Lord Highlander

Chapter 388: 387. Leonard's Letter

In the fireplace of the room was a magic scroll of gathering fire, and the blue flames kept jumping. Standing by the fire, Swordsman Leonard still couldn't dispel the chill in his heart. The battle in the oak forest once again appeared in his mind. It wasn't someone who killed those two difficult ghosts at the critical moment... Leonard Swordsman shuddered all over.

He walked to a square table against the wall, his hands were trembling, picked up a bottle of golden cider on the table, pulled out the cork from the bottle with great effort, and poured the egg white liquid Pour it into a wine glass and drink it all in one gulp.

The slightly sour wine rushed into his throat through the taste buds on the tip of his tongue, all of a sudden diluting the fear in his heart. He sat down on the recliner by the fireplace, closed his eyes, and the skeleton soldiers and ghosts in the oak forest came back again. Rushing into his mind, Leonard opened his eyes again, looking out the window in the dark night, under the faint mist, some torches were lit all over the yard, emitting a faint light.

In his mind, the scene of Suldak holding a saber exuding holy light and killing skeleton soldiers everywhere in the team, he secretly rejoiced that he escaped, and felt sorry for his old friend Ke Concerned about Cole Norton's emotional path, after Hathaway and Beatrice broke with Cole Norton completely. Darcy Christie also sadly returned to Hailansa City.

Norton seemed to be kept in the dark. Although he and Miss Daxi often exchanged letters, he didn't seem to know that Suldak was also in Hailansa City.

Leonard wanted to write a letter to his old friend, and wanted to truthfully take a break from what he saw and heard about Hailansa City. Darcy Christie seemed to have changed a lot recently, and she was no longer what she used to be. Impetuous, things have become much more stable, perhaps during the period after graduation, she has become more mature than before.

He was sitting in front of the writing desk, holding a quill pen in his hand, with a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he didn't know what to write for a while. A piece of parchment was spread on the desk, and he wrote on the letter paper:


Cole Norton, my best friend!

I came to Hailansa City this winter and met Ms. Darcy Christie. She was very enthusiastic when she saw me, as she was at the Swordsman Academy, and blamed me for not telling her earlier that I was coming to Hailansa City.

In fact, my coming to Hailansa City is also a temporary decision.

But I am glad to be able to make this decision at this moment. You will never think of who else I met in Hailansa City, the knight who made us all go to Handanar County in the Warsaw plane during the graduation season, the knight who is deeply missed —Suldak.

Yes, you guessed it right, this is his hometown, and now he lives in Hailansa City,

According to my observation, he has a very close relationship with Miss Darcy Christie. I am afraid that many things must have happened in the recent period of time, so that Darcy's attitude towards Knight Suldak has changed dramatically.

Now this red-haired girl who was extremely arrogant in the Knight Academy has transformed into an aristocratic lady who is impressive enough. In her, I feel a unique charm that I have never felt before. I already have Miss Fanny by my side, and I think I will pursue her desperately at this moment.

If you still want to further your relationship with Miss Daxi, I'm afraid you can't hide in another city to spend the good time. At least for now, you have to go to Hailansa City to meet Daxi in person and see with your own eyes. What happened to you, I think you will learn a lot.

One more piece of advice for you, be careful of the Suldak Knights.

Originally, I wanted to write more, but I got into another trouble. I may not stay in Hailansa City for a long time, and I will leave this beautiful mountain city in the day after tomorrow, although I am looking forward to meeting you We will meet again, but I'm afraid it's not the time yet.

If you don't want to give up Miss Darcy Christie, you must visit her in Hailansa City. I believe you will find your own happiness in this city.

Love you Leonard.


If someone hadn't knocked on the door, Swordsman Leonard would probably have written a few more words.

