Lord Highlander

Chapter 525

Gerald, the head of the Law Enforcement Team of the High Lansa City Magic Union, was sitting in the conference hall, and a group of young magicians from the law enforcement team under him sat around the round table casually, looking like a symposium.

There are several cups of tea and a few pages of document manuscripts on the table. There are three wooden trays in the middle of the round table. A blood-stained magic robe is placed in one of the trays. A magic wand is placed in the other wooden tray. The wooden tray in the middle There is a magic pocket in it, and these magic items are all stolen goods that Lance brought back from Wall Village.

Hearing that the guard battalion knight Suldak had killed the magician Girden of the Dark Moon Gate in Wall Village, the law enforcement team of the Hailansa Magic Union immediately dispatched Lance magician to Wall Village to Gordon retrieved the magic items he carried with him, in the pretense of finding clues to the Dark Moon Gate from these magic items.

Everyone knows that a magician's personal package is like a treasure, and every magic item is very valuable.

The sound in the room was a bit noisy, and the young magicians were sitting around the round table talking about it.

Someone stood up, leaned forward, reached out to open the magic pocket, and asked curiously, "Is this Magician Golden's magic pocket?"

But when he found that the magic pocket was empty, he withdrew his hand back.

A magician next to him was flipping through the manuscript on the table. Hearing what he said, he asked, "The electric magician who defected to the Magic Union for twelve years?"

The magician who turned over the bag sat back in his seat and said, "That's the one..."

Mage Golden is very famous in the circle of magicians, not because of his high level or strength, but because he caused quite a stir when he defected from the Magic Union in the imperial capital.

Before defecting, Mage Golden was the captain of a wanted squad of the Imperial City Magic Union Law Enforcement Corps.

Like many outstanding magician elites, after graduating with honors from the Royal Academy of Magic, Magician Golden was scrambled by various forces in the empire. He won the joining of Magician Golden. Before defecting to the Magic Union, this electric magician had been working hard for the law enforcement team.

After completing a task once, the magician Golden went home and found that his wife had an affair with his teacher. In a rage, he killed the two of them directly on the bed. In addition, he also killed the teacher in one breath. The several magic assistants around him were also a big case involving a lot in the imperial capital at that time.

No matter where it is, gossip seems to always be the thing that everyone is most keen to talk about.

The other magicians at the conference table immediately regained their spirits, and one of them, who was full of acne, said to the flipping magician: "I heard that the Imperial City Magic Union once sent a team of elite magicians to hunt him down everywhere. The devil also has his arrest warrant, and I was still in the third grade at the Gulf Academy of Magic in Palestina province."

The flipping magician reached out to touch the blood-stained magic robe again, curled his lips, and said with a look of disdain:

"The news of his death was a bit sudden, and he died in an unknown village. The one who killed him was actually a group of knights from the guard battalion. It feels like a joke. When did the knights of the Hailansa guard battalion become like a structure?" Are the knights the same?"

He casually picked up a list of magic pocket items on the desktop, and looked at it carefully. He frowned and said:

"Didn't the Bena Provincial Magic Union say that the magic crystal was in the hands of the magician Golden? But there is no magic pocket..."

Only then did everyone know what he was looking for.


The magicians around the conference table fell silent.

The pimple-faced magician saw that no one was talking, so he raised his head and said, "Could it be that the magic crystal is not on him at all, and those news are just smoke bombs, and we're going in the wrong direction?"

A magician on the opposite side went on to say: "It is also possible that he hid it or destroyed the magic crystal before he died..."

The magician who flipped the bag said at this time: "Of course, it is not ruled out that it was taken by those guard battalion knights, especially the guard battalion knights who fought in Wall Village. I think it is necessary to investigate."

The magicians in the law enforcement team had doubts about Suldak, which made Lance, who was sitting next to the magician Gerald, very unhappy.

Those doubts about Suldak were ultimately directed at him very vaguely.

He didn't want to say anything just now, but at the beginning of the preparation meeting, he announced Magician Golden's accompanying magic items. These topics discussed before the meeting, made him lose his previous good mood.

