Lord Highlander

Chapter 526

In the hottest time of summer, even a ray of breeze blowing in front of you is warm.

Only during the short time between dawn and night, can one feel a bit of coolness in the mountain city.

At this time, people are still immersed in sleep. On the street, only some night watchmen can be seen turning off the street lights, and then they will cooperate with horse-drawn carriages to transport the domestic waste in the city to the outside of the city. The bums by the parapet were driven away by the sheriffs, who no longer belonged to them during the day.

The Night's Watch finished the last bit of work, wrapping up a hard day's work before the first rays of sunlight fell on the city.

In the morning, the streets of the city become clean and tidy.

The first people to get up are always the street vendors who serve breakfast.

They quickly occupied all corners of the city, and silently prepared delicious food in the morning light.

In High Lansa City, scones and porridge are always the main theme on the morning table of the citizens. Of course, some people are willing to try some vegetable soup, fried steak, fried fish and chips.

When summer comes, there will be a variety of fresh jams spread on the crispy scones, which is the most popular breakfast in Hailansa City.

This summer, a new type of food has quietly landed in Hailansa City.

In the beginning, it was circulated among the coachmen in the carriage shop. It was a new type of very white and delicate flour.

The coachmen called it starch, and they used this starch to make a paste in an iron pan, and let it cool to become a kind of cold cake, which was originally eaten after being fried in a pan until it was browned.

The creative Hailansa people have redefined this food. They directly sliced ​​the cold cake and drizzled sweet and sour jam on it. This way of eating became very popular in the city.

It's just that the white and delicate new-style flour is not easy to buy, and it can only be bought in the free market occasionally.

Suldak got up from the bed, wearing only a pair of linen shorts, and walked to the terrace next to the attic with his bare upper body, facing the rising sun and stretching his hands. His whole body was covered with horrific burns. Scars, these scars almost covered the whole body, the fire in the fragments of memory seemed to have taken away the most important things of him.

Suldak rubbed his head, looked down at his belly with an extra layer of fat, turned around and took out the blood red crescent and the brand new round shield from the wall, stood on the balcony in a defensive posture, and began to repeat The basic movements of sitting, parrying and slashing.

This level of practice does not improve strength and conditioning, but it does enhance physical memory.

During the time in Wall Village, he neglected morning exercises, and his body had already started to have excess fat. However, Suldak found that these scars did not seem to be terrible in the eyes of others. It's scars all over his body, but there are only some burns on his body.

Occasionally, when Natasha hugged him from behind, she put her face on his back and asked him about the battle, Suldak always replied lightly: "Forgot!"

Natasha thought that Suldak didn't want to recall that nightmarish experience, but she didn't know that Suldak had really forgotten it.

Sweating profusely, feeling that every group of muscles in the body was fully activated, and the fat all over his body began to burn, so Suldak stopped.

With his hands on the terrace, he looked out of the city.

Hailansa City is a mountain city. All the buildings are built on the hillside. The south is low and the north is high in a ladder shape, so as long as you climb to the roof, you can get a very wide view. From this hotel in the garden square, you can see the oak trees all over the mountains. .

Hailansa City is the most beautiful in this season, and it is usually cloudy and rainy, so it is difficult to have such good weather.

Mrs. Cohen, the proprietress of the hotel, was wearing a thin pajamas, carrying a plate of blue wild fruits, and walked onto the terrace. The material of the nightgown could not cover her chest. With a pair of proud headlights in front of her, her eyes were provocatively falling on Sur On Dak's body, Suldak took the fruit plate generously, turned around and greeted Ke En, the hotel owner who was chopping alfalfa by the stable in the inner courtyard, and raised the fruit plate in his hand.

Mrs. Cohen gave Suldak a white look, raised her white pointed chin, turned and left the attic terrace.

Facing the proprietress who always made all kinds of provocations, Suldak felt that his attitude might not be firm enough.

