Lord Highlander

Chapter 380

There were a lot of customers in front of the counter, the clerk smiled apologetically at Suldak, and took the saber off the holder, but Joey waved his hand back, and Joey stood by Suldak's Beside him, he turned his head to Suldak and asked with a smile, "Knight Suldak, do you like enchanted weapons?"

Suldak glanced at the other weapons on the counter noncommittally, and said to Joey: "Of course, every knight wants to have a handy enchanted weapon..."

Joey's eyes fell familiarly on a blood-red scimitar. The handle and guard of this scimitar are made of gold, which looks radiant, and the knife has complete magic patterns. The shape of the scimitar is very similar to the weapon used by the bandit group member, but this scimitar is obviously much better than those of the bandit group in terms of material and workmanship.

Manager Joey put on an expression of 'I'm familiar with this place', handed the seemingly unusually heavy scimitar to Suldak, and said to him: "Knight Suldak, don't be too busy to make it. Choose, there are many stroking weapons here for reference, this blood red crescent is also the work of Master Clapham, the magical effect of blessing is 'bleeding', definitely much more useful than low light lighting, it looks like a crescent moon The same blade, very good, right?"

The main reason Suldak didn't like the scimitar was that the curved edge required another set of skills.

"How many magic crystals do you need for this blood-red crescent?" Looking at the blood-red crescent, Suldak asked curiously.

"15 magic spar." Manager Joey made his voice so low that only the two of them could hear it. Obviously he thought that since Surdak was a friend of Dale magician, he should give a little discount.

Suldak didn't expect that an enchanted scimitar would cost 15 magic crystals. He couldn't help but glance at the craftsman's sword on his waist, thinking that using this heavy sword is actually quite good.

Seeing that Suldak didn't say a word, Joey thought that Suldak didn't like the Blood Red Crescent. After all, the price he offered was already the bottom price. The price will not be lower than 15 magic spar.

He didn't expect that Suldak thought the scimitar was too expensive. He thought that a canonized knight who owned sulfur mine would never care about these magic crystals. Joey thought in his heart that Suldak didn't take that With a blood-red crescent, it must be that this scimitar is not high enough.

So he simply took Suldak to the central area of ​​the magic shop, where there were some independent square booths, and each booth had better magic weapons and armors, especially the one covered with velvet. In front of him was a silver straight knife. The shape of this knife was primitive and simple. There was no guard on the knife body. It looked like an infinitely magnified table knife. Looks a bit worn, even with a couple of not-so-noticeable cracks on the back.

When Suldak walked into the knife, he could feel the sharpness of the blade head-on. No wonder he wanted to put the knife in the most conspicuous position.

Joey did not pick it up from the knife holder on the stand, but introduced it to Surdak confidently: "This Grintis table knife is also good, I heard that Grintis is a cannibal The hero of the demon clan, it is said that his lunch menu will never lack dragon meat. For the ogre hero who is more than five meters tall, this knife should indeed be regarded as just a table knife. It can't cut dragon skin, but the blade of this knife is endowed with the magic property of 'sharpness', so this knife can not only easily penetrate into the hard skin of third-level monsters, but even sub-dragons can hardly resist it The sharpness of this knife."

"Such an excellent quality knife must be very expensive?" Suerdak asked tentatively. This single-edged long knife was very suitable for him, so he tried to ask the price.

Joey put on an expression of 'you really know how to do it', and said quickly: "Oh, this knife is a trophy obtained on the Gasgar plane, and there are still cannibals living in the depths of that plane. Demons, but you can see the traces left on the knife, which means it is very old, and it has been traded for many times in our business. The price of this knife is 64 magic crystals, if it is converted into gold coins about 450 gold coins."

At this time, a swordsman happened to pass by the two of them. Hearing Manager Joey's excited expression, he said unceremoniously to him: "A knife that can pierce dragon skin? In the deepest part, I'm afraid I can't find any dragons!"

This sentence is like pouring cold water on the head

"Swordsman Hodgson, even if you don't speak, I won't think you are dumb..."

