Lord Highlander

Chapter 376: 375. Signa, Daughter of Darkness

Selena drew a circle on her chest with her fingers, then moved towards her throat, stopping in front of her mouth.

Following Selena's prayers, it was as if a pair of invisible hands solidified the air around her, as if standing in water, every movement of her caused faint ripples in the air, the big hands were A scarlet hexagram magic circle was drawn under her feet, and countless complicated magic runes appeared under her feet.

And her body was also covered in a beam of dark light. This beam of black light shot down from the sky and fell directly on Selina's body through the roof of the thatched cottage.

A huge dark aura rushed into Selena's body like a torrent, and she seemed to become another person all of a sudden, her body appeared a kind of dark gray, and Selena's eyes became cold at this moment And ruthlessly, she looked at Suerdak's right leg lightly, and the corners of her mouth were slightly pursed, as if showing a kind of mockery.

Without even using any spells, with a light tap of the finger, a black light fell on the wound.

And the trace of black air that appeared near Suldak's leg wound was pulled away from his wound by the black light, and the wound then healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is not the first time that Selena has used the power of the dark goddess Celine. As these dark powers slowly dissipated from Selena, her skin gradually returned to its original fairness, and her pair of abyss-like eyes gradually recovered. Became Amber, she became the same Selena before.

She has become more and more proficient in using dark divine power, and she already has the appearance of a dark priestess.

Suldak saw that she became conscious, lying on the chair slightly propped up, hooked her white chin with his hand, leaned his head over and kissed her soft lips, the sweetness was like a sudden Melting into the water, Selina looked at Suldak in a daze, and did not break free until she was about to suffocate.

She didn't even pay attention to Signa who was lying in front of the square table looking at a magic notebook, looked at Suldak with widened amber eyes, and asked in surprise, "How are you? "

Suldak held her in his arms again, and said to her, "You were the one who cured the disease, but you don't know?"

Selena lay on Suldak's chest, listening to the powerful beating of his heart, looked up into his eyes and said with a smile: "I just feel that this is okay, I can feel a trace of death around your wound. Qi, but I can't be sure, I can't even see it, I just feel that the power of Goddess Shirin descending on me will have an effect..."

"Yes, it's very useful!" Suldak touched his legs and said regretfully, "I'm already healed. If I knew it would be okay, I should have come back earlier. I wasted so much money." Sand wolf head."

Seeing Selena's beautiful face approaching constantly, Suldak asked her: "Can you pray to the goddess to gain some divine power?"

"Yeah, it's just that sometimes you get a response, sometimes you don't! The Goddess of Darkness..." Selena said casually, and under the gaze of Suldak's fiery eyes, her eyes became a little blurred.

Suddenly being crushed by Suldak...



Suldak's magic note was placed on the table, and Signa half-kneeled on the chair, curiously looking at the cover of the magic note by candlelight.

Signa accidentally found this magic note in Suldak's luggage. It fell to the ground along with the clothes. At first, Signa just wanted to pick up the clothes and the items that fell on the ground, and then Get that magic notebook that gives you strange feelings.

She clearly knew that she shouldn't open Suldak's stuff, but there seemed to be another voice in her heart that tempted her to open it. Signa told herself in her heart, I just opened it a little bit, and it would be closed immediately after a glance. superior.

She looked back at the other side of the bed, hesitating whether to blow out the oil lamp on the table, the time for lighting the oil lamp today was over, but Suldak came tonight, so it shouldn't matter.

In the past, she could stay quietly all night by lying in front of the square table and watching the dancing flames in the dark, but now the dancing flames of the oil lamp are not attractive at all, she just wants to open the magic note and see What was written in it, she hadn't learned the imperial script, but she really wanted to take a look. .

The wooden bed against the wall was shaking slightly, and she felt that even if she climbed onto the bed, she would not be able to sleep, and it might become more of an eyesore.

Although there is only a little charcoal left in the fireplace, the room is not very cold, and the blanket hanging on the north wall blocks the cold north wind, and even warms it up a bit. She doesn't want to go outside, it's so cold At night, as long as she stands outside for a short while, she may be frozen into a popsicle. There is a potato buried under the ashes in the fireplace, but she is full at night, and she doesn't want to take it out at all. Eat it tomorrow.

Selena was a bit noisy, and she kept giving herself psychological hints: I can't hear you, I can't hear anything...

She felt that she shouldn't be touching the parchment, but her hand always touched it involuntarily, she kept holding back, she felt that she should stay away from the magic note, but there was only such a chair in the room, she There is nowhere else to go.

Signa held back the eagerness in her heart, which made her a little impetuous. She went to the oil lamp and blew out the lamp, trying to make the room dark so that she could not see the magic note.


The oil lamp went out and the house was plunged into darkness.

But it wasn't like she thought, she couldn't see behind her.

A beam of bright moonlight passed through the glass window and just fell on the magic notebook. In such a night, the faint moonlight could make the lines on the cover of the magic notebook clearly visible. Signa blinked her watery eyes. She turned her eyes and looked back at the two people who were immersed in the world of two people. Her little hand touched the cover of the magic notebook and turned the pages involuntarily.

The pages of the book were full of neatly written imperial characters, and Signa didn't know a word of what was written on them.

Her fingertips touched the parchment, and she couldn't put it down because of the soft touch. She casually turned to the second page. Apart from the incomprehensible imperial characters, there were many other things on the page, some pictures and texts. Sandwiched in those words, the lines that outlined the outline became vivid in Signa's eyes, those exquisite magic lines actually emerged from the words, and Signa was addicted to it.

She could even feel something flowing on the magic lines on the pages of the book, and her hands couldn't help imitating it. She just gesticulated in the air, and her fingertips seemed to be able to induce some kind of power. She closed her eyes , I didn't even dare to paint the last stroke, for fear that the magic line in the air would come alive.

