Lord Highlander

Chapter 377 376. The Night Outside the City

Suldak returned to Hailansa City with a bag full of magic sulfur mines. It was already dark when he arrived outside the city gate. Several torches were lit on the top of the city, and a group of guards came from the top of the city with long bows Walking over, with Suldak's current status, these guards cannot make an exception to open the city gate for him, unless there is an urgent military matter.

Looking at the closed dark city gate opposite the Suspension Bridge of Hailansa City, Suldak could only stay outside the city obediently, and wait until the city gate opened tomorrow morning before entering the city.

Suldak planned to find a hotel outside the city, otherwise it would be quite a crime to freeze overnight at the gate of the city in such a cold day.

The Golden Acorn Hotel is the best hotel outside the city. It is built on the edge of the temporary residence. The three-storey brick building looks like a small castle outside the city. Like Suldak, it did not arrive on time before the city gate closed. Travelers who rush back to Hailansa City usually have to stay in this hotel for one night. Of course, the business of this hotel will only be better in winter. If it is summer, many people don't mind staying on the roadside outside the city. Put up a simple tent on the grass, or simply sleep on the grass and wait for the dawn.

The hotel is a back-shaped building. The carriages pass directly through the main entrance of the hotel and enter the huge courtyard. There is a special place to park the carriages in this yard. The horses will be led to the stables. There are some trees planted in the yard. In winter. The leaves of these trees have all fallen, and they look bare and unaesthetic, but the well-trained shop assistants will come out immediately, there are grooms who specialize in leading horses, and there are waiters who lead the way. The waiters will be the first It is time to identify the identity of the guests, where the residential areas of commoners and nobles are separated.

Suldak hardly needed to speak. The ancient horse on his crotch, the leather armor and sword on his body, and the knight badge on his chest were enough to show his identity.

"Prepare me a warm and clean room, a quiet place around, and don't let anyone disturb me!" Suldak jumped off his horse and handed the reins to the groom beside him. The snow in the yard was cleared away. , more than a dozen black magic caravans were parked on the bluestone slab.

A waiter led Suldak into the building in the north, and said, "Okay! Sir Knight, do you need to prepare some food for you? We can provide some white bread and stew."

"No need!" Surdak replied.

The ceiling of the lobby on the first floor was lit with a chandelier, and the waitress standing in front of the counter was very young. She quickly handed Surdak a bunch of keys and said the room number.

"Is there breakfast tomorrow morning?" Suldak asked the waiter.

"Yes, Sir Knight, do I need to send it to your room?" the waiter said immediately.

Of course, delivering breakfast to the room is not a free service, it requires a tip.

"As early as possible, before opening the city gate!" Suldak felt that if he entered the city early tomorrow, he should be able to catch up with the morning class of the Knight Academy.

"Okay, Lord Knight." The waiter agreed.

Walking from the hall on the first floor to the room, just passing by the restaurant of the hotel, the restaurant is still open at such a late hour, and half of the seats are full of guests. The guests here are almost all nobles and knights, and the smell of fried steak Always so alluring.

Surdak's room is at No. 241 on the second floor of the north side of the building. The room is not big, but it is very clean. The single bed is covered with snow-white sheets, and there is a simple wooden table and a chair by the window. , through the half-closed curtains, you can see the night view outside the window, and you can just see a corner of the temporary residence.

There is a temporary residence outside the city of Hailansa. The people here are unable to find a place to live in the city. They will go to the city to do some low-level jobs during the day, and go out of the city to live outside the city at night. As time goes by, Set up a temporary residence outside the city, which will be filled with a large number of hard workers, beggars, thieves and some idle tramps.

It's so late, and there are still many people busy in the temporary residence, probably preparing for the next day's work. Most of the buildings in this residence are simple wooden houses surrounded by oak forests , so it doesn’t cost much to build a wooden house. The interior of this kind of wooden house is very narrow, and usually only one bed can be placed. Everyone builds the kitchen outside, even if it is snowing outside. Some food must be prepared against the wind and snow.

