Lord Highlander

Chapter 375: 374. Dark Priestess

This year's winter storage is well prepared, and every household's granary is fully filled. Without the troubles of previous years, the smile on the old village chief's face is obviously much more.

The wife of the old village chief made a pot of lemon tea for everyone, and there was a faint fragrance in the living room.

Holding a teacup, Suldak sat in the living room and told the old village chief about Dale magician's desire to buy sulfur mines.

The old village chief sat down, knocked the pipe on the corner of the table, cleaned up the ash, filled it with shredded tobacco, and was not in a hurry to light it. He put it in his mouth and listened silently to Suldak's words , became energetic all of a sudden, and said excitedly: "This is a great thing!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled shyly, and told Surdak about the villagers' doubts: "The sulfur is stored in the warehouse, and everyone doesn't know what the yellow stones are for. It took so much effort to get rid of them in the pustule mountain. Digging back under your feet, if you say it’s not hard work, it’s all a lie. They say they can be exchanged for silver coins, but I haven’t seen the value they create. speech."

He paused for a moment, then lit the tobacco in the pipe with a match, took a deep breath, and said, "It is of course best to sell them."

Charlie asked with a worried face: "It's just that there is so much snow outside now that the road in the mountain is almost blocked. How should we transport these sulfur mines out?"

The old village chief pondered for a while, and said, "It's definitely not feasible to use a horse-drawn carriage now."

"In addition to discussing this matter with you when I come back this time, I just want to take a batch of sulfur mines out..." Suldak reached out and patted the magic pocket on his waist, and said to the old village chief and Charlie: "The first batch of sulfur ore is put in the magic pocket, and I will take it out."

Suldak glanced at Charlie and said, "The follow-up sulfur mine transaction will have to wait for this mountain road to be cleared, and you will drive it into the city of Hailansa."

Hearing what Suldak said, Charlie said excitedly, "Okay, I will dig through the snow on this mountain road by hand."

Then he looked enviously at the magic pocket on Suldak's waist, and said, "The magic pocket is really a good thing. I heard that this thing is a must-have item for adventurers. The patterns on it are so exquisite..."

Charlie was carefully looking at the exquisite magic pattern on the waist bag, and saw Suldak constantly throwing things out of the magic waist bag, hard frozen fish piled up in the living room, with a fishy and salty sea smell , widened his eyes and asked Surdak: "What is this?"

Seeing that Suldak threw out more and more frozen fish, even the old village head's wife and Charlie's wife who were busy in the kitchen ran out, looking at the living room full of frozen fish with a look of surprise. and ham.

Suldak felt that his body was covered with fishy smell, and said to the old village chief: "The matter of the sulfur mine is settled like this. It is rare to go back to Wall Village, and the supplies in the village are scarce in winter. Those bought from the market, frozen hard, these are sea fish, these are hams...Uncle Brett, you can help me share them with everyone."

Charlie said excitedly, "Wow, we can fry fish tonight."

Charlie's wife stood aside and looked at the frozen fish that were longer than his arms, and said in surprise: "There are such big fish..."

Seeing that the living room was full of all kinds of ingredients, sorting the ingredients and cleaning the living room was done by the women, the old village head waved at Surdak and said, "Come on, come with me to see the water storage on it." The pool, the water in the pool is already full..."

Suerdak and the old village head walked upstream along a winding snow path in the village.

Rita was among a group of women carrying water by the stream.

When the village women saw Suerdak come back, they all greeted him warmly. A group of women were chattering, and the chattering voices could be heard far away.

In front of me is a three-meter-high arc-shaped dam. The dam is made of volcanic ash cement and is nearly 400 meters long. It just connects the mountain walls on both sides of the ravine to form the first dam. The top of this dam It is nearly one meter wide, and the top of the dam can be passed freely, but the steps leading to the dam on both sides are surrounded by simple wooden fences. It was the worst part. There were two sluices on both sides of the embankment. The reservoir was already full of water. The stream slowly flowed out without passing the sluice, forming a narrow ice waterfall.

