Lord Highlander

Chapter 370: 369. White Elephant Trading Firm

The tavern was a bit noisy, and the large trays above the heads of the girls were filled with ale, and they shuttled nimbly among the tavern guests.

Only near the bar counter is a bit more orderly. The barmaids put the empty wine glasses on the bar counter, and the proprietress behind the bar quickly brought the wine glasses filled with ale, put together a large tray, and chatted with the barmaids for a few minutes. If you want to have a drink with these ale girls, you will not only have to pay double the price for the drink, but also buy the glass of wine that the ale girl drank. , is considered a treat.

Apparently no one in the bar intentionally poured alcohol on Bird Tax Officer. Suerdak glanced at Bird Tax Officer, and saw him lowering his head and smirking at the glass of ale in front of him. He had obviously drunk too much.

Suldak likes to drink with a plate of nuts, preferably charcoal-grilled and coated with salt.

The tavern proprietress saw that Karl had a friend coming, so she stood aside to clean the wine glass, and stopped chatting with Karl.

Carl will go out of the city with the support squadron tomorrow to inspect the villages and towns and noble manors around Hailansa City.

After the heavy snowfall, some bandit groups would often emerge, taking advantage of the heavy snowfall to inconvenient transportation, they took the opportunity to plunder some fringe villages and towns, and the guard battalion support group would be busy for a while at this time.

If it wasn't for Suldak who still needs to attend classes at the Knight Academy, he would also like to go out of the city with Karl. After the mountains are blocked by heavy snow, some monsters hidden deep in the mountains will also come out. At this time, some demon hunters are the most Best time to hunt.

The door of the tavern was pushed open by two attendants, and Mrs. Christie walked in angrily from the outside. Even the drunk drinkers, seeing Mrs. Christie's strong aura, would avoid and silence.

Mrs. Christie walked up to Karl and sat down on the high stool in front of the bar. The proprietress of the tavern skillfully poured a glass of golden cider and sent it to Mrs. Christie.

"Why did he drink so much?" Mrs. Christie looked at the dull-looking Byrd tax collector and asked Carl suspiciously.

In her impression, although this obese tax official likes to drink, he is usually very self-disciplined and rarely drinks like this.

Karl also rubbed his forehead in distress, and explained to Mrs. Christie with an innocent face: "Who knows...he has been in a low mood since he came out of Christie Castle. We haven't sat here for long, and he got himself drunk gone."

"How was today's lunch? How do you see that you are in a bad mood?" Karl asked Mrs. Christie.

At this moment, Suldak is completely transparent. The proprietress of the tavern next to her turned around and pushed a plate of dried fish to Suldak. The plate was small, and the dried fish looked very delicate. There was half a lemon in the narration. Suldak looked at the tavern proprietress suspiciously, pointed to his nose, and asked suspiciously, "Is it for me?"

"Please try the newly added appetizers in the tavern." The proprietress said to Suldak with a smile.

Her voice is soft and approachable.

Suldak quickly replied 'thank you', no wonder the tavern was full in the afternoon, it seems that the proprietress in the tavern is very good at business.

Mrs. Christie, who was sitting on the other side of Karl, was also complaining to Karl at this time: "Today is really terrible, a group of self-righteous guys, Bernard should drive them all out, those guys! Uh... really!"

The proprietress of the tavern seemed to be very familiar with Mrs. Christie, she couldn't help but turned her head and asked, "What happened? It made you so angry..."

Mrs. Christie rested her arms on the bar, holding her glass in both hands but not busy drinking.

"What else is there? In the past two days, Hoyle has been in a low mood. In order to cheer up Hoyle, Bernard specially invited some young nobles to the castle. Who would have thought that those young people would Running in front of Daqy, he tried his best to show off his talent and knowledge, but left Hoyle aside. Bernard's original intention was to make Hoyle happier, but unexpectedly, it made Hoyle's mood worse. I didn’t make it to the end of the luncheon and left early.” Mrs. Christie complained.

