Lord Highlander

Chapter 369. 368. Rewards for the Guard Battalion

The afternoon sun shines into the warm and empty library, leaving long and narrow light grids on the red-painted floor. The floor near the window panes has been exposed to the sun all day long, and there are faint signs of fading.

The heavy snow fell from noon to early morning yesterday, and the whole city of Hailansa was covered by a piece of silver.

The snow stopped, and there was no wind. People in the streets of the city were clearing the thick snow.

In the library of the knight academy, the apprentice knights don't like it here, these young people prefer outdoor activities.

Almost half of the books in the library are textbooks of various subjects, and these textbooks are all prepared for borrowing by apprentice knights.

Apprentice knights studying at the Knight Academy do not need to prepare various books in advance. All the textbooks they need for class can be borrowed from the library with the academy badge.

These books are open to students free of charge. In principle, as long as they are not damaged, there will be no additional costs for purchasing books.

Most of the remaining books in the library are related to the history of the Grimm Empire, and of course there are some biographies of the adventures of knights and rangers.

Some ranger biographies are recorded in the form of diaries, which are very realistic. Of course, some are memoirs or some exaggerated and fictional stories are added, which have a better reading experience. In the rift of time and space, entered the kingdom of dragon and became a dragon slaying warrior.

Of course, now that the dragon knight has disappeared for nearly a hundred years, the dragon knight has become a legend in the eyes of the people of the empire, but every trainee knight has a dream of becoming a dragon knight in his heart.

In some books, there are often plots about meeting the night elf queen in a certain forest and spending three unforgettable nights with her. After reading too much of this kind of adventure, it will make people feel that the night elf queen is more like a She is a street girl, and she can do whatever she wants without giving money. Before the final parting, she will also get an epic weapon made by an elf craftsman. The biography of this kind of ranger in the library is almost ruined by the apprentice knights.

The library seemed very deserted on weekends, only a few female students were sitting in the corner of the library.

They are frequent visitors in the library, and Suldak can often see them when he comes to the library to borrow historical materials. However, Suldak has no idea about underage girls who are nearly ten years younger than him.

The young magician Lance revealed some information to Suldak. According to the information obtained by the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team, there are a total of six black magicians hiding in Grenfell Manor to conduct research on black magic, except Mrs. Grenfell. Except for Margaret, the other five black mages are all on the run. However, the magicians of the law enforcement team don't know yet that Cyrus Hickok, the black mage who robbed Suldak, has died in the In the red pine forest.

Cyrus. Hickok's magic note is placed in front of the square table in the reading room.

Suldak was taking out a "Compendium of the Grimm Empire" from the bookshelf. This thick parchment book was covered with thick dust. Suldak blew lightly, and the dust filled the entire bookshelf. , Suldak quickly walked out of the bookshelf area with the book in his arms.

He searched the library for most of the information, but unfortunately, the black magician Cyrus Hickok's magic notebook is still at the preliminary stage of understanding. There are a lot of Cyrus's magic notebooks in this book. Magician S. Hickok's experience in black magic. There are many incomprehensible words in the notes. Suldak looked it up in the reading room for a long time before he figured out that many of the words that record magic are not in the imperial language. Su Erdak found no books on these texts in the library of the Knight Academy.

Therefore, for this magic notebook, Suldak could only understand a small part of the content. He tried to dismantle and transcribe some unintelligible texts on a blank parchment, and prepared to ask questions if he had time. Lance, in the Grimm Empire, every magician has received a very good imperial education. The young magicians who can join the law enforcement team of the Magic Union are all outstanding students in the previous magic academy.

Of course, Suldak could still understand some contents in the magic notes, including Cyrus. Sorcerer Hickok's detailed account of several magical herbs.

