Lord Highlander

390 Chapter 389. Night Battle 2

Just when Suldak was a little hesitant, several nobles with weapons had already rushed to his side and helped him block the skeleton soldiers chasing after him. Although the battle scene in the oak forest during the day made them feel terrified, they also It can be regarded as finding out the strength of the skeleton soldiers, but they overlooked one point, these undead warriors will become stronger at night.

The skeleton soldier's ax fell, and even bent the knight's long sword in a nobleman's hand. The long sword hit the nobleman's shoulder with the blade of the axe, and the hard leather armor cracked in the cold wind. The nobleman fell back and sat back. If someone behind him just happened to support him, he might have fallen on the steps of the main road in front of the villa.

There are two watchtowers on the east and west sides of the villa. The creaking sound of gears can be heard from the watchtowers. In such a cold weather, after the lubricating oil on the gears solidifies, the bed crossbow winch is extremely difficult to twist, requiring at least three crossbowmen. The bowstring on the bed crossbow can only be pulled away by constantly pushing the winch like a millstone. The three-meter-long giant crossbow bolt is embedded in the groove. As long as it is aimed correctly, one arrow can nail any zombie in the manor to the frozen ground. soil.

A team of crossbowmen stood under the steps of the villa. Some defensive measures had been taken here, including a booster under the steps to pull the strings of the standard military crossbows, which allowed the guards to hold the standard military crossbows while saving half of their strength. The crossbow was easily pulled away, but the lethality of this standard military crossbow against undead creatures was extremely limited.

Rows of crossbow arrows shot out and landed on the skeleton, only the clanging sound could be heard.

Dacie Christie and Karl rushed to Suldak's side almost at the same time, Dacie Christie's long sword pierced the skull of the skeleton soldier in front of Suldak fiercely, and the skeleton soldier's ax looked at Dacie Dacie Christie's arm was avoided by her exaggerated big turn, and at this time Dacie Christie had already avoided the skeleton soldier's back, and the long sword in her hand hit the skeleton's fragile neck heavily.

A phantom of a swordsman appeared behind her, and a burst of sword energy emanated from the blade, shattering the skeleton soldier's cervical vertebrae, and the skull with only the remaining soul fire fell from the skeleton to the ground, rolling At Karl's feet, the gray-white skull kept opening and closing its teeth, as if it wanted to bite off a piece of flesh at Karl's ankle. Karl stepped on the skull, pierced the skull with a sword, and extinguished the remaining soul inside. the fire.

Although the heavy craftsman's sword is easier to use, the shining saber can inspire a more blazing holy light and restrain these undead even more. Suldak can only insert the craftsman's sword back into the scabbard, and pull out the whole sword again. A saber whose blade is full of holy light.

One after another, the nobles held weapons and stood in a line of defense with Surdak.

More undead appeared in the tumbling night fog. It was hard to see how many such undead creatures surrounded the manor. Another giant crossbow shot down from the roof. This time the crossbowman aimed at the zombies walking behind. , the broad-leaved arrow hit the zombie's body, and immediately formed a wound more than a foot wide on the zombie's body. The giant crossbow bolt savagely penetrated the entire zombie and nailed it to the ground. No matter how hard it struggled, its limbs could not touch it. Giant crossbow bolts, so they can only dance their limbs in vain.

Although this crossbow did not cause much damage to the undead, it greatly boosted the morale of the nobles guarding the manor.

The nobles shouted in unison, everyone adjusted their weight to the front foot, pointed the weapons in their hands at the charging skeleton soldiers, and rushed towards them, Suldak and Dacie Christie , the three of Karl almost all released the 'power' at the same time, and behind Suldak stood a phantom of a double-faced four-armed demon god, which was half as tall as Darcy Christie's phantom of a swordsman. What appeared behind Karl was also a swordsman in battle armor. Compared with the phantom of the swordsman behind Darcy Christie, it was a little less agile, but more honest.

Among the aristocrats and manor guards who rushed up, there were also a few who possessed 'power'. They were particularly eye-catching in the crowd, like beacons in the dark night.

Daxi's red hair fluttered in the night wind, her eyes were burning with anger, and she rushed to the front with two swords in her hands. The skeleton soldiers in front of her rushed towards Daxi. Standing up, the moment the body turned over the skull soldier's head, the long sword in both hands pierced out like a spirit snake, which immediately extinguished the soul fire in the skeleton soldier's eye sockets. When the skeleton soldier's skeleton was scattered all over the ground, Darcy Christie Fall firmly to the ground.

Her body was extremely well-balanced, and the moment she landed on the ground, she almost immediately bent to the right, narrowly dodging the ax swung by the skeleton soldiers rushing up from behind, Suldak did not expect to reach When Qian Christie fights, it is almost the same as when she competes in the sword hall. She always likes to use gorgeous moves and put herself in danger. She purely relies on the flexibility of the swordsman to control her body, like drawing a chestnut out of a fire.

