Lord Highlander

Chapter 378: 377. A Lesson

Ms. Meredith is a history teacher. With a straight face, she walked into the classroom with a pile of books in her arms, and slowly walked up to the podium. The classroom was immediately silent.

She turned her head to look at Suldak who was sitting on the seat by the window, raised her eyebrows slightly, obviously feeling a little displeased with Suldak's reckless running past her just now.

In order to avoid blocking other students, Suerdak usually sits in the last row when choosing a seat, but today the back row of the classroom is full, so Suerdak had to settle for the next best thing and sit by the window , Through the window, you can see the entire playground and the snow at the school gate. There are also some apprentice knights on the playground who are practicing simple military formations.

This class is "General History of Imperial Knights", which belongs to Suldak's weakest point. He doesn't know the official history of the Grimm Empire. He usually goes to the library to read some history books when he has the opportunity, but he still doesn't understand the whole thing. What do terms like race wars and age of goblin technology stand for?

However, this class does not seem to be about these things. The teachers here never worry about the chronological order of historical events in their lectures.

Ms. Meredith picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the word 'knight' on the blackboard, then turned around, leaned on the podium with both hands and said to the trainee knights under the stage:

"Knight! For us Green Empire people, there are usually two meanings."

The students in the audience looked at me and I looked at you, a little confused about what Ms. Meredith was going to say.

Given that this old woman was notoriously bad tempered in the college, no one dared to whisper or joke in her class. Being stared at by her was definitely more terrifying than the death stare of the bull in the swamp country.

Ms. Meredith held out a finger and said to the trainee knights in the audience:

"The first type, it represents the social status, it belongs to the status above the common people, second only to the status of the nobles, and the knights belong to a group of people who are attached to the nobles and own small fiefdoms. This group of people is mainly during the war. A person who defends against foreign enemies on the battlefield, or expands territory in some unknown territory."

Then she stretched out her second finger, glanced at everyone in the classroom, and said:

"The second type, it represents a profession among fighters, just like warrior, assassin, swordsman, fighter, ranger, and archer, it is a general term for a class of fighters. Of course, in our Knight Academy Your knights belong to the second type, you graduate from the academy, you will not change your identity, and you will not get fiefdoms, if you want to obtain these honors, you still have to rely on your meritorious deeds on the battlefield in exchange for it."

At this time, seeing Suldak look away from the window, she felt even more unhappy.

Suldak was sitting by the window, just in time to see a magic caravan parked at the gate of the college. Miss Dacie Christie, who was wearing a tight leather armor, jumped out of the caravan deftly, and then ran into the caravan at a speed of 100 meters. In the sword hall, it seemed that she should be late.

‘As expected of a swordsman, you run so fast! ’ Suldak sighed secretly in his heart.

At this time, he didn't realize that he had been targeted by Ms. Meredith, so he heard someone say in his ear: "Knight Suldak, if it is convenient to say, I would like to know... where did you belong to before?" an army?"

At some point, Ms. Meredith was already standing behind Suldak.

She is always like this. Sometimes she walks lightly like an orange cat, and she can always walk up to the distracted classmate by surprise, and suddenly ask a question to scare him.

Surdak was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Ms. Meredith. He stood up reflexively, standing upright, and said loudly: "The fourth battalion of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment of the Benar Legion Suldak, the second squadron of the sixth squadron."

The trainee knights in the classroom all set their eyes on Suldak, and countless pairs of young eyes looked at him full of curiosity.

These teenagers are full of curiosity about the battlefield, and the high death rate of the Green Empire every year makes the word "battlefield" almost synonymous with "horror". Any soldier who can come back from the battlefield alive will Envious eyes were cast by these teenagers who had not yet entered the battlefield.

"Very well, how many evil spirits died in your hands?" Ms. Meredith was very satisfied with Suldak's reaction.