Su Erda closed the curtains to block out the weak light outside, took off his frozen boots, ice slag fell on the floor along the trouser legs, untied the leather armor, the linen shirt inside was a little wet, and hung these clothes in the room On the clothes hanger, he changed into a set of dry shirts, and Suldak lay on the soft bed, his joints making light noises.

After walking in the mountains for a whole day, even a knight like Suldak will feel very tired, especially in such a cold weather, people and horses are prone to frostbite, but this pair of Suldak is It's nothing, although the black curse of the leg injury was cured by Selena, but his 'Blessed Body' buff effect is still there, so he doesn't feel how cold it is.

Through the ceiling, the sound of goblins fighting upstairs could still be clearly heard, Suldak frowned slightly, obviously the surroundings of this room were not quiet.

Exhaustion flooded in like a tide, and Surdak soon fell asleep.

Surdak was awakened by the neighing of horses. A group of knights and two carriages drove slowly into the courtyard of the hotel. Several knights jumped off their horses covered in frost and snow. The groom took the reins from them and led them away. Horses whose manes were covered with ice slag, several knights walked into the hotel first, and a few noble ladies got off the magic caravan and followed behind. The family emblem on the magic caravan was covered with a thin layer of ice. The weather, there are nobles who come from afar, and they don't know where they come from.

As soon as he lay back on the bed, he heard a noisy sound in the corridor. It was obvious that the waiters were leading the new tenants to find their rooms. After such a long journey, these people seemed very excited, and the sharp laughter of several female relatives They can easily pass through walls, and these people are still discussing the bad road conditions and hotels, and their voices reveal a sense of superiority from a big city. In their tone, Hailansa City is like a remote country .

Leather boots rattled on the hallway floor...

It was the sound of long leather boots nailed with iron palms. Usually only knights wear leather boots covered with iron front and back. During battle, a single kick can break the enemy's leg bones, but This kind of heavy-armored leather boots would only be useful on the battlefield. Wearing a pair of leather boots at ordinary times has no other purpose except to be cool.

"My God, the corridors in this hotel are not carpeted. It is indeed the place where golden acorns are produced. Even the floor is made of oak..." Some of the group of noble women made a sarcastic voice. "I've heard that the Hilanza people use oak for their homes and wine barrels."

A group of female family members chuckled from around.

The sharp voice continued to say in an exaggerated tone: "My God, I never thought... that one day I would sleep on an oak bed. To be honest, I still prefer the heaviness of indigo wood furniture."

A young man in the crowd coughed softly, and then said: "Ladies, we are only staying in this hotel for a few hours. Tomorrow night, you will sleep in the latest hotel in Hailansa City as you wish. In a luxurious hotel."

The lady with a sharp voice said unceremoniously: "Leonard, to be honest, I don't have any expectations for the most luxurious hotel in Hailansa!"

The sound of chaotic footsteps got closer, and someone in the crowd asked again: "Do you have a fireplace in your hotel room, let me order some golden acorns? I like the aroma of burning acorns, which helps me fall asleep."

"...Sorry, we don't have rooms with fireplaces in our hotel!" the waiter replied in a low voice.

"Forget it, I shouldn't have any expectations." There was unspeakable disappointment in that person's tone.

The woman with a high voice continued to comment: "Lenda, in such a remote and strange place, can you still hope to sleep peacefully?"

At this time, the sound of footsteps stopped suddenly, and the sound of opening the door came from the next door to Suldak. Just as the door was opened, the lady with a sharp voice exclaimed: "My God, this room is really small."

"There's no need to worry about these things. We'll leave after dawn." The young man also said helplessly.

"Don't you have a bigger room here?" the woman with a shrill voice asked tentatively.

"Sorry, the rooms on the third floor are full!" the waiter replied.