Suldak was speechless secretly, but he didn't expect that the price of this knife would be 65 magic spar.

Joey pulled Suldak away, and there was a dark blue short bow on the booth in front of him. He quickly took out the short bow and handed it to Suldak, and introduced him: "Look at this, how about it? This forest bow was made by the famous master bowmaker Kitteridge."

"It also has a name?" Suldak took the short bow. This short bow is very light. After holding it in his hand, he felt a cool breath coming from the short bow, and then felt that when his eyes looked around, he could Capture the surrounding conditions more keenly.

Joey introduced to Suldak: "Of course, it is named the Eye of Courage. It is endowed with the magic pattern of 'weakness detection'. It is an excellent forest bow. The price of this Eye of Courage is ten. Eight magic spar."

Suldak felt that this short bow was definitely worth the money, but it was not practical for him.

Seeing that Suldak didn't want to talk about it in detail, Joey put the Eye of Courage back on the shelf, and recommended other weapons to Suldak again without being discouraged, but then looked at a few swords For weapons, Suldak didn't even make a choice. Joey felt that the Suldak knights might not intend to buy magic weapons, and thought to himself: Otherwise, he would persuade the Suldak knights to trade gold coins directly for magic herbs.

Just as he was thinking about how to talk about this, he saw that the exhibition area of ​​magic weapons had come to an end, next to a pair of sharp-toothed daggers was a pair of very special shoes, and there happened to be a few guests discussing around those shoes, Su Erdak glanced curiously. Joey was very familiar with the pair of magic boots, and there were crowds of onlookers gathered here almost every day.

Joey walked over, pointed to a pair of weird green shoes on the booth and said, "These shoes look very special."

His voice was a little loud, which immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding guests. Manager Joey continued: "Yes, its name is more special. It is called 'Great Fairy's Toe'. As you can see, it is indeed made of big toes. The leather on the goblin's feet is made, and the magic effect on this pair of shoes does not come from the inscriptions, but the magic pattern of life itself. Wearing it has a 'hidden' effect in the jungle. This is what assassins and thieves must-have boots.”

A magic apprentice next to him also took the opportunity to say to his friends: "That's it, I heard that these are a pair of shoes with a 'hidden' effect, and the magic effect on them comes from the magic pattern of life, which is produced in the eastern continent. Fairy Forest, the magic pattern of life on it was deciphered by a magister a long time ago, so the shoes of this kind of magic pattern are not worth much now."

Suldak glanced at the pair of 'big goblin toes' and said to Joey: "It doesn't suit me!"

After introducing so many weapons in one go, Suldak failed to make a choice. Joey said a little discouraged: "If you like assault weapons, I have a good suggestion. Take a look at this..."

He brought Suldak to the wall. There was a big wooden stick hanging on the wall. This wooden stick was made of oak, and the wood grain was carved with complicated lines. Some magical metals were deeply embedded in it. Like a work of art.

"Is this a big stick?" Surdak asked uncertainly.

Manager Joey continued to introduce: "That's right, it's called the 'Fierce Oak', and the oak heart is used to make a wooden stick, and a certain enchanting master actually endowed this big wooden stick with the magical effect of 'repulsive', usually only in the Only by completely suppressing the opponent in terms of strength can the enemy be knocked back, but this big wooden stick has such an ability, but its shortcomings are also obvious, it is just a wooden stick..."

The meaning of Joey's words is also obvious. No matter how good the enchantment property on this wooden stick is, it is just a wooden stick and can be easily damaged.

Seeing so many enchanted weapons also opened up Suldak's horizons, but after walking around Suldak realized that the blood red crescent that Joey took out at the beginning was really the most suitable for him. The price is also the cheapest one.

So he wanted to go back to the counter and take a closer look at the Blood Red Crescent, so he walked there while discussing the Blood Red Crescent with Joey.

As soon as he walked to the counters, he saw several young swordsmen standing in front of the counters. Suldak reached for the Blood Red Crescent, but a young noble took the Blood Red Crescent in his hand first. Suldak turned his head to look over, and it turned out to be the swordsman Leonard that he saw at the Golden Acorn Hotel, and Miss Fanny standing beside Leonard, surrounded by several young nobles.

