Lord Highlander

Chapter 381: 380. Winter Hunting

Back in the dormitory, Suldak placed the shining saber on the desk.

The last slant of sunlight in the evening passed through the window, leaving a dim light in the room. Surdak poured a glass of water and downed it in one gulp. Then he sat down on the walnut wood chair and began to observe the saber in front of him.

The blade of this saber is nearly four feet long, nearly a foot longer than the blade of the Craftsman's Sword. The blade plated with thorium is slightly curved, and the blade is covered with dark dark lines. These dark lines look like a layer of fine scales from a distance, but when you get closer, you find that each scale is engraved with tiny magic runes.

A trace of mana flowed continuously in the scales of the blade, and it was precisely because of this fluctuation of mana that Suldak was attracted by this shining saber in the trading house.

But what made Suldak decide to buy this saber was that the moment he picked it up, an inexplicable force on the saber absorbed the sacred aura in his body. According to the clerk of the firm, due to the damage to the gemstone base, the magic pattern circle on the knife cannot be operated normally, so the low-light lighting technique on the knife is also doomed to be unusable.

Suldak bought this saber back mainly because the magic circle on the blade body of this saber resonated with the sacred aura on his body. He picked up the saber very cautiously, and suddenly there was a kind of suction force from the handle wrapped with the swordfish skin ribbon, continuously injecting the sacred breath in his body into the saber, and the blade of the saber actually exuded a layer of faint Holy light comes.

That feeling is very strange, the sacred breath is like water in a pond, flowing smoothly into the dug canal, the magic pattern on the knife body is like a canal, and Suldak is a pond, those The sacred breath poured into the blade from Suldak, forming a closed loop that circulated continuously in the blade, and there was no need to inject too much power of holy light in the follow-up, the blade could maintain this brightness.

Seeing the faint sacred light radiating from the blade, Suldak was a little speechless, thinking that he would buy such an expensive saber just to become a living target for archers during night battles?

Suldak was secretly annoyed, as if the only feature of this shining saber was that after injecting the holy breath into the blade, it could maintain the holy light on the blade without too much effort. This kind of holy light obviously has the ability to heal.

A light flashed in Suldak's mind, he put down the shining saber in his hand, took the craftsman's sword hanging from his waist in his hand, and infused it with a sacred breath. As the sacred breath in each node of the body is continuously injected into the craftsman's sword, the holy light shining on the sword is much dimmer than the shining saber, and it will continue to be injected.

He found that under the blessing of the 'twilight lighting technique' attached to the shining saber, the holy light transmitted to the saber was actually magnified invisibly.

Suldak pushed open the door leading to the terrace, and shouted to Linna who lived in the dormitory next door: "Linna, do you want me to treat the frostbite on your face for you..."

The window of the dormitory was suddenly pushed open by the two girls. Linna poked her head out of the window, stared at Suldak standing on the terrace, and readily agreed, "Okay!"

The two girls only wore cotton pajamas, and ran from the dormitory next door to Suldak's room. The frostbite on Linna's face was not serious, but there were two lumps the size of silver coins on the highest part of her cheeks. It becomes extremely itchy, and if you can't help but scratch it, it will leave scars. This kind of frostbite will gradually get better as long as the weather turns warmer, but the next winter will be slightly colder, and the frostbite will recur.

Suldak made Linna sit on a chair, and faced the girl Linna with the shining saber.

Linna stared nervously at the shining saber in Suldak's hand, and asked him nervously, "Knight Suldak, are you going to treat my wound...?"

"Don't worry, I promise...you won't scratch your face." Suldak swung the shining saber in his hand and assured Linna.

Lin Na's face turned pale with fright, but she nodded obediently, and closed her eyes facing the shining saber.

With the faint power of holy light emitted from the knife, the power of holy light approached Linna's cheeks, and the frostbite on her cheeks began to swell visibly with the naked eye. Seeing the frostbite on Linna's face disappear before her eyes.

