Lord Highlander

Chapter 374

There was a northerly wind and snow blowing in the oak forest, and the body of the assassin will rot together with the fallen leaves in the forest after the ice and snow melt next spring, and turn into a handful of fertile soil, maybe he will be starved before then. The little beasts in the forest ate everything, and even brought their bones back to their dens.

Suldak rode for a long time in the mountains until he confirmed that there was no follower behind him, then he found the mountain road leading to the outside of the mountain pass and walked forward through the heavy snow.

The distance that could have been covered in one day did not go until late at night before Surdak crossed the mountain pass.

Under the moon, the mountains and fields are all white. Standing at the mountain pass, Suldak can clearly see the forest of crosses on the top of the mountain. The bones of the robbers and the torn clothes are swaying in the north wind. .

Until the village of Woer hidden in the ravine appeared in Suldak's sight, a warm current flowed through his body suddenly in his heart.

Under the snowy night, Woer Village seemed very quiet. The dead tree at the entrance of the village was whimpered by the wind. A long snow wall, a castle, and a snow slide piled up in the open space next to it. Such a large project must have been done by the children of the village. Many houses were pitch-black, and people in the village were used to going to bed early in winter.

The local dogs in the village noticed the outsider and let out a series of barks, but when they rushed out of the village in groups and saw the familiar figure in the snow, they lowered their heads and shook their heads in a flattering manner. Tail, stepping closer, whimpering softly, the ham, frozen fish, and frozen meat brought back by Suerdak would not be thrown to them casually.

He was welcomed into the village by a group of dogs from the village. The ravine was covered with a thick layer of snow. Surdak looked up and saw a semicircular embankment at the uppermost reaches of the ravine. It was completed before winter, and Suerdak led the horse along the road in the village. When he passed the central square of the village, twenty horse-drawn carriages stopped neatly beside the wood workshop. The snow at the door of the wood workshop was covered It was cleaned cleanly, and it seemed that the workshop hadn't stopped in winter, and the unfinished waterwheel inside the workshop could be seen through the wooden fence.

The house where Selena lived was also pitch black. There were three snowmen piled up at the door, and the tallest snowman was surrounded by a shield made of snow and a long sword cut from branches. Surdak paused for a while. , and continued to walk up to the front of his own yard. Through the yard wall, Suldak saw the newly built red thatch cowshed. The cow was chewing quietly in the cowshed, probably because he felt the wall. The movement outside made a low voice.

The courtyard door was locked from the inside, and Suldak easily pried open the courtyard door, led the horse in, and brought the snow-covered Gubolai horse into the cowshed. The master let out a 'moo', expressing his dissatisfaction to Suldak, but Suldak ignored it at all, and just silently took off the saddle from Gu Bolai's horse, and then put the cotton cloth on the horse's back. The quilt and the blanket wrapped around the horse's legs were untied one by one, and a bucket of water was taken from the kitchen tank to drink the horse, and a large load of hay was taken from the stone trough beside it, which should be prepared by Rita for tomorrow morning. The cow next to him made another dissatisfied protest.

Suldak heard the sound of the door of the main house being pushed open, and when he turned his head, he saw Rita standing in the yard dumbfounded holding a wooden stick, followed by Natasha in a single dress.

"Dak, why did you come back from Hailansa City with such heavy snow?"

Rita didn't think much about it at all, she just threw away the stick in her hand, and regardless of the temperature at night was so low that water could drip into ice, she ran to Suldak in her single clothes and gave him a big hug. It's all snow, the whole person is like a snow beast on the snowy mountain, the whole body is white, and I don't know how Rita recognized her at a glance.

Feeling a cloud of hot breath rushing towards him, Suldak caught it quickly, and then met Natasha's gentle gaze standing behind.

"It's too cold outside, let's go inside and talk about it." Suldak held Rita's tight and soft shoulders with both hands, removed her from his arms, and said to the two women in single clothes standing in the snow .

Only now did Rita feel the cold, and she folded her hands on her chest, covering the clear outline exposed under the linen shirt, her pretty face flushed a little.

