guards at the gate of the prison, and took out the entry and exit voucher specially signed by Captain Sauron, only then was the guard allowed to enter the prison of the guard camp.

With his keen sense of magic, Suldak could only feel that there was a gloomy dead air in the prison. With such a strong dead air, Suldak felt that it might not be too peaceful here. The mottled walls inside the prison Dark purple moss is growing on the ground, and there are some holy objects such as wooden crosses that can disperse dead energy on the walls, but it seems that these wooden holy objects are almost rotten and are about to grow mushrooms.

The top of the corridor is full of white cobwebs, and the walls in some cells are still stained with blood, but I didn't see how many prisoners were held in this prison.

Occasionally, there would be a prisoner in a cell with a dull expression. When he saw Suldak walking by, he didn't respond at all. This reminded Suldak of the singer he saw in the morgue this morning. Levi, the theater manager, heard that he had been squatting in the prison of the guard camp for nearly a month before. He was so thin that he was almost out of shape. He hunched his body when he walked, and he already had many painful memories.

Suldak walked in the prison for almost a quarter of an hour. When he was about to reach the end, he saw Baron Grenfell tied to a huge wooden cross in the room facing the corridor. He was wearing heavy shackles. , wearing a blood-stained linen shirt and trousers, with his bare feet tied to a cross, in just over a week, Baron Grenfell looked even more miserable than a tramp on the street.

Standing in front of Grenfell, Suldak stopped in his tracks. The only time he saw Baron Grenfell was in the opera house.

At that time, Suldak was hiding in a box on the second floor of the opera house, while Baron Grenfell was sitting in the lobby on the first floor, surrounded by many familiar nobles. Baron Al was busy saying hello all the time. He had always had a good reputation in the aristocratic circle, but no one thought that he was in collusion with the Black Magic Priory, and he had a powerful bandit group under his command. In the summer, three noble manors were bloodbathed one after another.

None of the nobles would have thought that Baron Grenfell was behind the robber group. After the investigation of this matter came to light, there was almost an uproar among the nobles in Hailansa City.

"Baron Grenfell, do you want to see me?" Suldak asked the embarrassed Lord Baron in front of him.

The man hanging on the wooden cross struggled to open his eyes. It seemed that he did not receive the treatment that a death row prisoner should have.

"I finally see you, Knight Suldak..." Grenfell's eyes were filled with dead silence, and his voice was extremely weak.

But like some kind of flashback, after seeing Suldak, a flush appeared on his pale face, and a pair of eyes fixed on Suldak and said: "I have been speculating about a series of actions that will destroy us." Who is the person behind the plan, including intercepting Taylor halfway and rescuing Hoyle must be related to you. The dark red knight beside me traced some clues to the barren land outside the Pagolos Pass, but never again. When I came back, I just wanted to know if he died in your hands?"

Suldak stood there calmly, without answering.

Silence is the answer.

The last glimmer of hope in Baron Grenfell's eyes was also disillusioned, his eyes became empty and lifeless, perhaps at this moment he had already died in the spiritual world.

After being silent for a while, Suldak felt that he should explain. After all, he had not joined the guard camp at the time, so he should at least explain his motives for doing it. So he pondered for a while before saying: "...the bandit leader was in the On the way, they robbed the ironware I bought for the village."

"Cough cough cough..."

The only thing waiting was Baron Grenfell coughing violently.

Finally, Suldak couldn't help asking: "Since I answered your question, I also have a question to ask you. What are you looking for?"

Baron Grenfell did not answer this question, but only said: "I will take this secret to my grave, but you don't have to worry too much, someone will definitely tell you the answer."

In fact, there was absolutely no need for him to come to see Baron Grenfell. Although he knew that Baron Grenfell would never say anything, he still took a chance to try it out.


Unable to get the answer from Baron Grenfell's inquiry, Suldak could only sigh softly, turned around and left the prison without saying a word, for the baron who was about to be guillotined, Suldak really felt There is nothing to say.

When he walked out of the prison, there was already light snow in the sky outside.

The cold north wind mixed with snowflakes fell on Suldak's face, and it was not as chilling as the penetrating cold of the prison.

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