Lord Highlander

Chapter 389: 388. Night Battle

After Mrs. Christie thanked Suldak, she chatted with Baron Llewellyn again. She planned to go to the Oak Forest to general Llewellyn when the reinforcements from Hailansa City came to Ice Lake Manor after dawn tomorrow. Baron Lin's body was recovered. Although Baron Llewellyn and Carl are close friends, but because of Miss Brenda's relationship, they are also very close to Mrs. Christie, so the two will find Suldak to help tonight .

Although Suldak and Baron Llewellyn were only ordinary friends, Suldak didn't even have many ordinary friends. Therefore, when Karl mentioned this matter, Suldak agreed without much consideration.

After seeing off Karl and Mrs. Christie, Suldak took a candlestick to the fireplace and sat down on the wooden chair beside the fireplace. The candlelight in the room was soft and danced with the flames. The shadow reflected on the wall was also shaking slightly. He originally wanted to flip through the book "Self-cultivation of the Magic Swordsman" and read Ambrose. How did Christie break through at the beginning, but when he reached out to take the book out of the magic pocket, he accidentally touched the magic notes of the black magician Cyrus Hickok.

Picking up the magic note, Suldak realized that the magic note was shaking constantly. It seemed to have life and thinking ability, and it constantly conveyed a feeling of fear to Suldak. Ke pressed the magic note on the table with both hands, but still couldn't stop the magic note from shaking.

Suldak's heart moved slightly, and then he opened the pages of the magic notebook. This magic notebook was originally written by the magician Cyrus Hickok to record his cultivation experience. The runes, the characteristics of some magic herbs and magic materials, this notebook Suldak has opened countless times before, but it has never been in this situation.

Turning to the first page of the magic notebook, Suldak saw a line of words appeared out of thin air on the pages of the notebook, and the letters of each word emerged one by one, as if there was an invisible big hand holding a pen, trembling on the page wrote: 'Be careful, they're coming. '

Seeing this complete line of characters appearing in front of his eyes, Suerdak instantly felt the pores of his back stand up, and he was covered in cold sweat.

At first, he suspected that someone was playing a prank, but after he looked around carefully and found no clues, the more he wanted to find the answer, the colder his heart became. When he realized that he was indeed the only one in the room, he rushed In the past, the magic note was closed in one fell swoop.

This is just a magic notebook bound into a book made of magic parchment, on which a black magician recorded some of his experience in learning magic. There are many things that Suldak can't understand, but he didn't expect this The magic notebook was actually alive, and it warned him of danger tonight.

Suldak hastily tied the dwarven chain shield beside the bed to his arm, and reinserted the sharpened craftsman's sword into the scabbard at his waist.

At this time, under the blessing of the "Divine Blessing Body", his physical strength has almost recovered. He walked to the window in a few steps, opened the window and let the cold wind blow in, only felt that the fog in the night was getting bigger , the torch at the gate of the manor became very blurred in his vision, and a bad premonition rose from his heart.

Suldak closed the window, turned around and walked out of the room.


Dacie Christie was sitting on the soft leather sofa in the hall on the first floor of the villa, with one hand resting on her forehead, watching the maids in the manor keep coming in and out of the side corridor with basins, she felt a little inexplicable irritable.

In just one day, not only so many nobles died in front of her eyes, but also some injured nobles were lying in the manor at the moment. This winter hunting caused such a thing, and Darcy Christie didn't know how to end it afterwards. , and tonight seems to be the most difficult night. All the guards are placed in every corner of the manor. There are bright places and dark places, and the bed crossbows on the watchtowers at the four corners of the manor have been pushed out, and they have entered the state of preparation for battle.

She saw a scratch on the leather armor of her arm, which was left by a ghost suddenly appearing beside her in the oak forest. If it wasn't for the sudden burst of power from this thorn tail crystal lion leather armor, she would not be able to recover for a short time. It can burst out with extreme speed, I am afraid that this arm has been cut off by that terrifying sickle.

Unexpectedly, Holden Knight, who is always stable and dull, can stand up at a critical moment and explode with such powerful combat power.

