Lord Highlander

Chapter 517: 516. Arrows in the Rain

The village overseer at the gate of the slave camp scolded the kobold slaves, put on a cape made of reeds, walked into the rain and waved to the knights.

"It's raining so hard, come here and take shelter from the rain!"

The knight in the rain heard the shout of the village supervisor, and immediately clamped the stirrup forcefully, and the blue-gray war horse under his crotch immediately rushed up like an arrow.

The overseer showed a flattering smile on his rain-stained face, and turned into a licking dog. Before he could say another word, a cold knight's spear stabbed head-on, and the rain-stained blade had a touch of Bright light, until the cold knight's spear was torn and pierced into the chest...

The village overseer didn't even realize how the knights of the Green Empire pointed their weapons at the unarmed civilians.

The moment his body stiffened, the village supervisor was kicked away by the knight and fell into the muddy water.

The knight drew out his long spear and rushed towards the slave camp sheds. The iron hooves of the horses trampled through the reed mats of the slave sheds, and a nest of kobold slaves fled in haste. These kobold slaves were generally between 1.2 and 1.4 meters tall. With a short stature, he can pass through the horse's belly flexibly.

Several knights broke through the slave camp at the same time.

The work shed was torn apart, and the 800 kobold slaves were crying and howling.

Like a group of loaches mixed into the ditch, they ran around in the rain, leaving only the corpses of a few kobold slaves in the collapsed workshop.

The knights who came behind did not hurt a few kobold slaves at all. Seeing the kobold slaves fleeing in all directions, they hurriedly chased them around.

Two knights used big iron spears to pry open the reed mats in the children's courtyard room, and found that there was no one inside.

The knight commander in front of the team wiped the rain from his face and stopped the knights who were chasing the kobold slaves.

Pointing in the direction of Wall Village, he said to the knights: "Don't worry about those kobolds, let's control this village first, follow me and attack!"


A group of knights followed the knight leader and raised the big iron spear in their hands, and hit it with the knight's light shield, making a 'bang bang bang' sound.

Fifty knights broke through the rain and crossed the dead trees at the entrance of the village.

A knight raised his spear and pierced the board hanging on the tree with the word 'Vol Village' written on it. The already rotten board broke into several pieces in an instant and scattered in the muddy water.


The old village chief led the villagers to transfer a group of children to the carpenter's workshop when they heard the howling of kobold slaves at the entrance of the village.

Village Chief Brett's first reaction was that the kobold slaves at the work shed had bombed the camp, and the two villagers guarding the slave camp might be in danger.

The old village head grabbed a hoe from the implement stand in the carpenter's workshop, and shouted to the villagers in the yard, "Those kobold slaves are probably going to escape, everyone, come with me!"

Selena and six women are counting the number of children.

When the villagers heard the old village head's call, they immediately got out of the shelter from the rain and gathered around the old village head. Everyone picked up the things and walked towards the entrance of the village.

Village Chief Bright patted a young man on the shoulder and said loudly to him:

"Jill, you go and call all the people from the construction site over, and bring them with you. Don't let those kobold slaves enter the village!"

"Yes, Uncle Brett." The young man turned around and ran, fearing that if he ran too slowly, he might not catch the kobold slaves in time.

The village road was extremely slippery in the rain, and the old village chief rushed to the entrance of the village first, and saw a group of knights coming towards him on the way.

Those knights galloped through the rain.

The old village chief stood in front of the crowd and shouted into the rain, "Where did you come from?"

Before Village Chief Brett could finish his words, the knight who rushed to the front had already rushed in front of the old village chief. The front hooves of the war horse were raised high, and the spear in his hand pierced the old village chief's chest from top to bottom. Come.

Village Chief Brett was on guard in his heart, but his body couldn't react in time. He only had time to turn his body slightly before the spear pierced his collarbone.

He was like a hun who was stabbed by a gun, his body trembled slightly in the severe pain, blood gushed out from the wound, he only held the spear with one hand, and the hoe in the other hand fell into the mud.

The villagers behind saw that the old village head had been stabbed by the knight, roared loudly, and swiped the felling ax in his hand towards the knight's thigh.

Although he was wearing hard leather armor, the knight on horseback still didn't dare to resist the ax thrown by the villagers in anger, and quickly swung his shield to block the axe.

The villagers who rushed up from behind took the opportunity to snatch the old village head and the thick knight's spear, and a knight from behind rushed up on horseback, and chopped off the head of the villager with the ax with his sword.

The head landed on the sloping ground and rolled far away, falling into a mud pit.

At this time, the corpse of the villager holding the ax fell limply, with a 'plop' sound, splashing out countless mud flowers.

Seeing more knights rushing up, the villagers holding farm tools quickly set up the old village chief and retreated. The moment they rushed up, three more villagers were stabbed by the knight's spear. Several sturdy villagers tried to kill the three with hoes. A knight hooked off his horse.

With a swing of his sword, the knight cut off the wooden poles of several agricultural tools. The long sword in his hand cut the throat of a villager with his backhand. The prelude to the killing was kicked off by the first few knights. far away...


Samira, a half-elf archer in the rain, hid her body in a low-lying wheat field by the stream. She saw Village Chief Bright being stabbed by a knight's spear not far away.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the worst situation, and this group of knights came to Wall Village.

Samira knew that Suldak had gone to the pustule mountain in the depths of the barren land in the past few days, and had taken away the ogre Gullitum. The native warrior Andrew didn't know if he was there...

At present, the only person who can fight in Wall Village seems to be himself.

There was a wry smile on the face of the half-elf archer, thinking that it was because of Suldak's best efforts to save him that he was lucky enough to survive in Wojmara City. Ke's magic weave breeding outfit, and the money he left in Wozhimara Orphanage is enough to maintain the normal expenses of the Orphanage for three years.

Three years later, a new group of children in the orphanage grew up.

Thinking of this, she stretched out her hand and tore off the bandage wrapped around her right arm, revealing the 'power' of the magic pattern outfit on her forearm.

Her right arm was obviously thicker than her left arm. Due to the long-term bandage, that right arm was dazzlingly white in the rain.

She squatted halfway in the muddy wheat field, and the icy rain poured into the salamander leather armor, making her very uncomfortable. She held the alloy bow tightly in her hand, took out four arrows with one hand, and aimed at the The knight at the front slowly drew the alloy bow in his hand.

At this moment, a entwined green vine appeared on her white arm, and a magical halo lit up from the magic pattern outfit, and a trace of magical breath leaked out of her arm, enveloping the arrow like a light cocoon .

she let go...

The arrow shot through the rain, countless raindrops shattered in the air, and the feathered arrow pierced a knight's neck.

The tip of the arrow sticks out from the other end.

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