Lord Highlander

Chapter 531

Two bricklayers were repairing the flower pond in the yard of the police station.

The yard is paved with a layer of granite gravel, and the gaps between the gravel are poured with volcanic ash cement to make the yard very flat.

The bricklayers used granite to spell out several circles in the yard. Instead of building a fence around the yard, they transplanted some lantern trees. This kind of low shrub is most suitable for pruning into a low wall. A row of chestnut and hawthorn trees.

The magic note on the desk turned to the last page...

Celia Cooper in the Magic Notebook is reading a book quietly through the railing.

The book she was reading was discovered by Suldak from the ruins of an underground city on the outskirts of Wojmara City, and it belongs to the books left over from the goblin era.

There are very few books in this kind of goblin script. It is said that many books were destroyed in the battle of the gods, and the remaining ones were also destroyed by the apostles of the gods on the spot. Now they are only in the hands of a big collector. Find some books in goblin script.

The scene at this moment is also quite strange. The two books on the desk are relatively open, and the parchment pages of one of the books are actually automatic without wind.

'Puff puff puff puff...'

The pages of the book kept turning, and Celia Cooper was a little absorbed in reading it. Sometimes she frowned, and sometimes lowered her head in thought, as if she was completely integrated into the book.

Suldak sat in front of the desk, took out a skinning knife from his pocket, cut open the thick envelope, and took out a letter paper with a faint fragrance from inside.


This is a reply letter written by Hathaway herself.

The handwriting is beautiful and neat, and the last letter at the end of each line is deliberately drawn with exquisite curves, which shows that the writer put his heart into it.

"Knight of Suldak:

When I opened your letter, I was sitting on the terrace having afternoon tea with Beatrice, who loved shell biscuits and cream puffs.

Beatrice has also written to you, enclosed in this envelope.

I can't express how I feel now. I sat at the desk and couldn't wait to write you a reply, but before I sat down to pick up the pen, I saw the daffodils blooming in front of the window. This is the happiest day I've ever had these days. The weather was fine and sunny.

I should go around the garden and feel such a beautiful day.

I hope you are in the same good mood as I am at the moment.

How are you doing in Wall Village?

I heard that it is the most barren land in Bena Province. I think maybe the products there are not too rich. If you need help, please write to me.

Although the property that belongs to me is managed by the family, I can still mobilize some resources and hope to help you.

Recently, I have been a little distressed. I found that my father, who has always loved me so much, suddenly doesn't love me as much as before.

He never mentioned those things at breakfast before, but at breakfast on Monday last week, he suddenly said to me: He feels that my life is incomplete and lacking until I find my other half. He talked a lot, and said that he knew a lot of wonderful young people, and wanted me to try to get in touch.

I told him that I don't like to be tied down, and that I don't accept any compromises in my relationship, that I want to fly freely in the sky like a hawk.

After I told him what I was thinking in my heart, he not only didn't understand me, but also asked me to calm down and think about it - life now and in the future.

These days at home are really like years,

But luckily I had Beatrice by my side to keep me going.

You described the interesting landforms and scenery of the barren land in your mind. I am used to seeing the large mountains and dense forests in the central part of Bena Province. I really want to see you there.

But I'm afraid not now because I'm grounded.

I will not give in, I will fight for the power I deserve.

When I regain my freedom, I hope to go to you to relax...

Sincerely, Hathaway Luthor"


Those ladies in every noble family seem to face such problems.

Back when Suldak was at the Highlandsa Knight Academy, his two neighbors, Linna and Nedra, had similar distress, but apparently Linna was not prepared to make such a fierce resistance to the family.

Born in a noble family, they have enjoyed a luxurious life since childhood, but it also means that they will contribute themselves to the family in the future.

Or marrying other wealthy nobles, or absorbing outstanding talents to join the family, this is what they need to pay for the family.

Obviously, Hathaway didn't intend to do this. She was making some resistance actions at home, trying to win her own freedom.