The butler stood beside Darcy Christie, took a cup of tea from a maid, and placed it on the coffee table in front of Darcy.

She glanced at the butler. The butler bent down and said to Daxi respectfully: "Miss Daxi, you should rest for a while. I will guard here for you. If anything happens, I will wake you up as soon as possible!"

Darcy sat up straight, took a deep breath, hesitated for a while, and finally shook her head.

She, Suldak, walked down the stairs quickly, and asked Suldak, "Why did you come down, you should take a good rest."

In the hall on the first floor, several nobles who were watching the night with Dacie Christie also set their eyes on Suldak, and their eyes also showed admiration.

Obviously it was because of Suldak's performance in the oak forest that these nobles looked at him differently.

Suldak strode up to Darcy Christie's side, and said in a deep voice, "There may be something going on outside, I want to go out and take a look around."

Hearing what Suldak said, Dacie Christie also realized that she should go to inspect the manor, so she stood up and said, "I'll go with you."

Suldak put his hand on her shoulder, let her sit down on the sofa again, and said in an unquestionable tone: "You stay here."

Dacie Christie stared at Suldak, held back the anger rising in her heart, and sat back on the sofa with a straight face angrily.

Under the surprised gazes of the housekeepers and maids around, they couldn't believe that Darcy Christie didn't lose her temper under such circumstances.

At times like this in the past, even in front of her father, the Marquis Bernard Christie, she would be like a rabbit with its hair blown up, yelling at the Marquis Christie, but in front of Suldak, she unexpectedly Just glaring at him fiercely, he sat back on the sofa angrily, and the surrounding maids looked at Suldak with an even more elusive meaning.

Daxi paused, and said to Suldak: "Then I'll send someone out with you."

"Okay." Suldak replied succinctly.

Christie arranged for a guard of the manor to stay in the hall to follow Suldak out of the hall. Just as he opened the door of the villa and went out, Suldak felt as if he had entered a world of ice and snow. Just a few steps away, the cold wave at night froze. It made his fingers tingle a little, the cold wind felt like a knife had been cut on his face, and some trees and low shrubs in the manor were covered with a thick layer of hoarfrost.

A group of guards wearing thick leather clothes came from the back of the manor holding torches in the wind and snow, exchanged passwords with the guards around Suldak, then put down the standard military crossbow in their hands, and stepped forward to confront the manor. Looking at Suldak, he said: "The situation in the backyard is normal, but the weather is really too cold."

"Keep warm and be vigilant." Suldak said to the group of guards, and then said to the guards around him, "Let's go to the front gate and have a look."

The guard came out with Suldak to help him coordinate these matters, and accompanied Suldak to the front door.

Walking a hundred meters away, a nobleman wearing a thick cloak walked towards him on the main road of the manor. He wore a hood to cover his face, but the emblem on the cloak and the outstanding weapon on his back all showed him With extraordinary background, Suldak thought it was the head of the guard who came back from the front door. The two got closer, but Suldak felt something was wrong. It looks extremely uncoordinated.

Suldak secretly pulled the guard who was with him.

The guard was also clever, and hurriedly said: "Password!"

The person on the opposite side didn't seem to want to answer at all. After a gurgling sound came out of his throat, Suldak finally realized that the person on the opposite side turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Suldak and the two of them. , Suldak propped up the dwarf chain shield in his hand in time, and blocked the spear that the man on the opposite side suddenly thrust out. The spear collided with the dwarf chain shield, and there was a harsh metal friction sound, A series of sparks exploded in the dark night.

A layer of silver glow appeared on the dwarven chain shield, and the effect of the 'Shield of Blessing' was also activated.

Suldak took two steps back after being stabbed by the spear from the opposite person. If it wasn't for the state blessing of possessing the 'Divine Blessed Body', Suldak felt that he might not be able to withstand this thrust.

The moment the man rushed towards Suldak, the hood on his head was lifted by the north wind.

Inside is the face of a middle-aged man, but his eyes are holed and his face is expressionless. After a closer look, Suldak realized that this person did not need to breathe. He was clearly a zombie, but his movements were more flexible than that of a zombie, so he might be called a living corpse.