Charlie opened the fence gate, and the old village chief and Suerdak walked up to the embankment. Standing on the embankment, they could see that the first-level reservoir covering an area of ​​about six acres had been filled with water. It had been frozen and covered with a thick layer of snow, and there were still a few lines of footprints on the ice. When the old village chief saw these footprints, he yelled at Charlie angrily, "Go and find out which one it is. If you go on the ice without fear of death, can you become a warrior by walking around on it?"

In front of the old village chief, Charlie was so scolded that he could hardly straighten his back. He nodded quickly to express that he would investigate the matter immediately and promised to punish the perpetrators severely.

"If there is a next time, his family will be exempted from the welfare that will be distributed by the village next time!" The old village chief said fiercely.

Charlie protested in a low voice with a bitter face: "Otherwise, let's use corporal punishment, and don't let the benefits be exempted. It's not easy for everyone to get some food!"

In order to reduce the difficulty of the project, Suerdak did not let the dam be built too high, and refined the project into five stages, forming a progressive ladder reservoir. At present, the first-stage reservoir is considered to be initially completed, and the second-stage reservoir The outline of the pool has also been drawn up. Before the land was frozen, the old village head led people to level the bottom of the secondary reservoir. He already had a rough outline of the embankment and dug out the deep trenches required for the foundation along the outline. Come.

The side is full of volcanic ash, which is covered by heavy snow, like a huge grave.

The design of Suerdak expects that after the completion of the secondary storage tank, the normal irrigation water in the dry season will be guaranteed in the dry season. To reduce the erosion of abundant rainwater on the tidal flats in the downstream bays, a large area of ​​wetlands will be formed. If the tidal flats covered with reeds and red thatch can be used, at least it can be turned into hundreds of acres of wheat fields.

However, it is not enough to build a reservoir in the upper reaches of Wall Village. It is also necessary to dig drainage ditches around the tidal flats of the river bend, and to find a low-lying place to dig a large pond for drainage. This is a huge project. Only Wait until next spring to resume work.

The old village chief looked at the cistern with a satisfied look on his face, pointed to the gates on the left and right sides and said, "After the thaw next spring, two large water trucks will be set up here, and then two water tankers can be built. A water mill for grinding lime powder. After the secondary reservoir is built, some people can be assigned to clean up the tidal flats. I have already figured out where to dig drainage ditches..."

After looking at the cistern, the old village head took Suldak to see the busy carpenter workshop in the village. At the invitation of the old village head, Suldak had lunch at the old village head's house Afterwards, I went to the village warehouse with Charlie and Luke to fill up the sulfur ore, but even if I filled the pocket of Suldak's magic, there was no shortage of sulfur ore in the fully piled warehouse.

Suldak returned home in the afternoon, played wildly in the yard with Little Peter for a long time, and made a small round oak shield for Little Peter, and corrected Little Peter's correct defensive posture in the yard, watching Little Peter Standing profusely in sweat and brandishing a sword in the yard, old Sheila was sitting on a chair at the door of the room basking in the sun, with a faint smile on her face, but she didn't know where her thoughts were flying.

While little Peter was practicing basic sword skills, Suldak walked up to old Sheila and sat beside him basking in the sun.


Surdak didn't have dinner at home, he left the house at dusk.

When he was about to leave the door, he heard Rita pouting and complaining quietly while sitting next to Natasha. Suldak could only pretend not to hear.

Walking outside Selena's yard, it was getting dark, and the glass windows of many houses in the village gradually turned on faint lights. This kind of light would not last long, and people in the village generally slept very early. The purpose is only to save lamp oil. Most of these glass windows were newly replaced in the autumn of a few years. Selina's house also has a small glass window.

When night comes, the house is lit up.

A small figure approached the glass window, and her head was printed on the glass window. Suldak knew that it must be Signa. She stretched out her small hand and drew simple lines on the frost-covered glass window , A big smiling face appeared on the window covered with icy grilles.