Just as he was about to speak back, Magician Gerald patted his hand lightly, signaling him to calm down.

The magician Gerald then closed the magic note in his hand, then looked up at a group of unruly magician elites under him, and only said: "Okay, let's start... oh, before the meeting starts , I also want to remind everyone, don’t make wild guesses without conclusive evidence, do you think we have not enough conflicts with the guard battalion?”

The bag-turning magician rushed to say: "Master Gerald, we have just analyzed that the item is likely to be in the hands of the knights of the guard battalion...".

Gerald's face darkened, and he shouted to him: "Enough! You have analyzed before that it is impossible for the Golden magician to appear in Hailansa City, and Samya of the Black Magic Priory will die, but then what? How about it! Why did our magic union law enforcement team start to act like those astrologers, relying on divination and guessing?"

After the magician Gerald finished speaking, the flipping magician's face turned blue and red.

Then the magician Gerald ordered Lance next to him: "Notify the Bena Provincial Magical Union of the news that the Golden magician died in Hailansa City..."

Lance agreed, "Yes, Lord Gerald."


Captain Sauron finished reading the dossier handed over by Carl Casement, shook his head repeatedly, and asked him:

"How did you become the squadron leader? Hundreds of rebel knights sneaked into Hailansa, and the entire emergency rescue squadron did not find any clues. It was obvious that the Constantinople Guard Battalion had sent conclusive news. You still haven't found any clues, and you have to wait for these rebels to gather together and attack a village before you take any action?"

Karl sat in Captain Sauron's office, crying bitterly:

"Not every village happens to have a Suldak. Those rebels broke up and sneaked into the city of Hailansa. What can I do? They gathered in Oak Ridge and could attack any village. How could we stop it?" live?"

Sauron looked up at him.

Karl immediately stood up straight, and said loudly in front of Captain Sauron: "I will monitor the situation outside Hailansa City more closely."

Captain Sauron nodded and asked, "Have you found out where Mage Girdon is staying in Hailansa City?"

"Yes." Carl replied.

"Where?" Sauron didn't expect that Karl would gain something, and thought that Karl would be hit by Suldak so that he would lose motivation to do everything.

Karl approached Captain Sauron and whispered in the ear, "Marquis Manor."

Captain Sauron's expression changed, and he asked, "Have you found any useful clues?"

"We found the Dale magician who had been missing for two weeks in the dungeon of Marquis Manor," Carl said.

"Oh, have you figured out what the relationship between this Dale magician is with those northern rebels?"

Karl quickly opened a piece of parchment he was carrying with him, and said: "I found out, this Dale magician once worked for an old noble family in Sloit, but just five years ago, this noble family The wealthy family was actually involved in a rebellion, and many nobles in the entire province of Sloit were implicated in this incident. Not long after that incident happened, Jingyue Aili succeeded the Duke of Sloit and became Green The empire is currently the only female archduke. After taking office, the Grand Duke Jingyue used her iron and blood skills to lead the northern army to fight the barbarians in the ice and snow tundra head-on. She has recovered a large area of ​​land on the north bank of the Benma River. Rumors say that she is the leader of the Grimm Empire. The most iron-blooded Grand Duke in the North within two hundred years."

This parchment is covered with briefings of various magic newspapers, and there are lines of delicate and beautiful words on the briefings.

"The aristocratic family that the Dale magician worked for was directly destroyed, but it seems that the White Elephant Firm is a branch of this old nobleman, and these rebels rushed to Hailansa City, also wanting to seek the White Elephant Firm's support." Carl Read the contents of the parchment.

Captain Sauron directly snatched the parchment and looked at it seriously.

While watching, he said: "When the northern border rebelled, I also heard that my legion was preparing to reinforce the northern border. At that time, the magic airships almost crowded the airport. Just the day before boarding, the higher-ups ordered All the reinforcements returned to their respective stations. The northern border is the northern gate of the Grimm Empire, and the North Wind Legion has been guarding the south bank of the Benma River for a long time. Those rebels are said to be the guard battalion of Sloit City and the knights of the intelligence agency."