How dare Suldak let Daxi Christie free herself like this, seeing Daxi surrounded by two skeleton soldiers, he rushed up and swung the dwarven chain shield in his hand, the heavy shield almost unreasonably smashed to the left On the skull of the skeleton, a dazzling silver light burst out from the dwarf chain shield, and the light of the blessed shield burst out from the dwarf chain shield, and the huge force directly disperses the soul fire in the skeleton soldier's skull.

Right in front of Dacie Christie, bones scattered all over the ground, and the skeleton on the right side of Dacie Christie was held up by Karl with the knight's long sword. Suldak didn't even look at it, and the shining saber struck it. On the skeleton soldier's skull, an inexplicable suction sucked the fire of the skeleton soldier's soul into the saber.

Before Karl could change his moves, the skeleton soldier in front of him was dealt with by Suldak. He opened his mouth and looked at the scene in disbelief. This reminded him of the incident of Suldak chasing and killing twenty-two robbers alone on the mountain road. Although Suldak did not introduce the battle in detail at the time, and Karl had guessed countless killing plans, but at this moment Seeing the way Suldak fought, he realized that it really wasn't that difficult for the man in front of him to kill the bandits.

With the assistance of Suldak and Karl, Dacie Christie rushed straight into the yard of the manor like a wild horse, and with the violent temper in her heart, she knocked over three skeleton soldiers in succession. Like a wooden wedge, wedged into the battlefield, stirring up the entire battle situation in the dense fog.

Cooperating with the intermittent giant crossbow bolts, the guards and nobles of the manor actually pushed the battlefield towards the central area of ​​the front yard of the manor.

Before the army of zombies came up from behind, there was a "cuckoo" sound in the fog, and the living corpse that had fought against Suldak before had actually re-sewed its head on its neck and rushed out of the dense fog. When he came out, there were actually two ghosts holding sickles behind him.

The two ghosts floated in the mist. As soon as they appeared, the guards and nobles of the manor were in a collective uproar. Everyone gave up the advantages they had accumulated with great difficulty, and retreated to the front of the villa steps to form a new line of defense. Obviously, these people They have all seen with their own eyes how terrifying ghosts are, and no one wants to be an undead under the sickle of ghosts.

The strong living corpse saw Suldak on the battlefield at a glance, he almost gave up all his goals, ran up and rushed towards Suldak, making a strange sound in pain from his stitched throat, the The living corpse held the spear in his hand, and he took one step at a faster pace. The sound of his footsteps spread into Suldak's heart like a drumbeat, and the heavy footsteps even loosened the frozen ground a little.

Naturally, Suldak knew how terrifying the full-strength attack of this living corpse was. He quickly put on a defensive posture, blocked the dwarf chain shield in front of his body, lowered his center of gravity, and hid the shining saber in his hand behind the shield...

The humming sound from the bowstring resounded again, and a giant crossbow shot across the night sky soundlessly and shot at the running corpse. The living corpse seemed to feel the threat of the giant crossbow, and the giant crossbow turned into a black phantom , when it was about to hit the living corpse, the living corpse suddenly jumped up high, swung its fist and slammed it hard on the giant crossbow arrow, the iron-wood arrow shaft was instantly broken by the living corpse, and the fist of the living corpse also He was bloody from the shock of the crossbow arrows.

The living corpse let out a roar, and the moment it approached Suldak, the spear in the other hand stabbed towards Suldak angrily.

While Suldak was holding the dwarf chain shield to face the spear, the shield was slightly deflected, and the spear hit the dwarf chain shield again, this time with more force than before. The sharp spear slashed across the shield, A deep groove was drawn on the shield, a string of sparks erupted, and the silver shield of blessing also quickly fell apart under the heavy stabbing of the spear.

Although he deflected the stabbing spear at some angles, Suldak failed to completely block the blow, and his body fell uncontrollably to the right rear side, and Suldak took advantage of the opportunity to stab the shining saber into the living corpse In the body of the living corpse, the sacred aura contained in Suldak's body frantically poured into the body of the living corpse, and those sacred auras turned into runes of light on the living corpse.

At the same time, the phantom of the demon god standing quietly behind Suldak had opened his eyes on the face of a god, and a stream of pure energy fell heavily on the living corpse. A big hole with black flames was pierced through his body, and the body of the living corpse was ignited by the holy light. In the scorching flames, he watched his arms being quickly melted by the holy light, countless black magic runes Lights up on the body of the living corpse.

A surge of soul fire sucked into the saber, and Suldak fell back to the ground following the final blow from the living corpse.

