Lord Highlander

Chapter 386. 385. Out of the Oak Forest

The oak trees in the forest were covered with white rime, and the cold wind blew away a layer of ice fog in front of Suldak. He happened to see the sickle in the ghost's hand cut off the left arm of Bird tax collector, and the blade was on Bird tax collector's chest. Slashing forward, not only completely destroyed the leather armor on his body, but also cut a wound more than a foot long horizontally on his chest, blood gushed out from his body, and immediately stained Bird's tax collector's linen shirt red.

Tax Inspector Byrd glanced at the ghost in front of him in horror, and then turned his head to look at Miss Hoyle, who was safe and sound. At this time, he seemed to want to smile at Miss Hoyle, but it was just the drama from the wound. The pain made him rush into bursts of intense dizziness, his body shook slightly, and he fell on his back.

Miss Hoyle's scream seemed to be heard in her ear, and her incomparably complicated eyes clearly showed a trace of concern. This was the last scene of Bird's tax collector closing his eyes, and then he fell into endless darkness and ice-cold .


The soul fire in the eye sockets of the ghosts of the undead is ice blue. It has been visible among the crowd for too long. If it does not return to the mist, it will be in great danger. Before the soldier chased after him, he hid in the dark ice fog and waited for an opportunity. He was very annoyed that he failed to kill the target in one fell swoop.

Horror and fear are like nourishment, constantly gathering into the body from all sides, making its body more solid, the bone sickle in the hand also grows sharp bone spurs on the surface, black runes emerge from the skeleton, and the crowd Those people in it were already terrified. When it spread its arms and swept upwards, it was like a white bird spreading its wings.

But just before it was about to escape into the dense fog, a burning sensation suddenly came from behind, it was a breath that made the fire of its soul tremble continuously.

It sensed danger and wanted to get out of the fight quickly.

It rushed upwards with all its strength, and the fearful aura behind it was about to pierce into its body.

The ghost suddenly stopped, it turned around and rushed towards the chasing knight, endured the holy light on the knight's weapon, and let out a deafening scream in front of him, a huge energy ring was released from the ghost's body, just It was as if countless ghosts rushed out of the bodies of ghosts, and those souls got into the bodies of the people around them. The faces of those people were immediately covered with a layer of blue dead air, and everyone's faces became hideous, as if someone else A ghost wants to take over their bodies.

People choked their own throats, their eyes kept bulging outwards, their hunched bodies curled up like shrimps, and their limbs involuntarily showed various strange and twisted shapes.

But at this moment, the ghost found that the knight in front of him was completely indifferent...

It originally thought that it would allow the knight to feel the impact of remnant souls like those around him, but the pendant hanging on the knight's chest emitted scorching rays like the sun, blocking all the ghosts that tried to rush into his body , Even the group of people behind the knight survived.

The long sword exuding a sacred aura in the knight's hand has already opened the already very fragile body. It even feels that it can't hold the sickle in its hand. The body is constantly dissipating. The ice blue soul fire is like Pulled by some powerful force, she got separated from the ghost's body little by little, and was sucked into the weapon that exudes holy light...

The ghost didn't seem to be made of bones. After it completely disappeared, there were no broken bones scattered on the ground, only a white spar fell to the ground.


Seeing the ghost rushing into the crowd, Suldak quickly chased after him, but the ghost rushed towards the crowd like lightning. He saw the ghost looking at Mrs. Christie, chasing Miss Hoyle, and finally killing Bird. The tax collector fell in a pool of blood, and then the ghost tried to escape into the thick fog overhead.

Of course, it was impossible for Suldak to let the ghost go away easily, otherwise, when the ghost reappeared, someone would probably fall under the ghost's scythe.

He chased after it with all his strength, and stabbed the shining saber in his hand into the ghost's body. Unexpectedly, the ghost suddenly turned around and let out a scream. It rushed out from inside, but when those remnant souls rushed in front of Suldak, the sobriety pendant hanging around his neck emitted a dazzling light, which not only made him sober up, but even the countless ghosts who rushed over They were also blocked by the lucid pendant, and some even disappeared into thin air.

