Lord Highlander

Chapter 395 394. Funeral

Celia Cooper believed in the oath made by Suldak. When he heard him raise his hand to swear, his face immediately calmed down, and he re-rolled the magic robe and sat on the pages of the book, and said to Suldak:

"I have some knowledge of space magic, a little knowledge of divination, can identify a variety of magic herbs, and have some research on magic patterns. In addition to the Grimm Empire language, I am proficient in ancient Elvish and some Janna languages. As long as you are willing to sign The magic contract of equality and mutual assistance ensures that we will not do things that harm each other, and I will help you do what I can, and all I need is this magic notebook, which is my home. When reading the magic book, remember to knock on the door first, this is the most basic respect for a lady."

Suldak couldn't figure out why Celia Cooper was so easy to talk to. As a black mage, shouldn't she be a bit paranoid?

"Okay, I promise you." Suldak readily agreed. Although he was still on guard, at least until now, he hadn't seen Celia Cooper have any other plans for him.

Celia Cooper said: "Of course, of course I will abide by our magic contract."

Afterwards, she returned to her original appearance, reverting to a portrait of a young girl on the page, and she could vaguely feel some soul power remaining on this page.

After going through that battle in Ice Lake Manor, Shining Saber was able to absorb some soul fires. Although I don't know where those flexible fires ended up, now Suldak probably wants to understand that those soul fires are very likely Absorbed by this Celia Cooper, after all, she belongs to the soul form.

As the magic note closed automatically, Suldak rubbed his forehead vigorously.

There were two young girls fighting and laughing next to the dormitory. Suerdak paused for a moment, then stretched out his hand to close the curtain...


In the early morning of winter in Hailansa City, especially the rich area and the area around the magic union, it looked extremely deserted.

Suldak got up from the bed very early, first took a shower in the bathroom, and then walked onto the balcony, facing the rising sun and holding the dwarf chain shield on the balcony, doing basic movements of swinging a sword.

He habitually put on a salamander leather armor, and then he thought that he would attend Baron Llewellyn's funeral today. If he wore a fiery red leather armor at the funeral, it would appear that he didn't respect Baron Llewellyn that much. After hesitating for a moment, he rummaged through the magic pocket for a long time, and found that apart from the full-cover metal armor issued by the guard battalion, he really didn't have a decent black dress.

I had no choice but to get this cumbersome metal armor on board, and then I walked out of the dormitory area, and stood by the roadside at the entrance of the college and waited for a while. Karl stopped in front of him, the carriage door was pushed open by Karl, and he stretched out a hand. Suldak grabbed Karl's hand and jumped into the magic caravan.

Sitting in the compartment were Miss Brenda and Mrs. Christie, who were wearing black gauze skirts, black hats and black veils. Miss Brenda was still holding a handkerchief in her hand. Her eyes were red, and she must have cried. With some light makeup, the skin is very fair.

Suldak nodded lightly to the two ladies and sat down on the seat opposite.

Karl was sitting beside Mrs. Christie, with one arm around Mrs. Christie's shoulder, seeing Suldak wearing the standard metal armor of the guard battalion, and said to him: "You wear this full-cover metal heavy armor. , a little more handsome than that set of salamander leather armor."

Suldak didn't wear a helmet, but sat in the magic caravan wearing this kind of heavy armor. It was really uncomfortable, and he regretted not riding out on horseback.

He tapped the breastplate with his fingers, and the sound of metal impact was particularly crisp.

"Fortunately, it's lighter than expected." Suldak said to Karl.

Suldak cast his eyes on Miss Brenda's face, gave her a knight salute, and said, "I'm sorry that I couldn't help him on the battlefield in the oak forest."

Miss Brenda raised her head, stared at Suldak and said, "It's not your fault, it's his bad luck, I should have advised him to stay in Hailansa that day, and I didn't even have time to say goodbye to him .”

Her eyes were always full of unclear emotions, which made Suerdak not know how to continue the conversation for a while.

Mrs. Christie twisted her body, stopped Miss Brenda in her arms, and comforted her in a low voice: "Time can never be reversed, and those of us who survive must look forward. A good life is the greatest comfort to him." .”


The cemetery is located in a cemetery in the western suburbs outside Hailansa.

When the group arrived, many people had already gathered in the cemetery, and many people chose to hold the funeral today. There was a large empty space outside the cemetery, and now it was almost full of magic caravans. Suldak and Karl got out of the car first. They stood on both sides of the car and helped the two ladies down. It was a long way to go into the cemetery from here.

