Lord Highlander

Chapter 384: 383. Holy Light

Several friends of the young nobleman gathered around the headless corpse, looking around in panic, worried that the murderer would come out of the mist again to kill.

The strong man reached out and picked up the head of the noble boy, placed it next to the headless corpse, closed his eyelids with his hands, and said to everyone: "We have encountered enemies we have never seen before, and they are hiding in the mist. Going like the wind, so please try not to disperse, only if everyone is united, can we walk out of this oak forest without any harm."

If someone is willing to stand up, there will naturally be followers.

After the strong man stood up from the ground, someone in the crowd yelled, "Knight Holman, we will follow your instructions on what to do."

Karl spread his hands helplessly, and smiled wryly at Suldak.

Obviously everyone doesn't recognize him, but since someone is willing to stand up and take the lead, he is also happy to relax.

Knight Holman slapped the epee in his hand on the trousers rhythmically, making a clicking sound, and shouted to the crowd: "Now I need some help, I hope you can stand up bravely, warriors of the Grimm Empire out..."

He looked high-spirited, standing in the mist, examining every young nobleman in the crowd very seriously.

Some young nobles showed fearful expressions on their faces, and their bodies retreated involuntarily, but there were also some young nobles who took the initiative to stand up.

Dacie Christie also wanted to get out of the crowd, but was stopped by the manor guards. Under the persuasion of the guards, Dacie Christie stayed in the crowd, but the manor guards joined in in unison. Karl, Llewellyn and Suldak also responded and joined the ranks of the brave.

Since everyone came out to hunt in the first place, they were equipped with complete weapons and equipment, and no one was prepared.

It's just that the swordsman Leonard in the crowd had an ugly expression on his face. He tried hard to get out of the crowd, but Miss Fanny grabbed her and whispered in his ear, "Are you crazy?"

Leonard's face was a bit ugly. He hesitated for a moment, but finally stopped and did not continue to walk out, holding one hand tightly on the hilt of the sword.

Except for Leonard Swordsman, He Bird Tax Officer also failed to stand up this time. He is a civilian tax officer of Hailansa City Hall. He has almost nothing on his body except a big belly. The rapier was more like an ornament. When Miss Hoyle looked at Tax Collector Byrd, there was a hint of disdain in her eyes.

Seeing so many people standing up, Knight Holman shouted to everyone: "Very well, everyone, take up your weapons, surround the women and those who cannot fight, and let's go to the manor by the lake together."

He also said to the friend of the beheaded young nobleman: "We have to leave him here. Tomorrow, the fog will clear during the day, and then we will go back to the oak forest to take him back. No one knows how many terrible enemies are hidden in the fog." , now we can’t waste manpower to carry him away.”

Although the young nobles were a little bit reluctant, they saw that no one was willing to help them carry away the corpse of their companions, so they could only continue to move forward with the crowd.

Knight Holman walked at the front of the team with his sword. He turned his head and shouted to the crowd: "Has anyone prepared a torch? The torch can dispel some cold fog and keep those dangerous things from approaching..."

The guard captain of Christie Manor took out a piece of tarpaulin from his magic pocket, cut off a branch as thick as an arm from an oak tree, and made five torches in three steps. After the torch was lit, it could only illuminate In the range of three meters in diameter, even the flames could not be seen any further, and the fog became even bigger.

Everyone leaned together, and the outermost circles were all fighters with weapons in their hands. Everyone gave up riding and walked towards Ice Lake Manor on foot.

The oak forest shrouded in mist became darker. In addition to the sound of footsteps in the woodland, there were also very dull crackling sounds one after another, as if something was breaking through the ground, and the sickle appeared twice in the dense fog. , but was discovered in advance by the prepared crowd.

Although two young men had their arms cut by the scythe, no one was killed by the scythe.

The light of the torch can make the approaching sickle appear in advance. Everyone found that they were actually two ghosts swimming in the oak forest. They had white outlines, and their bodies were translucent. They could hide in the mist and come and go quietly. Flying with sound, when approaching the torch, the originally blurred outline will become solid.

"It's two undead ghosts..." Karl stared at a white figure retreating into the mist, turned his head and whispered to Suldak.

