Lord Highlander

Chapter 387 386. Sleepless Night

Thick fog obscured the bright moonlight at night.

Nearly twenty wounded nobles and guards were lying in the hall on the first floor of Christie Manor Villa. Due to the large number of people hunting this winter, many nobles did not bring their retinues. Therefore, when encountering such an unexpected situation, everyone was caught off guard and died in the oak tree. There were more people in the forest. From the outside of the manor to the hall of the villa, there were bloodstains all the way, and everyone hid in the manor in a panic.

The guards of the Christie family guarded the villa tightly. At the beginning of the construction of this manor villa, the design had already considered its own defense capabilities. There are watchtowers at the four corners of the villa. There are standard military crossbows and fire oil, and there are also walls around the manor villa to resist wild animals.

Since the opponents were undead skeleton soldiers and ghosts, Dacie Christie immediately ordered to light up the entire manor. There were at least a hundred pine oil torches lit up all around. Although those skeleton soldiers chased to the edge of the oak forest, all Back off, but maybe they'll make a comeback before too long. The attendants in the manor also took action one after another, not only to settle the wounded who came back, but also to arrange other guests.

The entire villa was in a mess. Mrs. Christie helped her niece Daxi to comfort the guests who were overly frightened. Walking back and forth on the verge of death a few times, he was so exhausted physically and mentally that he didn't even want to talk, so he put the weapon within reach and began to take the time to rest.

With so many people dead this time, the atmosphere in the hall seemed a bit dull.

Swordsman Leonard was also sitting in the corner of the sofa area. He stood the long sword in his hand by the wall. He looked a little uneasy as he sat there. He hesitated to speak.

Miss Fanny was sitting opposite him. Compared with the panic of Leonard Swordsman, this Miss Fanny was much calmer. Even if she was just stared at by a ghost in the oak forest, it didn't scare her. , she was wearing a leather hunting suit and kept looking at Swordsman Leonard.

Although Mrs. Christie is very dissatisfied with her, but because she is a guest of the Christie family, she can only suppress it in her heart.

If Miss Fanny hadn't been hiding behind Miss Hoyle when she was avoiding the attack of the ghost just now, I am afraid that the Bird tax collector would not have been cut off by the ghost and lying unconscious in the hall with serious injuries. If the tax collector Byrd hadn't stepped forward, it might be Miss Hoyle lying there at this time. Mrs. Christie glanced at her niece worriedly, and Miss Hoyle stood beside the tax collector Bird with a dull expression on her face. It seems that this sudden incident has hit her hard. Originally, I took her to participate in the winter hunting this time to let her relax, but now it has become worse.

Karl is trying to find a way to contact the support squadron outside the guard camp. In such an emergency, the support squadron from Hailansa City should be the first to rush to Ice Lake Manor. He was slightly injured in the battle just now, and there was a bloody bandage wrapped around his arm, but he was in good condition. After returning to the manor, he immediately joined the defense work of the manor. This kind of positive attitude Let Mrs. Christie's heart become warm.

Thinking of the death of her best friend Miss Brenda's lover, Baron Llewellyn, in the oak forest, Mrs. Christie had a headache. She didn't know how to explain this to her best friend when she returned to High Lansa. Among the busy crowd, she saw Karl's friend, Knight Suldak, squatting next to Bird Tax Collector, re-bandaging the wound of Bird Tax Collector, the saber in his hand exuded a faint sacred light, Under the illumination of the Holy Light, the wounds on Tax Collector Byrd scabbed rapidly on the surface at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If it wasn't for him not wearing the robes of the priests in the Temple of Liberty, Mrs. Christie would definitely think that he was a battle priest in the temple. But now, after the archbishop of the temple rejected the Angibald royal family's expedition order, all the people of the Green Empire knew that there would be no priests and priests participating in the war of planes at the temple. The first thing Mrs. Christie thought of was The saber in Suldak's hand may be an epic weapon with its own healing light.

In the lobby on the first floor of the villa, there was more than one person who had the same idea as Mrs. Christie, and nearly 20 injured people only received simple medical treatment for the time being. After some time, they all hoped that the young knight would be the next person to be rescued, so some friends of the wounded gathered around Suldak, so that after he finished treating Bird tax collector, he would be the first to rescue him. Invite Suldak over.

Fortunately, Dacie Christie came over in time to stop the chaos. She explained to everyone as the owner of the manor that Suldak will treat every injured person, but the specific situation is to Treat the seriously injured first. Please wait patiently for the injured who were not treated by the Suldak knight in time.

With Darcy Christie coming forward to coordinate this matter, the hall on the first floor of the villa became much more orderly.


But at this time, Suldak also became the busiest person in the manor, and he shuttled among the wounded with a shining saber in his hand.

The reason why the injured nobleman was not carried into the guest room to rest was also for the convenience of concentrating on the first-floor hall for treatment. The maids continuously brought hot water to clean the wound. The emergency hemostatic bandages in the manor were limited. This kind of first aid bandage is a must for travel, and most people have it in their hands, but few people can get the higher-level healing potion.

Today, when magical herbs are scarce, healing potions cannot be bought with money.

Surdak did a lot of things like treating wounds when he was in the second squadron of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment. He could skillfully tie a bow on the bandages with one hand, and treat wounds in the treatment hall. In the case of the injured person, he showed his duty-bound duty. He almost cured this one, and then rushed to the next wounded person without stopping. Fortunately, there were some friends around the injured person to take care of them, and many of them took care of them. It was better to treat the wound in advance, and just wait for him to rush over to use the holy light technique for treatment, which saved a lot of unnecessary trouble.

