Lord Highlander

Chapter 368: 367. Execution Ground

In the afternoon, the city of Hailansa was overcast, with snowflakes floating in the sky. The northwest wind blowing from the direction of Pagros Mountain was not too strong, and the north wind quickly filled every corner of the city and The gap, on the contrary, is a flat square and a clean street without any snow. The prison car drove west from the guard camp all the way to the West City Square, which has always been the place where executions were executed.

For the execution of Baron Grenfell, the guard battalion dispatched almost all the knights. Nearly 250 knights escorted the prison cart and slowly passed through half of the city. Responsible for the security around the West City Square.

Just after noon, the execution ground in Xicheng Square was already full of people. For the residents of Hailansa City, the execution of death row criminals happens every year, but the execution of a noble is very rare. The nobles of the Green Empire The terms of the code clearly state that you can donate all your property to make atonement. If it is not for the heinous crimes committed by Baron Grenfell, even if there is a death, at most it will be exiled to a barren and dangerous plane that has not been fully occupied. territory.

However, the crimes committed by Baron Grenfell involved the Black Magic Priory, and he was also the mastermind behind the bandit group in High Lansa City. The bandit group that bloodbathed three noble manors has completely angered the nobles in High Lansa City. Therefore, Baron Grenfell will not be exiled, but will apply to the House of Representatives of the Province of Bena to execute Baron Grenfell through the decision of the Hailansa Council.

The verdict was sent back to Hailansa City yesterday, and Consul Bernard Christie signed a consent form for the immediate execution this morning.

The culprit who has made the residents of Hailansa fearful for more than half a year is finally about to be beheaded. Citizens who heard the news rushed to the streets. The streets are packed with water.

Suldak rode on Gu Bolai's horse and saw Bird tax collector huddled in the crowd, and waved to him from a distance, but he didn't seem to see himself.

Darcy Christie and a group of noble ladies are standing on the terrace on the top of a three-storey attic in Xicheng Square. This is a Baroque-style building. There are exquisite reliefs carved on the fence around the terrace, and there is a tarpaulin roof on the top of the terrace , Suldak was among the cavaliers, he raised his head and just met Miss Dacie Christie's eyes, Dacie Christie stood among the female companions, and waved to him imperceptibly.

Miss Hoyle stood among the noble ladies. Although there were many female companions around, it felt as if she was standing there alone. Her eyes were always looking in the direction of the guard camp. No one looked forward to it more than her. The moment has come!

She was wearing a thick leather coat and an exquisite hat on her head. The black gauze on the brim of the hat covered the upper half of her face. She was holding on to the stone railing on the edge of the terrace with both hands. The relief on the railing in front of her was a A judge knight, holding a crusader's long sword in his hand, was chopping on the head of the evil spirit.

The cold wind blew by, and her body kept trembling...

Darcy Christie wanted to pull her back into the room, but Miss Hoyle was stubborn and refused to go back. Darcy Christie had no choice but to ask the maid to fetch another cloak.

Worried that members of the Black Magic Priory would cause chaos in the execution ground, in addition to a large number of guard battalion knights in the West City Square, hundreds of longbow shooters were also arranged on the roofs of the buildings around the square. In addition, there were also some magic unions. The magicians of the law enforcement team, wearing very conspicuous black robes, are hiding in every corner of the square. Once an emergency occurs, these magicians can ride on the magic scorpion and rush to the scene for reinforcements.

However, the feeling of flying in the air on a magic handle in a snowy day makes people shudder just thinking about it.

Suldak is in charge of security at the northern edge of the West City Square. He wears full body armor of the guard battalion style and rides an ancient Bolai horse. He is particularly conspicuous in the crowd. The officer looked more often at the group of noble ladies upstairs than at the center of the square.

Not long after, the crowd at the intersection of the street started to commotion and backed down one after another. A group of knights from the guard battalion opened the way ahead. Grenfell was tied to the cross of a prison cart and drove slowly from the direction of the guard camp. Wrapped with several chains, Captain Sauron led the six constructed knights of the guard battalion to ride in front of the prison wagon. There were still four knights standing at the four corners of the prison wagon, and they slowly entered the West City Square.

Against the flying snowflakes, the excited citizens kept throwing cinders and stones in their hands, and it rained down on Baron Grenfell. Perhaps it was the cold wind that froze his body. There was no response from so many stones hitting him.

In the center of the square, there is a tall square platform made of stones. An executioner in leather armor stands on the platform. Beside him stands a long-handled ax. The edge of this ax has been polished very sharply. There is also a large wooden basin for receiving blood, and finely crushed snowflakes fall into the wooden basin.

There was almost no pause. The prison car approached the platform. Baron Grenfell was supported by two knights. The other two knights untied the chains tied to the wooden cross. Four knights carried Grenfell. The baron went up to the square and tied him to a wooden gallows.

At this time, the crowd in Xicheng Square began to gather around the center of the square. Everyone wanted to see the beheading scene carefully, and there was a commotion among the crowd.

The knights of the guard battalion scolded all around, and the commotion was quickly quelled by the knights of the guard battalion. The executioner waited for Captain Sauron's order. Captain Sauron rode his horse as steadily as Mount Tai, until there were two melodious cries from the bell tower. The bell rang, and Captain Sauron ordered to the executioner on the stage: "Execution!"

It was like chopping a cabbage in a vegetable field and dropping it with an axe. Baron Grenfell's head rolled aside and blood gushed out.

The moment Baron Grenfell was beheaded, the snow fell even more.

The dark red knight that the knights of the guard battalion were most worried about did not appear, nor did a large number of robber gangs hiding in the crowd emerge.

The black mages who were most worried about by the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team also disappeared, and there was not even a single person who collected the body of Baron Grenfell in the square.

At this moment, the square became extremely quiet. As Baron Grenfell was decapitated, the surrounding citizens cheered like a tidal wave...

Suldak raised his head and looked at the balcony of the gorgeous building. The noble ladies had already started to leave the venue one after another. Miss Hoyle, supported by Dacie Christie, left behind the crowd with tears in her eyes.

Suldak had a strong feeling that Samya was among the crowd in the square, and at the moment of the execution just now, her eyes full of resentment stared at him from a distance, but when he waited After reacting, when I looked along the crowd, that petite figure disappeared into the crowd again.

only so much today

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