Lord Highlander

Chapter 379: 378. Shining Saber

This time, Suldak transported nearly a thousand pounds of sulfur mines to the city of Hailansa, and received a payment of nearly forty gold coins from Manager Joey of the White Elephant Trading Company.

I didn't expect this batch of sulfur mines to be so valuable. The sulfur mines in the rocky area of ​​Pubiao Mountain can still be mined for at least two months. In addition, there is a whole warehouse in the village. These sulfur mines will have at least seven or eight thousand Pounds, these sulfur mines in the rocky area alone will bring nearly 500 gold coins to Wall Village.

Joey asked the waiter to pack the whole piece of sulfur ore into a wooden box and store it in the warehouse of the business. This invited Suldak to the rest area beside him. A female clerk in the business served Suldak. After serving a cup of black tea, Joey said to Surdak excitedly:

"Knight Suldak, if you still have sulfur mines, you can send them to me at any time!"

This is the trading area of ​​the White Elephant Trading Firm. Many cargo owners trade goods with the staff of the firm. There are always people coming and going in and out of the warehouse, but it looks orderly and does not feel chaotic at all.

A waiter came over and asked Joey to sign a piece of parchment, and then left in a hurry. Then Joey continued to say to Suldak: "The market for sulfur mines this year is much better than before. It will earn 30% more than before, and maybe after spring, the price will drop back. If you are stocking up, I suggest you sell it at this time."

Suldak nodded, and said to Joey: "I have arranged for people to transport the sulfur mines to Hailansa city one after another. By the way, Manager Joey, have I exchanged my batch of magic herbs?"

Joey said with a wry smile: "Well, there are people who inquire about the news almost every day, but no one is willing to exchange magic herbs. This year, the battles in the Green Empire are relatively tight, and magic herbs have been controlled by the nobles. There are fewer magic herbs circulating in the market than before, and I only heard that a batch of magic herbs will arrive in Hailansa City in the near future, and the Dale magician is going to see if they can replace some of the magic herbs you need."

"Manager Joey, if possible, I would like to revoke this commission." Suldak hesitated and said to Manager Joey.

Manager Joey looked at Suldak in surprise, and then said: "None of these magic herbs have been traded out, and the cancellation is very simple, but it needs the approval of Dale Magician..."


The Dale magician sat in front of a square table, which was filled with magic items that needed to be identified. He took off the monocle on the bridge of his nose, rubbed his head and eyebrows with his hands, and then sat on the opposite chair Suldak asked: "Knight Suldak, are you going to give up the exchange for magic herbs?"

"Yes, Magician Dale." Suldak smiled apologetically at Magician Dale.

"Don't have any psychological burden, this is a common thing in the business." Dale magician replied gently, and then asked Suldak: "So... you want to get back those magic herbs, Or do you want to exchange it for something else?"

There was no use for this batch of magic herb Suldak, so he said without thinking, "Sell it, and exchange it for some gold coins or something."

The Dale magician rubbed his forehead again, and said to Suldak: "There are many things that cannot be purchased with gold coins, such as many rare magic items. If you don't lack gold coins for the time being, I advise you Don't do this, it's easy for you to exchange magic herbs for gold coins, but if you want to use gold coins to buy magic herbs, you can hardly buy any valuable magic herbs in the magic market in Hailansa."

"You mean you want me to exchange some magic crystals?" Suldak asked.

Dale magician shook his head, and said to Suldak: "The value of magic spar has been depreciating recently, and there will be a certain downward trend in the future. It is not a wise move to change magic spar."

Seeing that Suldak was a little confused, Dale magician pushed a black devil leather wristband on the square table towards Suldak. Those who were looking for leather recognized it at a glance as a demon leather wristband made of ghost skin, and there was even a trace of mana fluctuations on it.

"Is this a wristband made of black devil leather?" Suldak asked.

Magician Dale nodded and explained to Suldak: "Right now...the market for magic items is constantly rising. I suggest you start with primary magic potions, magic weapons, and magic pattern construction. Let me ask you to calculate the value of this batch of magic herbs."