Hearing a short knock on the door, Swordsman Leonard quickly put down the quill in his hand, dried the ink on this page of parchment, then carefully folded it in half and put it in his arms. When he walked to the door, he opened the parchment. At the door, it was discovered that Miss Fanny, wearing a thin nightgown, was standing outside the door with her arms around her shoulders. A look of suspicion flashed in her eyes. She saw Swordsman Leonard open the door, walk into his room without any explanation, and quickly turned around in his room.

Finding that the big bed was made neatly, there was no wrinkle on the bed sheet, and there were no traces of deliberate use on the fireplace lounge chair. Then her face relaxed a lot, and a smile appeared in her raised eyes. She stood by the fireplace, Wanting to let the heat released by the magic scroll in the fireplace dispel the chill in her body.

Seeing a bottle of golden cider with the cork uncorked on the square table against the wall, Miss Fanny quickly poured herself a glass and drank the wine in the glass with her head raised.

I have to say that when she was wearing thin pajamas, her neck was as slender as a swan, her waist was slender, and her skin was as white and shiny as milk. Apart from her harsh words, she was considered a pretty beauty. One of the reasons why Leonard Swordsman has always been infatuated with her and couldn't bear to leave her.

Miss Fanny was sitting on the recliner, and under the reflection of the fireplace flames, she was resting on her arm, making the curves of her graceful body more concave and convex. Miss Fanny squinted her eyes, looked at Leonard and asked softly: " You are alone in the room, what are you doing, I thought you would go to my place the first time."

There was an indescribable temptation in the voice, Swordsman Leonard sat beside the recliner, reached out to fill the wine glass in Miss Fanny's hand with golden cider, and then pretended to be relaxed and said: "I just want to warm up by the fire. Drink a glass of wine and relax, just now in the oak forest, the whole body is about to be frozen."

Miss Fanny put her hands around Leonard Swordsman's neck, and asked in a seductive voice, "Really? Don't you think it will be warmer if you hold me?"

Her voice was a little cloyingly sweet.

Swordsman Leonard hesitated for a moment, but finally he mustered up his courage and said, "Fanny, I think we must leave here as soon as possible."

Miss Fanny seemed to have heard such a ridiculous joke, with a smile on her face, she said with certainty: "Of course we have to leave quickly, how come you think we can stay here?"

She then added: "We have to hurry up before they suspect me, and find another safe haven before that person catches up with me. To be honest, I think it's not bad here. I didn't expect the knights here to be stronger than I thought, and that's why we want to get out as soon as possible before they find anything."

Swordsman Leonard looked at Miss Fanny's white chin, her lips were as attractive as bright red cherries, he swallowed and said, "Fanny, you know what I want to say, if... I mean, if we can make a choice again, I hope you can give them back the thing in your hand. Do you really want to live this life of wandering all the time? Maybe you and I are in a certain One day, he will die silently on the way to escape like this."

Hearing what Swordsman Leonard said, Miss Fanny's face quickly darkened. She pushed Swordsman Leonard who was sticking to her side away, sat up from the recliner, and said in a stern voice: "This is not at all. possible!"

She stared at Swordsman Leonard, wanting to see his inner world from his eyes, she cupped her hands, her eyes filled with painful memories, and said to Swordsman Leonard: "You know what I did for that Things, how many things have been given up, I am only one step away from fully occupying it, just a little bit away, you see, two of their most powerful ghost sickle killers have also died, and his background is probably almost exhausted Now, as long as we go to a few places, we will definitely consume all his power. At that time, as long as we can kill the priest in the Ramas Temple, we can fully possess that thing—you and I .”

Her eyes were replaced by a strange red light, as if occupied by some powerful spiritual power, and she showed a fanatical smile to Swordsman Leonard and said, "I'm afraid you will never know, that thing What kind of power is hidden in the thing!"


Swordsman Leonard continued to persuade him, but was interrupted by Miss Fanny: "Leonard, you love me, right?"

"Of course!" Swordsman Leonard said confidently.

Miss Fanny rested her head on Leonard Swordsman's chest, squinted her eyes and said to him, "I am willing to share that thing with you, but before that, we must bear certain risks..."