Of course, Suldak would not miss this opportunity, and directly stabbed the shining saber into the ghost's body. It felt like a red-hot iron pierced into a candle, and the ghost kept moving at a speed visible to the naked eye. The ground melted, the dead air slowly dissipated, and what fell on the ground was only a white crystal nucleus the size of a thumb.

The ghost was killed by Suldak, and all the surrounding ghosts disappeared, and a dozen or so crazy self-harming people around them woke up immediately.

Carl swung his sword to block a skeleton soldier in time, but Llewellyn next to him was not so lucky. Before he woke up, a skeleton soldier rushed up and cut open his lower abdomen. At this moment, his internal organs were already flowing. Suddenly, when he woke up, he saw his bloody internal organs hanging out of his body. Baron Llewellyn wailed almost in despair. He seemed to have lost all his strength, and suddenly knelt on the ground.

He looked at Karl beside him, looked at Suldak not far away, and wanted to call for help to Suldak, but when he opened his mouth, countless blood gushed out of his throat, and his eyes looked straight at In the dense fog, he swallowed his last breath.

When Suldak arrived in stride, he could only split the skeleton soldier's head in half with a single sword, and a ray of soul fire flowed into the Shining Saber again, perhaps because the holy light from the Shining Saber blocked the ability to absorb souls. In the process of the fire, almost no one noticed this, only Suldak felt that another force that was dormant in his body seemed to be growing continuously.

Suldak helped Karl get rid of another skeleton soldier in front of him, and picked up the comatose Byrd tax collector. He tried his best to let the power of the holy light pour into the Shining Saber, and a ball of dazzling light burst out from the saber, followed by a The beam of light fell on tax collector Byrd, and Suldak felt that this holy light was healing tax collector Byrd, and what he had to do now was to bandage the wound of tax collector Byrd, after all, tax collector Byrd was beheaded by the ghost. Broken an arm.

Miss Hoyle retrieved the arm that had become a little stiff from the snow. Suldak couldn't connect his arm at this time. He could only do some simple hemostasis. The bandages were hastily wrapped up the wounds on his severed arm and chest, and the Bird tax collector was handed over to the care of Miss Hoyle and Mrs. Christie.

He himself rejoined the battle against the skeleton soldiers. At this time, the skeleton soldiers had rushed into the crowd. Karl stopped a skeleton soldier, but he was hacked by the skeleton soldier with an ax and half kneeled on the ground. At a critical moment, A phantom of a forest gray wolf appeared behind him, and his body seemed to regain strength. When the sharp ax in the skeleton soldier's hand swung away, and with the force of counterattack, it pierced into the skeleton soldier's eye socket, extinguishing A soul fire for skeleton soldiers.

Then Suldak arrived and knocked the skeleton soldiers away with a single blow of his sword.

"Your sword is really good!" Karl looked enviously at the shining saber in Suldak's hand.

Suldak grinned: "I bought it from the White Elephant Trading Company..."

The two of them didn't have time to say anything, Dacie Christie was struck by a skeleton with an axe and made her retreat a few steps. If Suldak hadn't held her up in time, she might have fallen to the ground, her hedgehog crystal A magic crystal shield emerging from the lion leather armor blocked the skeleton soldier's axe for her, and a faint layer of magic power flowed through the entire light leather armor. If it wasn't for the magic pattern structure on Darcy Christie, she might have already injured.

At this time, just activating the defensive magic circle on the magic pattern structure, Darcy Christie was rescued, which made Suldak feel the effect of a set of magic pattern structure.


When Suldak was in a tough fight, Holden Knight was not easy, but he always appeared in the most dangerous places.

A skeleton soldier broke through Christie's defense line and knocked down a lady. Knight Holden rushed over in time, held up the long sword in his hand to stop the skeleton soldier, and saved the lady in the hands of the skeleton soldier. At this moment, another ghost who had been hiding in the dark suddenly appeared from behind Holden knight, and a sickle turned into a white light and pierced Holden's back.

The sharp sickle easily pierced Holden's knight armor, and the sharp sickle tip protruded from his chest, and a stream of blood also spurted out.