However, a pair of big blue eyes still asked with great concern: "What happened? How do you walk the mountain road in this weather?"

The expression on her face was very similar to that of his brother, and Surdak couldn't help touching the top of her head.

Suldak stretched out his other hand to embrace Natasha, and said as he walked into the house: "Nothing happened, everything is fine, a master magician in the city needs to buy some sulfur mines, this time I I came back on a special trip to fetch sulfur ore.”

Walking into the house, Suldak finally felt a tinge of warmth. Rita lit a candle in the narrow living room. When I got down to catch my breath, I saw the door of old Sheila's room opened, and old Sheila staggered out of the house.

Suldak walked over and hugged the old Sheila. The old Sheila was a little inflexible in her legs and feet, so she pulled Suldak to sit down on the chair by the fireplace, and said, "Rita, go and boil some hot water. Take a warm bath to drive away the cold."

Then he said to Natasha who was standing behind: "Natasha, you re-ignite the fireplace and hang up a piece of scones. There is still some chestnut rice porridge left from last night. Duck needs some hot food."

The ashes in the fireplace were still warm. Natasha took some straw from the outside and ignited several pine cones in the stove. The cooking pot was hung on the fire, and the chestnut rice porridge inside was steaming very quickly.

Suldak rubbed his hands, and said to the tired old Sheila, "Go and rest, I'll go to sleep after I eat something."

"When I'm old, I don't sleep that much. Sit down and tell me about the city..." Old Sheila smiled faintly at Suldak, and said slowly.

Natasha took out a blanket for old Sheila and covered her lap, and old Sheila casually asked Suldak about life in Hailansa.

"Where I live... I'm currently living in the student dormitory of the Knight Academy. The conditions there are very good. I have a single room and a balcony..." Suldak said honestly, but obviously old Sheila didn't understand the dormitory. What is the building, and can't imagine what the terrace looks like, but listening to Suldak's vivid description of the college, there is a faint smile in the old Sheila's eyes.

She seemed to think that after a few years, little Peter would probably also be able to study in the Knight Academy and live in a spacious and warm dormitory. This was probably the biggest wish of old Sheila.

"The cafeteria in the college provides three meals a day, with white bread and broth every day..." Suldak continued.

Few people in Wall Village can eat white bread. The refined wheat flour used to make white bread is very different from whole wheat flour. It needs to be dehusked and ground to remove the wheat bran and germ on the surface of the wheat grains, and the remaining wheat grains are carefully selected. After selection, you can grind it again to get refined wheat flour. Grinding this kind of wheat flour is simply a waste of food. No one in Wall Village would do this, but it doesn’t mean they don’t know white bread. Hearing Suldak talk about the academy Broth is served in the canteen every day, and Rita next to her can't help but swallow her saliva.

Suldak told old Sheila about joining the guard camp of Hailansa City. This was an honor that Wall Village had never had before. The spirit of the earth was gradually relieved, and she couldn't help feeling a little drowsy. She lifted the blanket and stood up slowly. She didn't want anything to happen to her body, at least not before Little Peter entered the Knight Academy.

Before going to sleep, old Sheila said to Suldak: "Your house has never been lit, and it is as cold as an ice cellar. You can take a hot bath and get tired. Sleep here tonight!"

"Okay." Suldak was holding a small cooking pot, eating hot chestnut rice porridge.

Rita also brought over a plate of thinly sliced ​​raw ham, and Suldak tore off a scone that was burnt and crispy, thinking that it would be really good to eat with it.

After finishing all this work, Rita yawned and went into the room to go to sleep. She knew she had to give Natasha and Suldak some time.

Suldak was devouring the scones. Under the candlelight, Natasha's eyes were extremely focused. She was sitting on a small stool beside her, with her elbows on her knees and her chin on one hand, quietly watching Suldak. , since the man in front of her appeared in her life, her life is constantly changing, the cold north wind no longer pours into the room along the gaps in the roof, and there is no need to save a small amount of food every day throughout the winter If I go to sleep hungry, I probably don’t have to go to the tidal flats to dig grass roots tomorrow. My current life should be gifted by the goddess! What's not to like?