The snow on this mountain road was swept clean. Fortunately, there are many people on this road, so the road is not so monotonous.

Karl also knows a lot of acquaintances, and he kept saying hello along the way.

Many young nobles who experienced the battle that night at Ice Lake Manor also had their friends hold funerals. When Suldak and Karl passed by them, Suldak was the one who attracted the most attention. Of course, it is impossible not to attract attention, after all, Suldak killed a necromancer by himself.

"It seems that you are already famous, everyone remembers you!" Carl whispered to Suldak.

Suldak said: "I want to know if I damaged a magic weapon in that battle, can I get the corresponding compensation."

Carl said with certainty: "Of course, it's just that the city hall and the guard camp have been dealing with the aftermath recently, and the reward and compensation part will be delayed for a few days. Will help you apply, but it is unlikely to compensate you for an epic weapon."

Suldak explained to Carl that the saber was not an epic weapon again, he said: "In fact, my shining saber is not an epic weapon, it can only be regarded as an enchanted weapon at most, and it was me in the White Elephant Trade Bought from a store."

Several people walked to a forest full of tombstones. Two gravekeepers were standing next to a grave with shovels. The grave was dug big and deep. There were already many people standing around. The epitaph on the marble tombstone Already engraved.

Suldak, Karl, Miss Brenda, and Mrs. Christie stood at the back of the crowd, and almost everyone held a bunch of green pine and cypress branches in their hands. Everyone waited for a while in front of the cemetery. I saw a group of people walking slowly from the other side of the cemetery carrying a coffin.

Karl told Suldak in a low voice that the woman who followed the coffin and led the two children was Baron Llewellyn's wife.

Two women in long black dresses each held a child in their hands. They lowered their heads and walked slowly until the coffin was placed in front of the tomb. The two women stood in front of the tombstone with their children, followed by a middle-aged nobleman With a very sad expression, he read some stories about Baron Llewellyn's life, and finally put the wooden coffin into the tomb. The famous gravekeeper backfilled the frozen soil and erected a tombstone.

A bouquet of white flowers was placed on the tombstone. The surface of this bouquet of flowers was frozen with an ice shell. Unless the ice shell melted away, it could remain in the north wind for at least half a day.

Miss Brenda, as Baron Llewellyn's lover, could only stand behind the crowd.

The funeral lasted less than two hours and ended. On the return journey, Carl looked a bit solemn. Mrs. Christie asked him what was wrong, but Carl squeezed out a smile but shook his head and said nothing.

After sending Miss Brenda home, Carl held Mrs. Christie's beautiful face and kissed passionately when the carriage re-entered the street. Feeling, just when Suldak was hesitating whether to jump out of the car and walk back to the Knight Academy, the two ended their passionate kiss.

Carl touched Mrs. Christie's hair and said sadly to her, "I suddenly want to get married, just the two of us! I don't want you to attend my funeral at some point in the future and stand behind the crowd..."

Mrs. Christie rested her head on Karl's shoulder, neither saying 'yes' nor refusing.

But in Suldak's view, this was a rejection!

We did not continue to talk about this topic, but talked about the Byrd tax collector.

This tax collector is quite lucky. He lost an arm, and his chest was almost cut open by the ghost's sickle. However, in the past few days after he returned to Hailansa City, his wounds have healed very well. It seems that he is fine these days I got out of bed and walked around casually. It is said that Miss Hoyle has been taking care of Bird tax collector herself recently.

Bird's tax collector's wife died of illness two years ago, and he sent his sixteen-year-old son to the battlefield. Now he happens to be alone. As long as the two have some feelings, the age gap between teenagers The Green Empire is nothing at all.

And as long as Bird Tax Officer and Miss Hoyle have a child, they can inherit the title of Viscount from Miss Hoyle in the future.

Speaking of Miss Hoyle finally having a home, although the Bird tax collector's family property is not rich, and he is a middle-aged uncle with missing arms, and he can't even see his toes when he stands upright. Mrs. Christie He still seemed very happy. After all, except for Tax Officer Byrd, no one in Hailansa City is willing to marry Miss Hoyle for the time being...

Before the magic caravan reached the gate of the Knight Academy, Suldak resolutely jumped out of the carriage and strode along the long street leading to the Knight Academy. He didn't want to see Karl in the carriage. hairy thighs...

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