In this regard, Suldak didn't know whether his reply should give encouragement and support her to fight to the end, or just comfort her and let her recognize the reality.

He put the letter aside, and took another page out of the envelope.

Compared to Hathaway's letter, Beatrice's letter was much shorter, and Beatrice's handwriting appeared clean and tidy.


"Dear Mister Knight:

Thank you for your letter, I am writing to you from Hathaway's home.

Hathaway is in a bad mood recently. She was grounded and locked in the attic for two weeks. She can only sit by the window every day and look at the blue sky and white clouds outside.

I was with her every day, living in her family's castle.

The two of us can chat, play chess, and occasionally fight swords in the room to pass the boring time.

Hathaway said she wanted to escape from here, but even if we left here, we didn't know where to go.

If she does, can I go to you with her?

Sincerely, Beatrice"


Suldak scratched his head, not understanding what kind of charm it was.

Obviously, he has made it very clear to them that he is already married, and there is a gentle wife and a very cute son at home, no matter what time it is, he will never abandon his family. These two aristocratic ladies who are far away in Bena City are still so persistent in writing letters to themselves, and it seems that they plan to come to Wall Village.

Let them live in the barren land for a few days, let them realize the barrenness and poverty here, and maybe they will shrink back.

Suldak took out a piece of parchment paper from the desk and wanted to write a reply letter to them, but for a while he didn't know where to write.

After thinking about it again and again, I decided to write a reply letter urging Hathaway to compromise with the family as much as possible.

"Miss Hathaway, Miss Beatrice:

I have received your message, and I hope that after reading my reply, you feel that it is not that bad.

I sympathize with your experience, but with all due respect, although some choices of the family are to hope that you will make a certain contribution, they are also likely to be the best answer to this multiple-choice question, and your lives may change because of this. better.

You really want to fight, and of course I'm on your side.

You want to visit the barren lands on the northern edge of the Pagros Mountains, and I certainly welcome it.

I hope you can see what kind of life the poor living at the bottom of the society live every day. Perhaps only by seeing these can we feel the true meaning of life.

A month ago, there had just been a rebel cavalry attack here, and many people died, including some brave villagers, all the rebels, and a dozen kobold slaves.

Girls here don't have time to think about who they will marry tomorrow. Their first task in summer is to grow more food and store it up to survive the long cold winter. In winter, they have to consider how to distribute food reasonably so that they will not starve to death in the severe winter.

You should come and see these people who are struggling with food and clothing, and maybe you will feel that your current life is actually very good.

If that sentence hurts you, please forgive me for not having read many books, and I can't express my thoughts in more beautiful words.

Suldak on August 14, 2587"


Marquis Luther sat in the study with some annoyance. The desk was full of documents waiting to be signed. He suppressed his annoyance and tried his best to concentrate on the affairs at hand.

He and his daughter Hathaway have been in a cold war for almost two weeks, and no one is willing to take the lead in compromising, so they are just wasting away.

Marquis Luther went to the teacup on the table, but found that it was empty.

His seventh wife, Mabel, brought a cup of vanilla tea, and walked slowly from the door. She was wearing a low-waisted and low-cut imitation court dress, and the whiteness on her chest was ready to be seen. Even if he was not in the mood in the past, he would Pretend to be very surprised and take a look.

But now he was not in the mood at all, waved his hands a little irritably, and told her to back down.

This Mabel was married to the Marquis of Luther through the marriage between the Solomon family and the Luther family. Although she was a young and beautiful girl with fair skin, a beautiful figure and a good personality, the Marquis of Luther treated her very well. Feel nothing.

Sitting alone in a chair, he felt a little physically and mentally exhausted.

hands on shoulders...

"Why haven't you left yet?"

He thought the man was Mabel, so he asked in a deep voice, with an undeniable severity in his voice.

"Where do you want me to go?" The woman behind him asked him in surprise.