Knight Holden forcibly turned around, and a silhouette of a knight became extremely clear from behind him. He looked at the scythe on his chest without showing any panic, as if he saw something very funny, he grinned and said He smiled at the ghost in front of him. The ghost's sickle seemed to be stuck in Holden Knight's body. No matter how hard it tried, it couldn't pull the sickle out of Holden Knight's body.

But Holden, with his last breath, smashed the icy blue soul fire in the ghost's head with the long sword in his hand, and the two jumping flames went out, and the ghost's body melted into a wisp in the mist. Green smoke, a white spar fell to the ground.

Holden Knight killed the second ghost, but the price he paid was also very high. He fell to the ground almost at the same time as the ghost.

After the two ghosts hiding in the dark were killed, the situation gradually turned around. Although there were still skeletons crawling out of the frozen ground, the guards and nobles of Christie Manor rebuilt their defenses. They took up weapons one after another, and even Swordsman Leonard stood in the resisting team, and the situation finally stabilized.

After dropping more than a dozen corpses, the brigade once again approached the Binghu Manor with the women and the wounded.

Carl looked at Baron Llewellyn who was lying on the ground with a painful face, and his body began to become extremely stiff, feeling deeply remorseful for his friend's death.

Holden Knight's body was gradually engulfed by the thick fog...


A pair of pale hands sewed up the young nobleman's head again with blood-stained silk threads. The knuckles were almost left with a layer of oily skin covering the bones, and a bone needle was pinched between his fingers. He sewed up the young nobleman's head again. On his neck, he drew an inverted triangle symbol on the nobleman's forehead with blood-stained hands.

He turned over the frozen corpse of the young nobleman, cut open the leather armor on his body with a dagger, and drew a strange symbol with the remaining blood.

The cold wind made him feel the biting cold, and an intriguing wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He turned his head and tried to look at the sky of Rathma Temple through the mist. Unfortunately, the darkness of the cold night completely enveloped everything. He knew that he would go It was too far away, and the Grimm Empire did not have a Rathma Temple. This mission was a hundred times more difficult than before, but he had a firm belief in his heart, and he kept chanting in an incomprehensible language.

In a blink of an eye, he had already painted symbols all over the body of the young nobleman, and then he fastened the buttons of the leather armor again, and drew a magic circle on the spot. He knelt beside the magic circle, clasped his hands , reciting a cumbersome spell in a low voice, and just after his spell ended, the dead body of the nobleman lying on the ground was like a marionette tied with countless thin strings, moving a little bit stand up.

The corpse of the nobleman got up from the ground, his hands were almost below his knees, but he was still able to stagger forward.

He was wrapped in an old blanket, with a cone hat covering his face on his head. He was tall and thin, and he even walked unnaturally. A dozen noblemen followed behind him. Corpses, but those severed limbs have been sewn together carefully by him. Every noble corpse is covered with fine blue nets, which can only be found by looking closely. fire of the soul.

He chased the bloodstains left on the ground in this fog, and when the two thin threads of soul wrapped around his body disappeared little by little, he stopped with a feeling of distress.

Those two ghosts were caught on the ghost ship in the Endless Sea. They have followed him for so long, but they didn't expect to sink to the bottom and dissipate here.

He stepped on the severed hand, bent down with difficulty, and picked it up from the ground.

There was a sense of emptiness in the sea of ​​spirits, and he knew that this hunt had to stop, so he punched the oak tree with a bit of annoyance, and was only a little bit close to succeeding.

He took out a copper whistle from his magic pocket, put it in his mouth and blew it vigorously, but there was no sound...


At the edge of the oak forest, the skeleton soldiers who were still chasing the team stopped suddenly, and then they retreated into the forest without any hesitation. The straightforwardness and decisiveness of the retreat made Surdak Also slightly taken aback.

Walking out of the oak forest, the dense fog finally became a lot thinner. Without the skeleton soldiers chasing after them, everyone supported a few wounded and quickly hid in the Christie manor. They found out when they returned to the manor to count the number of people. , nearly one-third of the nobles failed to get out of the oak forest, and the other guests and maids who stayed in the manor were terrified by the tragedy in front of them.

Almost everyone in the manor took action and began to treat the injured members.

At the same time, four guards rushed out of the manor on horseback and galloped towards Seablue City overnight...

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