On the terrace on the top floor, Suldak began to consider whether to change to a hotel next time he came to Hailansa City, but this hotel was the only place he was most familiar with in Hailansa City, except for the Knight Academy and the Guard Camp.

He is the kind of person who is very willing to nostalgia. If it is not necessary, he really does not want to change this comfortable hotel.

Suldak entered the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, mobilized the sacred breath in his body, and was about to light up more nodes in the waist and abdomen, but encountered obstacles.

If his body is compared to the universe, below the second abdominal muscle is the lower half of the universe, where all the nodes are not lit.

The countless lit nodes on the upper body of the body are shining brightly in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, but this extremely bright star sea seems to be only half now, and his lower body can't light up any stars no matter what, the two spaces seem to be clearly separated. There is a dividing line.

In that space, everything seemed to be turned upside down. In the half-empty sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, Suldak's consciousness could also roam freely, but all the places were dark and chaotic, and his consciousness was wandering. It took a long time to find a dark star in a secluded corner. It was a dark purple node. If it was not nearby, the star seemed to be completely merged into the darkness.

Just as he was approaching the dark star, the countless emotions of fear, hatred and destruction bred in his heart were quickly absorbed by the dark star, and countless scenes of killing on the battlefield flashed across Suldak's mind in an instant, like It's a scary slide show.

The sea of ​​spiritual consciousness kept echoing: Tasamet! Tasamet! Tasamet...

When the dark star turned dark purple, the star closest to the dark star glowed lavender in the endless darkness.

Suldak was stunned, he didn't understand what happened to his spiritual knowledge at all, the methods of cultivating halos he learned in the Junior Knight Academy were completely inapplicable to him, Suldak felt that his cultivation seemed to be entering a certain a bottleneck.

He woke up from meditation and found that his body hadn't changed, so he was slightly relieved.

After taking a cold shower and having a simple breakfast, Suerdak left the hotel on horseback and headed for Hailanza City Hall.


This time, Andrew and Samira did not accompany them when they came to Hailansa City.

The main reason is that Suldak is worried that Wall Village will be attacked again more than half a month ago. After all, until now, the rebel knights who sneaked into the territory of Hailansa City have not been wiped out. For this matter, Hailansa The Lansa Guard Battalion has dispatched ten knight squadrons one after another.

But those rebels are used to living in the mountains and forests, and at the same time they are more alert than the guard battalion knights, and they are better at lurking.

Once encountered in the mountains, the number of guard battalions was too large, and those rebel knights took the guard battalion knights around the mountains.

When the number of guard battalions was small, they didn't dare to get too close to the rebels.

In order to ensure the safety of Wall Village, Suldak asked Andrew, Samira, Gulitum, and Aphrodite to stay in the village, and rushed to Hailansa City alone.

The Hailansa city hall is not far from the guard camp.

Residents here have a slow pace of life, and many people are reluctant to get up early.

When Suldak came to the gate of the city hall, he saw many staff members in the city hall rushing over from all directions. Some even carried bulging breakfast bags in their hands. If you are not too busy with work during the invitation and other meetings, we will drink morning tea together.

Seeing Suldak waiting outside early, the guard at the door told him tactfully that he could go to the cafe opposite to sit for a while. The normal office hours here are basically after noon, because those people have Have breakfast during working hours in the morning.

Suldak shook his head, saying that he had already made an appointment with someone, and that he wanted to wait at the door for a while.

Seeing that Suldak insisted on this, the guard ignored him.

A gorgeous silver-encrusted carriage drove out of Christie's Castle and arrived at the city hall not long after.

Anyone who saw this carriage, whether they were nobles or commoners, voluntarily gave way to this gorgeous carriage.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the city hall. The coachman quickly jumped off the driver's seat and opened the door. A young assistant came out of the carriage. After that, Suldak saw the figure of Marquis Bernard Christie. .

Wearing an exquisite noble dress, he got out of the carriage, stood beside the carriage for a moment, and then climbed up the steps and walked towards the gate of the city hall.