After dealing with the wounded in the hall, Suldak was quickly arranged by Dacie Christie to rest in the guest room upstairs. Everyone knew that tonight would not be so peaceful. Darcy Christie hoped that he could recover his strength as soon as possible, at least to ensure that he could exert his full strength in the night battle.

There was a plate of warm beef pie on the table in the room. A maid helped Suldak untie the cloak on his body, and when he wanted to untie the salamander leather armor on his body, Suldak Ke stretched out his hand to block it, and Suldak knew in his heart that no matter how uncomfortable it was at this time, it was best not to take off the leather armor.

The maid handed him a hot towel and wiped his face with her own hands, while Suldak put the craftsman's sword at his waist on the wooden table by the wall, and put the dwarven chain shield on his back on the bed He glanced around and found that everything in the room was within reach, so he tactfully indicated to the maid that she could leave.

The maid looked sweet. She stood in front of Suldak, met his gaze, bit her soft lips and whispered, "Master Knight Suldak, can I stay and serve you?"

Seeing the maid's clean face, Suldak laughed dumbly and said, "At this time?"

No matter who arranged it, it was obviously a bit inappropriate. He sat in front of the square table, picked up a piece of soft beef patty, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "To be honest, I think you'd better not wear it tonight." This kind of skirt, change into clothes that are easy to move and keep warm, don’t sleep too much at night, be more alert!”

He poured the fragrant golden cider on the table into the fireplace again, took off the water bag around his waist, poured himself a glass of clear water, took a sip, looked at the bewildered maid beside him, and said: "After filling my stomach, I need to rest alone for a while. There is no last resort and it is best not to disturb me."

After saying this, he waved to the maid, indicating that she could leave on her own.

Suldak ate very quickly, and almost swallowed a plate of beef pies in a few mouthfuls. Then he dragged his tired body, walked to the window and looked at the night scene outside. The corner illuminates a narrow area, and from time to time, the guards of the manor can be seen patrolling back and forth along the corridor. The outside of the manor is very quiet, so quiet that it makes people feel scared.

Suldak walked to the door, locked the door, and then placed the altar in the room for the sacrificial ceremony. For some reason, he found that the outline of the summoned god and golem was clearer than before , when he sacrificed the head of the magic antelope in his hand, the 'Blessed Body' and 'Shield of Blessing' he got in exchange also made him feel a little different than before.

That feeling is obviously stronger than before.

Although I don't know what's going on, it's a good thing after all.

Suldak didn't dare to delay, and quickly took back the items of the sacrificial ceremony into the magic pocket, and his physical strength, which was about to be overdrawn, began to recover quickly. Suldak sat on the chair by the fireplace, and saw that what was burning in the fireplace was actually A magic scroll of focusing fire, and I sigh in my heart that Christie's house is really a luxury, and they use the flames of the magic scroll to keep warm.

He took out a whetstone and re-sharpened the edge of the craftsman's sword.

There was a knock on the door, and Suldak walked over to open the door, only to find that there were Karl and Mrs. Christie standing outside the door. Karl was in a good state of mind, although his face was a little tired, but at least She could still hold on, but Mrs. Christie showed a tired face. Suldak was a little surprised, and said in his heart: If you don't stay in the room and have a good rest, what are you doing here?

Suldak invited two people in, and he glanced at Karl.

"Suldak, I came here to disturb you at such a late hour to say 'thank you' to you personally on behalf of the Christie family. This winter hunt has such a big event, without you, I am afraid there will be more People were left in the oak forest." Mrs. Christie said with a haggard face.


In the middle of the night, the heavy fog in the oak forest did not dissipate slowly as everyone had hoped. Instead, it poured out of the oak forest in waves like a sea tide, and spread everywhere within the vast ice lake. There are rime everywhere...

A pair of cloudy and blood-red eyes appeared outside the Christie Manor. His hands hung down weakly, and he limped slowly towards the gate of the manor.

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