He also planned to try the effect with the craftsman's sword, and saw Nedra replacing Linna in the chair.

"Nedra, are you also frostbitten?" Suldak asked Nedra.

Nedra has a shy and introverted personality. She shook her head quickly and said in a low voice: "It's not frostbite..." After speaking, she rolled up the cotton sleeve on her arm, wrapped a thick bandage on her left arm, and untied it. The bandage was unwrapped, and the arm was swollen like a steamed bun, and the four blood holes had scabbed over. This injury was obviously left by a wild animal.

"Has the wound been treated?" Many wild beasts have toxins in their mouths. If they are not treated properly, the chances of infection are high.

Before Nedra could speak, Lina, who was sitting next to her, said for her: "I took a small sip of the antidote on the spot. During that battle, many students were bitten by forest gray wolves. The accompanying instructor was worried that the wolf teeth would be contaminated. I got the virus, so everyone was asked to drink a little antidote, but there were only two bottles of antidote, and each person could only drink a little."

Suldak said to the two girls: "It's okay, the injury is not too serious, but because it was bitten by a wolf, there may be scars on the arm."

Hearing what Suldak said, the girl Nedra's face became much more relaxed.

Afterwards, no matter whether Suldak used the Craftsman's Sword or directly transmitted the power of the Holy Light to the palm of his hand, he found that the healing effect was obviously not as good as using the Shining Saber, and the sacred aura in the nodes in his body was consumed even more quickly.

The two girl neighbors next door returned to their room after simple treatment. Looking at the shining saber in his hand, Suldak felt that the shining saber was really worth the money.


In recent days, Suldak has been squatting in the library whenever he is free.

He learned from Darcy Christie that the junior knight academy mainly teaches riding skills and basic knight qualities to apprentice knights. As for the professional skills such as knight halos, they are the knowledge taught by the advanced knight academy. Halo courses, but it is said that there should be such books in the college library.

Suldak has been to the library so many times, but he didn't find any books introducing knight halos on the library shelves. However, he believed that what Dacie Christie said was definitely not groundless, so he kept looking around in the library, and finally let him know. In the corner of a bookshelf in the library, he found three books about knight halos. Standing in front of the bookshelf, he looked at the three knight halo books side by side in front of him speechlessly, feeling deeply. Thinking: It’s normal not to see them, they are hidden in the most remote corner of the bookshelf, and there are only these three books in front of me: the halo of life recovery, the halo of defense, and the halo of strength.

Surdak, who was born as a shield warrior, chose the halo of power without hesitation.

Books on knight halos can only be learned at the Advanced Knight Academy, mainly because these advanced skills can only be borrowed from the energy in the body to release auras of various effects only after the knights have comprehended the Qi in their bodies.

Suldak did not find any books on tactics and battle qi related to shield warriors in the library, but he considered that since he could sense the sacred aura in his body, he was doomed to give up the training of warriors and learn the 'power halo' instead. For Suldak, this kind of knight skill released the aura of power, which was nothing more than the holy breath drawn into the body to circulate in the body according to a fixed path. It only took him half a day to create a faint whirlwind under his feet.

Suldak knew that the halo of power was very weak, but that was only because he was not yet very proficient in using the halo.

It's a pity that there are no knight skills in the library that can be learned except for riding and aura. The academy requires apprentice knights to practice riding at the knight training ground. Knights who graduate from the junior academy mainly Join the heavy cavalry regiment, so that at least during military service, you can avoid entering the infantry regiment as cannon fodder.

During this period, Suldak also carefully read the book "The Self-cultivation of the Magic Swordsman" lent to him by Darcy Christie, and finally understood the true meaning of the so-called double cultivation of magic and martial arts. In other words, it is mainly based on swordsman cultivation, but some magic will also be practiced based on the magic elements that the body can perceive. In addition to the four magic elements of wind, fire, water and earth, there are also light and darkness, undead spells, and so on.