Just when Karl turned his head, Suldak felt the fog behind Karl violently rolling, and a sharp ax broke through the fog and slashed towards Karl's left shoulder.

Karl was caught off guard and felt Suldak's eyes and the strong wind behind him. He had no time to dodge, so he could only tilt his body and fall to the right, trying to avoid the sharp axe. Seeing that the sharp ax was about to hit Karl On his shoulder pads, the craftsman's sword in Suldak's hand caught the blade of the axe, and there was a loud "Dang" sound. The sword shook, and Suldak took half a step back.

The hand holding the sword was numb from the shock of the sharp axe. Suldak saw a skeleton rushing out of the mist. The ax in his hand was blocked by Suldak, but he didn't stop. Facing Karl who fell to the ground, Karl turned around and used his sword to block the skull's bone feet. The huge force of the skeleton knocked the long sword in Karl's hand away. Karl took advantage of this opportunity to dodge the kick from the skeleton in embarrassment. .

Baron Llewellyn next to him slashed at the skeleton's forearm with a sword, and the long sword made a click, as if hitting a hollow tree trunk, leaving shallow marks on the gray-white arm bone of the skeleton.

There is still some frozen soil on the body of this skeleton, and the skeleton is even a little incomplete. He is holding a sharp ax in his hand. With a strong dead air, there are two faint blue flames hidden in the eye sockets of the skull. These two flames are the soul fire of undead creatures and their source of strength.

The skeleton that emerged from the mist looked at Baron Llewellyn, so frightened that Baron Llewellyn almost dropped the long sword in his hand on the ground.

Fortunately, Suldak had recovered at this time. He held the dwarf chain shield in his hand and adjusted his pace. The thick shield slammed into the skeleton of the skeleton, and the gray-white skeleton suddenly made a shattering sound. The skeleton was shaken by Suldak's 'shield blow', Karl took the opportunity to stand up from the ground, and stabbed the long sword in the skeleton's left eye socket, into the eye socket,

The skeleton twitched unceasingly, the soul fire in the right eye socket stared at Karl, the sharp ax in his hand slashed at Karl, but was firmly blocked by the shield in Suldak's hand again, Karl and Llewellyn's long swords almost At the same time, it pierced into the skull's right eye socket, puncturing that ray of soul fire. Immediately, the gray bones on the skeleton's body were scattered all over the ground, and the heavy ax also fell heavily on the ground, and the death energy all over his body instantly floated into the air.

Knight Holman ran over with a long sword in his hand, stared at the broken bones on the ground with an ugly face, and said, "It's a skeleton soldier of the undead tribe. How could there be undead here?"

The rest of the people didn't know how to answer. The captain of the guard at Christie's Manor said, "This place has never been invaded by the undead."

It was the first time Suldak encountered a skeleton soldier of the undead tribe. He was a little curious about the skeleton, so he squatted down to check the broken bones on the ground, picked up a thigh bone, and found hand-painted runes on the bone. Suldak picked up the leg bone in his hand suspiciously, and asked suspiciously, "There are also magic patterns on the undead skeletons?"

The Holman knight came over, took the broken bone in Suldak's hand, took a look and said: "In my opinion, this is not a skeleton of the undead at all, it is a skeleton summoned by a necromancer. Necromancers master undead magic, they can summon powerful undead creatures, and only undead creatures that sign contracts with necromancers will have this magic pattern mark on them."

The team didn't stop because of this, and everyone kept walking towards the frozen lake.

"So, it should be a necromancer who attacked us?" Llewellyn asked with lingering fear.

"Or there are necromancers among the group of people who attacked us!" Carl said, he didn't think the person who created the ice fog was just a necromancer.

Holden Knight didn't answer this question, but turned to Suldak and asked, "You just came back from the battlefield?"

Suldak glanced at Knight Holden, saw a hint of appreciation on his rough and rough face, and said:

"Moyun Ridge in Handanal County."

It was a battle that no one was willing to bring up, and probably no one except the Bena people would know about it, but it was a painful lesson for the Hailansa people, representing that the army of Hailansa City fought in that battle. A large number of soldiers were lost in the battle, especially the fifty-seventh heavy armored infantry regiment was almost wiped out.