Let him finally figure out the specific names and effects of the several kinds of magic herbs in the magic pocket. Suldak is going to find an opportunity to send these magic herbs to the auction house. Now that the magic herbs are in such a tight demand in the magic market, they should be able to sell a few. It’s a good price, and it’s best to be able to exchange for the magic materials needed by Ferdinand’s magic scholar. He has very few sand wolf heads left in his magic pocket. Once he loses the buff effect of the “Blessed Body”, he may It is difficult to suppress the black curse on the leg.

Originally, Suldak had planned to hunt sand wolves in the wild, but a sudden heavy snow completely dispelled his idea, and he had to start re-planning, planning to go to the auction house in Hailansa city to try his luck, even if he couldn't buy it. For those kinds of magic herbs, maybe you can buy cheaper sacrifices.

As for the weird magic materials in the magic pocket, although there are related records in this magic notebook, it just doesn't describe the appearance characteristics in detail, and Suldak is a bit confused about what these magic materials are.

Turn to the back of the magic note, the black magician Cyrus. Hickok recorded a magic circle in his notes, and Suldak vaguely felt that the pattern of the magic circle was the same as the magic circle he saw in the cave behind Grenfell Manor, but the one in the magic notes The magic circle is drawn more carefully, and there are Cyrus in many places. Some notes written by Hickok, and a few pages later, are all about explaining the magic circle.

There is a paragraph in the notes that records the whole story of several black magicians living in seclusion in Hailansa City.

The mission of these six black magicians is to reproduce the magic circle of the "Dark Summoning Gate". According to the guidance of the astrologer, the six of them came to Hailansa City to find some clues, in order to find a secret hiding place. Therefore, the six people chose this red pine forest outside the city of Hailansa. They used black magic to kill a baron's wife, and one of the six people named Margaret married the baron. The baron is officially Lord Greenfield.

Since then, Baron Grenfell's manor has become the hiding place of the Black Magic Priory, and they have successfully developed Baron Grenfell into a peripheral member of the Black Magic Priory, Cyrus. The Hickok magician didn't think it was Margaret's credit. He felt that he should thank Samya for this matter. If Samya hadn't succeeded in sleeping Baron Grenfell, he wanted to persuade Grenfell It might not be easy for the Baron to join the Black Arts Priory.

The following words are recorded at the back of the magic note:

'Only by borrowing the Goddess of Darkness to break the constraints of the laws of the world can the Gate of Dark Summoning be reproduced. The horrors in the Flaming Hell were repelled by the power of the world law, but the dark goddess had successfully let the apostle come into the world, and the dark apostle must hold the secret of the world law in Roland Continent. '

On the last page of this black magic notebook, there is a portrait of Selena in Girls' Generation. This portrait is lifelike, but there is a crescent-like magic pattern tattooed on her forehead, and her eyes are also powerful and confident. , Suldak stared at the eyes of the portrait, his gaze seemed to be attracted by the deep gaze of the portrait, just one portrait made him immersed in it, almost unable to extricate himself.

He saw endless darkness in those eyes, and just when he was about to sink into the endless void, a beam of holy light shone from the bottom of his heart, making him completely awake.

At the moment of waking up, Suldak quickly closed the magic notebook. The moment the page on the magic notebook was closed, Suldak felt that the portrait didn't look like Selina anymore.

Then the inexplicable power full of darkness disappeared from his spiritual world. He panted heavily, and touched his forehead, which was actually covered with cold sweat.

He closed the magic notebook, pinched the corners of his eyes wearily, and finally understood the reason why these magicians of the Black Magic Priory tried their best to find Selina, and until now, these members of the Black Magic Priory He didn't give up looking for Selina, and it turned out to be related to the Dark Summoning Gate.

After closing the magic notebook, Suldak remembered that he had to rush to the guard camp.

He got up and left the library, walked to the stables behind the college, pulled out his ancient horse and left the college through the side door.

Although the snow on the street has not been cleaned up, the sidewalks for people to walk have all been opened up.

Suldak rode his horse through the wealthy area of ​​Hailansa City. A homeless man was lying on a bench not far away. The homeless man got up from the bench and wanted to come over to Suldak But when he saw the knight badge on Suldak's chest, he immediately limped into a narrow alleyway, not even daring to turn his head.

