Lord Highlander

Chapter 394: 393. Magic Contract

In recent days, it is rare to see Darcy Christie in the sword hall of the Knight Academy. Although the matter of winter hunting has been taken over by the law enforcement team of the Magic Union, there are still people conducting private investigations. After all, so many young people have died. Nobles, some are the successors of a certain family. The Marquis Bernard of the Christie family and the Magic Union have come forward to clarify this matter, but there are still several undercurrents silently investigating in the city of Hailansa.

Someone even came to Suldak and bought the two white crystals from him at the price of twenty magic crystals.

Of course, the value of this white spar itself is not worth that much money. It can only serve as the core of some magic puppets. This kind of magic material can only be purchased by the Orianna Magic Store. There were very few of them, but after the two white crystals were sold, Suldak managed to maintain a good balance, and then he went to the White Elephant Trading Company to buy another weapon like the Shining Saber.

Manager Joey thought Suldak was joking at first, but after confirming that Suldak was serious, the manager of the White Elephant Trading Company said with a bitter face that the shining saber was definitely the only one in the firm. Well, such a flashy enchanted weapon, and it's still a defective product, shouldn't have appeared in the business house. After finally selling one, how could the business house make similar mistakes.

Besides, this enchanted weapon was originally tailor-made for someone by a very famous weapon master in Bena City. There were some problems with this shining saber itself, and it ended up in Hailansa City after changing hands several times. Now I just want to restore it. Customization is impossible, and the firm has no information on the weapon master at all.

All in all, Suldak was disappointed, but it was not without gains. The problem of sulfur shortage in Hailansa City has not been alleviated, so Dale Magician also wants to ask Suldak to bring over a batch of sulfur Mine, Suldak counted the days, and the truck transporting the sulfur mine from Wall Village should have arrived in Hailansa City, but it has been a long time since no one from the village came to the college to find him.

Recently, Suldak couldn't get away temporarily, so he wrote a letter to the old village chief.

After writing the letter, Suerdak glued the envelope and put it on the corner of the table, just waiting to be sent to the carriage dealer after class tomorrow. There is no special postman in Hailansa City, and the carriage dealers in the city There is this kind of service, and the car and horse company also enjoys the municipal subsidy of the postal service in Hailansa City.

During the battle at Ice Lake Manor that night, Suldak had doubts about the magic notebook. The magic notebook could actually warn of danger before it came, which made Suldak feel very miraculous. It's just a book.

In the past few days, Suldak has also spared a little time every night to look through this magic note, trying to find the secrets in it, but unfortunately he read it from beginning to end, even if he read it carefully. Many spells were recorded in a language that Suldak didn't understand, and he never knew what these spells were written in.

There was a cup of steaming black tea on the table. As usual, Suldak took out the magic note. He quickly skipped the previous pages about recording magic herbs and magic materials, and focused on the few pages recording the magic pattern circle. Looking for the page, he thinks that it is likely to be a warning issued by the magic circle in the magic notes. He heard Lance say something related to magic. There is a magic circle called the "eye of the sentinel", which can It is made into a magic scroll, which can provide danger warning to the caster.

Although he can't understand these magic pattern circles, it doesn't mean that there is no way at all. For example, he can create some dangers. Turning to page 7 of the magic note, there is only a picture of a magic pattern similar to a chrysanthemum on this piece of parchment. In the magic array, countless runes and symbols are hidden in the complicated patterns, and then he let the nodes of his body release a faint sacred breath, which converged into a trickling stream in his body, constantly watering some unexplained blood in the chest and abdomen. The node being lit.

He guided a ray of holy light to flow into his palm, and in an instant, a faint ray of light filled his palm. This ray of holy light kept jumping and burning like a flame. He moved his hand close to the page and looked at it intently. Magic note, but this note didn't respond at all. With a slight movement in his heart, he stretched out his hand and turned a page. The magic circle on the parchment on the back page was in the shape of a five-pointed star, and the outline of the edge was painted with patterns like plant vines. , but the magic runes were neatly arranged in the center, and Suldak approached the page again, but the page still did not respond.

He looked at the flame in the palm of his hand, and suspected that he might not get any answers with this method. The sacred aura he released continued to increase, making the flames hotter, approaching the magic pattern pages of the magic note again, and the magic note still did not fluctuate.

Suldak picked up the black tea on the table and took a big sip, ready to turn another page, and give up if there was still no response.

