Lord Highlander

Chapter 385

A beam of holy light fell on the young nobleman, and the wound on his arm healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The young nobleman widened his eyes, looked at Suldak in front of him, and even forgot to say a word of thanks for a moment.

Suldak pulled him up from the ground with one hand. Although his forearm was cut off by the sharp axe, it was impossible for him to rest on the spot.

Even if you can't continue to fight at this time, you must have a certain ability to protect yourself.

Suldak instructed the young nobleman's companion, "Both of you help him bandage his wound."

The two companions who caught up looked at Suldak with strange eyes, and when they stared at the shining saber in his hand, the panic and fear in their eyes were gradually fading. They helped the young nobleman up, and at this time A skeleton rushed over, and the two guarded the young nobleman behind them, desperately blocking the fierce attack of the skeleton. Such thrilling scenes kept appearing on the battlefield.

Knight Holden constantly shuttled through the crowd, always appearing in the most critical place of the battle. He shouted: "Attack the soul fire in the eye sockets of the skeleton soldiers, and they will die completely only when the flexible fire goes out. , pay attention to avoid the sneak attack of the ghost..."

His voice was already a little hoarse, and there were still two wounds of different depths on his body, but this did not affect his battle at all. The long sword in his hand could always appear at the most critical moment, where he needed help the most.

The skeleton soldier chopped down a young nobleman in a pool of blood, and then it strode into the crowd. There was a panic and exclamation from the crowd, the sharp ax in the skeleton soldier's hand was dripping blood, the soul in its eyes The fire burned more violently, and the skeleton that already had countless cracks healed quickly. It raised the sharp ax in its hand high, and slashed down at the dumb lady in front of it.

Holden Knight spanned a distance of nearly ten meters, knelt down on one knee to parry the skeleton soldier's sharp axe, and the heavy ax caused a phantom of 'potential' to appear behind Holden Knight. It was a man holding a sword and shield The armored general is just a fleeting shadow.

Relying on the appearance of 'potential', Knight Holden borrowed a bit of strength to support the sharp ax of the skeleton soldier. Although the ax did not cause any injuries to him, it caused the other two wounds on his body to burst open instantly. The scabbed wound oozes blood again, Holden Knight let out a muffled groan, and his face instantly turns red.

He pushed back the skeleton soldier, and took the opportunity to stab the long sword in the skeleton soldier's eye socket, and then the young swordsman who came later stabbed the skeleton soldier's other eye socket, the skeleton soldier's soul fire dissipated, and the gray-white bones scattered all over the ground , Knight Holden didn't have time to catch his breath, watching the skeleton soldiers rushing out of the fog, and rushed to the next place where the battle was most intense.

In the mist, skeletons constantly crawled out of the frozen ground and rushed towards this battlefield. The situation on the battlefield was precarious. If the guards of Christie Manor had not formed a defensive formation and involved more than half of the skeletons, the crowd would have already died by now. Being rushed to pieces by the skeletons, facing these skeleton soldiers who are not afraid of death and feel no pain, the young nobles continue to suffer casualties, and the battle circle continues to shrink.

The shining saber in Suldak's hand can dissipate the death energy on the skeleton soldiers. As long as the shining saber is close to the skeleton soldiers, they will feel that the skeleton soldiers even move slowly. The soldier's skull immediately sucked the fire of the skeleton soldier's soul into the saber, and then the skeleton was peeled off to shatter the bones, and Suldak rushed to the next battlefield.

Karl and Llewellyn stood by Suldak's side, watching his sharp sword, almost speechless in surprise.

The two of them firmly protected Suldak's back, not giving the ghost hidden in the mist any chance.

Daxi Christie also participated in the melee at this moment. As a one-turn swordsman, Daxi possessed formidable strength. In terms of swordsmanship alone, she could even overwhelm Suldak in the sword gym. The 'momentum' behind her is far more solid than that of Holden Knight. Holding a long sword in each hand, she continuously slashed at the skull of a skeleton soldier. The continuous offensive made the skeleton soldier repeatedly step back.

The long sword slashed on the skeleton, making a continuous crisp sound of 'cracking'.

Darcy Christie's red hair flew up in the ice fog, like a banner on the battlefield.

At this moment, a skeleton soldier stepped on the corpse of a young nobleman and rushed into the crowd. The soul fires in the eyes of the skeleton soldier kept jumping in the eye sockets. Seeing a group of ladies in the center of the crowd, it almost didn't He jumped at Miss Fanny hesitantly, and the skeleton knocked the two of them into the air. Just as he reached out to grab Miss Fanny, a long crimson sword slashed at the arm of the skeleton soldier.

The crimson sword in Swordsman Leonard's hand was so sharp that it chopped off a part of the skeleton soldier's arm.

After blocking the skeleton, Leonard Swordsman's eyes turned pale with panic, but the long sword in his hand blocked the skeleton soldier's slashing one after another.

In the next second, the white ghost appeared in front of Miss Fanny in a mist. It raised the scythe in its hand to cut off Miss Fanny's head, but Miss Fanny hid behind Mrs. Christie on guard. Facing the ghost, Mrs. Christie's eyes widened in horror, and she didn't even have time to resent Miss Fanny. When she backed up, her legs gave way and she fell on her back. It was this fall that made Mrs. Christie avoid it. Opened the sickle in the ghost's hand.

This ghost did not disappear into the mist instantly like before, but continued to chase after it.

At this time, Karl had already discovered that Mrs. Christie was in crisis. He fought side by side with Suldak, but he was never too far away from Mrs. Christie. When he realized the danger, he immediately flew over, rolled around on the ground twice with Mrs. Christie in his arms, and then dodged again. However, the ghost did not continue to chase Karl and Mrs. Christie who rolled into a ball on the ground, but rushed towards Miss Fanny again.

Miss Fanny's eyes were horrified, and she watched the ghost charge forward with a scythe, trembling all over, but her mind was extremely clear. She hid behind Miss Hoyle again, and the ghost pounced on the somewhat bewildered Hoyle. Miss Earl.

Darcy Christie also arrived in time at this moment, and her two swords directly stabbed at the ghost.

The ghost seemed to sense the danger behind it, and it flashed behind Miss Hoyle and Miss Fanny in an instant. The bone scythe cut towards the necks of Hoyle and Miss Fanny. Before the sickle fell, a fat body stood in front of Miss Hoyle, raising an arm to block the ghost's sickle.

The blood spurted out, spattered Miss Fanny's face, and made Miss Fanny scream repeatedly.

That's all for today, Merry Christmas

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