Marquis Luther discovered that it was the second wife, Marianne, Hathaway's biological mother, and Marquis Luther's favorite wife.

Marquis Luther rubbed his face with his hands, trying to get rid of the fatigue on his face, and said with vigor, "I thought it was Mabel, you know, she wants to ask me for a black scaled horse recently. The sky keeps nagging in my ears, but every one of those black-scaled horses is registered. I can't pull one out of the barracks for her just because she wants it, so she annoys me so much .”

A faint smile appeared on Marianne's face. Her appearance was not perfect, and she even had a few faint freckles on her face, but she had a unique temperament.

"Just because of this little thing, you sat in the study all afternoon?"

Marquis Luther wanted to find an excuse, but found that Marianne couldn't hide it, so he said with some frustration:

"Uh, of course not, I just want to be quiet in the room for a while."

Marquis Luther rarely looked so depressed. Marianne's hand on his shoulder increased a little bit, and Marquis Luther closed his eyes.

"By the way, Hathaway told me that she doesn't like the young man you arranged for her." Marianne's gentle voice came from behind.

"What do you think?" Marquis Luther asked with his eyes closed.

With a faint smile on the corner of Marianne's mouth, she said, "Of course I support you. Everyone in the family has their own responsibilities. Hathaway just can't figure it out for a while. I will enlighten her well."

Marquis Luther's eyes opened slightly, and he reached out and patted the back of Marianne's hand and said, "Actually, I don't necessarily want her to make certain choices. I just think that she should not miss out on meeting an outstanding young man." That's all, at least the two sides meet and get to know each other, our daughter is so good, we should find someone even better."

"Do you think that young man is not bad?" Marianne stood behind Luther Marquis, her eyes lit up, and she asked a little tempted.

"It's not bad, at least he is the most outstanding knight among all the knights I have ever seen." Marquis Luther nodded.

"Is it just a knight? Not a nobleman?" Marianne asked in surprise.

How could a noble lady like Hathaway marry an invisible knight?

Marquis Luther smiled, made a gesture of reassurance to her, and said:

"Now he is a nobleman. Jonah, Bugis and I jointly recommended him to His Majesty Charles. He is currently a baron. He has performed very well in this war of dimensions! What's more rare is that he has been working hard all the time. Keep those virtues of chivalry."

Marianne breathed a sigh of relief, but thinking that Luthor had wasted so many favors by recommending a knight as a nobleman, it was considered a huge investment in this knight.

Then he said: "You recommended him to become a nobleman, and you want to marry your favorite daughter to him. You are really optimistic about him."

Marquis Luther was noncommittal, and only said: "If you have the opportunity to meet him, you will know whether my judgment is right."

"I trust you because I know how much you love our daughter!"

Marianne got the news she wanted to know, lowered her head and kissed Marquis Luther on the forehead, and said.


In the book opposite Celia Cooper, a pencil illustration suddenly appeared, and the picture became somewhat blurred due to the age.

The first time she saw the painting, she saw a double-faced and four-armed demon god standing on the top of the holy mountain. He held a dove of peace and an olive branch in one hand, and a sword and shield in the other. This demon god is almost exactly the same as the one summoned by Suldak on the sacrificial altar.

Celia Cooper was taken aback when she saw this god and demon for the first time.

She closed her magic notebook in an instant, and the notebook fell onto the table with a 'snap'.

There was only one book full of goblin characters standing on the desk, and the pages were flipping naturally without wind...

Suldak was sitting on the opposite desk, thinking that Celia Cooper's soul body had been hit by something, so he quickly put down the envelope in his hand, walked over to check it, and took the book in local elf script with him. Putting it aside, I didn't find any illustrations in the book.

I casually flipped through the last page of the magic note, saw Celia Cooper in a daze on the railing, and said, "I thought something was wrong with you... that... as long as you're fine!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately closed the book. After all, it seemed a little rude to open the pages without saying hello in advance.

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