Swordsman Leonard saw Suldak, and smiled politely at him, but his eyes were a little cloudy. He did not forget the practical lesson that Suldak gave them that night in Handanar City. All the students who practiced in Handanar City were beaten up by him, and Leonard never thought that he would see Suldak in the business firm in Hailansa City. He saw that Suldak would His eyes fell on the blood-red crescent in his hand, and when he thought about it, he said to the clerk: "No matter how much this scimitar is...I bought it."

The clerk took a cautious look at Joey, saw that Joey didn't say anything, and said, "He needs you to pay 17 magic crystals."

Leonard readily took out 17 magic crystals from his purse and handed them to the clerk, grabbed the scimitar casually, gave Suldak a provocative look, then put on a haughty look, and a group of The friend left in front of him and walked towards the armor area of ​​the firm.

Joey didn't expect to see such a scene, he looked at Leonard's back, and said to Suldak with some regret: "Knight Suldak, if you showed the Grintis knife just now, It’s a good idea to buy it!”

Then he clicked his tongue and added: "I just like this kind of high-flyer who doesn't even bother to talk about the price..."

Suldak smiled slightly, and took the shining saber in his hand. In fact, he had an inexplicable feeling for this shining saber at first glance. He could feel the magic waves flowing slowly on the saber. He and Joey Walking around in the firm, he found that apart from 'Grintis' Knife', there was no enchanted weapon like the Shining Saber, which made him feel inexplicable.

When he held the Shining Saber in his hand, a strange feeling was transmitted to the palm of his hand along the blade and handle. The saber seemed to be connected to his hand, and the sacred aura in his body flowed uncontrollably to the green of the saber. In the body of the saber, Suldak quickly put the shining saber back on the counter, and asked the clerk, "How much does this shining saber cost?"

"10 magic crystals, if you really want to buy them, I can give you a discount..." As he said that, the clerk looked at Manager Joey with some hesitation, and immediately added: "But I must remind you that it has more than just workmanship. Apart from being excellent, the magic lines on the blade are useless to you, unless you are a magician."

"Its selling price..." Suldak asked.

Joey said on the side: "8 magic spar, if you are willing to buy it, in addition to those magic herbs, you can give me another magic spar... But you really plan to buy this shining handle A saber?"

Joey finally confirmed again, and he felt that it was necessary to make a kind reminder to Suldak.

"That's right!" Suldak said with great certainty.

"All right……"

Joey could only nod to the clerk.


After buying the shining saber, Suldak couldn't wait to return to the dormitory of the Knight Academy. When he passed the next room, he heard voices in the dormitory.

He stopped, stood at the door and knocked, the door opened, the girl Linna's delicate face appeared from the crack of the door, seeing that it was Suldak outside the door, she immediately pushed the door open with a smile on her face , said enthusiastically to Suldak: "Knight Suldak, good afternoon!"

Suldak stood at the door and greeted Linna: "Is your training journey over?"

Lina smiled and said, "Yes, Knight Suldak, if it wasn't for the heavy snow, I think I can come back at least a few days earlier!"

She had frostbite on her face, obviously this practice was not as easy as she said, Nedra was standing on the terrace drying the washed clothes, when she saw Suldak, she snorted obediently call.

Suldak didn't go into the dormitory, but asked at the door: "How is it? What have you gained from this experience?"

Linna returned to the room, took out a string of pendants from her luggage and handed them to Suldak. It was a pendant made of a forest gray wolf fang. It was very simple and should have been made by two young girls. Souvenirs, proving that they hunted Timberwolves during this experience.

Seeing that Suldak took it and carefully put it in her pocket, Linna smiled into a crescent moon, and said to Suldak: "It's nothing, just hunted some forest gray wolves. Originally, we I also met a blue ice deer, but unfortunately lost it in the pine forest!"

Suldak chatted with the two girls for a while at the door of the dormitory before returning to the dormitory.

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