Lord Highlander

Chapter 524

Suldak was obviously past the age of adventure, and he had no interest in war.

Wall Village is located on the edge of the barren land outside the Pagolos Pass, even so it is not so peaceful, Suldak completely gave up the opportunity to choose a small plane to open up wasteland.

As for the location of the territory, he decisively narrowed the selection to the city of Hailansa.

He didn't want to expand the territory, but Suldak hesitated for a whole night about whether to choose the land in the suburbs of Hailansa. He also thought about whether to take Funa He carved out a piece of fertile land near the earl's manor and became his own barony.

There are three main reasons why he hesitated.

The first reason is that Suldak is currently devoting himself to the construction of Wall Village, and all his family business is here. Once he abandons this place, the loss will be immeasurable.

The second reason is that the knight leader on the side of the pustule mountain has discovered a lot of sulfur mines. If he wants to continue mining the sulfur mines in the pustule mountain, he can't go too far from here, and he must expand the scope of the territory as much as possible. Only in this way can we ensure that all the sulfur mines in the area of ​​Pustout Mountain are in our hands.

The third reason is that neither the succubus Aphrodite nor Selina can withstand the investigation of the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team, and they should stay away from Hailansa City.

So at night, Suldak asked old Sheila for advice.

When Natasha was washing dishes in the kitchen, she still took the time to make a pot of lemon tea for Suldak.

Rita wiped the dining table earnestly. The rag in her hand was a bit sticky, and it couldn't be cleaned no matter how hard she washed it.

When I was poor and hungry, the food didn’t have so much fat, so I didn’t have to worry about washing dishes and wiping the table. Those bowls and plates had to be washed with hot water at the end, and the last bit of food left at the bottom of the bowl was swallowed together with the soup. Here, meat can be eaten every day now, the bowls and plates are always covered with oil, and even the table is harder to wipe than before.

Standing at the door of old Sheila's room with a tea tray in his hand, Suldak knocked lightly on the door.

Old Sheila's voice came from inside:

"Come in!"

When Suldak entered the room, old Sheila was sitting up from the bed and beckoning him to sit down beside the bed.

Little Peter was sleeping soundly on the wooden bed opposite.

"What's the matter? Duck." Old Sheila asked, staring at his face.

There was always too much in her eyes.

Suldak wanted to pour her a cup of tea.

Old Sheila waved her hand and said, "When you get old, if you drink tea at night, you won't be able to fall asleep..."

Suldak put down the teapot in his hand, and then said: "A messenger sent news today that I can still get some territories. I am thinking about where to choose these territories."

Old Sheila didn't expect that Suldak would say this, so she just asked casually, "Is there anything you can't decide?"

Suldak then expressed his thoughts: "The land in the outskirts of Hailansa City is richer and more valuable. But the barren land is also very good, and some valuable sulfur mines have been found on the pustule mountain. , if the mining continues, it can bring a lot of wealth, but it is too far away from Hailansa City, and in the future, little Peter will go to Hailansa War College to study..."

"So?" Hearing Little Peter's name, Old Sheila became much more sober.

Suldak continued: "I think it would be a good choice if there is a manor outside Hailansa City."

Old Sheila stared at Surdak and asked him, "You want to hear my opinion?"

"Yes." Suldak said.

Old Sheila glanced at Suldak again, then closed her eyes, and the room became silent.

After a while, old Sheila opened her eyes and said:

"I'm used to living here, so I hope you can choose your territory here."

"I know I'm selfish. I'm thinking this way entirely because of Peter. I don't think that child will be as good as you in his whole life. You are a magician nobleman, and the title of nobleman cannot be passed on. Once you are old... If it is gone, these lands will be taken back by the Grimm Empire. If it is Pustule Mountain, the situation may be different. It was originally a place that no one wants, and no one is fighting to occupy it. Maybe the good life of little Peter could live a little longer."

If it wasn't about little Peter, old Sheila would rarely talk so much with Suldak.

"Then... I understand." After finishing speaking, Suldak stood up and walked out of Old Sheila's room with the teapot in hand.

Once the matter was settled, Surdak felt a lot more relaxed, and he began to think about how to re-establish the boundary markers around Pustule Mountain.

