Lord Highlander

Chapter 396: 395. Compensation

Heavy snow fell again in the gray sky. Looking at the snowflakes flying outside the window, Suldak worried that the carriage transporting sulfur mines in Wall Village would be trapped on the mountain road. He sat in the classroom, but his thoughts It has already flown outside.

Recently, Suldak has become very famous in the knight academy, and many apprentice knights know that he saved many people during the winter hunting event. Although the specific details have not been announced yet, many apprentice knights in the knight academy are related to this incident. This city looks very big, but the so-called noble circle is actually not that big. Some are beyond imagination.

Dacie Christie had just walked up the third floor of the teaching building from the stairs, and Suldak, who was sitting in the big classroom, had already received the news.

When her figure appeared at the door of the classroom, the long red hair swayed slightly in the crack of the door, and the eyes of the trainee knights in the classroom were fixed on Suldak. Suldak was not used to this kind of staring and courteousness. Walking out of the classroom with a scalp in the eyes of everyone, seeing Dacie Christie looking over with a smile, he took her a few steps to the outer fence of the corridor, and asked strangely: "Is there anything worth coming in person? I don't have class in the afternoon , do you want to go to the sword hall to learn more?"

Dacie Christie turned around. She has become thinner recently. She tossed her fluffy red curly hair, stared at Suldak and said, "I have every reason to suspect that you are always in the sword room when you are sparring. Secretly released water, and finally lost to me on purpose."

Suldak leaned on the fence and spread his hands, and said to Dacie Christie with a calm expression: "In pure sword skill competition, I am indeed inferior to you. There is a big difference, for example, I definitely don’t dare to use too fancy moves in front of evil spirits, and if the sword hall allows me to take a shield, the ending may be very different.”

Darcy Christie suddenly said: "On the battlefield, you are a shield warrior. In the knight academy, you are a knight. But in the sword hall, you are learning pure sword skills?"

"Is there anything wrong with that?" Suldak smiled faintly.

"No!" Da Qian answered very simply, but the expression on her face was very unhappy.

She pointed to the stairs, motioning for Suldak to leave with her.

Walking along the corridor of the teaching building to the stairs, Suldak realized that he was doomed to fail the next class, so he went to the teaching staff room to ask the teaching assistant Pablo for leave.

Assistant Professor Pablo was sitting on a chair in the teaching staff room drinking tea. When Suldak walked in, he happened to see Darcy Christie's red hair outside the window, although he had almost no intersection with Darcy Christie. But it doesn't mean that he doesn't know the eldest lady of the Christie family, she is also a celebrity in the Knight Academy, even the dean wants to give Darcy Christie a little face. So he readily agreed to Surdak that he would ask for leave from Instructor Mirono for him.

Since Suldak seldom took physical training and equestrian classes, he was not very familiar with instructor Mirono. Seeing that Pablo's assistant agreed to come down, Suldak walked out of the teaching building with Darcy Christie.

Darcy Christie said to him while walking: "The winter hunt is almost over. The aftermath work is coming to an end. There are many people who want to see you. Those people want to thank you in person. According to the evaluation report given by the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team I think highly of you, without you, we probably wouldn't have survived that night."

Suldak scratched his messy hair vigorously, and asked, "Is it because I killed that necromancer?"

"Yes!" Darcy Christie's answer was still very concise.

A thick layer of snow had already fallen on the playground, and the snowflakes fell on Darcy Christie's hair, and soon a thick layer covered it.

The two walked quickly to the magic caravan parked at the entrance of the academy, boarded the carriage and quickly closed the door, which was considered to block the snow outside.

Daxi waved to the coachman on the driver's seat, indicating that the coachman could start, and then took out a bottle of golden cider from the hidden compartment of the carriage. Suldak waved his hand, but he didn't take any wine Dacie Christie just poured herself a glass, took a sip, and said to Suldak: "There are many things you may not know. Verdeng Manor was attacked by ghosts, although a group of constructed knights entered the manor at the end, but only some low-level skeleton warriors were left behind, not to mention the main messenger, even the shadow of the ghost was not caught."

Suldak sat opposite Daqy and listened quietly. Dacie Christie said again: "Except for the attack on Providence Manor, Leonard and Miss Fanny ran out of Bena City. To the north, we reached several cities along the way, and every time we reached a city, when the necromancer caught up, a manor would be attacked by the undead, and Hailansa City happened to be their sixth stop..."

"You mean they brought disaster?" Suldak didn't expect this matter to be so involved.

Darcy Christie nodded, and said: "Maybe they didn't realize it, but what is certain is that Miss Fanny has an extremely keen sense of danger, and every time danger comes, she will pull Leonard ahead of time." Leave. And not all the manors have suffered huge losses. Once it is confirmed that they are not in the manor, the necromancer will definitely not stay longer. He will leave without hesitation and continue to track down..."

