Lord Highlander

Chapter 516: 515. Knight in the Rain

The southeast monsoon from the Great Sea finally brought some moist air.

Since the morning, it has been raining lightly in Hailansa City.

The continuous drizzle makes the mountain city look brand new. The street trees on the street are washed with fresh green, and the lavender lilac trees are competing to bloom on the street. There is a faint smell of lilac in the drizzle.

A magician in a magic robe walked quickly across the corridor and boarded the magic caravan just before the steps beside the fountain.

The magic caravan slowly drove out of the manor, out of the Maple Leaf Avenue in the rich area, and directly merged into the traffic flow on the central street of Hailansa City.

When passing through the city gate, the magic caravan was stopped by the city gate guards, and the coachman jumped down from the driver's seat to talk to the city gate guards.

The door of the black carriage was pushed open from the inside, and a mage wearing black magic long-distance running leaned out half of his body from the carriage, and glanced at the guard at the gate. The guard immediately stood up straight and faced the mage. I saluted.

Afterwards, the magic caravan quickly passed the city gate, and drove northwest along the winding mountain road into Oak Ridge.

A knight in gray hard leather armor stood on a mountain, with a black war horse standing beside him. Some important parts of the hard leather armor were inlaid with a piece of armor. He touched the saber at his waist with his hand , looking anxiously towards the direction of Hailansa City through the sparse oak forest.

A small group of knights was waiting in the woods. These knights set up tents in the forest clearing covered with thick leaves. The horses beside them were covered with a layer of waterproof felt, and several knights were lying in the tents to rest.

A magic caravan appeared on the opposite mountain road. In the drizzle, the knight on the top of the mountain saw the wolf-headed flag on the magic caravan.

He hurriedly greeted the knights who were resting in the tent behind him, and took the time to pack the tent.

Not long after, a team of five knights rushed down the hillside and caught up with the magic caravan among the mountains.

Under the drizzle, the five knights followed the magic caravan and continued along the mountain road.

Afterwards, some knights came out of the woods from time to time in Oak Ridge. They obediently followed behind the magic caravan, and it didn't take long for them to form a cavalry squadron of fifty men.

This group of knights did not wear any family emblems or knight insignias on their chests, and the armor on their bodies looked patchy. Many broken places were patched with some hard armor pieces, and the hard leather armor was covered with a gray linen cloak. , looks more like a group of travelers.

The magician pushed open the window and asked a knight commander who was next to the carriage, "How many people did your leader send this time?"

The knight commander immediately replied: "A total of three cavalry squadrons have been dispatched, and only one cavalry squadron has arrived in Hailansa City as scheduled."

The magician nodded, and said to the knight commander: "Whether you can find clues or not this time, you must make a quick decision. Afterwards, you will pass through the barren land and enter Mount Pagolos to stand by."

"Yes! Lord Gordon." The knight commander agreed.

Magician Golden glanced at the knight commander, and asked, "Have you found out who stole that thing?"

The knight commander replied: "It is not yet confirmed who it is, but the two of them are still very suspicious. Since they have not been found, it is very likely that they were lost or the knights of the security team got it." .”

Magician Golden waved his hand impatiently, and said to the knight commander: "I'll ask the villagers along the way later, how far is Wall Village..."


This is the first rain since June in the Badlands.

Despite the rain, there are still many poor villagers who go to Oak Ridge to dig wild vegetables. They not only dig wild vegetables, but also catch small animals in the forest, pick dried red fruits on the trees, some fresh sweet grass roots in the soil, etc.

A big, skinny hand struggled to reach a horizontal branch from under the tree, and the other hand shook the dried fruit on the top of the tree tremblingly, stuffing it into his mouth impatiently. The red fruit was dry and hard to chew It must be eaten slowly in the mouth. The man stood on the branch of the tree and climbed to a higher place on the top of the tree. He wanted to pick off a few dried red fruits hanging from the treetop.

The drizzle made the branches slippery, and the rain dampened his linen clothes, making him feel cold.