A nobleman was lying on a marching blanket. His face was pale due to excessive blood loss. Looking at the shining saber in Suldak's hand, he probably wanted to relieve the pain in his body by diverting his attention. In Suldak's hand was a saber that was emitting light, and asked him:

"Knight Suldak, does your saber have a name?"

In the Grimm Empire, every epic weapon has a good name. For example, there is a gold-decorated shield called the "Zakarum Messenger" in the temple. It is said that this shield was once owned by a dragon knight. epic weapon. And in the warehouse on the top floor of the Imperial Capital Hunters Guild, there is still a heavy crossbow named 'Brisado Kenan'. This heavy crossbow is called a cannon by many hunters, and it can be regarded as representing the highest crossbow made in the Grimm Empire. skill.

Suldak was concentrating on treating the wound on his leg. It was a wound cut by a skeleton soldier with an axe. If it had been more severe, the leg bone might have been severed. Suldak didn't know that he Whether he can walk normally in the future, and he doesn't know how to suture the tendons, so he can't reconnect the broken tendons. He can only use the holy light technique to speed up the healing of the wound and prevent him from bleeding to death.

"Shine." Surdak replied casually.

His attention was completely on the wound of the wounded, he had to concentrate on guiding the power of the holy light in the nodes in his body.

"Ah...that's a really good name." The injured nobleman could only barely praise him.

This nobleman probably did some research on enchanted weapons, but he had never heard of an epic weapon called 'Shining'. When his eyes fell on the magic pattern on the Shining Saber, he was also slightly taken aback. The minimalist magic pattern does not look like a precious epic weapon.


Dacie Christie stood on the slow landing in the hall on the first floor with an ugly expression on her face. Looking at the mess in the hall, before she could count the number of victims, she couldn't help becoming extremely irritable in her heart. She really wanted to hide in a quiet room at this time to calm down her almost violent heart, but it happened that she needed to stand up and preside over the situation here in the manor.

She asked the chief guard of the manor. Before that, there had never been undead on the hunting ground of Ice Lake Manor. Now that so many people died all of a sudden, even her father, Marquis Christie, would be implicated.

Seeing the busy Suldak in the crowd, her face softened a little, and she thought to herself: It seems that Hathaway and Beatrice are quite accurate in judging people.

Footsteps sounded, and the butler from the manor came over from the back kitchen. This butler was specially transferred from Christie's Castle because of the winter hunting activities.

He reminded Darcy Christie that the dinner party had been prepared for a long time, and it had been more than half a day since lunch. Under normal circumstances, many guests should have been hungry, but at this time, everyone fled through the oak forest, and the body The excitement here has not subsided, so not many people feel hungry.

Moreover, in this kind of scene, I am afraid that not many people can still enjoy the dinner in the mood.

But from the standpoint of the owner of the manor, Darcy Christie should have invited everyone to have dinner. After some invitations, less than half of the people came to the restaurant to eat, and everyone quickly filled up with stew and white bread. Stomach, recover your strength as soon as possible, no one knows when those skeleton soldiers outside will appear again.

Darcy Christie sat at the head of the dining table, looking at Miss Fanny who was munching on the juicy and tender steak. She sat upright on the chair, elegantly cut the steak with her hands, and looked at the medium-rare Darcy Christie thought of the wounds of so many wounded in the hall, but this kind of bloody meat steak did not affect Miss Fanny's appetite at all, and she even quickly tore open a soft white meat steak. Bread stuffed into mouth.

The Leonard swordsman sitting opposite her seemed a little flustered. He didn't even have any appetite. He just stuffed the toasted wheat cakes into his mouth tastelessly, and then drank some stew soup. Darcy Christie and Lun Swordsman Nader is a classmate of the Higher Swordsmanship Academy in Bena Province. She knows Swordsman Leonard very well. Normally, Swordsman Leonard would not even glance at these two kinds of food.

At first, Darcy Christie just thought that Swordsman Leonard might be frightened by this sudden incident, but Mrs. Christie said something secretly to her just now, which immediately aroused her suspicion, and she felt a little guilty She glanced at Miss Hoyle who had been silent all this time. If she hadn't insisted on pulling her into the magic caravan, Hoyle would probably be in the castle at this time. It's on the matter again.

Darcy Christie sighed lightly, which was also unexpected anyway.

"After dinner, arrange those guests who need to rest in the guest rooms to rest. The guest rooms on the first floor are all vacant and arranged for those who are injured. You must take good care of them." Darcy Christie put down the meal in her hand. knife, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and called the butler to order.

"Okay, miss." The butler quickly and cautiously replied.

"When will the supporters from the family arrive at the earliest?" Darcy Christie leaned into the butler's ear and asked him.

There were a few wrinkles on the butler's forehead, and he pondered for a while before saying, "Even if everything goes well, we have to wait until tomorrow morning..."

In fact, he still hid a sentence behind him: 'If it doesn't go well, I'm afraid no one will come here for the time being. '

"That means we must rely on our own strength to get through tonight..." Darcy Christie murmured.

Darcy Christie frowned as she watched Swordsman Leonard and Miss Fanny finish their meal and get up to leave the restaurant at the same time.


When they were in Christie's Castle, the rooms of Swordsman Leonard and Miss Fanny were thoughtfully arranged next to each other.

On the Ice Lake Manor, although the guest rooms were tight, the two of them were allocated two separate rooms. The only thing that made Miss Fanny dissatisfied was that there were at least eight rooms between the two rooms. To get to Leonard Swordsman's room, or Leonard Swordsman sneaking over, he would pass by at least eight rooms. Obviously, with such a distance, it would be more difficult to secretly have sex with the two of them. .

Miss Fanny glared at the stern-faced butler with some reluctance, and planned to make her own request to him, but Swordsman Leonard grabbed his hand from behind.

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