Old Sheila looked at the back of Suldak leaving, and gave Little Peter a loving look.

The changes in Wall Village have been rapid, but it seems that they still can't keep up with Suldak's footsteps.

Little Peter was lying on the opposite bed, breathing evenly, and the immature face was filled with the beauty of tomorrow...


Messenger Johnny didn't sleep very well last night.

He sat up from the bed and stretched, his bones and joints all made 'clicking' sounds.

He rubbed his somewhat sore neck with his hands, and jumped out of bed with bare feet. The floor was actually covered with a flat layer of gray volcanic rock. He could understand that there was no soft velvet blanket, but there was not even a fine-grained oak floor. There are some unreasonable.

The ground was a little cold, and it was not comfortable to step on it, so he quickly put his boots on his feet.

I searched around the room, except for a basin of water in the corner, there was not even a mirror.

He walked to the water basin, and saw the somewhat haggard face floating in the water basin, the eye bags were a little swollen, and the black eye circles looked like a clown in a circus.

Wall Village looks good from the outside, but living in it is completely different.

The houses in the village are still earth-embryo houses, and the beds are also hardwood beds, only a prickly reed mat is laid on the bed. Lying on the bed is not as comfortable as sleeping in a tent, but in order to create an excellent person Messenger, Johnny can only grit his teeth and live in this house.

What displeased him the most was that the village women here rejected him last night. Even though he took out five silver coins from his pocket and gave them the reward, those village women actually looked disgusted and walked away without looking back. up.

The conditions here are really harsh. I didn't expect that Baron Surdak was born in such a mountain village.

Johnny opened the door and walked into the yard, just in time to see a curvaceous woman walking in from outside holding a basket of fruit and wheat cakes, with a faint smile on her delicate face, especially those blue eyes His eyes actually possessed an indescribable charm, as if there were hundreds of thousands of stars hidden in them.

She was wearing a tunic dress, with a slender waist and slender legs that made her look half a head taller than Johnny.

Even in the city of Hailansa, it is rare to see such a tasteful woman.

Johnny stared at the woman's face obsessively, his eyes couldn't be pulled out, but the woman didn't greet Johnny, but turned around and said with a smile, "Dark, the Messenger is awake!"

Johnny woke up suddenly when he heard Suldak's name.

The woman took out a stack of wheat cakes, a clay pot of broth, and a plate of lantern fruit from the basket, and said to Surdak, "I'm going to the children's home. If you come to my place for dinner at night, you must tell me in advance." One sound."

After finishing speaking, the woman kissed Surdak on the face before walking out of the yard with her long skirt.

Suldak walked into the yard and asked Johnny, "Messenger Johnny, are you going back to Hailansa City today?"

Johnny quickly stood up straight and said, "Yes, Baron Suldak, the Marquis is still waiting for your reply. Do you want me to carry a message to the city for you?"

Suldak took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Johnny, and said to Johnny:

"Please help me forward this letter to Lord Marquis Bernard Christie."

Johnny glanced at the envelope, the seal had been plastered, he raised his head and asked Suldak:

"Have you decided where to choose the territory? As far as I know, few people can do this to you, and they can only choose their own barony!"

Suldak nodded to Johnny and said:

"I'm going to choose the baron's land in the area of ​​Pustules Mountain in the depths of the wasteland. If possible, I would like to expand the base of the original knight's land to the wasteland area a little bit. Let’s deal with the matter, and visit Marquis Bernard in person in three days.”

Johnny's eyes were dull, and he predicted several answers in his mind, and he never expected that Suldak would choose such a choice.

Doesn't he know how many people in Hailansa City are staring at the Fornac Manor and Hoyle Manor?

Doesn't he know that as long as he owns any of these two manors, he is considered to have a ticket to the upper noble circle of Hailansa City?

Johnny found that he didn't know what to say. Originally, no matter what decision Suldak made, he would say some words of congratulations.

But now, the rhetoric he had prepared was useless at all.

Johnny had to say cryptically:

"Baron Suldak, anyway, there are still a few days left, you might as well think about it again, if you don't plan to choose your territory on a small plane, there is now a large area of ​​land around Earl Funak's manor, Hoyle Manor There are some good options nearby, too, which are far better than Badlands."