A heavy knight's spear protruded from under the tree branch, resting on the villager's shoulders, the cold blade almost made him fall from the tree, and the villager tried to move his body from where the knight's spear was pointing to to the left Suddenly, unexpectedly, the knight under the tree unceremoniously stabbed him down from the tree with a spear.

The villagers fell from a tree more than two meters high and fell firmly to the ground. The knight in hard leather armor had a stern face, and his legs pinched the horse. The horse took two steps forward, and the knight Hanging the spear next to the saddle, he leaned over and reached out to pick up the villager from the ground, put him on the horse's back, and steered the horse towards the mountain road.

The knight led the villagers to the front of the magic caravan, and fell to the ground in front of the magic caravan with a 'plop'.

The villagers sat on the muddy ground, the rain had made the ground very muddy, holding their injured shoulders and looking at the magic caravan in panic.

The door of the magic caravan was pushed open, and the magician named Gordon poked his head out from inside, looked at the villager with disgust, and asked, "How far is it from Wall Village?"

The villagers replied tremblingly, "It's not too far away, just cross the Paglos Pass and that's Wall Village."

The magician Gordon frowned slightly, and he looked up at the mountain pass not far away.

"I heard that there is a security team with a security battalion in the village? Do you know?" The magician Gordon's falcon-like eyes fell on the villagers.

The villager only felt that his whole body was penetrated by some kind of force. He must have sat in the muddy water unmoved and replied:

"Master Mage, are you asking Sir Suldak Knight?"

Wizard Golden nodded and said:

"So his name is Suldak, yes! I'm just looking for him!"

He glanced at the mountain pass in the distance, and said to the knight commander beside him, "Let's go!"

The captain of the knight quickly waved the long sword in his hand to the knights behind him, and the knight who captured the villagers asked:

"Lord Gordon, what should he do?"

In the drizzle, the magic caravan rolled forward slowly, and a cold and heartless voice came out of the car:

"Since you have seen my face, kill me!"

In the drizzle, blood was sprinkled on the muddy mountain road, and the corpse of a skinny villager slowly stiffened in the cold rain...


on the mountains

Samira gave the fresh meat cut off from the panther to the villagers who were watching curiously.

This group of villagers in the barren land was digging wild vegetables in the mountains, and happened to see the scene of her hunting a black leopard. While Samira was skinning, a few bold villagers gathered around and looked at Samira with envy. pull.

Many villagers in other villages know this taciturn Samira, but few people have seen her face, and no one knows that she is a half-elf.

Samira hid her face deep under the hood, and the rain hit her body and rolled down the cloak.

As a half-elf, she didn't like the flesh and blood of beasts, so after collecting the panther's skin and fangs, she cut the panther's body open, divided it into several pieces and distributed them to the villagers nearby.

The villagers did not expect to get a piece of fresh leopard meat, and they were overjoyed and thanked one after another.

Samira remained silent as usual. After collecting the leopard skin, she prepared to return to Wall Village.

In order to hunt this black panther, she has been delayed in this mountain range for five days.

Just as she was about to walk down the mountain, she saw a villager in ragged clothes running in the woods. The villager ran up to Samira in one breath, and shouted loudly at Samira before he could catch his breath. : "Master Samira, there are a group of knights killing people over there, they are not the knights of the Hailansa Guard Battalion..."

Samira's body tensed instantly, like a cheetah, she quickly passed through the oak forest and ran towards the direction pointed by the villagers.

When she was standing on the mountain next to the mountain road, she happened to see the team of knights crossing the Pagros Pass. Sure enough, as the villagers said, those knights did not have standard armor, and they wore linen cloaks. It can be seen from the riding posture that each of them is a warrior who has experienced many battles.

In the drizzle, Samira faintly saw a magic caravan.

And on the mountain road under the mountain, a villager was lying in a pool of blood.

A bad premonition welled up in Samira's heart, and she ran quickly along the mountains to Wall Village.


When crossing the Pagros Pass, the rebel knight commander looked at the wooden cross on the top of the mountain in the face of the drizzle, thinking a little.