So when Suldak said this, Knight Holden's expression suddenly changed. He nodded, looked at Suldak and said: "I have also heard of that battle, the place where the Marquis Solomon Bowen fell, You can come back alive, it should be blessed by the goddess of luck, my name is Holden, if you have a chance, you can sit down and chat together."

Knight Holden didn't say much either. Seeing that the situation here had stabilized, he walked back to the front row to open the way.

After this sneak attack by the undead skeletons, Karl no longer dared to chat casually in the team, and handed his back to Suldak.

At this time, Suldak noticed that although Miss Fanny in the crowd was wrapped in a thick cloak, her body seemed to be shaking constantly.

Leonard's face beside her also became even uglier. His eyes kept looking around, apparently afraid of something popping up suddenly, and the flustered expression definitely didn't look like what an intermediate swordsman should have. look.

Immediately afterwards, skeletons continued to crawl out of the frozen ground. Although they were not as free as ghosts, they were aggressive. They did not feel any pain on their bodies. As long as the fire of soul in their eye sockets was not extinguished, they would be covered in bones. He was shattered, but he could still struggle to stand up from the broken bones, and the death energy all over his body could quickly connect the gray and white bones together.

Moreover, the number of such skeletons emerging from the frozen soil is increasing. Except for the first one that was quickly dealt with, several more skeletons surrounded them from all directions, and immediately smashed the defense line around the crowd to zero. Baluo, these young nobles had no combat experience at all, and the shields in their hands couldn't withstand the sharp axes in the hands of the skeletons, so they couldn't deal with the skeletons immediately, and a scuffle broke out suddenly.

There are two ghosts lurking in the mist, waiting for the opportunity, as long as the scythe appears, it means that someone is injured.

Only Suldak, Karl, and Baron Llewellyn cooperated tacitly. Suldak held the dwarf chain shield in front of him. The sharp axes of undead skeletons could not split his iron shield, and they did not have much wisdom. The undead creatures do not know how to adapt at all, and the tacit cooperation of the three allowed them to kill three skeletons one after another.

The others didn't have the strength to fight against the skeletons in their panic, so Holden Knight could only fight around the fire.

Along the way, the guards of the manor suffered the heaviest losses. Because of their mission, they stood at the outermost edge of the team almost without hesitation, facing the first round of attacks from the skeletons and ghosts. At this time, seven guards had been injured one after another. , the collarbone at the shoulder of one of them was severed by the ghost sickle.

Darcy Christie also joined the battle with a sword at this time, and when Dacy Christie joined the battle, the guards of the manor could only gather around Darcy, protecting her side and back, to prevent her from being attacked by ghosts, even if she was injured It doesn't work either.

People were constantly injured along the way, and some people even fought continuously, but it was too late to bandage the wounds.

Suldak wanted to help the wounded soldier deal with the wounds. At this time, he suddenly remembered the shining saber in his magic pocket. Although the craftsman's sword was more handy when fighting, he wanted to keep more of the holy light for himself. Suddenly, Suldak put the Craftsman's Sword into the scabbard, and under Karl's surprised gaze, he pulled out the shining saber from the magic pocket.

When his hand was on the handle of the knife, an inexplicable suction sucked the holy breath flowing in his body into the blade, and the blade instantly lit up with a faint light, which looked like a burning lamp in the mist. torches.

He ran towards a young nobleman drenched in blood. The forearm of the young nobleman was cut off by the sharp ax of the skeleton, and two wounds were cut on his body by the sharp axe. The two companions around him were forced to retreat by the skeleton. His head was about to be chopped off with an axe. Fortunately, Suldak arrived in time, and the shining saber pierced the skull's eye socket. Before Suldak pierced another soul fire, The Shining Saber seemed to have an invisible suction, instantly sucking two points of soul fire into the blade, and the entire skeleton immediately turned into a pile of broken bones and scattered all over the ground.

The desperate young nobleman was stunned by Suldak's sword. Seeing Suldak stabbing at him with the shining saber in his hand, he didn't know how to dodge.

The shining saber was pressed against the young nobleman, and a soft holy light poured into the young nobleman's body...

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