The proprietress of the tavern said sympathetically, "How could they do this?"

Mrs. Christie sighed softly, and said: "It may be that Hoyle is involved in the Black Magic Priory. If we marry her home, it will bring disaster to their family."

Carl asked with a look of surprise: "So... Even if Hoyle has a rich dowry and title, no one wants to try to associate with her?"

"Hmm!" Mrs. Christie looked at Suldak at this moment, raised her glass to him and said, "... Suldak, I haven't expressed my thanks to you yet."

"It's nothing, it's just a coincidence." Suldak smiled modestly.

Mrs. Christie asked: "I heard that you want to participate in the auction?"

This is also the reason why Suldak gathered in the tavern in the afternoon.

If not, Karl will be traveling soon. At this time, he must be living a two-person world with Mrs. Christie.

Usually only nobles can participate in some high-end auctions in Hailansa City. Karl rarely participates in such auctions, so he has no way to give Suldak any good advice, so he asked Mrs. Christie to recommend it.

Suldak said directly: "I want to buy some kinds of magic herbs. I have searched almost all the magic herb stores in Hailansa. I can't buy those kinds of magic herbs anywhere. I can only find a way to go to the auction house to try my luck. .”

Suldak wanted to ask Scholar Ferdinand to prepare the magic potion that could suppress the black curse, otherwise the sacrifice of the sand wolf's head would not last long.

Mrs. Christie frowned slightly. Her eyebrows and eyes were very similar to Darcy Christie's. She has a strong personality and is usually not too tactful when talking with familiar people. She said to Suldak: "Now the auction house It is not easy to buy magic herbs here, and many magic pharmacists are staring at the auction house, as long as magic herbs appear in the auction house, no matter how expensive they are, they will definitely buy them at a high price in the end."

Apparently, what Mrs. Christie said was the current situation of Hailansa City. The current magic herb market in Hailansa City is controlled by several magic pharmacists, so that several potion shops in the city cannot continue to operate and have closed down one after another.

Mrs. Christie didn't say something clearly, but Suldak already understood the meaning of the words. Even if she spent a high price to snatch those magic herbs in the auction house, it was useless. If she offended those magic pharmacists, no one would be willing Suldak concocts a magic potion.

Suldak smiled slightly distressed, thinking that he could buy some low-level sacrifices such as sand wolf heads, or simply follow Karl's support squadron to the wild, and maybe he could hunt other monsters .

Seeing that Suldak was silent, Mrs. Christie said again: "I know that there is a special trading firm that can accept entrustments to purchase magic items. Although the commission is a bit expensive, you can order a lot of rare magic items from him. goods, and the most special thing about that trading house is that it advocates bartering, if you have some rare magic materials, I suggest you try your luck there."

"Where is that trading house?" Karl also asked Mrs. Christie curiously.

Mrs. Christie looked at Suldak and said to him, "It's in the underground trading market. If you decide to go, I can be your recommender."

Suldak thought that the black mage Cyrus was still kept in the magic pocket. Some of Hickok's magic herbs might be able to be exchanged for the magic herbs he needed, so he said, "I want to try my luck, Mrs. Christie."

Mrs. Christie said to Suldak: "You can call me Mary or Mariana."

Now that he decided to go to the trading firm, he was ready to leave immediately. Carl looked at the drunk Bird tax officer, and said with some distress: "I have to send this guy back first, you take Suldak to trade first. Commercial Bank, I will rush over to meet you later."

Karl's entourage carried Bird tax collector out of the tavern and boarded Karl's carriage.

Mrs. Christie's attendants led Suldak into a magic caravan on the side of the street. Mrs. Christie sat in the carriage and gave instructions to the coachman. The carriage drove slowly on the street that had not completely cleared the snow. In the underground trading market, the ancient Bolai horse of Suldak was tied behind the carriage and walked slowly with the carriage.