After eating enough, Suldak got into the warm wooden barrel, and the chill in his body was completely expelled. Natasha walked in with a clean and loose linen pajamas. Suldak looked up and wanted to go to Lana. Tasha's hand, but she ran away like a deer.

After taking a hot bath, Suldak returned to the living room while wiping his wet hair in thin pajamas.

Natasha poured out all the water in the barrel, otherwise, when the water in the barrel freezes tomorrow morning, the barrel will be burst by the ice.

In the living room, there was only a piece of red charcoal left in the fireplace, and the most comfortable recliner next to it was covered with a thick quilt. Suldak lay down on the recliner while roasting the warm fire, and Natasha was busy. After finishing all this, he blew out the residual candle in the living room, and was about to go back to the room lightly.

"Or... talk to me for a while."

In the dim living room, Suldak whispered.

Natasha stopped, her gentle face flushed slightly, but she still walked slowly to the side of Suldak, and sat down on another chair by the fireplace, the red fire reflected her beautiful face. The blue eyes on her face became a little deep, and Suldak leaned over, reached out and rubbed her curly blond hair, and wrapped her in the quilt.

"It's so cold to sit like this! Would you like to lie down with me for a while..."

Natasha didn't know how she and Suldak squeezed together on the narrow recliner, as if under a spell, her mind was empty, with only a pair of firm eyes and some prickly stubble in front of her, Nata Sha leaned out as much as possible, so as not to take up too much space and make Suldak lie uncomfortable, but then a pair of big hands hugged her tightly.

Before Natasha could struggle, Suldak said in a low voice, "Don't move around, just hug for a while..."


Natasha woke up suddenly when she heard the sound of the door opening.

She couldn't even remember when she fell asleep, and when she opened her eyes, it was dawn. Looking at the scattered clothes beside the fireplace, Natasha just wanted to escape from the scene as soon as possible.

In a panic, she propped herself up from the sleeping Suldak's arms, her body was empty, Natasha was almost crying, her pajamas were gone, just in time to greet the woman who had just gotten up from the room. Rita came out with a narrow smile, and quickly shrank back into the cup, worrying about waking up Surdak, got up lightly, hugged her clothes, blushed and quickly walked away from Rita. Side ran into the inner room.

"Fortunately, it's Rita, it's nothing, it's not the first time..."

Natasha hypnotized herself.


Suldak was woken up by an excited scream. He didn't know how long it had been since he had slept so soundly. Normally, even in his sleep, he kept swimming in the sea of ​​consciousness and feeling the pain in his body. The nodes are constantly being lit up, and I rarely sleep until I wake up naturally.

"Dad, so I'm not dreaming!"

Little Peter got into Suldak's bed in his pajamas, his little feet were cold, he stared at Suldak who had not fully woken up, rubbed his face vigorously and shouted, Su Erdak hurriedly stopped little Peter to prevent him from kicking off the quilt.

"Peter, you should let him sleep a little longer, he came back very late yesterday..."

Natasha was neatly dressed, wearing an apron, and came over with a glass of warm water. First, she let little Peter take a sip of water, and then poured the rest into Suldak's mouth.

"I came back last night, and you didn't wake me up!" Little Peter looked at Natasha angrily.

But then Rita pinched his ears and pulled Suldak out of the bed.

Little Peter protested loudly and begged for mercy softly...


Suldak opened the door and walked into the old village chief's house. The old village chief's family was eating breakfast around the dining table. The dining table was full of people, even his local dog named Kara curled up. Hide under the dining table.

Seeing Suldak, Charlie quickly stood up and asked with wide eyes in surprise, "Dak, why did you come back from Hailansa City?"

The old village chief also looked at Suldak suspiciously, but he was much calmer than his son Charlie, and asked Suldak, "Have you had breakfast? If not, let's have some together..."

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