Lord Highlander

Chapter 393

The battlefield in the manor has been cleaned up by the guards, and even the villa has been rearranged.

Bernard Christie rode a black-scaled horse and led a group of constructed knights to the manor first. He saw traces of battles everywhere in the messy manor, and the steps outside the manor were full of young nobles. The corpse, that face became more and more ugly. When he walked into the hall of the villa and saw his daughter Darcy Christie and younger sister Marianne Christie busy in the hall, the shadowy face finally appeared. The color of relaxation.

The guards of the Christie family were the first to arrive at the hunting ground in Ice Lake Manor. Marquis Bernard wanted to know about this matter first, so that he could control the overall situation. After all, this matter involved many nobles in Hailansa City.

Unexpectedly, the chaos in the Black Magic Priory had just subsided, and there would be such a big disturbance in the winter hunting. He was even considering whether it was necessary to continue the winter hunting activity next winter. He stood on the side of the young nobles. In front of the corpses, check the wounds on their bodies one by one. Many young nobles have been painted with magic patterns by necromancers, and the bodies have been stitched up, and they look complete. It's just that after the corpses, even if they return to human form , the appearance will also change.

Darcy Christie told his father about the whole process of the battle. Marquis Bernard did not expect that the battle last night would be so dangerous. Necromancers were regarded as heretics by the magicians of the Grimm Empire. Necromancers and conjurers are not recognized by the Magic Union, and there are very few necromancers in the Grimm Empire, so there is very little information about them.

While everyone was discussing this necromancer, five mages riding magic handles flew into the sky.

On such a cold day, flying in the air on a magic scorpion will definitely not feel more restrained than riding a horse. Although several magicians wore thick magic robes, when they arrived at Ice Lake Manor, almost all of them were condensed. As soon as these magicians fell down, Suldak realized that the head of the magic union's law enforcement team, Gerald, the great magician, had hangs on his beard and eyebrows. Holding the wand in his hand, he condensed a ball of flames, quickly warming his body, and shaking off the ice slag on his body. Then he looked at the two rows of corpses lying on the steps in surprise.

The magician standing behind him walked among the corpses, took out a bottle of magic powder from his arms, and sprinkled the powder evenly on each corpse, and then carefully examined the magic runes drawn on the corpses. Even cut a bit of suture from the seam, no one could understand what he was doing.

The other three magicians stepped into the villa. There were two water magicians who were good at water therapy and detoxification magic. Conduct survey interviews.

The great magician Gerald frowned, walked up to Marquis Bernard, and asked, "Marquis Bernard, what happened here?"

The Marquis Bernard glanced at Darcy Christie, and said to the great magician Gerald, "Master Gerald, I just came from High Lansa City, let my daughter tell you about yesterday's what happened!"


Although Darcy Christie was full of reluctance, she still told the great wizard Gerald about the battle situation last night.

At this time, the magician who performed the autopsy also walked to the great magician Gerald, and said: "My lord, these noble corpses do have a certain degree of corpse transformation, but it should be because the magic of controlling corpses was interrupted halfway, and then it appeared." This situation."

The great wizard Gerald nodded, which was exactly in line with what Darcy Christie said. He turned to Darcy Christie and asked, "Where are you fighting that necromancer?"

Darcy Christie said honestly: "Just at the gate, the ashes under the bronze statue are his remains."

The great magician of the law enforcement team fell down and walked towards the gate, passing by the fire wall at the entrance of the villa. Although the fire wall had been reduced to ashes, it still looked quite spectacular. Qian Christie asked: "Is this the reason why those nobles who turned into corpses didn't get injured again?"

"It seems that in order to maintain their dignity after death, your method is not bad!" the great wizard Gerald said quite approvingly.

Dacie Christie's eyes fell on a leg of an indigo wood chair that had not been completely burned. The delicate reliefs and lacquer on it were still clearly visible. She replied blankly: "We didn't think so much at the time. There are too many skeleton soldiers, and more advanced sickle ghosts lurking in the dark, there is no way to spare manpower to fight against zombies. The purpose of lighting the fire wall is to temporarily hold back the zombies rushing into the manor when we attack the necromancer. "

"..." Gerald nodded.

The Marquis Bernard who was next to him could only touch his nose speechlessly. As a father, he certainly knew how weird his daughter's temper was.