The lady said impatiently: "Sorry, sorry, what else can you say besides this sentence? Forget it, prepare me some food and bring it over..."

"Yes, ma'am!" replied the waiter.

"Please call me Miss Fanny!" corrected the shrill lady.

Suldak covered his forehead with his hands. When he chose the room, he should have chosen the civilian building, so maybe it wouldn't be so noisy.

After these nobles moved into the room, the noise obviously didn’t end. They were still clamoring for supper at such a late hour. When these suppers were brought out, they began to mock how bad the food was here, even the tender T-bone steak Nothing at all... Yunyun, the noise made Suldak very annoying, and then there was the sound of the shaker that lasted until dawn.

When Suldak just fell asleep in a daze, there was a knock on the door. When Suldak opened his eyes, he realized that the sky was bright and the curtains in the hotel were so thick that only a ray of light came through. Come in, so he doesn't even know when the sky is bright.

Opening the door of the room, the waiter was standing outside the door with a breakfast. Suldak took out five copper plates and put them in his palm. The waiter put the plate on the wooden table in the room and saluted Suldak. ,leave.

The breakfast on the table is very simple. There is only a browned toasted wheat cake with a slice of ham, fried eggs, onion shreds and strawberry jam on it, and there is a corn juice on the side. It’s a pretty good breakfast. Try to take a bite Feeling that the taste was also very good, Suerdak stuffed the breakfast into his stomach in threes and fives, and then left the room neatly dressed.

The room rate of this hotel is only two silver coins for one night, which is absolutely affordable, and Suldak really wants to know how much the civilian room on the opposite side costs for one night.

Walking out of the hotel gate, Suldak's ancient Bolai horse had been cleaned and waited obediently in the yard. The groom handed over the reins to Suldak, and Suldak returned the stack of copper coins to the groom With the palm in his hand, he rode his horse and prepared to leave the Golden Acorn Hotel.

At this time, there was a soft 'creak' sound from the top of the head, and a window was pushed open, a long golden hair was exposed from the curtain, and then a delicate face appeared, as if someone was tickling her body , She couldn't help but chuckle like a silver bell.

That sharp laughter made Suldak instantly recognize that she was the picky Miss Fanny from last night. With her body exposed, she was wrapped in a white sheet, lying on the window sill and looking curiously at the hotel yard. She didn't feel cold at all in this weather.

Suldak couldn't help raising his head to take a look, just in time to see a blond man emerging from behind the young lady, young and strong, with muscles like exquisite marble, he held Miss Fanny tightly. Hugging her tightly in her arms and burying her head on her snow-white neck, Miss Fanny immediately elicited a burst of uncontrollable sharp laughter.

The young blond man didn't notice Suldak who was about to ride out, but Suldak recognized the man at a glance.

A swordsman from Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy.

He, Darcy Christie, Hathaway, and Beatrice are all graduates of the same grade at the Senior Swordsmen Academy in Bena Province.

He also participated in the experience activities of the Warsaw plane. Suldak met him several times in Handanar City and was very impressed with him. He did not expect that one day he would meet again outside the city of Hailansa. to him.

However, Suldak didn't think much about it. He left the hotel on horseback, faced the rising sun in the morning, and passed through the city gate as soon as the city gate opened.

At this time, the night watchman in the city had just transported the garbage trucks in the city to the outside of the city. Even in winter, the long motorcade would emit some strange smells. Behind Suldak was a group of waiting The small traders who entered the city, they pushed some small carts, most of them stared at the dark circles under their eyes, yawned one after another, and looked like they lacked sleep.

There weren't too many pedestrians on the streets of the city, so Suldak rode his horse all the way to the Knight Academy, just in time to hear the bell ringing for the morning class, rushed to the stables of the academy, and handed Gu Bolai's horse to the groom. He ran all the way into the teaching building, even rushed into the classroom ahead of Mrs. Meredith, and finally prevented Mrs. Meredith from writing her name in the tardiness record book...

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