Daxi paused for a moment before saying: "The Law Enforcement Group of the Magic Union of Bena City has been investigating this matter for more than a month."

"Leonard is your friend?" Suldak asked curiously.

Dacie Christie nodded and said: "We are both studying at Bena Advanced Swordsman Academy, and we are also graduates this year. We often participate in training activities together, and we are very familiar with each other. Leonard is not bad in all aspects, but he is courageous. Somewhat small."

For such friends who could cause trouble, Suldak gave Dacie Christie a very sympathetic look.

He asked curiously again: "Where is Miss Fanny?"

"I don't know!" Darcy Christie said with a look of resentment when she heard the name Fanny: "Before Leonard left Hailansa, I also talked to him about this matter, Leonard and Miss Fanny We met for the first time at the ball of the Earl of Providence in the city of Bena. Miss Fanny’s origin is somewhat mysterious, and few people know her. It is said that she is the youngest daughter of a southern noble lord and traveled everywhere. Later they seemed to be We had afternoon tea together again, and Miss Fanny invited Leonard to eat cookies in her room at night..."

Suldak: "Leonard agreed?"

Darcy Christie said angrily: "Probably no man would refuse such a thing!"

After speaking, he took a deep look at Suldak.

"Ahem!" Suldak coughed lightly to hide the embarrassment on his face, then changed the subject, and asked, "Doesn't anyone know where she got that lich skull? Priest Rathma didn't Will roam the continent casually."

"There is no news about this yet." Darcy Christie shook her head and said. "I heard that the Lich's skull hides the Lich's inheritance, and inheriting the Lich's inheritance can turn oneself into a Lich with a lifespan of thousands of years. Maybe this is what she wants, maybe she is Under the guidance of a certain god... It is said that this lich skull is a very good high-level sacrifice."

The two sat in the magic caravan and talked all the way until the magic caravan slowly stopped by the side of the road. The coachman jumped off the driver's seat, opened the door for the two of them, and said respectfully: "Miss Darcy, we have arrived. !"


Suldak and Dacie Christie walked into the city hall. The logistics and munitions office was at the corner of the east side of the hall on the first floor, so the hall seemed very lively. He saw some demon hunters and adventurers queuing up at the front desk to register. He looked over curiously. Dacie Christie was very familiar with this place, so he took the initiative to explain to Suldak that there were also exchange supplies at the logistics department of the city hall. service, the exchange price is lower than that of some commercial firms.

As for why some people still go to the logistics department of the city hall to exchange materials, it is because the pricing here is more fair. In addition, some special items can also get the contribution of Hailansa City, such as the unidentified black magic Crystal, advanced materials of Warcraft and so on. Many demon hunters and adventure groups will bring supplies here for exchange.

Darcy Christie directly took Suerdak up to the fourth floor of the city hall. A female staff member was standing at the stairs. When she saw Miss Darcy appearing, she took the initiative to greet them and lead the way for the two of them. She turned her head and looked at Su very seriously. Erdak glanced at him, and whispered to Daci Christie: "The Consul has arrived, this is Knight Suldak?"

Darcy Christie nodded, didn't say much, and didn't introduce the two of them.

Suldak smiled slightly at the female staff member, and then the three of them came to a door. The female staff member pushed open the arched and heavy carved red-lacquered wooden door, and there was a compartment after entering the door. On the desk, apart from some documents and office supplies, there are some coats hanging on the hanger behind the desk. Opposite the desk is the waiting rest area. There is a set of delicate teacups and a plate of pastries on the small square table.

The three of them didn't stay here. The female staff led Suldak and Dacie Christie into the office inside. This office is very spacious and there are many green plants in the room. If there is no heavy snow blowing outside the window, Surdak would have an illusion of summer. The left side of the office is full of bookshelves against the wall, and a five-meter-by-two-meter sand table is placed there. The model of Hailansa City stands impressively halfway up the mountain in the center of the sand table.

Marquis Bernard Christie was sitting at his desk looking at a stack of documents when he saw Miss Darcy and Suldak walk in,

Suldak took a step forward, stood up straight, saluted Marquis Bernard as a knight, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Mr. Consul."

The middle-aged man in front of him, dressed in aristocratic attire, is not only the ruler of the Christie family, but also the father of Dacie Christie, and the consul of Hailansa City. His face is strikingly similar to Dacie Christie's. Well, although Suldak didn't see the knight guards in the office, there was an invisible coercion in this room, and that terrifying feeling made Suldak a little breathless.

Dacie Christie walked to the sand table alone, bent down, put her hands on her knees, and looked at the city of Hailansa in the sand table seriously.

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