After speaking, Magician Dale glanced at Manager Joey who was standing aside.

Joey quickly opened the account book in his hand, found the registration page of Suldak, and quickly read out a set of data: "Thirteen starlight cattails are worth 80 silver coins each, and three magic gallbladder plants are worth 80 silver coins each. It is worth seventy-six silver coins, seven nightmare vines are worth ninety-two silver coins each, and a whole bundle of white ring vines is twenty gold coins, and if all these magic grasses are exchanged for gold coins, they are worth thirty-nine gold coins."

Magician Dale nodded slightly after hearing this, and said to Suldak: "It is almost possible to buy a basic magic pattern structure, which is both valuable and practical. Now the price of magic potions has gone crazy. It has risen at least three times compared to a year ago, and it is estimated that it is about to reach its peak."

Thirty-nine gold coins can probably be exchanged for seven magic spar in Suldak's view. He asked suspiciously: "Didn't it mean that a magic pattern structure is worth hundreds of magic spar? Might be affordable!"

Magician Dale heard what Suldak said, "haha" smiled and said: "It seems that you must have misunderstood the magic pattern structure, a hundred magic crystals can almost buy a complete set of primary magic pattern structure, A complete set of magic pattern structure has complementary attributes, and some even have set attributes to be worth the price. The magic pattern structure customized by the inscription master will have a very high degree of fit, so there will be a double premium. "

"Actually, the primary magic pattern structure of the spare parts is not as expensive as you think. A primary magic pattern structure is almost worth a dozen magic crystals. Joey, take the Suldak knight to the second floor magic Go around the item trading area, if you still insist on exchanging gold coins after a round, it won’t be too late to do so!”

Dale gave instructions to Manager Joey on the side, and then lowered his head after speaking. Putting on the monocle again, he began to identify the magic items on the table.

Manager Joey replied very respectfully: "Okay, Master Dale Magician."

Joey walked downstairs with Suldak. On the way, he even secretly looked at Suldak a few times, and asked tentatively, "Knight Suldak, are you an old acquaintance with Dale magician?"

Suldak didn't understand why Joey asked such a question, so he just nodded slightly and said, "Mage Dale helped me twice before!"

Joey smiled kindly at Suldak.

The lobby on the second floor of the White Elephant Trading Company was filled with various notice boards. By the time Suldak walked downstairs, there were already waiters in the firm eliminating the trading information of Suldak's magic herbs one by one on the notice board. This move by the waiter immediately made some guests in the hall on the second floor commotion, and someone lowered their voice and said:

"Look, orders 1579-1582 have already been traded, and I said that all the magic herbs are in high demand this year, and they might even go up in a few days..."

"How much more can it go up? How much is a bottle of lesser healing potion now? How many people on the battlefield do you think can afford potions?"

"This is the market situation, and there is nothing anyone can do about it." Someone whispered.

Suldak and Manager Joey walked through the corridor into a magic shop. The waiters in the magic shop saw Manager Joey and did not come over. This magic shop has a large space and probably occupies the underground trading market. The upper floor is more than half of the area, and the business store is filled with a wide variety of magic items. This place is larger than any magic store in Hailansa that Suldak has been to.

Suldak looked at the products on the shelves on both sides of the store dazedly. Manager Joey pointed to a row of light brown light leather armor on the shelf and said: "These are thorntail crystal lion leather armors, and each leather armor is engraved with The magic pattern is currently the most popular magic pattern structure in the firm, and this piece is engraved with the 'elegant wind' magic pattern, which can increase the speed to a certain extent."

Suldak remembered that Darcy Christie was wearing a leather armor of this style, so he asked curiously: "How many magic crystals do you need for the magic-weave construction of this thorn-tailed crystal lion?"

"You can buy it for twenty-three magic crystals." Joey replied without thinking.

A black line appeared on Suerdak's forehead, and he asked Manager Joey, "Is there anything cheaper?"