Since Baron Grenfell was pushed to the guillotine, the city of Hailansa has completely calmed down. The members of the Black Magic Priory hid in the dark, and the bandit group on the outskirts of Hailansa city also disappeared. On a cold night, some homeless people still froze to death outside the city, and life in the mountain city seemed to have become a lot quieter.

In the past few days, Daxi didn't have any free time, mainly because the friends who came from Bena City needed her to entertain them personally.


In this way, finally on the weekend, the winter hunting held by young nobles every winter was ushered in.

Suldak promised Dacie Christie that he would participate in the winter hunting activities, so he rode Gu Bolai on that morning and arrived at the scheduled meeting place—Hailansa Victory Memorial Square.

This square is located in front of the castle of the Christie family. When Suldak arrived, there were at least 30 young nobles gathered in the square.

In the winter morning, even if the sun is rising, the cold wind is still a bit cold on the face.

Not long after, many magic caravans came to the square one after another. Behind those magic caravans, there were actually some docile ponies. There are also many noble ladies joining in.

Suldak and these young nobles didn't know each other, so naturally they wouldn't approach them. They just waited outside, sitting on a bench by the bush wall to appease their old companions. The ancient Bolai horse followed him back from the battlefield of the plane. He took out a handful of beans from his arms, and Gu Bolaima's warm and moist tongue kept licking his palm, and rolled the beans into his mouth with a few strokes.

Carl and Byrd Tax Officer came together. I didn't expect Bird Tax Officer to participate in the winter hunting activities. After the two of them rushed over, people kept saying hello to them. Obviously, Karl's social circle is very wide. Among this group of young people Among the nobles, there are very few people who don't know Karl, and even the Byrd tax collector frequently greets him.

A team of guarding knights and three magic caravans slowly drove out from Christie's Castle. When the three magic caravans stopped at the Hailansa Victory Memorial Square, Dacie Christie walked out of the car wearing a light leather armor. Swordsman Leonard and Miss Fanny, who came all the way from Bena Province, stood beside Darcy Christie, and the three chatted with great interest as they walked.

Seeing Darcy Christie appear, the young nobles who were waiting on the Victory Memorial Square gathered around and greeted Darcy Christie familiarly.

Dacie Christie saw Suldak standing outside the crowd with his horse from a distance, so she nodded to him from a distance.

After that, everyone didn't say much, and a group of people left Hailansa City in a mighty manner facing the rising sun.

Karl, tax collector Byrd, Suldak, and Baron Llewellyn rode on horses, talking and laughing all the way along with the team. This is also Suldak's circle of friends in Hailansa city. After listening to Karl's introduction, Suldak knew that Bird's tax collector's territory happened to border on the hunting area, and the villa he built was also on the edge of the winter hunting area, not far from the gathering place of this winter hunting.

So this time Karl decided to spend two nights in Bird Tax Collector's villa. The Christie family built a residence in the Winter Hunting Farm, which is considered very large, but with so many people participating in the Winter Hunting, it is estimated that the accommodation must be very tight, and there will inevitably be some The squires and servants lived temporarily in the carriages of the magic caravan.

I didn't expect that Bird's tax collector's family also had a glorious history in the city of Hailansa. However, due to the inaction of the next few generations, in the Bird tax collector's generation, the family's territory has almost shrunk to one-tenth of its heyday. One, and the generation of tax collector Byrd can hardly keep the title of baron, the family of tax collector Byrd is about to disappear in the tide of history.

Suldak glanced at Bird's beer belly. Obviously, even if he was sent to the battlefield, it would be extremely difficult to make meritorious deeds and keep his title and territory.

Bird tax officer was wearing light green light leather armor and covered with a thick leather coat. He enthusiastically introduced the surrounding land to Suldak along the way. Obviously, he was quite familiar with this area. When standing at the boundary marker, the Byrd tax officer can tell exactly whose territory it is...

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