Suldak was a little speechless, thinking: This is probably the deterrent force of the knights in the guard battalion, after all, the title 'Master Knight' is not called for nothing.

The death of the aristocratic boy Vic made the nobles in Highlandsah hate the Black Magic Retreat. The living space of black magicians in Highlandsard City was further compressed, and maybe they could only hide in the sewers where the homeless lived. , so as not to be discovered, some members of the aristocrats have proposed more than once in the parliament that they want to clean up some homeless people in the city of Hailansa, so that the remaining power of the Black Magic Priory may be completely eradicated.

Ivan Baruch is currently being held in the prison of the Magic Union. Even Lance doesn't know what the young knight confessed to the magician in charge of the interrogation.

According to Karl, the Baruchs are trying to raise money everywhere to try to get Ivan Baruch out of prison, but nothing seems to be going on.

The snow in the guard camp had been cleared away. Suerdak stored the horses in the stables. When he reached the entrance of the main building, he stopped and tidied up his light leather armor before entering. When he went upstairs, he happened to see When Gwendolyn ran down the stairs holding a stack of thick reports, in such a cold weather, Gwendolyn was still wearing a dress and uniform. After she saw Suldak, her face There was a smile on his face immediately, and he said something to him: "Suldak, you did a good job!" before passing him by.

This sentence made Suldak confused, but he didn't think much about it afterwards, and went directly to Captain Sauron's office on the second floor.

Knock on the door and enter the room.

Captain Sauron was standing at his desk flipping over the parchment full of words, his bushy eyebrows were almost knit together, and when he looked up and saw Suldak, he nodded to him, motioned him to sit on the chair opposite, and said bluntly : "I'm calling you this time..."

Captain Sauron said to Suldak: Although he didn't get any rewards for the incident at Grenfell Manor last time, his achievements were recorded in the book.

This time, he found members of the Black Magic Priory in Christie Castle and rescued Miss Hoyle. He performed very well and was praised by the Marquis Bernard Christie, the consul of Hailansa. Although Suldak It has only been one month since he joined the support squadron of the guard battalion, so he does not meet the promotion requirements, but due to his outstanding performance, he made an exception and promoted Suldak as the deputy captain of the support squadron.

Of course, since Suldak is currently studying at the Knight Academy and does not belong to any of the ten squadrons of the support squadron, this sub-captain is only a vain job, except that he can receive ten extra silver coins every month. In addition, some benefits have been slightly improved, that's all.

Captain Sauron held the quill clumsily, and said to Suldak: "You need to go to Ms. Flora later to re-register the badge of the guard battalion. If there is nothing else, you can leave."

"Yes, Captain Sauron!" Suldak straightened his back and walked out of Captain Sauron's office.


Suldak walked into a noisy tavern, and saw Karl and He sitting next to the bar, smiling and chatting with the proprietress inside the bar.

There was a familiar figure sitting behind Karl, it was the Byrd tax officer who sent him to Wall Village, but at this time the Byrd tax officer seemed to be drunk, and his body was already leaning a little. With his hand propped on the bar, holding half a glass of ale in his hand, his huge beer belly almost touched the bar, which made Suldak a little worried, whether the stool under his butt could support his heavy weight Body.

Suldak sat next to Karl, and saw that Bird's face was flushed from drinking, and his tongue was a little out of control when he spoke.

"Don't look at me like that. It has nothing to do with me. When I came here, I happened to see Byrd sitting here drinking alone. He had already had a little too much by then." Carl raised his innocent hand and said to Suldak explained.

"What benefits did Sauron give you...?" Karl asked casually.

When Suldak told Captain Sauron's reward, Karl couldn't help curling his lips and said, "Captain Sauron is good everywhere, but his achievements are too hard..."

Carl didn't say much.

The proprietress handed over a glass of ale, and the two raised their glasses and bumped into each other.

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