Manager Joey patiently took out a pair of blue leather boots from the shelf, and introduced: "This is a pair of blue buckskin boots, we like to call them buckskin boots. Blue buckskin itself is ice-resistant. The engravings are stamina magic patterns, which can increase running speed. Many hunters will buy a pair of these running shoes. It is said that they can catch up with wild boars in the forest..."

Seeing that Suldak was not interested, he had already seen the magic scroll on another shelf, and swallowed the price that Joey was about to say.

To be honest, Suldak didn't intend to divert his gaze. He was actually shocked by the magic scrolls on the wooden shelf. Bundles of primary magic scrolls were piled up on the shelf, making the shelf look like a tall wall. And the thick walls are stuffed with scrolls.

"Fire-gathering magic scrolls, water-gathering magic scrolls, hydrotherapy magic scrolls, fireball scrolls, magic arrows, frostbolts, wind rush... We have quite a complete range of magic scrolls here, but among these magic scrolls, only The first two are suitable for your use." Joey said as he pulled a concentrated fire scroll from the shelf.

Suldak didn't take it to check. This kind of magic scroll is not uncommon, and can be seen everywhere in magic shops in Hailansa City.

Suldak walked up to a metal plate engraved with runes. In fact, he had seen something similar.

Joey took the initiative to introduce: "This is the 'Fighting Fire Magic Rune Board'. This kind of rune board consumes magic spar fragments. Just buy one and it can be used for a long time. Many young nobles no longer burn fireplaces in their homes. The golden acorn is gone, just put a metal rune tablet in the fireplace, and you won't have to worry about lighting a fire all winter."

"How much is this worth?" Surdak asked curiously:

"1 gold coin and 20 silver coins." Joey said to Surdak in a low voice.

"This thing is really good!" Although Suldak had no intention of buying it, he praised it casually.

Continuing to walk into the magic store, Suldak saw a neat row of magic wands hanging on the shelves. Behind the wands were some bookshelves, on which were some thick magic books that could almost kill people. In fact, Suldak was very Wanting to open a book of magicians to see what is in it, unexpectedly make the magic book so thick.

In addition to wands and magic books, Suldak finally saw some books. Looking at the classified introductions on the bookshelves, they seemed to be combat techniques, sword techniques, martial arts, shadow training, trap skills, marksmanship, archery, physical skills, etc. Waiting for these books, these books were placed on the shelves in different categories. Manager Joey introduced some skill books to Surdak, such as the method of breaking the army, Yanquan, cross sword style, spear interception, serial archery, etc. wait.

"The ones taught in Zhanzheng College are always inferior to the skills in these books."

Seeing that Suldak had no intention of staying, Joey continued to lead him inside. There was a long row of counters with a thick layer of felt on top of the counters. Originally, Suldak already had a very handy craftsman's sword, so he had no plans to buy a weapon. The standard weapon issued by the guard camp was already very good.

But when he saw these sophisticated magic weapons on the counter of the store, among these weapons, a saber exuded faint magic fluctuations, and Suldak stopped in front of the saber, the saber was very delicately made, The entire blade was full of streamlines. He picked up the saber with cyan and magic patterns on the blade from the counter, and glanced at Joey.

Joey didn't even say the name of the saber, so he glanced at the clerk behind the counter with a questioning look.

The clerk came over and explained: "Manager, this saber is called 'Shine', and it is a new work by Master Lancelot Clapham recently, but although this saber is a magic weapon, it has a little flaw... That's why it's here!"

"What happened to this saber?" Joey asked calmly.

"Manager Joey, the magic circle on this saber is said to be a 'twilight lighting technique', and it has no other effect when used. The only effect is that you don't need to light the torch when you use it at night..." The clerk had a look on his face. Explained embarrassingly: "But this is not its fault. Master Lancelot Clapham was specially customized for a nobleman. It's just that when it was built, the gem base of this saber's forehead was inlaid with magic spar fragments. The seat is broken, so this shining saber has no source of mana, so this saber can only be used by magicians to exert its magical effect, and it is here to dispose of it cheaply..."

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