Suldak blocked the blow, drew his sword and slashed at the neck of the living corpse. The thick and sharp craftsman's sword actually seemed to be chopped on a piece of frozen meat, except for a shallow trace. , Nothing was left behind, the living corpse didn't even respond, he raised his leg and kicked towards Suldak, Suldak quickly waved his shield to block it, but was kicked by the living corpse and flew backwards go out.

The guard beside Suldak quickly drew out his long sword, and stabbed the sword into the chest of the living corpse. The living corpse held the edge of the long sword firmly with one hand, and raised the spear with the other hand to pierce through it. The guard's throat was caught in a flash, and Suldak had no time to rescue him.

Unexpectedly, the power of this living corpse is much stronger than that of the evil spirit. There is no warning at the gate of the manor. It seems that the guards over there may have been completely wiped out. Just in Suldak hesitating himself, in this corpse Behind the living corpses, a large number of zombies staggered out of the thick fog, which made Suldak feel even more shocked. Many of the costumes on these zombies were worn by nobles who died in battle in the oak forest during the day. leather armor.

The sound of fighting was heard far away, and the pair of manor guards who had just passed by heard the sound and ran towards Suldak quickly.

The living corpse stepped on the dying guard in front of him, pulled out the sentry sword stuck in his chest and threw it in the snow beside him, dragging the spear in his hand, he rushed towards Suldak, and the wound in his throat was repeated. Make a cooing sound.

Suldak knew that this living corpse possessed huge power, so he released his 'power' without hesitation. A phantom of a demon god with two faces and four arms appeared from behind, and Suldak felt the power in his body explode. Zeng, facing the spear stabbed by the living corpse, blocked it with the shield, and released a faint power of holy light from the craftsman's sword, which wiped across the neck of the living corpse.

Although the neck of the living corpse was as hard as fine iron, the holy light on the Suldak craftsman's sword obviously restrained him very much. It was extremely ferocious, the spine of the neck was cut open by a sword, but the head did not fall off, the head of the living corpse could not be restrained and folded back, and blood flowed out.

The living corpse didn't fall down, but his movements seemed to be staggered, without any sense of coordination, and he quickly retreated into the crowd of zombies.

In the night mist, more zombies and skeleton soldiers broke in from outside the manor, and the sound of fighting could be faintly heard from all over the manor.

At the same time, magic flares lit up everywhere in the manor. In the dense fog, the red light from the flares didn't travel far.

In front of Suldak, four skeleton soldiers with soul fire in their eyes rushed forward. These four skeletons blocked Suldak, allowing him to watch the seriously injured living corpse flee back to the zombie crowd. The soldiers launched continuous attacks on Suldak, and four heavy axes fell continuously, almost making Suldak unable to return.

A powerful crossbow flew out from behind Suldak through the night. The crossbow arrows with fine steel arrows hit the skeletons and could only slow down their movements. Occasionally, the extremely accurate crossbow arrows shot through the eye sockets of the skeleton soldiers and went out. The soul flames in the eye sockets, the skeleton will be completely scattered into a pile of broken bones.

The crossbow bolts were more effective than nothing against the slow-moving zombies behind. Even if the zombie walking in front was covered in hedgehogs, it couldn't stop it from moving forward. Seeing the approaching undead, Suldak could only keep backing away.

Fortunately, there was also a reaction in the villa at this time, and Dacie Christie rushed out of the villa with some armed nobles.

Swordsman Leonard was also in the crowd. Seeing the large number of undead coming from outside the manor, the faces of these young nobles showed horror. Waves of crossbow bolts were fired from the zombie crowd.

Just as Suldak was retreating, the skeleton soldier who was chasing after him with an ax was suddenly pierced by a huge force, and a three-meter-long crossbow arrow pierced through the top of the skull, instantly killing him. The skeleton soldier was blasted into a pile of broken bones, the crossbow arrows were deeply pierced into the frozen hard soil, and the tail of the giant crossbow was constantly shaking, making a loud buzzing noise...

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