The manor was full of traces after the battle, and some bloodstains were still left in the snow. The broken walls and pushed gates revealed that this place had just been breached by a group of undead.

The great wizard Gerald stood under the bronze statue, looking at the hoarfrost-like ashes in silence.

The magician who specialized in investigating undead magic carefully put the ashes into a pocket. He even kneaded the ashes with his hands. His smile was uglier than when he had a straight face. , I just heard the magician say to everyone: "I have to say that your luck is really good."

"..." All eyes on the field were focused on the magician.

He unhurriedly put his pockets into his magic pocket, and said unhurriedly: "You can still survive meeting such a high-level necromancer. Aren't you lucky, what else can it be?"

Then he asked Surdak again.

"You killed this necromancer?"

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"So you're wearing the sobriety pendant?"

"I heard that you have a magic weapon that emits holy light?"

Suldak did not hide anything, not only told the details of the assassination and killing of the magician, but even took out the bottle of the secondary invisibility potion and the bill issued by the White Elephant Trading Company. This time the law enforcement team of the Magic Union investigated very detailed.

Because too many nobles were involved, it didn't come to an end until noon.

Swordsman Leonard was temporarily controlled by the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union, but the Law Enforcement Team did not stop Swordsman Leonard from writing a letter home. Swordsman Leonard also mailed the letter to Cole Norton go out.

By the time the Knights of the Guard Battalion in Hailansa City arrived at Ice Lake Manor, the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union had already completed a round of investigation.

Although the guard camp came a little late this time, it brought a large number of carriages and wooden coffins. All the dead nobles were put into the wooden coffins. The Ice Lake Manor here was also temporarily sealed, and everyone got into the carriages. , The convoy returned to Hailansa City mightily.

It was already night when we arrived in Hailansa City, the city gate that should have been closed long ago was still open, and crowds of onlookers were standing on both sides of the street. The families of the victims had long been waiting outside the city, and carriages drove Entering the city, the onlookers on the side of the road took off their hats actively. Although the streets were crowded with people, they seemed extraordinarily quiet, with only the sound of horseshoes kicking and wheels squeaking on the road.

Sad people wept softly on the side of the road, and all the wooden coffins were transported to the square in front of the city hall, waiting for the relatives of the deceased to come and claim the corpse.

Suldak returned to the Knight Academy that night. This winter hunting not only failed to hunt a first-order monster as expected, but also took a bottle of precious secondary invisibility potion. In addition, Suldak felt the most What hurt my heart was the Shining Saber, which was destroyed almost before it was warm in my hand. After all, it was a magical weapon worth 8 magic spar.

Neighbors Linna and Nedra saw the lights in Suldak's room, so they ran over to say hello and asked about the harvest of Suldak's winter hunting.

Suldak lay on the bed with a tired face, and said with a wry smile to the two ignorant girls: "It is a harvest to be able to return safely..." Seeing that Suldak was not in the mood to tell the story, the two The girl said goodbye and left very wisely. Suldak didn't even take off the salamander leather armor on his body, just lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

It was already the next morning when he woke up, and the small garden under the dormitory building of the Knight Academy was still as noisy as ever. Many apprentice knights insisted on morning exercises in the winter morning. Suldak opened the door and walked onto the terrace, feeling Facing the cold wind and rising sun in the winter morning, and seeing the apprentice knights downstairs practicing shield swinging, he thought of his dwarven chain shield.

He took out the shield from the magic pocket, and saw two scratches running through the entire shield. These two scratches were left by the living corpse. The scratches were so deep that they almost cut the shield steel plate in half. Suldak honestly stayed in the Knight Academy in the morning to attend classes, and in the afternoon he ran to the guard camp. He ran to Ms. Gwendolyn in the logistics department, took out the dwarf chain shield, and asked Ms. Gwendolyn to contact the blacksmith workshop. Repair this shield.

The guard battalion is very good at this point. If the weapon is damaged, it can be repaired for free, and if it cannot be repaired, it can be replaced with a new one.

A few days later, Suldak finished his class in the classroom of the Knight Academy. He just walked out of the teaching building when he saw Darcy Christie standing at the door of the teaching building.

He walked over to say hello to Darcy Christie, and learned from Darcy Christie that Swordsman Leonard's family had helped him get cleared of his charges and had just left Hailansa City.

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