The phantom of the 'Shi' behind Suldak completely disappeared in the next moment.

The so-called 'Position' can not only enhance certain aspects of the fighter's ability, but also release a powerful protective force at a critical moment.

The surrounding nobles and manor guards looked at the scene in horror, and felt that this shining saber, which is likely to be an epic weapon, was simply too powerful. It actually melted the zombie general on the opposite side with one blow, and the morale immediately became stronger. .

A ghost flashed out of the darkness with a sickle in hand, and was discovered by several manor guards as soon as it appeared. It happened to be Leonard Swordsman who was attacked by the ghost. It was quite quick, and he desperately held back the sickle that the ghost chopped down. Although the long sword in his hand snapped at the sound, the guard of the manor next to him immediately held the sickle with his sword, and several other guards of the manor put down the weapons in their hands one after another. Stabbing at the ghost, after the ghost's attack was resolved, before he could escape in time, he was stabbed by several weapons at the same time.

Although the ghost can hide in the dense fog, suddenly flashing in front of the prey and slamming a fierce blow, but the body is extremely fragile, being stabbed by several long swords at the same time, the pure white skeleton immediately appeared cracks, the ghost Hastily spreading his arms and plunging into the night mist, Leonard looked at the disappearing ghost with a pale face, and couldn't help but flinch in his heart.

But at this moment, without knowing where the other ghost was hiding, Swordsman Leonard searched around the battlefield, but couldn't find the ghost's shadow.

The group of zombies finally rushed into the manor. These rough-skinned and thick-skinned zombies even maintained the appearance of the dead. Their severed limbs were stitched together again. It seemed that they were relatives and friends half a day ago, but now they are zombies. Appearing in front of their eyes, the nobles and manor guards were extremely entangled in their hearts, and some nobles even shouted their names when they were alive towards the crowd of zombies.

Karl stood behind Suldak, looking at a familiar figure in the crowd of zombies, his eyes were a little moist under the cold wind.

Suldak followed Karl's gaze. Baron Llewellyn stood in the crowd of zombies impassively, and he didn't know who shouted: "Zombies are afraid of fire. We built a wall of fire to block them out. ..."

This sentence was like a flamboyant bomb that quickly exploded among the crowd, and many people immediately started collecting wood in the manor.

It was winter, and the wood prepared in the manor was also sufficient. Everyone quickly piled up a firewood wall in front of the main road of the villa. The guards of the manor threw dozens of torches into the firewood wall, and suddenly flames began to burn .

Suldak, Dacie Christie, Carl and some new professionals continued to clean up the skeleton soldiers in the zombie group. These skeleton soldiers moved much faster than the zombies, as long as they were drawn out, they became familiar with the skeleton soldiers. Soldiers fight in a monotonous way, and it becomes easier to kill them. After all, they don't have any thinking ability, they just fight with instructions and instincts.

After chopping down the skeleton soldier in front of him, Suldak felt pulled by someone, and turned around to find Dacie Christie standing behind him.

"Look at the magic patterns on them. Someone must be manipulating them behind the thick fog. If the necromancer is not found and killed, these low-level undead will continue to rush into the manor. He will probably use these low-level undead Squeezing our last bit of physical strength, we are resorting to the last resort." Dacie Christie gritted her teeth, the anger in her heart was about to dye her eyes red, and the phantom of the swordsman appeared and disappeared behind her, although it was not like Sur Dak's 'momentum' was shattered immediately, but it didn't seem like it could last for too long.

At this time, several other aristocrats with rank one strength also came over.

Taking advantage of the brief intermission, everyone gathered together to discuss, and Karl obviously said: "We have to find a way to get around the outside of the manor. He must be hiding at the edge of the night fog. This kind of necromancer is better than magic." The division is even more vulnerable, they always put themselves in a safe place first, and then secretly manipulate the skeleton zombie battle group, it is worth organizing a small team and taking the risk to sneak out of the manor to deal with that guy."

"Miss Daxi, I will organize an assault team immediately to kill that necromancer outside the manor!" The captain of the manor guard stood up, put his fist on his chest, and said to Daci Christie with a face of loyalty.

"Okay!" Darcy Christie readily agreed, and at the same time put her hand on the fist of the captain of the manor guard, and said, "But count me in."

The captain of the manor guard looked at Darcy Christie with a puzzled expression, as if she was constipated.

Carl stretched out his hand, covered it and said, "Count me too."

Seeing the surrounding eyes focus on him, Carl forced a smile on his face and said, "Don't look at me like that. As the captain of the support squadron, I definitely can't shrink back from this matter."

Looking at Darcy Christie and Karl, Suldak could only sigh in his heart, and put his hand on it...

The last thing to put on it was actually the hand of the extremely pale Leonard swordsman, his eyes were clearly full of fear...

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