It was very calm in the carriage. Mrs. Christie was sitting opposite Suldak, but her eyes kept falling on Suldak, and she kept looking at him. After a moment of silence, Mrs. Christie was the first to ask: "You How did you meet Darcy?"

Suldak knew that Mrs. Christie would find an opportunity to ask this question, so he said frankly: "I served in the fifty-seventh heavy armored infantry regiment of the Bena Corps, and our infantry regiment happened to be stationed in the forest camp southwest of the hilly pasture. .The swordsman academy where Ms. Christie works organizes a planar training group..."

There's nothing to hide about these things, either.

Mrs. Christie seemed to be hearing this for the first time, her mouth opened into an 'O' shape. Based on her understanding of her niece, Darcy Christie was definitely not the kind of character who would not revenge. She asked Su with a surprised face. Erdak: "So...although you and Daxi knew each other before, they weren't friends, and instead formed some grievances?"

Suldak continued: "It's almost like this. Before leaving Handanar City, I took the initiative to teach Norton a lesson..."

Mrs. Christie suppressed a smile, and said to Suldak: "Ha! I have heard about Daxi's experience before. She decided to return to Hailansa City and teach in the Knight Academy. It is more or less similar to that incident. Something matters."

Then he said with emotion: "I didn't expect you to meet again in Hailansa City, and you also successfully resolved the previous grievances."


Suldak suddenly felt that Mrs. Christie's eyes had changed, and she looked more like an amiable elder when she looked at him, which made a layer of cold sweat break out on his back.


Fortunately, the underground trading market is not too far from the tavern. Although the streets in Hailansa City are not very smooth, the crest of the Christie family is hung on the outside of the carriage, and they have the right of way no matter where they go. The carriages on the road have to avoid it , so it didn't take much time to reach the gate of the underground trading market.

Suldak had been to this underground trading market more than once, but he didn't know that there was a trading company here.

The magic caravan stopped, Mrs. Christie got out of the magic caravan, and walked into the gate of the underground trading market with Suldak. The burly janitor saw Mrs. Christie, put his fist on his chest respectfully, and acted like a standard warrior. present.

Mrs. Christie did not go directly into the underground trading market, but asked the gatekeeper, "Is Magician Dale here..."

This trading firm is located on the second floor of the underground trading market. If someone hadn't led the way, Surdak hadn't noticed that there was another staircase behind the gatekeeper. Walking into this trading firm on the second floor, a firm manager He quickly walked over to Mrs. Christie, and greeted Christie warmly: "Good afternoon, honorable Mrs. Christie, welcome to White Elephant Trading Company. Is there anything I can do for you?"

At this time, Suldak saw a row of bulletin boards on the walls on the left and right sides of the hall of the trading house, and the bulletin boards were filled with rows of information, most of which were some demand purchase information. There is also a small amount of information about strange magic items for sale.

After hearing Mrs. Christie's explanation, the manager of the firm introduced Suldak: "Knight Suldak, our firm specializes in the trading of rare magic items. You can deposit some magic materials or magic weapons you want to sell with us. In the firm, we will sell it for you. If you want to exchange magic spar, you can also trade directly with our firm. If you are not satisfied with the price given by our firm, you can also specify the price and store it in our firm You can sell it here, or you can exchange it for other magic items you need."

Suldak said directly to the manager of the firm: "I need several magic herbs, and what I can take out now is some magic herbs."

Hearing what Suldak said, the manager of the firm immediately showed a joyful expression, and said, "It is definitely the wisest choice for you to come to our trading firm. Our firm has professional magic material appraisers who can price your magic herbs. , and then according to your needs, you can estimate how much magic herbs you can get. It is indeed much easier to exchange magic herbs for magic herbs than to buy magic spar, please follow me."

The three of them did not stay in the lobby on the second floor of the trading house. The manager of the trading house directly brought Suldak and Mrs. Christie to the third floor of the trading house. The manager of the trading house stopped in front of a door and knocked carefully. There was a steady voice: "Please come in!"

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