The room fell silent...

Captain Sauron and Karl looked at each other. They couldn't understand. How could a guard battalion of knights have the guts to stage a coup?

"How is the situation in Suldak?" Captain Sauron asked again.

"Some villagers died in Wall Village, but the fifty rebel knights also hung neatly on the Pagolos Pass. It is said that the battle was very fierce. His half-elf shot and killed more than half of them by himself. Rebels." Carl said with some envy.

He also really wanted to have one or two such eye-catching and capable subordinates.

Captain Sauron waved his hand to Karl and said, "Let Suldak report the battle damage. In such a battle, there is no reason why the armor and weapons will not be damaged. You will only speak to Wengedorin!"

"Actually, I have already brought back the damaged weapon..."

Karl smiled and said to Captain Sauron.


In mid-July, the mountain city officially enters the hot summer.

On the day Suldak rushed back to Hailansa City, he returned to the guard camp to report.

Walking into the gate of the guard camp, one could feel the enthusiasm of the knights of the guard camp. Even the squadron leaders of some other brigades heard that Suldak was returning to the guard camp to report on his duties, so they all ran over to say hello to him.

Captain Sauron inquired in detail about the process of the rebel knights attacking the village, and said that he would write a lot of money to Suldak in the credit book.

Ms. Wengedolin, who manages the warehouse of the guard camp, even took the initiative to wait at the door of the main building of the guard camp, and informed Suldak to go to the logistics department to get new weapons. This kind of treatment made the other knights look very envious.

Suldak's broken dwarf chain shield was returned to the logistics department. Ms. Wengedorin took out a round shield from the arsenal. This round shield was made of magic black iron as a whole, although it was not a magical Armor, but the hand is very heavy. The surface of the shield is painted with a palm, and there is an eye in the palm of the hand. The shield is inlaid with golden patterns. It is said that the appearance of this shield is an imitation of the epic shield of the "Eye of Moses Blessing". .

Ms. Wengedolin handed the shield to Suldak, and at the same time took out a combat longbow from the arsenal. Although this bow did not match Samira's fighting style, it was a rare one. The combat longbow is green all over, and the back of the bow is polished like a sharp blade, which can be used for close combat with the enemy.

According to Ms. Wengdolin, this combat longbow is also a copy of the epic longbow "Painting of Withering", but it is said that this copy is also made by a famous craftsman.

Leaving the guard camp, Suerdak came to the underground trading market in Hailansa City to sell some fresh salamander meat. Someone saw that Suerdak was selling fresh salamander meat, and offered to buy Surdak at a high price. The salamander leather in Dak's hands, so Suldak also sold two pieces of salamander skins, and the salamander meat alone, Suldak sold nearly 70 gold coins.

In addition, there are two precious salamander skins, the complete salamander skin was sold for nearly a hundred gold, and the other salamander leather was severely damaged, only sold for forty gold.

It can be seen that hunting monsters is a very profitable thing, otherwise there would not be so many adventure groups rushing to take risks in the deep mountains and swamps all day long.

The sale of these magical beast materials alone allowed Suerdak to obtain more than two hundred gold coins.

This time, in addition to the monster materials, three carts of sulfur mines were brought from Wall Village. This time, Suerdak did not see Dale magician in the White Elephant Firm. He heard that Dale magician was ill.

That night, Suldak stayed at the hotel next to the garden square.

The proprietress of the hotel stood at the bar and greeted him familiarly. Suldak chose the quieter attic on the top floor of the hotel. When the proprietress handed him the room key, she gave it to Su for free behind the back of the hotel proprietor. Erdak sent a plate of biscuits and a pot of honey tea. The proprietress with the biscuits and honey tea climbed up the wooden stairs in front of Suldak, her round buttocks dangling in front of Suldak's eyes...

Suldak declined the kind invitation from the proprietress.

Lying on the wooden bed next to the attic, Suldak was thinking about how to euphemistically express his desire for the land around Pustule Mountain when he went to the city hall to meet Marquis Bernard tomorrow...

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