Lord Highlander

Chapter 523: 522. Nobility

Aphrodite stared innocently, and quickly retracted her hand.

The half-broken magic crystal fell on the table with a 'slap'. This crystal was carved into the shape of a key, and now one end is a crystal ring. The other end turned into a crystal straight plate with two jagged teeth inside, and the brand new crack was clearly visible.

"Well, you can make up your mind on this matter. Anyway, I have given you the magic crystal, and you can decide! I suddenly remembered, it seems that there is still something to do, so I will take a step first..."

The succubus Aphrodite smiled at Suldak with a guilty face, turned around and walked out of the security station in Wall Village.

Suldak rubbed his forehead, hesitating whether to hand over the broken magic crystal in his hand.

If you hand over this cracked magic crystal, you may hand over the magic crystal, and you will be questioned by the magic union. Once the magicians who tracked down this matter know that the magic crystal was broken from their own hands, I am afraid that it will be difficult to get rid of the relationship at that time.

Thinking of this...

Suldak reached out and put the two broken magic crystals into the magic pocket, then stood up and walked out of the security station.


During the recent period, the construction of the third-level reservoir project at the reservoir site was suspended. The kobold slaves found some granite from a hill outside the village, and they carved out some stone strips from the granite. These stone strips will be used Come to pave the village road in Wall Village.

Wall Village is high in the north and low in the south, the entrance of the village is at the lowest point, and the reservoir in the village is at the highest point of the village.

Suldak had long wanted to build a road in Wall Village that could accommodate two wagons traveling towards each other. Now that he had such cheap labor as kobold slaves, he wanted to build this road with gentle slopes on both sides. And the stone road of the gutter, it becomes much easier.

The kobold slaves are now digging drainage ditches on various roads in the village of Wall, so that when heavy rain comes, there will be a few more temporary streams in the village. Whenever it rains, the rapid water flow of this stream will The inclusion of a large amount of sand and gravel caused considerable damage to Wall Village.

Suldak has already planned the streets of Wall Village, and the new roads in the village can allow at least two four-wheeled carriages to drive side by side.


When Johnny rode his horse back to Paglos Pass, he inadvertently glanced at the top of the mountain, which immediately made the hairs all over his body stand on end.

On the top of the hill stands a row of wooden crosses, each with the corpse of a rebel knight tied to it.

A flock of carrion vultures hovered above the wooden cross.

As a messenger who specialized in delivering letterheads for nobles, Johnny was familiar with any part of the territory of High Lansa City, and he also knew that the barren land was the most barren land in the entire High Lansa City.

When he passed here before, he had never felt such a creepy feeling.

The fact that Wall Village was attacked by a squadron of rebel knights has already spread in the city of Hailansa, but it is not as good as what I saw with my own eyes.

As for the Suldak knight, he mentioned it many times from a group of friends in the Hailansa guard camp, and every friend in the guard camp praised the Suldak knight.

Johnny lashed the stallion's ass twice with the whip, urging him to hurry through the pass.

Walking out of the mountain pass, I can see from a distance the Wall Village, which is quite different from what I remember. There is actually an artificial canal built in the lower reaches of the river bend, which surrounds a piece of green farmland. If Johnny remembers correctly, here It was supposed to be a tidal flat, but now it looks more like a farm.

Johnny rode a horse to the dead tree at the entrance of Wall Village, where there was a stone tablet with three words clearly written on it: 'Wall Village! '

At the entrance of the village, Johnny saw a work shed that could accommodate hundreds of people. When he rode close to Wall Village, he found a group of kobold slaves laying the road in the village. Looking around, there was actually a high wall built in the upper reaches of the village...

Under the guidance of the villagers, Johnny saw a stalwart knight standing in the village square, pointing to a blueprint on the table, discussing something with a group of people, only looking at the valuable magic pattern structure on his body , Johnny recognized him as Suldak at a glance.

Someone on Suldak's side also saw Johnny and looked at him curiously.

Johnny rode over, looked at Suldak and asked, "Are you the Suldak knight?"

Suldak took two steps forward from the crowd, nodded politely, and said, "I am, what can you do with me?"

Johnny jumped off the horse, carefully looked at the knight badge on his chest, and then handed him a package. And said: "I have a letter from you..."

He handed Surdak a letterhead with the noble emblem on the inkpad.

After receiving the thick envelope, Suldak cut it open with a peeling knife, took out the letterhead inside and read it quickly, only then did he know that the letter was from Marquis Bernard Christie :

'Dear Baron Suldak:

Don't be too surprised to see me call you that, yes!

Under the joint recommendation of the lords of Bena Province headed by Marquis Luther, you have been conferred the title of third-class Baron of the Green Empire by Emperor Charles the Great.

The highest honor for a commoner is to be a knight.

Of course, you are an exception.

A knight with the perception of sacred magic elements can practice sacred magic, so you are very lucky to become a magician nobleman. If you have time, please come to the city hall of Hailansa City. You need to Go through the relevant formalities and discuss matters such as the Baronial Territory.

Bernard Christie'

There is also the seal of the marquis at the signature.

Suldak felt that there were some other things in the paper bag, so he flipped through it again, and found a Warcraft leather noble certificate from it, and a baron badge was also mixed in the bag.

It is said that according to the past practice of assigning territory to magician nobles, this baronial territory will be allocated to a barren small plane.

This kind of small plane was not worthy of being captured by the knight army, so some noble lords organized some cavalry to go there to open up wasteland.

After Suldak became a canonized knight, he owned a knight's collar in the barren land on the outskirts of Hailansa City.

Now that he has become a third-class baron, the original territory will become larger.

Suldak needs to go to the Hailansa Knights to redraw a territory.

According to Marquis Christie, if Suldak didn't mind that the land in the Badlands was barren and sparsely populated, he could carve out his baronial territory between the Badlands and the Pagros Mountains.

Of course, if you are not satisfied with this piece of land, you can also open up a small plane. What kind of barony you can get depends entirely on your own strength.

The Green Empire promulgated the "three-three-four" territorial allocation law for opening up territories, and powerful small lords can lead their troops to the unopened plane to create a world for themselves.

Recently, I will be accompanying you in the hospital. Please forgive me for the unstable update within three days!

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