When passing the main entrance of the city hall, the assistant beside him quietly stepped forward, approaching Marquis Bernard and whispered: "My lord, that is Baron Suldak..."

Marquis Bernard Christie was slightly taken aback. He raised his head and looked towards the gate of the city hall. He saw a Constructed Knight standing quietly at the gate. Bernard thought he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw him for a while. Pass.

Suldak was able to enter the sight of Marquis Bernard Christie, entirely because of the strong recommendation of Marquis Luther and a group of lords, His Majesty Charles made an exception and conferred the title of Baron Suldak.

Commoners are promoted to nobles, and generally only magicians can enjoy such rights. Soldiers who awaken their magical perception on the way are rare, but not without exception. Demon swordsmen and magic archers often appear in elite battle groups.

Because they have a keen sense of magic, they have inherent advantages in battle. Generally speaking, their combat power is much stronger than that of ordinary fighters.

But these alone do not allow them to obtain the title of nobility.

Suldak was wearing a set of 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure, standing straight at the gate of the city hall, just looking at his pair of piercing blue eyes like lake water, Marquis Bernard immediately felt good, he He strode over and stood in front of Suldak, with a friendly smile on his face, and asked him gently: "Are you Suldak?"

Of course Suldak knew Marquis Bernard, and the first time he met Marquis Bernard was at the ball invited by Darcy Christie.

He stood up and gave a chivalrous salute to Marquis Bernard, looked straight ahead, and said word by word: "Yes, Marquis Bernard."

Marquis Bernard led Suldak into the office on the third floor of the city hall. A female secretary brought the prepared tea and placed it on the tea table in the rest area.

As soon as Suldak walked into that office, Marquis Bernard asked him to go to the side of the sand table, and then said: "Your outstanding performance in the Maca Plane War has been transmitted to the Grimm Imperial Capital in the form of a written report. In front of His Majesty Charles, the joint recommendation of Marquis Luther made you a nobleman, and His Majesty Charles canonized you as a third-class baron. You must have known this news in advance! The main reason for calling you to Hailansa City this time is Study the matter of the barony."

The assistant handed a thin stick to Marquis Bernard.

Marquis Bernard pointed to a mountain on the southern outskirts of Hailansa Mountain City, and said to Suldak: "I heard that you don't want a territory on the small plane, so with my power and ability, I can only let you live in Hailansa. I have chosen a territory on the outskirts of the city. This manor used to be the private territory of Earl Hoyle. Since Earl Hoyle died in the accident last summer, most of his property is now inherited by his daughter. This farm is Are you interested in taking over the land divided from Hoyle Manor?"

"Although I don't know what concerns you have, I guarantee that there will be no trouble in taking over this part of the land..."

Marquis Bernard Christie added another sentence.

"The lands of Grenfell Manor and Fornac Manor are also good. I heard from Johnny that you want to choose the baronship in the barren land. You want to expand the original knight's territory. In my opinion It seems that this move is irrational. The barren land is located in a remote area, and the land is barren. If you want to operate it, you need to invest a lot of manpower and material resources, which is far inferior to the existing manor in the suburbs of Hailansa City. Comfortable."

Marquis Bernard pointed to the two manor areas on the sand table with his stick, and suggested to Suldak.

Suldak picked up a small red flag from a wooden box next to the sand table, turned to the northwest corner of the sand table, stretched his body and planted the small flag on the pustule mountain in the depths of the barren land, and smiled at Bernard The Marquis said: "Master Marquis, if possible, I really want to get a territory here!"


Bernard Christie looked at Suldak suspiciously, unable to understand why he chose this way.

Suldak explained to Bernard: "Master Marquis, I found a sulfur mine in this area. In order to ensure the ownership of this sulfur mine, I want to elect the baron here..."

"Well, as long as you think about it seriously." Seeing that Suldak insisted on this, Marquis Bernard nodded in agreement.

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