Suldak stepped in and knocked lightly on the door outside the house.

There was the sound of Signa running in the house, and then the door was pushed open, revealing Signa's figure inside, she looked up at Suldak with a smile on her face, and said to him: "We are still waiting for you." I bet on whether you will come, Suldak, I won!"

Seeing Selena wearing an apron, standing in the room, her mouth slightly pursed, her eyes somewhat resentful, Suldak could only smile guiltily.

Suldak walked into the room, and there was a fire in the fireplace, but the room was not very warm. There was an iron pot hanging on the stove, and pumpkin porridge was cooking in it. Suldak closed the door, and first patted Signa's head , and then stretched out his arms to Selena.

The woman still threw herself into Surdak's arms, and the two hugged at the door for a long time without separating or saying anything.

The room was still as simple as before. There was an extra shelf next to the fireplace. In addition to an extra frying pan, there were also some foods such as wheat flour and chestnut rice on the shelf. The room is small, opposite the fireplace is Selina's wooden bed, and Signa's bed is spread on the wooden boards on the second floor.

Suldak hung the blanket that can automatically radiate heat on the frosty north wall. Although it could not block too much cold wind, the temperature in the room was raised immediately. The room was busy, and Selena was just quietly helping out, but Signa seemed very excited, and kept asking Suldak about this and that. It seemed that the city of Hailansa was deeply attractive to her. Streets in the city, restaurants, bazaars, shops, colleges... whatever Signa has a clue about, she will keep asking.

Signa also wanted Suldak to describe the city walls of Hailansa City. Suldak was also dry-mouthed after being asked, and said to Signa: "What is there to describe, wait until next spring At that time, I will take you to the city for two days to let you understand the city with your eyes. If you only use your ears now, some of my words are very one-sided. The city of Hailansa in your mind is incomplete, and Filled with my subjective consciousness.”

Signa didn't even think about the danger, and hurriedly said: "Suldak, then you have to keep your word!"

"Of course." Suldak patted his chest and said it was not difficult.

"You won't take me to the city to sell, will you?" Signa looked at Suldak with a pair of big eyes and asked suspiciously.

"of course not!"

Facing the witty and eccentric Signa, Suldak was a little dumbfounded.

"Okay, ready to eat!"

Selena's voice came over, and this was the end of the discussion between the two.

Dinner was very simple pumpkin porridge. It was probably because of Suldak's arrival that Selena cut two slices of raw ham on everyone's plate. Obviously Selena was also assigned to Suldak's belt. As for the food that came back, the old village chief did it fairly.

However, Suldak was not that kind of person. He stood by the shelf and rummaged through his magic pocket for a long time. Frozen fish and meat come.

After dinner, Suldak told Selena what happened in the city. She did not hide the destruction of the Black Magic Priory, but since there are four black magicians absconding, you need to be careful in the future Be cautious, at least Selena can't leave Wall Village.

Hearing that Suldak was injured, and because of the black magic curse, the leg injury has not fully healed, Selina insisted on seeing Suldak's leg injury, Suldak could not resist her, Then she untied the greaves, and rolled up the linen trousers inside, revealing her bandaged right leg, and untied the hemostatic bandage on it, Selena finally saw the wound that had never healed.

Even Signa, who was sitting next to her, looked over curiously. When Selena's finger passed the wound on Suldak's leg, the wound suppressed by the recovery power of the 'Blessed Body' suddenly wriggled violently. It seemed that there was an invisible force that wanted to get out of the wound quickly, but was restrained by something, rambling around and almost tearing the muscles of Suldak's calf completely.

Suldak almost cried out from the sudden pain on his back.

"Is it painful?" Selina's amber-like eyes narrowed, and she said to Suldak: "There is some dark energy hidden in this magic, maybe I can help, maybe it will make your leg hurt Worse, anyway, I'm not sure!"

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