"I can't remember, Ms. Meredith." Suldak rubbed the back of his head, smiled apologetically at Ms. Meredith, and said, "Our second team always performs reconnaissance missions. Pass at least a hundred Dark Devil skins, possibly more."

"You were a shield warrior before?" Lady Meredith looked up into Suldak's face, a head down from him.

"Yes, Ms. Meredith," Suldak replied succinctly.

"Can you still perform skinning?" Ms. Meredith's tone softened.

Suldak recalled his experience of learning skinning, and said: "When I first joined the army, I only knew a little bit, but later I became proficient in skinning."

"Please sit down and talk, relax, everyone can chat casually." Ms. Meredith reached out and patted Suldak on the shoulder, her eyes fell on the knight medal on his chest, and she imagined him on the battlefield The last half of the sentence seemed to be addressed to other students in the classroom.

"Teacher, I think what is the basic difference between a knight and a warrior?" A young apprentice knight raised his hand and asked.

Except for Suldak, the average age of these trainee knights is only thirteen or fourteen years old.

Ms. Meredith held the pointer in her hand and said as she walked towards the podium: "This question is very good. I have been expecting that one of you will stand up and ask me this question. This proves that you really think I understand the meaning of the word 'knight' instead of passively accepting what I instilled in you. Some of you trainee knights are destined to go to the battlefield in the future. I think the first thing you have to learn in the academy is to be clear. Go out on the battlefield by yourself, put yourself in the right position, and be able to protect yourself."

She stepped onto the podium, scanned the classroom slowly, and said:

"To be alive is to have glory!"

Then he turned around and wrote the word 'Warrior' at the top of the blackboard, and drew two lines below, connecting 'Warrior' and 'Knight' respectively.

Her chalk writing is smooth and looks pleasing to the eye. Ms. Meredith said: "First of all, many people think that junior fighters are fighters, which itself has certain misunderstandings. The reason why everyone has such This misunderstanding lies in the common ground between the two: both knights and warriors can wear heavy armor, learn basic swordsmanship, and both have long swords and shields. In my opinion, knights are far worse than knights without horses A warrior, so dismounting a knight to a duel with a warrior does not seem to me fair."

"Of course, you haven't been exposed to real knight skills, so you don't know the difference between knights and warriors." Ms. Meredith said: "Only when you get in touch with professional skills will you understand the difference between the two."

Then she wrote under the word 'Warrior' on the blackboard: "Junior fighters' training is more focused on weapon proficiency. They pursue a strong physique. When they understand the 'power', they can complete their first job change and become Intermediate fighters will need to learn tactics and practice battle qi in the future, and then they can transfer their jobs for the second time when their battle qi is released, and once they break through the second job transfer, they will be able to strengthen themselves with magic patterns when they become a second-rank expert..."

"Riding and Halo" was written directly below "Knight", introducing: "The learning direction of knights will be more balanced. First of all, the core combat skills of knights are riding skills. Of course, knights also need to understand "potential". When you become an intermediate knight, you have to try to choose to learn a kind of aura, which is a powerful force that can affect the people around you. Only when you can release the power of the aura, will you have the opportunity to become a second-rank powerhouse, knight and warrior Those are two completely different paths."


This class allowed Surdak to learn a lot of new knowledge.

There are many things that he has never thought of before. Although there are so many heavy cavalry and constructed knights in the Moyunling Expeditionary Army camp, each legion is fighting alone on the battlefield. He watched these knights from a distance Picking up the long spear, picking out the evil spirits, and then using the long sword to chop off the evil spirits' heads, but they didn't notice the knight halos on them.

Until the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Suldak pondered these questions in the seat by the window.


Suldak was looking for a seat in the crowded cafeteria with a plate, a figure stood up from the crowd, and beckoned him to go there.

Dacie Christie stood over there to greet him, and Suldak walked over with the plate, only to find that the seats here were also full. At noon, the seats in the cafeteria always seemed very tight.