Originally, I only planned to turn over one page and close it after a casual glance, but I couldn't help but turned to the second page. After seeing the pattern on the page, I left everything else behind, and Signa casually Turned to the third page again...

This magic notebook looks thick, but because the paper is parchment, it doesn't actually have many pages.

Signa had completely forgotten that she only intended to glance at it at first, and she kept flipping back until she reached the last page.

She was stunned for a moment, because she seemed to see another self on the leaves smiling happily at her, or that portrait of a young girl should be her grown-up appearance, her heart was in a trance, like yes.

Although there was a voice in her heart that kept telling her that it was impossible for her to know what she would look like when she grew up, Signa was absolutely sure that the portrait of a young girl must be what she looked like when she grew up, and that portrait seemed to be It was alive, and when she saw herself, she was smiling so happily on the parchment.

Although the portrait of the girl on the parchment cannot make a sound, she can make some simple gestures on the parchment. She is trying to gesture towards Signa, asking her to follow her movements and write the magic note on this Pages of parchment are torn off and stored away.

Signa didn't speak, she made a series of gestures with great interest, trying to communicate with the girl in the painting.

"You want to talk to me?" Signa whispered, almost like breathing.

The portrait girl nodded quickly.

"Then what should I do?" Signa asked again in a low voice.

The girl in the portrait actually crawled out of the parchment, stood on the page of the magic notes, stretched out a small finger and touched Signa's finger, and for a moment, Signa and the portrait girl were in spirit Standing face to face in the world, surrounded by endless darkness, the two girls, one tall and one short, seemed to be standing on the water. Signa had to look up to see the face of the girl in the portrait.

Signa felt that the dark atmosphere around the two of them was completely different. Behind her was the quiet and silent darkness of the eternal night, but behind the portrait girl seemed to be burning a mass of black fire. This made Signa's heart sink, and her feet couldn't help After taking three steps back, the silent darkness behind him also receded like a tide, and the two of them distanced themselves in the spiritual world.

The portrait girl wanted to step forward to catch up, but a huge cage suddenly appeared in the darkness, blocking her on the other side. She took a step back calmly, and those cages disappeared before they fully emerged.

The girl in the portrait squeezed out a smile and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I am also a believer of the goddess in this world just like you. We are the disseminators of dark beliefs, but a little accident happened when we spread the dark teachings. I was captured by a group of heretics who believed in demons, they destroyed my body, and only a little remnant remained in the portrait on the pages of the magic notebook, you don’t worry that I can hurt you, do you?”

"Why do you look so like me?" Signa asked innocently with wide eyes.

"This is the appearance of the Goddess of Darkness. You are the saint chosen by the Goddess of Darkness, and I am the apostle guided by the Goddess of Darkness. Of course we will look alike." Seeing Signa asking, the portrait girl showed a smug smile on her face , there was a trace of weirdness in the smile, although it disappeared only for a moment, but the weird smile at that moment was still seen by Signa.

The portrait girl said to Signa: "I have been trapped on the pages of this book for many years, you can rescue me, right?"

"But I don't know what to do!" Signa lowered her head and lowered her eyes, whispering.

The girl in the portrait raised her lips slightly, suppressing the excitement in her heart as much as possible, and said to Signa: "It's actually very simple, not as difficult as you think..."

"Come here, come closer to me..."

She beckoned to Signa.

Signa took a step forward.

The portrait girl continued: "Let go of your heart...accept me, you don't have to do anything!"

Seeing that Signa was so close to her, the voice of the portrait girl trembled a little, she tried to make her voice softer, and said: "Come, stretch out your fingers, open your heart, and accept it like this." I……"

Signa stopped halfway with her fingers stretched out, pointing at the portrait of the girl from a distance, when she raised her head, the prayer in her mouth had just been recited, and a beam of dark light descended in Signa's spiritual world, covering the portrait The girl's body was sealed in the light beam.

"Ah... what are you doing?" The portrait girl roared angrily when she saw the accident in front of her.

Her face was a bit ferocious, and all the original gentle appearance disappeared. When she saw that her body seemed to be dissipating little by little, she cried out in horror: "What is this?"

Signa had a triumphant smile in her eyes, and said, "You don't seem to know me at all, the Goddess of Darkness has no other apostles in Roland Continent at all... tell me who you are, if your answer doesn't satisfy me , I burned this page after I went out!"

"I'm the same as you, why are you..." The girl in the portrait looked at her body melting under the black beam, and hurriedly said: "Ah! Stop it, I said..."

After just such a short time, the portrait girl became extremely weak.

Signa undoes the dark light on the girl in Le Portrait.

The girl in the portrait explained to Signa: "I am Celia Cooper, a magician stationed in the High Lansa Research Institute of the Black Magic Priory. We have been researching the summoning gate connected to hell. We found that the Dark Goddess After unraveling the laws of the world here, the Goddess of Darkness sent messengers to spread the teachings of darkness on the continent of Roland, intending to use the power of the Goddess of Darkness to break the power of the laws of the world and summon the Demon King from the Flaming Hell..."

"Don't purify me, maybe it would be more useful to keep me. I have been sealed on the page by black magic, and it will not hurt you at all."

A moment later, there were dark cage-like lines around the last page of the magic note, trapping the girl in the painting.

Signa closed the pages of the book, carefully climbed onto the upper layer of the bed, got into the bed and closed her eyes, and soon fell into a deep sleep. Suldak naturally didn't know that on this night, Signa had an in-depth communication with the remaining soul of the black magician on the page.

On the morning of the next day, Suldak took a full magical pocket of sulfur mines, and under Rita's glaring gaze, he rode his ancient horse and left Wall Village with a dazed look on his face.

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