Before he could turn the pages again, he saw that the magic note was turning automatically without wind, and the heavy pages kept turning backwards until the last page. The portrait of the girl appeared on Suldak's In front of me, the girl in the portrait in front of me is much more vivid at this moment than she was a few days ago. Countless lines outline the girl's sullenness on the paper, which is as vivid as a black and white photo.

Suldak originally thought that the girl in the painting was Selena when she was young, but after returning to Wall Village and seeing Selena, she realized that the portrait was quite different from her.

At this moment, the girl in the painting had her eyes widened, grabbed the railing of the iron cage with both hands, and yelled angrily at Suldak: "That's enough, take your hands away, if you still have a little bit of conscience , don’t put your hand close to me!”

Surdak was unprepared. He was startled by the girl in the painting, and quickly removed the flame from his palm. When he calmed down, the girl in the painting pointed at Suldak's nose and pointed at her. Shouted: "Did you forget who gave you the warning when the undead appeared?"

Suldak cautiously approached the girl in the painting, saw her wearing a black magic robe, and asked curiously, "Who are you? How can you still talk?"

Seeing that Suldak brought his face so close, the girl in the painting stepped back quickly. She instantly became smaller in the painting, and her voice became so small that it was almost inaudible, but Suldak still Distinguish from the faint voice 'Magician Celia. Cooper.' '

Suldak quickly sat up straight and asked again: "Have you been hiding in this portrait?"

"Knight, please pay attention to your wording, I was invited by the magician Cyrus Hickok to live in his magic notebook, and I have been staying here until you got this magic notebook. "The magician Celia Cooper said unceremoniously.

"You know Cyrus Hickok? Then you must also know that I killed him?" Suldak said to Magician Celia Cooper.

It seems that this Celia Cooper magician is very aware of this matter, and she also realized that Suldak has the dominance, so she sat down on the pages of the book with her knees crossed and said: "Of course, if it weren't for Cyrus That fellow Hickok is too confident in his sleeping cloud, maybe you are now a specimen in our laboratory."

Suldak thought of that powerful magician Cyrus Hickok, and indeed, as Celia Cooper said, if it wasn't for that black magician's carelessness, it would be really hard to say what would happen, but Only losers like to reminisce about the past. Suldak tapped the table vigorously with one finger, changed the subject with a sly expression, and asked the Celia Cooper magician: "Then, what shall we do next?" Talk about how you are in the magic note?"

Since Celia Cooper knew the black mage Cyrus Hickok, she was also very likely to be one of the six black mages at the High Lansa Research Institute of the Black Arts Priory.

Regarding these matters, this Ms. Celia Cooper is very frank. She admits that she is one of the six magicians of the Black Magic Priory in the High Lansa City Branch, and at the same time she is a space magician. She has been committed to the research of time magic and divination. When exploring the magic of space, her magic experiment failed. At that time, the Celia Cooper magician was involved in the space rift and was rescued by her companions. When she came back, the wound on her body could not heal by itself. At the last moment, the magician Cyrus, who was proficient in soul magic, extracted her soul and temporarily injected it into his magic notes, so that Celie was saved. The remnant soul of Ya Cooper.

"Tell me the value of keeping you, otherwise I will purify you, don't underestimate my determination, I have this ability, I don't want to carry a bomb that will detonate at any time "After hearing this, the flame in the palm of Suldak's hand lit up again, and he stared at Celia Cooper and said seriously.

Celia Cooper stared wide-eyed, stood in the middle of the page and yelled at Suldak, "As a knight, you can say such shameless words?"

Seeing that Suldak was unmoved at all, Celia Cooper argued for herself: "Is it not my value to warn you when encountering danger?"

Suldak nodded slightly and said, "This is, but it's not enough."

Celia Cooper grabbed the railing of the cage with both hands, and said with an angry face: "As a senior magic scholar, I protest to you."

"You can write to the Magic Union to express your views." Suldak smiled.

"Okay, I will prove my worth, but you have to swear that you will not coerce me to do things against my will, otherwise I would rather die!" Celia Cooper took a step back, she said.

"I swear on my honor as a knight." Suldak raised his hand and swore the oath.

I swear that this thing was not even worth a piece of facial tissue in his previous life, at least the facial tissue can wipe away tears...

(In a blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed, and time flies so fast. When I opened this book, I originally planned to write a short one, because it would be merged with the content of the previous one. I was worried that it would take too long to write, everyone. Forget the previous story Yes, there are about three million words, but now it seems that the plot has not advanced by one third, ha, it’s a new year, there is always some hope in it, I wish good luck!)

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