Darcy Christie looked at the student next to him who was buried in his meal, as if he felt Darcy's sharp gaze, the student immediately ran away with a nervous expression on his plate, and Darcy moved his body to the side No, indicating that Suldak can sit down.

She elegantly tore a piece of wheat cake and put it in her mouth. While eating with her bright red lips, she said, "I heard you went home?"

Those eyes looked at Surdak without any scruples.

"Yeah!" Suldak ate his head sullenly.

Darcy Christie's eyes and pupils gradually dilated, and her mouth opened, staring at him in surprise, as if she was looking at a monster: "It's snowing so hard, can't you be so overwhelmed? Inside the house In a hurry?"

Seeing such a cold day, Daxi was only wearing light leather armor, and Suldak felt cold for her.

"No." With wheatbread stuffed in his mouth, Suldak's voice was vague.

Darcy expressed helplessness towards his eating, but she immediately said: "By the way, we will be preparing for winter hunting next weekend. How is your archery?"

Suldak didn't think he could shoot the sand wolf to death with an alloy bow, but since Dacie Christie asked, he still said, "Not bad!"

Darcy Christie stared at Suldak with a strange face: "Hey, you are listless, what happened? Do you need me to help you solve it?"

"How can it be? Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night. I came back a little late and couldn't go into the city. I stayed at the Golden Acorn Hotel outside the city for one night. The next door was very noisy." Suldak said.

Darcy Christie gave him a sympathetic look.

Looking at Daxi Christie's exquisite light leather armor and saber, Suldak suddenly thought that she graduated from the Advanced Swordsman Academy and must know a lot about warriors, so he humbly said: "Daxi , then help me analyze it..."

As expected of a graduate of the Advanced Swordsman Academy, Dacie Christie's answer gave Suldak a general understanding of the fighters.

Suldak said a little depressed: "So, I'm still a fighter? Sword and shield master, but no one ever told me that I can learn fighting methods and fighting spirit..."

"Perhaps the cannon fodder in the heavy armored infantry regiment doesn't need to learn high-level tactics and battle qi..." Darcy Christie said very frankly.

This almost made Suldak have nothing to say, so he could only change the subject: "Daxi, what kind of swordsmen are you?"

"We usually pay more attention to the training of agility and balance. Junior swordsmen should focus on sword skills, and intermediate swordsmen are also called sword dancers." Daxi first explained, seeing Suldak's puzzled face, Then he put on an indifferent look and said, "Don't worry about this, knights and warriors have so much in common, you can learn anything you want, you can learn weapons and horsemanship at the same time, don't you do that too ?"

"..." Suldak was a little speechless, thinking when did I do this? I just practice basic fencing every day.

"My mind is a little messed up now..." Suldak said.

When Daxi heard what Suldak said, she suddenly became interested, she simply put down the spoon and pushed the plate aside, and then asked Suldak: "Are you obsessed with learning tactics and fighting spirit, or learning knight halo? "

"Any kind is fine, the problem is that I haven't learned it yet..." Suldak spread his hands, expressing that he is not picky about food.

Dacie Christie stared at Suldak with an idiot-looking gaze, and said after a while: "... Well, you are indeed the most special I have ever met, so do you want to learn knight aura? Knight Academy It seems to be in the library, I can find an instructor to guide you. Of course, there are only the simplest types in the academy, such as defense and strength."

"Is it in the library? Let me find out first." Suldak thought for a while and said.

"Well, don't forget about the winter hunting next weekend. Be good!" Darcy Christie stood up, walked away with her long legs carrying the dinner plate.

Suldak also hastily ate the food on the plate.

There are two classes in the afternoon, and then I have to go to the White Elephant Trading Company to trade sulfur ore. If those magic herbs have not been traded, Suldak wants to withdraw them as soon as possible. After all, they are spoils obtained from the Black Mage. , until the remnants of the Black Magic Hermitage lurking in the city of High Lansa are not completely resolved, it is best not to take it out if it can be taken out.

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