Suldak stopped at the door of the room and said:

"Johnny Messenger, I will seriously consider your suggestion."

Watching Suldak leave, John took out a silk handkerchief and carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Somehow, as long as Suldak stood beside him, it seemed as if the air around him would freeze.

Johnny's task of delivering the letter was successfully completed, and he left Wall Village quickly regardless of whether he could rush back to Hailansa City that night.


It is affected by the southeast monsoon of the Great Sea.

After entering July, the barren land has completely entered the rainy season.

The plants here began to grow wildly during this season, and a trace of greenery could be seen everywhere.

There are not too steep mountains on this side of the barren land, only some undulating slopes at most.

Standing on the top of the cliff in the barren land, you can see the scenery more than ten kilometers away at a glance. After a spring of treatment, the tidal flats and swamps in front of Wall Village have turned a large area of ​​tidal flats into fertile fields. The rainwater flowing down from the hillside merges into the canal. This artificial canal is like a shining necklace, surrounding the swamp for more than half a circle.

The old village head had only been raised at home for a month, and he stood on the dam of the artificial canal with a walking stick. What he was most worried about was that there would be several heavy rains in succession. In a fertile field where crops are planted.

The fertile land transformed from this tidal flat is more fertile than imagined, and any seeds that grow out will be larger than the plants in the fields in the village.

The old village chief wore a linen coat and had a cane in his hand.

Pointing to the hundreds of acres of fields surrounded by the dam, he said to Surdak beside him, "It won't be long before this field will be full of tomatoes!"

When talking about this land, the old village chief's eyes were full of smiles.

He said to Suldak: "In the past, we seldom grew these vegetables in our village. It's not that we didn't like to eat these vegetables. There was too little arable land in the village before, and the land was not even enough to grow wheat, let alone Can’t grow vegetables that won’t last winter! I prefer pumpkins to tomatoes, as long as they’re in the cellar, they’ll last a long time in winter.”

The old village chief stood on the embankment next to the canal, pointed to the depths of the swamp and said, "Dark, I think we can make this artificial canal longer, if we can include the swamp over there... ..."

The swamp in front of me has now become a swamp, and the reeds and red thatch almost completely cover the water.

It is relatively easy to develop tidal flats in river bays outside the village, because the terrain of tidal flats is relatively high. As long as artificial canals are dug to intercept and drain away the rainwater flowing from the surrounding hillsides, a piece of fertile land can be obtained.

But that swamp is a low-lying land. To drain the rainwater from the swamp, the artificial canal dug will have to be deeper, and the amount of work will increase exponentially. Suldak has no plans for this yet.

The old village chief only had the idea of ​​transforming the swamp when his heart was surging.

Suldak took a step forward, bent down and picked up a rock sheet from the embankment, and threw it out casually. The quickly selected rock sheet caused dozens of water splashes on the river surface. He straightened up and patted the soil on his hands, and then Said: "Uncle Brett, there is news from Hailansa City."

"What good news? Is there a big order for sulfur mines from the trading company?" the old village head asked casually.

"I was conferred the title of Baron of Hailansa City by His Majesty Charles." Suldak said calmly.

The hand of the old village chief holding the cane shook violently, and he looked at Suldak in astonishment.

"You said you...became a nobleman?"

"Well." Suldak nodded, and smiled at the old village chief: "It is said that because of the merits of the Maca plane, the Marquis Luther in the city of Bena, together with the lords of the province of Bena, submitted it to His Majesty Charles. After applying and waiting for more than two months, the news that I was conferred the title of baron came here."

The old village head looked at Suldak again, and asked him: "The Marquis Luther jointly recommended you to become a baron with other lords. Could it be that he wants to make you his direct descendant? Did he have any hints to you? For example, he told you to join his army?"

"I don't know, probably not." Suldak shook his head, he didn't know what the Marquis Luther wanted, he just said: "I have only met the Marquis Luther a few times, and the words we talked about are always the same. You can count on one hand, and since the Maca plane war ended, there has been no news there, do you think I will take the initiative to pay a visit?"

The old village head asked again: "Didn't you join his army? Maybe you need to do something else!"

Suldak shook his head again...

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