Even in the rain, the village of Wall in the depression is extremely eye-catching. The thick green in the valley seems to be the strongest color in this barren land.

Fifty knights lined up from the mountain pass and surrounded Wall Village like a big net.

Magician Golden opened the window and looked at Wall Village in the rain from a distance. At first glance, the reservoir in the upper reaches of the valley looked like a mountain city standing in the rain, which made the magician's eyes reveal a hint of surprise. Well, he didn't expect such a rich village to exist in this barren land.

Fifty knights rode on horses, approaching the village of Woer like a formidable enemy.

The barren land ushered in the first rain in June. Many villagers who went into the mountains to dig wild vegetables rushed back. They didn't want to miss the opportunity to sow seeds after this rain.

The rainy season is finally here.

It won't be long before many places in the barren land will turn green. Although it won't be able to fill the stomachs of the villagers for the time being, this rain will make the villagers no longer need to dig wild vegetables over mountains and ridges. Seabuckthorn and Thirst Weed grow quickly.

These villagers never expected that the group of knights who came up from behind would reap human lives like the nightmare knights in the underworld.

They came up from behind with the knight's spear in hand, and the knight's spear in their hands was suddenly raised. An unsuspecting villager was stabbed from the back by the knight's spear, and the whole person was picked up by the knight behind him.


Amidst the screams, his body fell heavily on the gravel-covered ground.

It was this scream that caused other villagers in the rain to look at this side. Before they could see the situation in the rain, they felt a sharp pain in their bodies, and their bodies flew up uncontrollably. They couldn't breathe. When coughing, blood spurted from the throat, and then fell heavily in the rain.

Fifty knights continued to stalk Wall Village.


Selena looked up at the reed shed that was leaking everywhere, and her heart was full of resentment towards Suldak, this guy never thought about the rain at all.

Drops of rainwater dripped continuously through the reed mats of the shed overhead, and the children in the shed gathered together and hid in a dry place under the care of several women in the village. There are fewer and fewer dry places.

The crude wooden door of the children's home was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and the old village chief Brett walked in with a group of villagers.

He looked up at the simple shed where the rain was constantly dripping, and said to Selina: "This simple shed does not keep out the rain. We have to organize people to transfer the children to the carpenter's workshop in the village."

He turned his head and told a villager behind him, "Go and tell the old Al in the carpenter's workshop, and let him move all the woodware and timber in the workshop outside, and make the house vacant for me."

"Understood, Uncle Brett!" The young villager agreed, and immediately turned around and got into the rain.

The villagers in Wall Village have already gone to the children's home, taking their children home one after another.

The old village chief Brett picked up a child from another village in each hand, hid them under his cloak, and said to the villagers who came behind him: "Everyone follow me, let's send these children to the carpenter's workshop first." Take shelter from the rain."

The villagers behind reminded: "But...Uncle Brett, what about the volcanic ash stored beside the canal and embankment?"

The old village head frowned, gritted his teeth and said, "It doesn't matter if you are late, just do as I say."


Village head Brett was quite prestigious in Wall Village, and the villagers picked up the children from the children's home without any doubts, and walked quickly towards the woodworking workshop in the village.

Selena stayed at the end, carefully counting the number of children, for fear of forgetting anything.

Signa, who was hiding in her skirt, looked in the direction of the mountain pass, with a look of worry in her eyes.

Not long after the old village chief Brett led a group of villagers out of the children's home, a group of knights slowly emerged from the rain at the entrance of the village.

At this time, the kobold slaves in the slave camp were the first to feel the murderous intent in the rain. They stood up from the work shed in panic, fidgeting and looking out through the work shed.

The two village overseers guarding the entrance of the slave camp saw that the kobold slaves were behaving strangely, so they quickly threatened the kobold slaves with their whips, warning them to be honest. Before the two village overseers could finish their words, they The two also heard a series of rapid rumbling hooves...

Following the panicked gazes of the kobold slaves, the village supervisor saw a group of knights galloping in the rain, and their horseshoes crushed countless splashes of water on the ground.

These two village overseers are a bit puzzled, why are they still holding bulky knight spears in their hands...

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